Avengers: No Road Home, written by Al Ewing, Jim Zub and Mark Waid, set up the Greek God stuff.
Once, they were a team of misfits. Now they're a family, and they've earned their peace. But the universe is not a peaceful place -- and it's only getting worse. The Great Empires are in turmoil. The rule of law is dead. And amidst the chaos, the Gods of Olympus have returned -- harbingers of a new age of war, reborn to burn their mark on the stars themselves. Someone has to guard the galaxy - but who will accept the mission? And will they survive it? Al Ewing (IMMORTAL HULK) and Juann Cabal (FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD SPIDER-MAN) bring you in on the ground floor of a whole Marvel Universe of action and suspense!
Rated T+
This issue packs a lot of entertainment into its pages. From character work, genuine and earned scene-stealing moments, and a cliffhanger that'll have you excited for even more. It's hard to resist the charms of the exciting and adventurous Guardians of the Galaxy. Read Full Review
For a team that has gone through many hands, Al Ewing gives them a kick start with an exciting story bridging multiple recent Marvel stories. The art from Juan Cabal and colors from Frederico Blee give the book a fantastic look. Read Full Review
Guardians Of The Galaxy runs can be hit or miss, but usually missed for me despite my profound love of cosmic Marvel, based on the chemistry of the team members. Sidelining some of the core team members in favor of fan-favorites like Phyla and Moondragon was an inspired choice that will pay dividends over time, I have no doubt. These are the high times for Marvel #1's and it's only the beginning of the year even. Read Full Review
Marvel's latest volume of Guardians of the Galaxy is a perfect excuse to jump on board the franchise. Read Full Review
OverallThis is a pretty good first issue, but it seems a bit off somehow sidelining the other Guardians in exchange for another group of characters led by Nova Centurian, who doesn't really have the level of charisma or humor. I loved the banter between Rocket and Quill, but just having them minus the other Guardians isn't really working for me. Hopefully, Gamora and the others will be brought in later. Read Full Review
Cabal delivers some great visual moments in this issue. The contrast in style between the standard panels when Peter and friends are relaxing to the big splash pages are gorgeous and brilliantly done. Read Full Review
Lovely to read and to look at, what a fantastic first issue this was. Highly recommended. Read Full Review
An impressive start to a new run from Al Ewing, his obvious knowledge and reverence for everything that’s come before leaves me excited for what’s to come next. Juann Cabal does a great job on art and leaves you no doubt he’ll do excellent whether it’s quieter moments or galaxy sized epic fights. It’s early to say how good this run will be but right now I’m feeling optimistic, and long time fans are sure to love it. Read Full Review
Al Ewing heads to the stars in the funny yet cosmically grim Guardians of the Galaxy #1. Read Full Review
A really solid first issue and a great jumping-on point for new readers, It introduces the characters and sets them off on their first great big mission (in this series) into space, while teaming up with some other heroes. You get a pretty good idea of what the series is going to be like going forward. Read Full Review
Tell your local comic shop to add GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY #1 to your pull; you won't regret it. Read Full Review
Overall, if you haven't been keeping up with the Guardians? There is no better time than now with the release of Guardians of the Galaxy #1 to jump back into the action. Again, this is the kind of book you can sink your teeth into because it goes that extra mile to add depth to your favorite heroes. They have established themselves as a family, while at the same time drawing that line in the sand between what they will sit out for, and what they will stand tall to protect. You couldn't ask for more than that. I hope this creative team drives this story through. Read Full Review
If you're looking for a fantastic place to jump back into GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY, this is a great time to do just that. Ewing creates just enough excitement to entice new and old readers to hop on board this number one. However, it just didn't seem to grab my attention as a number one should. It may simply be because the story moved too quickly and progressed too fast without any development of the antagonists. Read Full Review
Ewing, Cabal, and Blee concoct a new formula for the Guardians, mixing some of the old with a lot of new, be it on characters relationships or broader story arc implications Read Full Review
It seems like Guardians of the Galaxy is in great hands. Al Ewing has delivered an exciting debut issue that leaves you wanting more. The pencils and colors bring a lot of life to this book, and the space panels rock. Guardians of the Galaxy is a book worth your time. Read Full Review
There's a reason why Al Ewing headlines one of Marvel's highest-selling books, and it's because Immortal Hulk constantly succeeds based on both execution and high concept - the thoughtfulness that permeates that series constantly reveals new layers for Marvel's Unjolliest Green Giant. But for Guardians of the Galaxy, I'd argue that while the execution feels more than solid, the concepts grounding the series still feels a little underdeveloped - a deficiency which feels even more pronounced given the number of relaunches of the past few years. Read Full Review
Guardians of the Galaxy #1 delivers an excellent mission statement for the series to come and offers a standard to which other new series should aspire. Read Full Review
Perhaps just as exciting as Ewing on the title is artist Juann Cabal, who has really emerged as a major name at Marvel over the past few years. I first became familiar with his work in All-New Wolverine some years back, and Im always interested in checking out what he has to offer with his visuals. Cabal proves to be a great fit for the material here, with some solid pages (and one especially impressive, intricately laid-out double splash spread) that should only further his profile as one of the companys best new finds of recent note. Federico Blees colors add a lot of dimension to Cabals linework, contrasting with the various artists of Catess run through vibrant colors opposed to their more muted approach. Read Full Review
The return of the Olympian gods creates a whole new set of problems, needing a whole new set of Guardians and it all looks really great. Read Full Review
The Olympians feel like a goofy idea to launch a new comic on, although they do allow for a pleasant surprise at the comic's end which could certainly spice things up in the issues to come. For fans. Read Full Review
Overall, this book may please fans of the previous Guardians series but its largely inaccessible to new readers. Read Full Review
Bought both #1 and #2 so gonna post the same review. This is a stellar book. As others point out it's bombastic and not decompressed at all, good art, good action, good thrills!
