New Avengers #6

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: David Finch Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 22, 2005 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 14
5.8Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

Breakout! Part six
Hold on to your hats! Wall-to-wall action New Avengers-style. The New Avengers have gathered to avenge those affected by the wild events of the Breakout. But the questions revealed in this issue will have deep ramifications for the rest of the Marvel Universe.

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jun 26, 2005

    David Finch knows how to deliver the big impact moments which is an all important quality considering this book is supposed to be Marvel's team supreme, and as such it stands to reason that the New Avengers are going to be facing the biggest, baddest threats that the Marvel Universe can throw at them. In fact if nothing else this issue art deserves the lion's share of the credit for the impact of the big reveal, as the scene where the team discovers what's been going on in the Savage Land is extremely well done. However, the real impact moment of this issue would have to be the scene that follows as we see the team is on hand when this place is reduced to a smoking ruin, and the reveal shot where we discover who launched this big attack was a lovely visual moment. The final page where Yelena is made an offer by a unseen party is also a well done sequence, as the art moves in closer on her and we see her considering the offer that is being made. The cover is also a nice looking piece, e Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Adam Volk Jun 28, 2005

    Ultimately, character development is a tricky thing, particularly in comics. After all, readers really WANT to see the same characters, no one wants to see Batman turn in his tights and go settle in the suburbs of Gotham or Thor turn in his Hammer to become a successful door to door vacuum-cleaner salesman (though come to think of it those MIGHT make for some pretty entertaining stories). No, just because a character remains relatively the same, that doesnt mean the writers cant challenge us. The trick is to show us MORE of the characters we already know and love, not to change them entirely (a lesson that damn J. Michael Straczynski might take to heart now that hes good and screwed up Spider-Man). Take Ed Brubakers recent run on Captain America, or even Peter Davids latest rendition of the Hulk. These are iconic, classic characters, and yet both Brubaker and David have been able to bring some substance to them beyond the icon status they already possess (Cap as a tortured and poss Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Deeley Jun 26, 2005

    Finally, I dont think Bendis is really writing this as a team book. Its just a collection of individuals hanging around. Maybe theyre not supposed to gel yet, but the original Defenders were more of a team than these guys. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Jun 26, 2005

    Thank goodness the Sentry story is finally about to start, because theres far less damage this slipshod writer of continuity can do to someone who was only made up a few years ago rather than a few decades. Right? Wonder wholl be sacrificed to justify the next plot? Though I have a guess. Read Full Review

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