Ultimates 2 #5

Writer: Mark Millar Artist: Bryan Hitch Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: April 13, 2005 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 6
7.8Critic Rating
8.3User Rating

The final showdown between the Ultimates and Thor!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Apr 26, 2005

    Bryan Hitch turns in another lovely chapter, and since the issues do seem to be coming out on a fairly regular basis, my fingers are crossed that the considerable lead time that this latest series had going in will keep the late shipping problems that plagued the first series at bay. In any event this issue is yet another example of the super-detailed style that Byran Hitch brings to the table, as there's some truly spectacular images in this issue, as the Ultimates do battle with the elemental fury that is Thor. From a truly stunning opening shot that has Thor shrugging off the flame-throwers blasts, to the teeth rattling impact shot where Natasha slams Thor into the ground, there's some fantastic visuals during this battle. Of course my personal favourite would have to be the moments that lead up to Thor's defeat, as the art does a lovely job of capturing the desperate nature of this last moment attempt. The art also does some nice work when it comes to selling the idea that Thor has Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Apr 18, 2005

    Which means we may be going the same place Authority did after all, with the Ultimates heading towards world domination. But this is a far more specifically chilling, partisan and grounded version of that broad story, as these Ultimates remain, above all, American tools to be deployed as America sees fit. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Lucinski Apr 18, 2005

    The The Ultimates delivered a much-needed dose of action in this months issue. Who their next opponent will be is a mystery, but its a mystery worth reading. Plus its also good to have more Captain America quotes for IM Away messages. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Apr 22, 2005

    Having said that, the issue is still a strong example of an all-out fight scene in a modern superhero title, and people who are enjoying The Ultimates so far will get a lot out of this latest installment. The soap-opera elements continue (with a couple of nice twists on Natasha and Tonys relationship, and the continuing saga of Thors possible insanity), the politics begins to intrude more overtly towards the issues end, with a definite sense of who the real villain in the team could be, and Loki continues to play an interesting, ambiguous role in proceedings (although Millar is painting himself into a bit of a corner regarding Thors delusions: if hes the real deal, Id be surprised if the Hulks cell could contain him and if hes not, how on Earth did he get rid of that solar-system-destroying alien bomb in Ultimates #13?). I enjoyed the issue a lot, but not as much as previous episodes of this series. However, its a high standard to live up to, and Ultimates 2 #5 is a long Read Full Review

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