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Joined: Feb 09, 2019

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Oracle rated Flash Forward #3 Nov 20, 2019

Flash Forward #3

By: Scott Lobdell, Brett Booth
Released: Nov 20, 2019

The rift between the Multiverse and Dark Multiverse is growing wider, and evil dark energy is threatening all the planets in its path! It's up to Wally West to journey to these worlds and purge them of this darkness, but the greater darkness is that from within. The destruction has now found its way to Earth-43, where Roy Harper is the world's prem...

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CaptnAmerca reviewed Event Leviathan #6 Nov 13, 2019

To call this event a dud would be an insult to duds. Even Milk Duds, which are pretty freaking disappointing.

So we know who Leviathan is now. Whoopty Floopty Ding Damn Doo!

Event Leviathan #6

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev
Released: Nov 13, 2019

From the Eisner Award-winning team of superstar writer Brian Michael Bendis and groundbreaking artist Alex Maleev, the shocking conclusion to the biggest DC mystery of the year! Who is Leviathan? What do they want? How have they dismantled the most powerful secret agencies in the world? And what's their next deadly move? The greatest detectives of ...

Oracle rated All Flash #1 Oct 20, 2019

All Flash #1

By: Mark Waid, Karl Kerschl

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Nihilist reviewed Flash Forward #2 Oct 16, 2019

I still think Heroes in Crisis should have been retconned and forgotten instead of continued, but I gotta say, Lobdell may have found a way to redeem Wally and hopefully fix what Tom King ruined with his abomination of an event.

That's the series which could successfully explore different DC realities and show their intricacies, and for the most part, it does. Bendis' Young Justice trie more

Flash Forward #2

By: Scott Lobdell, Brett Booth
Released: Oct 16, 2019

When the border between the Multiverse and the Dark Multiverse starts to buckle, who do you turn to? The answer: Wally West. Once the Fastest Man Alive, he's now a man with nothing left to live for. Will Tempus Fuginaut's chosen champion rise to the occasion and fight back the demons of the darkness, or will Wally's own demons win the day?

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Nihilist - Oct 21, 2019

Youo're absolutely right. Still, I can't digest Ric, Who would've known barely two letters can make such a difference and rob a character of his past.

Darkseid24 - Oct 22, 2019

I don’t think his past was robbed, since Ric still acts to 80% like Dick did. And I always thought Dick is a stupid name, so thats a plus too.

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Nicetrylaoche rated Flash Forward #2 Oct 16, 2019

Flash Forward #2

By: Scott Lobdell, Brett Booth
Released: Oct 16, 2019

When the border between the Multiverse and the Dark Multiverse starts to buckle, who do you turn to? The answer: Wally West. Once the Fastest Man Alive, he's now a man with nothing left to live for. Will Tempus Fuginaut's chosen champion rise to the occasion and fight back the demons of the darkness, or will Wally's own demons win the day?

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Anotherfan reviewed Flash Forward #2 Oct 16, 2019

Noice. I really thought that Lobdell was a really bad choose for this series but I was wrong. 2020's DC might get intersting

Flash Forward #2

By: Scott Lobdell, Brett Booth
Released: Oct 16, 2019

When the border between the Multiverse and the Dark Multiverse starts to buckle, who do you turn to? The answer: Wally West. Once the Fastest Man Alive, he's now a man with nothing left to live for. Will Tempus Fuginaut's chosen champion rise to the occasion and fight back the demons of the darkness, or will Wally's own demons win the day?

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Wally West reviewed Flash Forward #2 Oct 16, 2019

This is awesome ! I'M A FATHER AGAIN !

Flash Forward #2

By: Scott Lobdell, Brett Booth
Released: Oct 16, 2019

When the border between the Multiverse and the Dark Multiverse starts to buckle, who do you turn to? The answer: Wally West. Once the Fastest Man Alive, he's now a man with nothing left to live for. Will Tempus Fuginaut's chosen champion rise to the occasion and fight back the demons of the darkness, or will Wally's own demons win the day?

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Oracle rated Flash Forward #2 Oct 15, 2019

Flash Forward #2

By: Scott Lobdell, Brett Booth
Released: Oct 16, 2019

When the border between the Multiverse and the Dark Multiverse starts to buckle, who do you turn to? The answer: Wally West. Once the Fastest Man Alive, he's now a man with nothing left to live for. Will Tempus Fuginaut's chosen champion rise to the occasion and fight back the demons of the darkness, or will Wally's own demons win the day?

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DC / Hanna-Barbera: Flash/Speed Buggy Special #1

By: Scott Lobdell, Brett Booth
Released: May 30, 2018

When Wally West tries to take down Kilg%re, he's stunned to find he has an unknown ally who can move just as fast as he can. Dr. Pernell, a brilliant S.T.A.R. Labs scientist, has found a way to power his buggy using the Speed Force. When The Flash agrees to help test the limits of the vehicle in a race, something sends them spiraling out of the Spe...

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Wally West reviewed Flash Forward #1 Sep 18, 2019

This is not a good book. This is a great book. And I don't kill or hurt anyone in this story !
Thank you Brett ! Thank you Scott ! You are the best !

Flash Forward #1

By: Scott Lobdell, Brett Booth
Released: Sep 18, 2019

His name is Wally West-and he was the Fastest Man Alive. That is, until the Multiverse was rewritten without him or his family in it. Wally returned and tried to make it work, but the damage was done. Spinning out of the events of HEROES IN CRISIS, follow the man who called himself Flash on an adventure to find redemption in a cosmos that has fough...

