New Avengers #5

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: David Finch Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: April 27, 2005 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 14
8.0Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

Breakout! Part five
BREAKOUT continues! The number one book in the country! The team has gathered and the true villain is revealed. We sure as heck aren't telling you who it is or where the Avengers have to go to get them (you have to read the issue for those answers)! But, we can tell you, it's a story so big that only the New Avengers could handle it!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell May 16, 2005

    David Finch's inability to deliver his art on a monthly basis makes him a questionable choice for a monthly title, but his extremely detailed art does make him an ideal artist for this title, and if Marvel is able to line up another capable artist (my fingers are crossed that Steve McNiven gets the job), then David Finch could be an ideal match for this title. There's some lovely work in these pages, from the amazing T-Rex attack the opens that issue, to the equally impressive scene where Iron Man's armor shifts into automated attack mode. The art is exactly what this book needs to inject some energy into Brian Michael Bendis's less than impressive action sequences. There's also a lovely team shot of the New Avengers, and the double-page shot that introduces readers to the villain was nicely done, as was the scene that follows as we see another, even more sinister, threat emerging from the shadows. There's also a lovely cover shot that should grab the full attention of Wolverine fa Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill May 5, 2005

    And the story is a pleasant surprise. The last thing I wanted last issue was another Savage Land, Mutates or Karl Lykos story. But it turns out thats good, because its actually all about something else. Layers, you see. Theres a final page reveal that is visually downplayed by Finch, leaving the mystery a bit frustrating, but also deeply intriguing. Its a pleasure to see the Bendis/Finch team creating a book thats fun as well as violent. Read Full Review

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