Good stuff. Really good stuff. Al Ewing has worked on some of these characters before*AHEM*ROCKET*AHEM* and it seems like some of those story beats may pay off again in this team book. But outside of that its just really solid. Great to see the team having some fun, Rocket and Quill being bros and the action was solid. Interesting new enemy that seems to spin out of No Surrender which is very cool. Cant wait to read more, with Ewing you can never go wrong.
This was an amazing first issue. Tying together events from so many recent series. It's clear Al Ewing has a plan for Marvel Cosmic.
It's time for Al Ewing's Guardians of the Galaxy. Let's see what he can do.
The Good:
I really like the Guardians in this issue.
The Olympians are really cool.
I love how tactical everyone is.
Juan Cabal's art is great.
Cliffhanger is interesting.
I like the ties to recent events.
The Bad:
A perfect start for Ewing's Guardians of the Galaxy. Can't wait for more.
This is a great comic! I read it a few hours ago, let it sit a bit and reread it and loved it! I enjoyed the last run and was sceptical of a new writer so quickly again but this is an awesome start.
Great characterization of the main team. Very nice attention to past continuity, which is always a bonus for me when a writing understands and respects what came before.
And anything with Nova, especially a well written Nova like this, is something I really enjoy. I do hope his power level is addressed. Since his return a few years ago it has been unclear how powerful he is. Fighting Zeus makes me think it's pretty high but not quite Nova Prime but it's just not been addressed by any writer.
I do hope the anta more
They locked in
-Feels like each character has their own voice and motives that align with what we know about them
-Love seeing rocket happy
-"because i dont sleep to good anymore" is a great line from rocket
-Peter being peter and sending a text message to gamora
-Action art is well colored
-Page when moondragon is blocking the minds of the gods in battle is beautiful
-How they conduct the mission feels like it could be put straight into the movie
To start with I find the Juan Cabal art to be just amazing, I could look at it all day. Itās dynamic, itās bright, itās striking and it really fits the story well.
If you are a fan of the Guardians this first issue definitely feels like it was made for you, Ewing really starts off exploring the family dynamic the guardians are so famous for, and the slow introspective start really gets you invested from the get go. I will concede that if you are a new reader this might be a bit inaccessible but I highly recommend this to any fans of the Guardians. It also seems to be essentially a continuation of the the āNo road homeā weekly avenger run, which I might recommend reading to give a little context.
Bonus it en more
This was an incredible start. Great story, great art. It picks up right where we leave off from the last Guardians run (which in this one issue it manages to be better than) and also picks up big threads from last year's Avengers No Road Home with the Reborn Olympian God's. I loved it and can't wait for more.
Nova gets worried about the Olympian gods causing trouble across the galaxy. With the Guardians enjoying their retirement on Halfword, only Quill, Rocket, Moondragon, and Phyla-Vell answer his call ā¦ for now. They accumulate some more teammates (Marvel Boy and, on the last page, Hercules) and then their infiltration plan rapidly falls to pieces. A fast pace, promising plot developments, exquisite dialogue, and very strong art all combine to kick this volume off with a big bang.
really good. i love the idea of incorporating the greek gods into the cosmic space, sincce the asgardians have occupied that role for a while. It's also nice to see them back; I don't remember the last time I've seen them in a main book. The art is also really good, this is shaping out to be a good series to pull. Highly recommend.
Bout to take us places Cates didnāt. Good read.
This is probably a little too cosmic for my sensibilities, but I largely enjoyed it.
I liked this more than I thought I would. Characters are all written well and unique. Dialogue between characters felt spot on. No cheese here other than the pretty Generic looking Gods. Something about these antagonist didnt pull me in. I think it was the artist direction with them and how they were presented because the scenes involving them were my favorite of the comic its when I felt most engaged by the story. Thats not to ding the Artists skill however, as he has some seriously beautiful panels in this issue and I hope he stays on the series. Marvel Boy was hilarious I love humor with him, his intro was pretty damn funny. Good start. Im not a Guardians reader and I fell right in, give it a shot if your on the fence.
" We're super heroes, Drax. We're not built time off. A vacation with family is Nice. Peace is Nice. But the galaxy is never peaceful for long. "
- Phyla-Vell.
Pretty interesting start that goes to path we haven't seen before with a sort-of-new team.
I like it.
Great start! Let's go!
Tiz good