Rascal4Hire's Profile

Joined: Jan 30, 2019

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80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular: Joker #1  
Action Comics (2016) #1017

Nov 28, 2019

Action Comics (2016) #1019

Jan 31, 2020

- This. This is a trainwreck. - Which thing is a trainwreck? - THIS is a trainwreck! - A trainwreck? - Yes! A trainwreck.. - I see it now, it's a trainwreck. - This is what I told you from the start, a trainwreck. - A trainwreck.

Action Comics (2016) #1020

Feb 26, 2020

Just a mess with a bunch of forced characters and plots. John Romita's art is usually hit or miss. We got a miss here.

Aquaman: Deep Dives (2020) #3  
Batman (2016) #81

Oct 16, 2019

Or minus 1 I've been very supportive of Tom King which was a mistake. I dropped Heroes In Crisis but kept buying his Batman. Supporting him. This is the issue where it's obvious that the writer doesn't care, the editor doesn't care, the artist doesn't care. Nobody cares but they still ask for our money. Huge plot holes covered with cringy excuses and dialogue. I get it that Tom King is angry or sad that he was fired from Batman but he could at least try and wrap up his story. A story readers have invested time and money. But he doesn't. It's disappointing. Whatever King's problem with DC is it's not worth disappointing his fans like this. I'm still a huge fan of his previous work but this is the point I have to say goodbye to his books. I won't be checking Batman/Catwoman either.

Batman (2016) #83

Nov 20, 2019

Mikel Janin's art gets drowned by bad plotting. Alfred's death has zero emotional impact because it happened two months ago and even before it happens we know it won't stick because of Doomsday Clock and the upcoming Crisis. Alfred deserves better. Murdering characters is Tom Kings "thing". But as with every storytelling tool it must be used sparingly or else it ends up being a joke. How many characters has Tom killed in the past 12 months? See the problem here? I'm a fan of Kings earliest work. This is just rushed garbage. He knows it. He's smart enough to understand how ridiculous it is to make Batman try to break a brick wall when there are windows he can escape. Yes. It is symbolic. But it's also bad, very bad. This is the equivalent of killing a cute puppy to get an emotional response from readers. The art is the true power of the book. Mikel Janin and Jordie Bellaire are the true stars of this issue. Their art is solid 10. Unfortunately I can't cancel my Batman subscription but I have cancelled Batman/Catwoman. I hope King reads this and understands that I want to support him, he is a great writer but he needs to plot things better. And he definitely needs a better editor. Batman feels like a book with no editor.

Batman (2016) #85

Dec 19, 2019

I secretly expected Tom King would at least provide something special for the final issue. I'll agree with the majority of reviewers that this was not good. It was not even mediocre. It was bad. The art is really good though. Tom King has some great collaborators who provide the soul of the book and give each issue a lot of value. But there is no story here. There's no plot, no resolution, nothing. Everything is lukewarm. It's definitely not epic or a finale. Nothing really ends, nothing really happens. What is going on with the reviews? Black Nerd Problems 9.3? Geek Dad 9? Are we reading the same book?

Batman (2016) #86

Jan 8, 2020

I was expecting this issues for a long time. Unfortunately Batman still fails to deliver. This is a bread and butter issue, nothing really exciting. No strong points. It's definitely better than King's emptiness but for it's price it's not good value for money. I'll give it three more issues but if things don't drastically change to the better, I think this will be my goodbye to the book till the next writer. I don't blame Tynion. The book was burned to the ground by King and he has to rebuild everything. But I don't have the time or patience to follow it.

Batman (2016) #89

Feb 19, 2020

5G is coming and apparently there's not a lot of interest in good stories. Apart from one last page detail it's pretty standard bread and butter DC stuff. Nothing exciting. I originally thought about giving it a 5 but this comes right after an entire run of slow pacing. Tynion needs to ramp it up very fast. Everything feels slow and unexciting.

Batman (2016) #92

Jun 9, 2020

Batman and the Outsiders (2019) #12  
Batman vs. Ra's Al Ghul (2019) #3

Nov 28, 2019

Save your money. Not worth it.

