Secret Invasion #6

Event\Storyline: Secret Invasion Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Lenil Francis Yu Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: September 10, 2008 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 14
6.8Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

Which heroes and icons are hell-bent on defending the Earth from the invasion, and who thinks a new era has dawned for mankind? The final double-page spread of this issue will send chills down your spine, and that is a promise!!

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Sep 11, 2008

    The success of the miniseries will depend on whether or not he can stick the landing (sorry, still getting out of Olympics mode here). But so far, it's been very good. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Sep 10, 2008

    Bryan's Score: 9.0 Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Sep 17, 2008

    So, we're three-quarters of the way through Marvel's latest event of the century, and I have some good news: There's some good stuff here. Laying aside for the moment the fact that Avengers and Mighty Avengers haven't told us a thing in about three months laying the backstory and the fact that (in Marvel time, anyway) it's been twenty minutes since World War Hulk, and about a week anna half since Civil War, this issue isn't bad at all. Leinil Yu's art is more impressive than I found it on Mighty Avengers, though that might be a question of inking. His Spider-Woman is less skeletal than it was there. The story, while far-reaching and not stopping to focus on any individual character much, does move pretty quick-like. I hope that somewhere we get to see the true story of what happened with The Hood and his Underworld Avengers entry into the battle, but overall this is well-paced and interesting. The seeming revelation that the Skrulls believe they have the Almighty on their s Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Timothy Callahan Sep 10, 2008

    Although a few interesting moments in this issue, like the Thor/Captain America meet-up, are shortchanged because of the escalating battle, Bendis seems to have kicked it into high gear now, racing toward the fast-approaching finale. If you've had the feeling that "Secret Invasion" has been moving slowly since issue #1, I think you'll be pleased by this issue. I know I was. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Kyle Posluszny Sep 10, 2008

    With that said however, Secret Invasion #6 is still a fun read. This is summer blockbuster styled entertainment and it makes no effort to really hide that fact. The writing is tight (and suitably cheesy at times), the action delivers (but has yet to actually begin), and the pieces are in place for one hell of a conclusion. The real battle is about to start and I simply can't wait. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Paul Brian McCoy/Chris Murman Sep 11, 2008

    Meanwhile, we're going to be treated to quite a fight in the next issue. Most likely, readers will open the cover to find one last twist, which will lead to yet another disappointing ending for yet another BEC. Still, there's always hope. Maybe this will be the time the date I'm headed to will be with my future wife instead of another deleted phone number. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Sep 13, 2008

    I was pretty negative throughout this review, but there's a lot wrong with Secret Invasion which warrants repeating, especially when this, and most every, issue is built on those negatives. If you've been enjoying the series up until now, you'll love this issue. If you['ve been having issues, like myself, this is an improvement over previous offerings, but there's very little actual story here and, even as setup, there's little of note happening. Heroes gather, Skrulls gather, fight next issue is all you need to know. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Sep 10, 2008

    Secret Invasion #6 was another underwhelming issue. Secret Invasion #6 fails to do any one thing well. This issue fails as an action adventure story since there is a paucity of action as the reader is flooded with numerous talky, boring and dull scenes. This story fails as a riveting drama and character piece since all the characters are flat and one-dimensional and the story itself is thin, shallow, slow and unoriginal. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Bin - Herv St-Louis Nov 12, 2008

    This issue, Yu uses wide frames to tell the story visually. Its always a good crutch for artists that are not expert storytellers. Its hard to do wrong with the cinemascope frame. And thats his saving grace, because I continue to believe that hes not an expert storyteller and that all his characters have the same face and expressions. Read Full Review

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