Ultimates 2 #4

Writer: Mark Millar Artist: Bryan Hitch Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: March 16, 2005 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 6
7.4Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

It's the Ultimates versus Thor! Is the God of Thunder nothing more than just a deranged mortal? Find out here!

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - James Redington Mar 20, 2005

    Hitch is great. I find it hard to find fault in his work. If there is one, it is that he needs to be quicker but again God took 6 days to make the world, and he didnt rush it. Anyway, from Cap curling dumbbells bigger than a car to Thor pleading to the satellite in the sky this is great work. I didnt like the last page as much I thought I would, its a close up of Cap ready to kick ass. I am not sure if it is because of the distance we are given in the previous pages to the relationships of the characters, or if I was expecting something else. Maybe its because we have similar close ups in previous issues. Either way it leaves us waiting for the next issue with baited breath! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Mar 20, 2005

    My only (tiny) criticism would be that the European super-soldiers costume designs are fairly uninspired, with all of them wearing hi-tech jumpsuits in their national colours. But it only makes for an even more chilling visual towards the end of the issue, as a silent army emerges from the dark forest to take on the possibly insane thunder God in a fight to the end. The stage is set for a belter of a fight next issue: and if current form is anything to go by, Ultimates 2 #5 is likely to rocket off the SBC scoring scale. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Mar 20, 2005

    On the art front, Hitch has fun with an array of international Captains, including some female ones, and does a stunning drawing of a tree. This is what super-realism is meant to be used for: to make the fantastic glow in even higher relief. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Mar 31, 2005

    I can't deny that I'm a little nervous that Bryan Hitch is providing the art on this title, as while he's an amazing artist, and I know he had an impressive lead time going into this second series, I can't shake the feeling that the missed shipping dates are just waiting to spring upon readers once they get used to seeing this book on a monthly basis. Still, my fingers are crossed, and I can't deny that this book is one of the best looking titles out there, as the art does an amazing job of selling the premise that this book is taking place in a real world setting. Now I was a bit underwhelmed by the design of Black Widow's armor, but it's one color scheme might serve to give it a rather generic vibe. However, the rest of the issue is Bryan Hitch's usual stellar job, as how can one not be blown away by the scene where Thor sends the police running for the hills? One also can't deny the raw visual impact of that final page, as Captain America looks like he could very well back up hi Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Deeley Mar 20, 2005

    He wont of course, but its nice to think so. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kelvin Green Mar 20, 2005

    Im still baffled by this titles popularity. Its certainly not a bad comic, by any means, but its never been an exciting read for me. That said, this issues focus on the mysterious origins of Ultimate Thor have done enough to keep me onboard for this arc at least. Its an intriguing mystery, and its going to be fun to see where it goes from here. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Lucinski Mar 20, 2005

    The Well, Millar has finally set up the fight between Thor and the Ultimates. The next issue should be wall-to-wall action with little to no character moments. This series would be a lot stronger if Millar could strike the same balance he did while writing The Authority. Read Full Review

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