Batman: Gotham Nights (2020) #3  
Batman: Last Knight on Earth #3  
Batman: Secret Files (2018): Secret Files #3  
Batman: The Adventures Continue #3  
DCeased: The Unkillables #1

Feb 19, 2020

A very slow start for a book with limited number of issues. It's OK I guess if you like DCEASED but it lacks the plot density of the original book. Art feels plasticky.

Flash (2016) #753  
Green Lantern (2018): Season Two #3  
Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy (2019) #6

Feb 19, 2020

What started as an exciting series ends in a train wreck. I call bull on the ending, it's so obvious that an editor or intern ghostwrote this. The kissing page was cringy. Yet another DC book that delivers a, unsatisfying non ending.

Harley Quinn (2016) #72

May 12, 2020

Harley Quinn (2016) #73

Jun 9, 2020

Heroes In Crisis #5

Jan 30, 2019

Made an account just for this series. 32 year old with depression. Been fighting it my whole life. This book and especially the last two issues caused me to feel real shitty about it, spending my money to read this pile of crap. I've supported Tom King in everything he's done so far. But this is shit. From the treatment of characters I love and care to how mental health is portrayed in the book. I've battled with my thoughts, battled with my sexuality, I want both depicted correctly. This is where I drop this book. One reader less is not gonna make a change but I will not get depressed and feel shitty for spending my money in this crap. Good luck to those who will continue to buy it. If I could give it a negative score, I would. EDIT: I didn't expect this to become so popular. This issue costs $4. But it's not about the money. It's about being exploited. This series was promoted as a story about recovery, health and mental disorders. It is not. It's filled with stereotypes that do not help. It makes people with mental disorders look like freaks. Freaks who kill each other. And uses superheroes to tell this story.

Heroes In Crisis #6

Mar 6, 2019

Heroes In Crisis #7

Oct 16, 2019

Heroes In Crisis #8

Oct 16, 2019

Heroes In Crisis #9

Oct 16, 2019

John Constantine: Hellblazer #1  
Justice League (2018) #38

Dec 19, 2019

Justice League (2018) #39

Jan 31, 2020

Being a long time fan of JL and Snyder I can say that this is not only disappointing but offensive. It's exactly the same thing DC did with Batman or Event Leviathan. A build up with no ending or resolution that it's only purpose is to sell a different book. It's unfair and "scammy". The elephant in the room: Editors not doing their job and instead forcing their own opinions. The other elephant in the room: Review sites that act as promotional tools for DC. NO DC Comics News, Comics: The Gathering , GWW, AIPT, Beyond The Panel, Comic Watch, The Brazen Bull, Lyles Movie Files, Geek Dad etc this is not a good issue and it's a horrible non-ending.

Justice League (2018) #41

Feb 19, 2020

Early to mid 90's DC stuff. I get it that this is a fill in till the reboot but the team could at least try. Sad cause Venditti is a good writer.

Leviathan Dawn #1

Feb 26, 2020

Excellent art wasted on a boring story. A thriller that offers no thrills or excitement. Also the book is nothing more than an ad for things to come. As I said in other reviews, Bendis stopped caring because none of these stories will matter with the reboot.

Lois Lane (2019) #10  
Metal Men (2019) #6  
Nailbiter Returns #1  
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #40  
Suicide Squad (2019) #1

Dec 19, 2019

Almost good. Not quite there. Hope it gets better.

Swamp Thing: New Roots (2020) #2  
Wonder Woman: Agent of Peace (2020) #2

May 8, 2020

Wonder Woman: Agent of Peace (2020) #3

May 8, 2020

Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #3

Feb 26, 2020

I went in this book mostly because I like Tynions writing. But the whole thing feels so forced, the dialogue is stiff and robotic, the plot seems thrown in just as a filler for the art. There's been a considerable decline in the quality of DC's output. I think it's because everyone prepares for 5G and none of these stories will matter in a few months so writers and editors stopped caring. I hope 5G sends everything back to the Dark Multiverse, especially Batman who laughs and the current editorial team. 3/10

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