New Avengers #2

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: David Finch Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: December 29, 2004 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 17
7.8Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

Breakout! Part two
It's high-octane Avengers action from the ongoing creative team that makes you trade your aunt Betty to Johnny down the block if you miss an issue! Think you saw it all in Disassembled? As Doom would say, "bah, fool!"

  • 9.0
    Marvel Disassembled - Magen Cubed Nov 30, -0001

    With only a few nitpicks here or there to take away from a very promising arc, this Avengers book is a completely different animal its sister titles, and Im looking forward to seeing how far these men go to achieve their goals. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Adam Volk Jan 18, 2005

    Ultimately, The New Avengers #2 is a highly entertaining read, and even in its early stages has all the makings of developing into a promising new series. Despite its seemingly formulaic plot, Bendis has something powerful on his hands, and hopefully Marvel will support the series and allow it to develop into what could potentially be an intriguing new concept. After all, The New Avengers may be on to something: superheroes that die and stay dead. Whod have thunk it? Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jan 20, 2005

    There are moments when I wish the art was a little brighter, but given the action is set in a prison that has had its power system overloaded, the poor lighting conditions are exactly what the writing called for. Plus the art does make pretty effective use of the darkness from the scene where Spider-Man discovers what's inside the hole in the wall, to the delightful Michael Myers moment where Carnage emerges from the darkness behind Foggy. There's also a number of great big impact visuals from the scene where Carnage is fully revealed, to Mister Hyde's arrival later in the issue. The scene where Sentry deals with Carnage also does a pretty effective job of showcasing the character's considerable power levels. There's also a lovely double-page spread of all our characters locked in battle, and the last page does a nice job of selling the unsettling nature of the Purple Man's power. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Thomas J. Angelo Jan 20, 2013

    If you were put off by the first issue of New Avengers like I was, I still think that this book should be read before you decide to stick around or drop the title. New Avengers doesn't look like a title that is going to be action-oriented. Instead, it may be a title where characters must fight their own beliefs and the opinions of some starkly different heroes in order to maintain the greater good. This was a very good read and has me eagerly anticipating issue #3. And hey, if you didn't pick up issue #1, this issue is just as good of a starting point. Pick it up! New Avengers #2 earns 4 out of 5 stars. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Bob Agamemnon Jan 9, 2005

    The New Avengers is an action comic, not a teen romance (Ultimate Spiderman), workplace drama (The Pulse) or police procedural (Powers). Bendis could easily have turned this run into another platform from which to display his wit and refine his commentary on the superhero genre. Instead, he has adapted his voice to the spirit of The Avengers. Hopefully, as the team line-up stabilizes, and the furor over the reboot subsides, this series will become the kind of flagship title it has the potential to be. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kelvin Green Jan 9, 2005

    Beyond the relative lack of depth on show here, theres not much I can complain about. I fail to see the wisdom of revealing Spider-Mans face to the assembled villains; if Spideys got time to web up a sling for his broken arm, though, Im sure he could fashion an impromptu replacement mask. But Bendis has enough to explain with Sentry and Wolverine (still conspicuously absent, and the letters page gives mixed messages about his inclusion), so Ill give him the benefit of the doubt on that, at least until I see where hes going with it. More questions for Bendis to answer, but it would be unfair to criticise him for not dealing with them immediately. Theres plenty of time for answers. This is a good fun fight scene, with some clever moments and lots of impressive ones, but it is at the end of the day, just a fight scene. Its not fair to call it padding though, as theres lots going on, and the issue does serve more of a purpose than just filling out the page count of a collecte Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Jan 9, 2005

    Not cool: Nothing this issue, its pretty good. But am I dreading the arrival of Wolverine? You betcha! That little attention hog doesnt need to repeat his Cyclops-shtick with Cap as his irritant, or vice versa. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Lucinski Jan 9, 2005

    The The first two issues of New Avengers are as good as Disassembled was bad. Bendis and company satisfied one half of the team book equation: action. It remains to be seen how the team will interact with each other in quiet moments (plus where Wolverine fits in), but this is a good start. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - James Redington Jan 9, 2005

    I do feel like this opening act of the new series is really just being written for a trade, and from what we have so far I have no doubt it will make an excellent trade when it does come out. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Deeley Jan 9, 2005

    Until then, look at the pretty pictures, and just ask yourself, when did the Purple Man find time to grab an apple? Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Jan 9, 2005

    So, whilst not the greatest comic book youll read this month, New Avengers #2 at least gives us some cheap thrills and kinetic action that will tide us over until next month, when the plot can perhaps get moving again. The cliffhanger were left with, whilst familiar to fans of Alias, suggests a more meaningful conflict to come and the possibility of some strong character work which was conspicuous by its absence this time round. Worth a look for Marvel Universe aficionados and superhero fans, but hardly the creators greatest work. Read Full Review

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