New Avengers #3

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: David Finch Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: February 2, 2005 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 18
7.0Critic Rating
7.3User Rating

Breakout! Part three
Fate has brought them together and now Captain America wants to make it permanent! Who will take his hand and join the new Avengers? And where will they call home? Will they be strong enough to fight the mysterious forces that brought them together? This is it! The new Avengers are born!!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Feb 15, 2005

    David Finch's work really stands out when it's called upon to deliver the raw intensity of the action. How can one not be impressed by the series of panels where Luke Cage vents his rage on the Purple Man, or the panels where Captain America is looking back on the performance of the various players during the battle? The art also wonderfully portrays the Sentry making his arrival. There is a sense of majesty conveyed on this one-page splash. He also does some nice work on the quieter moments, such as Peter's expression when Captain America asks him how well being a loner has worked. I loved Luke Cage's face when he decides to accept the invitation. The cover shot of the Sentry is also ever so impressive because the character's dual nature is nicely conveyed. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dominic Organ Feb 11, 2005

    As for this team feeling more like the JLA? Well, I dont think that is such a bad thing. Marvel has always needed a team of this calibre, a team composed of the already established characters that sport their own series. It also needed The Sentry, and I am thrilled at his inclusion. The inclusion of Wolverine (now running the risk of being featured in everything Marvel publishes) and Spider-Man(whose loner status likens him to Daredevil) may smack of shameless cash-in but I, at least, will give Bendis the benefit of the doubt. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Feb 7, 2005

    If it was more than a little disappointing that Bendis chose to cut the Raft fight short and renege on last issue's cliffhanger through a cheeky plot twist, there was still enough interesting material in this issue to keep me hooked. A slow, talky issue with no action sequences sits a little strangely after last issue's mass breakout, and undercuts the apparent urgency with which these New Avengers have been brought together to find a city full of super-criminals. However, giving the character this issue to breathe a little was probably a worthwhile step, as I found the recruitment-of-the-team sequence to be a nice nod to superhero and espionage conventions (reminding me personally of old episodes of MASK, the 80s cartoon), giving us justification for all the characters to be involved and getting us used to their individual personalities. And as a fan, I particularly enjoyed the Daredevil scene, which took particular care to integrate itself with current continuity in his own title. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Feb 4, 2005

    Less interesting: Three issues in, and already the one potential traitor is the sole female on the team. I dont like this sense of Cap sheltering and protecting Jessica, as if shes just a big screw-up on her own. While I understand the conflicted feelings over that last page where she conspires (finally, a plot is emerging!) this aint New Thunderbolts, and I dont really need a mole on the team myself. And stop making Tony a pouty playboy; weve already got that in Ultimates. And for Gods sake can we please stop recounting Wandas meltdown on every summary page like its something to crow about? Im continuing to give Bendis rope on this series, hoping neither of us trips up. Read Full Review

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