Ultimates 2 #1
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Ultimates 2 #1

Writer: Mark Millar Artist: Bryan Hitch Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: December 1, 2004 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 8
8.0Critic Rating
8.6User Rating

It's the return of the Ultimates! What has become of the Ultimates since they saved the world from an alien invasion?

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Dec 6, 2004

    The slightly unwieldy title aside, I pretty much liked everything about this book. It's sufficiently different and evolved from the old run to warrant the sequel tag, but the writing and art easily matches the high standards of the first 13 issues. I'll be following this every month, as it looks destined to remain one of my favourite superhero books in production at the moment. Its a book which rewards re-reading and close attention, works on more than one level (I love the political angle, but the more action-oriented reader will find something to enjoy here too) and this first issue really sets the scene for an even fuller and more satisfying dissection of the team than was managed in their first volume. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Dec 14, 2004

    The Thor mystery continues to unfold, with this tech-heavy team still seemingly unsure about its faith in the supernatural. That their big problem so far seems to be a credibility snafu doesnt point at all towards the future threats they may face; but Im confident Millar and Hitch have a few things in mind. After all, the sequel needs to top the original just to keep up, right? Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Dec 8, 2004

    The idea that Bryan Hitch had six issues completed before this first issue hit the stands does leave me hopeful that we'll make it through this run without the huge gaps between issues, but frankly I'll be nervous after we pass the six issue mark, as in spite of his multiple assurances that he's not as slow as us readers seem to believe him to be, it's difficult to forget the months that went by between issues. Still, Bryan Hitch is an artist who brings a level of detail to the page that makes it easier to understand why it takes such a long time, as one only has to look at that lovely establishing shot of New York City, or the even more impressive shot of the Triskelion. There's also a wealth of little details like the scene where Ant Man makes his debut, as the shot where Hank hovers in front of Banner's looming eyes is a great shot, as is the final page shot as Banner reacts to the idea that his secret has been made public knowledge. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    ComicWow!TV - Huck Talwar Nov 30, 2016

    Seeing as the Ultimates are essentially being forced together again, it'll be really interesting to see how they work together. For now, things are way too intense to tell. This series does look really promising, though, with tons of drama, action, adventure, and some epic teleportation! This is a great book for any Marvel fan, and even more so for superhero lovers. Read Full Review

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