Wonder Woman: Agent of Peace #3

Writer: Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti Artist: Daniel Sampere Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 6, 2020 Cover Price: $0.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 3
8.5Critic Rating
6.8User Rating

Wonder Woman thinks she’s saved the day when she stops an asteroid from crashing into the Earth-but a fragment of it lands near the shores of Gorilla City, unleashing an alien horror upon the unsuspecting simians. Now the Amazing Amazon must stop the creature before the entire gorilla race is destroyed!

  • 10
    You Don't Read Comics - Russ Bickerstaff Jun 6, 2020

    A wide-reaching series that has already had adventures on Coney Island and one of the tallest mountains on earth now finds its way to Gorilla City in Africa in a compelling alien invasion story. In three brief issues that have been shot out onto the internet over the course of the past month, Conner and Palmiotti have given Wonder Woman in a fun new direction. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Comic Watch - Mike Eakins May 27, 2020

    Wonder Woman: Agent of Peace is a fun series that keeps delivering stories that differ from one another without going too far off-grid. "Planned Extinction" is a lot of fun while delivering a great heartfelt message without being drawn-out with unneeded seriousness. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge May 11, 2020

    Wonder Woman: Agent of Peace goes for a big event here with an impending asteroid impact and shifts gears to a bug hunt working alongside Gorilla City's leaders. It's a lot of fun but played very straight and serious in all the right ways. The dialogue is spot on with its lighter moments at the start and shifts gears to Diana taking things seriously across the board in different ways. I loved getting more time with the Gorillas here as they're always something fun about the DC world that I love. Connor and Palmiotti continue to have fun here while Sampere and Albarran deliver more striking artwork that makes me admire their output all the more. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Lainez May 7, 2020

    Wonder Woman: Agent of Peace #3 is the best issue of this series early life. Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti are quickly making this series one of DC Comics most enjoyable comic books. Their take on Wonder Woman is wonderfully multi-layered, as is showcased here in her visit to Gorilla City. Wonder Woman fans should definitely pick this issue up even if you didn't read the previous two issues in this series. Read Full Review

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