Oracle rated Flash #80 Oct 9, 2019

Flash #80

By: Joshua Williamson, Scott Kolins
Released: Oct 9, 2019

"The Hunter and the Hunted" part one! Barry Allen is hurt, and his connection to the Speed Force is fading fast. With the Speed Force dying, the only person who can save it is...Hunter Zolomon? Hunter has returned to prove he's the one, true Flash, and he doesn't care who gets in his way. But who is left to deal with the Rogues? Captain Cold has as...

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Oracle rated Flash Forward #1 Oct 7, 2019

Flash Forward #1

By: Scott Lobdell, Brett Booth
Released: Sep 18, 2019

His name is Wally West-and he was the Fastest Man Alive. That is, until the Multiverse was rewritten without him or his family in it. Wally returned and tried to make it work, but the damage was done. Spinning out of the events of HEROES IN CRISIS, follow the man who called himself Flash on an adventure to find redemption in a cosmos that has fough...

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Oracle rated Flash #12 Feb 9, 2019

Flash #12

By: Geoff Johns, Scott Kolins
Released: May 11, 2011

"The Road to FLASHPOINT" comes to an end--but is it a dead end for Barry Allen and the DC Universe? Everything comes to a startling climax in this issue: the impossibly aged deaths, the mysterious child witness and the ultimate fate of Hot Pursuit! And it all leads right into the DC world-changing event FLASHPOINT!

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Oracle rated Flash #11 Feb 9, 2019

Flash #11

By: Geoff Johns, Scott Kolins
Released: Apr 27, 2011

"The Road to FLASHPOINT" continues with Part 3! The road to FLASHPOINT is paved with good intentions, but the Flash is about to learn the truth behind those good intentions--and the secret of Hot Pursuit!

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Oracle rated Flash #10 Feb 9, 2019

Flash #10

By: Geoff Johns, Francis Manapul
Released: Apr 13, 2011

"The Road to FLASHPOINT" Part 2! The new speedster known as Hot Pursuit has arrived on his Cosmic Motorcycle, but what terrible warning has he brought with him? The FLASHPOINT is closing in, and it looks like no one will be safe!

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Oracle rated Flash #9 Feb 9, 2019

Flash #9

By: Geoff Johns, Francis Manapul
Released: Feb 9, 2011

"The Road to FLASHPOINT" Part 1! Meet Hot Pursuit, the latest speedster to run the streets of Central City! But what does his arrival mean for the future of the Flashes, and who exactly hides behind the helmet? The answers to these questions may only arise more riddles for Barry Allen to solve before time runs out!

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Oracle rated Flash #8 Feb 9, 2019

Flash #8

By: Geoff Johns, Scott Kolins
Released: Dec 29, 2010

A prelude to the world-changing DC Comics event FLASHPOINT! Travel through time and space to witness the re-telling of the origins to one of Barry Allen's greatest foes: Professor Zoom, the Reverse Flash!

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Oracle rated Flash #7 Feb 9, 2019

Flash #7

By: Geoff Johns, Scott Kolins
Released: Dec 8, 2010

A BRIGHTEST DAY tie-in issue! Captain Boomerang returned from the grave along with 11 other heroes and villains at the end of BLACKEST NIGHT, but why has he returned, what must he do and, more importantly, how do the other Rogues welcome him back?

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Oracle rated Flash #6 Feb 9, 2019

Flash #6

By: Geoff Johns, Francis Manapul
Released: Nov 17, 2010

BRIGHTEST DAY dashes on with the stunning conclusion of "The Dastardly Deaths of the Rogues!" With Barry caught between the Rogues and the Renegades, the resurrected Captain Boomerang's role in the adventure is revealed! You won't believe how this leads to the upcoming FLASHPOINT...

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Oracle rated Flash #5 Feb 9, 2019

Flash #5

By: Geoff Johns, Francis Manapul
Released: Sep 22, 2010

BRIGHTEST DAY continues with a shocking connection to the White Light as Captain Boomerang and the Reverse-Flash experience a bizarre event that ties them together. Meanwhile, it's the Rogues vs. the Renegades with The Flash caught in the middle!

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Oracle rated Flash #4 Feb 9, 2019

Flash #4

By: Geoff Johns, Francis Manapul
Released: Jul 28, 2010

The original Captain Boomerang returns as BRIGHTEST DAY continues. Meanwhile, Barry must prove his innocence to the Renegades, cops from the 25th century. Discover what connection they have to the Rogues and what travesties have occurred in the future.

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Oracle rated Flash #3 Feb 9, 2019

Flash #3

By: Geoff Johns, Francis Manapul
Released: Jun 30, 2010

It may be BRIGHTEST DAY, but when a mysterious group of so-called heroes turns up, another Rogue ends up dead. Plus, the mystery deepens as The Flash witness another murder--his own!

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Oracle rated Flash #2 Feb 9, 2019

Flash #2

By: Geoff Johns, Francis Manapul
Released: May 12, 2010

BRIGHTEST DAY shines its light on the continuing saga of Barry Allen--The Fastest Man Alive! The Flash continues his investigation into the "Dastardly Death of the Rogues" as the case takes a dramatic turn and Barry corners a suspect...and can't believe who it is!

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Oracle rated Flash #1 Feb 9, 2019

Flash #1

By: Geoff Johns, Francis Manapul
Released: Apr 14, 2010

A BRIGHTEST DAY tie-in! The all-new adventures of The Fastest Man Alive start with "Case One: The Dastardly Death Of The Rogues!" Barry Allen runs back to his life in Central City, but when one of the Rogues turns up murdered under mysterious circumstances, it's not only up to the Flash to solve this bizarre crime, he must also protect those still ...

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