New Avengers #4

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: David Finch Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: March 23, 2005 Critic Reviews: 10 User Reviews: 16
7.7Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

Breakout! Part four
The New Avengers assemble and come face-to-face with the mystery threat that brought them together in the first place. Plus - it's unbreakable shield versus adamantium claw. Who will win? It's wall-to-wall crazy!

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Adam Volk Mar 26, 2005

    Ultimately (no pun intended) The New Avengers is easily one of the finest titles being produced by Marvel, in addition to being some of the most engaging writing to come out of the already impressive head-space of Brian Michael Bendis. Avengers fans may still be reeling from the disbanding of their beloved team, but this is clearly a new chapter in Marvel history, and a time that comic book fans will inevitably look back on with great fondness. The New Avengers truly is history in the making. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Apr 5, 2005

    The fact that we're already running into shipping delays so early in this series run doesn't exactly leave me convinced that David Finch is ready to be the regular artist of this title, but having Steve McNiven ready to step in as the second artist certainly helps to ease my concerns, as not only is he a fantastic artist, but he's shown the ability to deliver a monthly book. Now as for David Finch's work on this issue it does a pretty good job of making one forgive the wait, as it's a highly detailed effort that makes it quite easy to understand why he might need more time to deliver art of this quality. This issue also offers up our first good shot of the assembled New Avengers, as I loved that shot of the team when they confront Max Dillon, and the humour of the scene where his attack upon them fails benefits from a great reveal shot. The arrival scene in the Savage Land was also a lot of fun, as was the series of panels where Spider-Man's theory about arriving in the Savage Land Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kelvin Green Mar 26, 2005

    (That said, that last page has me dreading the next issue, which Im sure wasnt Marvels intention when they decided on yet another tiresome guest appearance from this character) Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Lucinski Mar 26, 2005

    The Yes, this team (which is absent three members this issue, if the promotional images are any indicator) is not your traditional Avengers line up. Yes, the way in which they were formed was ham-fisted and awkward at best. And yes, this issue is another strong one in a run everyone should give a chance before casting a negative vote against it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dominic Organ Mar 26, 2005

    Overall this was a solid issue, with plenty to keep the reader interested and lots to look forward to. The final panel leaves me looking forward to the next issue, though when that will come out is anyones guess, given the scheduling shambles with this issue. BMB hasnt completely sold this new series to me, but I am surreptitiously checking that I have my wallet should he push me over the edge. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Mar 26, 2005

    I continue to be impressed with David Finchs work: his male characters are starting to look a little more distinct from one another, and he draws a great slinky Spider-Woman in character this time round and he pulls off action sequences with aplomb too, whether its the Avengers arrival on the streets of Boston or the kinetic Quinjet sequence which brings the issue to a close. My only quibbles with the issue would be the slow pacing or the so-far inexplicable introduction of Wolverine at the issues end: but its worth giving Bendis the benefit of the doubt here to see how these elements play out. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Bob Agamemnon Mar 26, 2005

    The next issue of New Avengers promises the introduction of a character who appeared on issue #1s cover, and who has created perhaps the most turmoil in the tumultuous discourse that has sprung up around this title. Heres hoping he has more to offer than the same old baggage, as this comic is shaping up to be one of Marvels stronger offerings. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Deeley Mar 26, 2005

    So the teams coming together, the storys moving forward, and there might be a good reason for Wolverine coming onboard. Cool. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - James Redington Mar 26, 2005

    By the way at the end of the issue the team go to the Savage Land, and some mutant, small, hairy with metal claws turns up on the last page not sure who he is, so could be interesting next time. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Mar 26, 2005

    Also, Ive got no clue how Finch gets both a breast shot and butt-shine out of Jessicas solo cover, but the interior art mostly compensates for the cheesecake. Read Full Review

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