New Avengers #1
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New Avengers #1

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: David Finch Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: December 1, 2004 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 18
6.6Critic Rating
7.3User Rating

Breakout! Part one
After the devastating destruction of the original Avengers just what sort of threat to the world could persuade Captain America to assemble an all-new team? And after the events of AVENGERS DISASSEMBLED, who could possibly be on this team? How does Cap, Iron Man, Spider-Man & Wolverine sound? Get ready for the first of a proposed 500-issue run that signals an all-new era, as Bendis & Finch join with you, the fervent faithful, for the launch of the all-new ongoing Avengers series!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Dec 5, 2004

    David Finch is going to be the next big thing among comic fans if he keeps up this quality of work, and if he shows himself capable of meeting the monthly deadlines than Im going to be one of his biggest supporters. He brings a level of detail to the page that cant help but impress, but more importantly he has a wonderful eye when it comes to delivering the action in a clear, visually exciting manner. From Spider-Mans ill-fated helicopter ride, to the shot where Spider-Man makes his way to the top of the wall to find Captain America waiting for him, the art looks fantastic. There are also a couple impressive double page spreads, from the explosive scene where we see where the citys power supply has gone, to the equally ominous visual that has Electro addressing the assembled army of villains. Plus, any artist who can make Electros classic mask look cool deserves full credit. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kelvin Green Dec 5, 2004

    As noted above, I was coming to this with at the very least a neutral attitude, and while its not better than I expected, its better than I feared. Im not convinced by the plotting, but its very early days yet, so well see where it goes. Not a bad start at all. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - James Redington Dec 5, 2004

    Anyway, solid 1st issue with really nice art and fluid story telling and great character work. I expected more though Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Dec 5, 2004

    For the most part, the book feels like its bubbling just above average - which is better than can be said for the last Avengers arc. However, Brian Bendis throws in a few pages at the end of the issue which bode very well for the future of the title, creating intrigue around a character who is basically a blank slate for me, yet making his introduction more interesting and full of potential than any of the previous scenes of this fairly predictable supervillain-prison-break story. With this, and the identity of Electros mystery benefactor (who looks worryingly like Nick Fury in silhouette?) providing the intellectual intrigue, and Finchs solid action sequences as eye candy, this is a far stronger opener than the teams false start with the Disassembled storyline. Definitely one to watch. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Dec 5, 2004

    So the two plots (the criminal breaking out a criminal & the heroes trying to resurrect another) dovetail nicely. The chatty, informal tone instigated in Avengers Finale is maintained here, and one gets a sense that when this team does come together, theyll do it by articulated choices. Though not without flaws, this is a promising debut. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Jul 15, 2007

    Writer Brian Michael Bendis offers up 22 pages of paranoia at 30,000 feet, and I have to admit, it makes for an entertaining read. However, I found I enjoyed it more on an absurdist level than as dramatic tension in the super-hero genre. I get why Bendis and Marvel are setting up the discovery of a Skrull operating in secret on Earth as a big deal; they're building up to a big event. Having the super-heroes eye one another with extreme suspicion while trying together to analyze recent events in light of the Skrull-as-Elektra revelation makes for some snappy and interesting dialogue. But it doesn't quite work in the context of the bigger picture of Marvel continuity. These characters live in a world filled with shapechangers, magicians, telepaths and inventors of impossible technology. They've had cause to be paranoid their entire lives. Given what they've experienced and learned over the years, finding a Skrull spy is hardly shocking. Troubling, yes, but not so extreme a development so Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Keith Dallas Dec 5, 2004

    A friend of mine remarked that The New Avengers initial story arc will read much better as a trade paperback collection than as a monthly serial. Thats an astute observation, and I can think of no better way to honor my friends intelligence than to avoid buying any more issues of The New Avengers. I figure by the time the fourth of July rolls around, this first story arc will have finally reached its end. Who knows? Maybe by then, Wolverines reason for joining yet another super-hero team will be revealed. Hes nowhere to be found in this issue. Read Full Review

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