Nick Devonald's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comics: The Gathering Reviews: 375
8.4Avg. Review Rating

Absolute Carnage (2019) #4

Oct 16, 2019

The issue concludes with the promise of an epic showdown. #5 can’t come soon enough.

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Absolute Carnage (2019) #5

Nov 20, 2019

An unbelievably good conclusion to one of comics most epic events thanks to a perfect collaboration between artist and storyteller. This is an absolute must read. I can’t emphasise enough how good this issue, and whole event, is.

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Absolute Carnage (2019): Avengers #1

Oct 16, 2019

In conclusion all I can say is for completionists only. Had potential but got really lost along the way. I can’t recommend it.

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Absolute Carnage (2019): Weapon Plus #1

Nov 6, 2019

Exactly what it says on the tin, this isn't going to blow anyones minds but is mostly enjoyable, recommended for readers who can't get enough of either Absolute Carnage or Weapon H. It can be bypassed though with no loss for fans not determined to collect them all. But if you only buy one tie-in, I'd recommend this one.

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Absolute Carnage (2019): Captain Marvel #1

Nov 20, 2019

Highly recommended, great art, great storytelling, not essential reading for the main event but if you're going to pick up any of the tie-ins, I would put this one at the top of the pile.

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Absolute Carnage vs. Deadpool #3

Oct 17, 2019

Not a bad tie-in issue, or series, for that matter, but one for Deadpool fans and completionists only. Those here for the main event can quite happily miss this one.

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Absolute Carnage: Lethal Protectors #3

Oct 23, 2019

In conclusion this gives us a look at the chaos engulfing New York which has been skimmed over in the other series, brings back a whole host of characters familiar to readers from Maximum Carnage, and sets things up for an epic battle in Absolute Carnage #5. On the downside there is a lot, a lot, of references to older series that newer readers, or even less well read fans, might find confusing or off putting. Not essential reading, but recommended for more than just completionists. Casual fans of the main series can skip it though without missing out. (This is subject to change since Absolute Carnage #5 hasn’t been released, but I doubt it.)

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Action Journalism #1

May 5, 2020

This first issue deals with an alien armada, the second issue involves mad scientists, this is a series which feels like each issue is going to be even more bonkers than the last. Couple that with art which pays a fantastic tribute to old newspapers, the way the story doesn’t take itself too seriously, and the fantastic homage to old school action stories, this is a great piece of escapism in these trying times.

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Action Journalism #2

May 6, 2020

This all ages comic is sure to appeal to fans of TinTin, or Golden Age comics, as well as being a great bit of escapism which is sorely in demand at this time. It sets out to be an outlandish, fun story, and this is exactly what we get for our money.

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Action Journalism #3

May 7, 2020

Similar to the previous two entries in this series, Action Journalism #3 makes for some great escapism. A worthy tribute to the comics it emulates, this will bring back memories of Golden Age comics for some, or be a good entry for a more modern audience.

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Action Journalism #4

May 14, 2020

Action Journalism has had a consistently good run, a great piece of escapism, a wonderful parody of the golden age comics it emulates while also being a good read in its own rights. As the penultimate issue in the series the only thing that’s lacking is the exposure so that more issues are made. The newspaper design is excellent and the final issue is setup to be as good as the rest of the series.

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Action Journalism #5

May 19, 2020

A good, fun, all-ages series, they’re also reasonably priced and this reviewer would recommend picking up the entire series. Not only are they are modern homage to golden age classics, bordering on spoofing some of the more prolific superheroes, they are a fantastic bit of escapism and will put a smile on any readers face. The art style is clever and helps elevate the entire series.

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Alien (2021) #1

Mar 24, 2021

The slow burn of the first issue may be off-putting to some fans, but it’s exactly what an Alien comic needs, time to establish the characters and setting before Xenomorphs start killing everyone left right and centre. There are enough hallmarks of the films to excite fans while also taking measures to stand on its own two feet. The few scenes with the Xenomorphs look fantastic, managing to capture the horror and claustrophobia of the films while never forgetting just how deadly the Aliens are. Full of promise for the rest of the series, Marvel look like they’re onto a winner.

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Alien (2021) #2

Apr 21, 2021

Marvel show with this second issue of Alien that they understand how to lean into the horror aspect of the film series rather than the action of later entries. There is an interesting story waiting to unfold here and this series works as a great entry for new readers, while also giving fans exactly what they want from the series.

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Alien (2021) #3

May 26, 2021

This is the Aliens sequel viewers never got, rather than leaning into the action heavy aspects of some of the franchise entries Johnson goes to great lengths to make sure that the Xenomorph has never been more terrifying, and there’s plenty of intrigue and mystery to keep readers coming back for more.

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Alien (2021) #4

Jun 16, 2021

Any doubters about whether or not Marvel could pull off the Alien license will by now have had their doubts quelled. Johnson understands how to tell a good story, fitting in and expanding the rich mythos, while Larroca manages to make them horrifying again, capturing them in their alienness, and once more making them a threat to be reckoned with. A true sequel to Aliens.

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Alien (2021) #6

Aug 25, 2021

This first chapter in Marvels take on the iconic Xenomorph is filled with plenty of potential for the future, expanding the mythology and taking it in new directions, while telling an entertaining story which feels familiar and new at the same time. It goes to show there is plenty of life left in this monster, and the mythology from the prequels is neatly included here as well.

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Alien vs. Predator: Thicker Than Blood #1

Dec 11, 2019

Despite it’s attempts to differentiate it from the crowd of subpar tie ins to the Alien or Predator franchises it misses the mark. Phenomenal artwork is the only reason to pick this comic up. There is potential here, but as a four part series and the first issue missing the mark I have concerns for the rest of the series.

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Alien vs. Predator: Thicker Than Blood #2

Jan 15, 2020

Fantastic artwork isn’t enough to save this comic from mediocrity, unlikeable protagonists only carry the story so far. The fight scenes lift the score from last issue but still nothing incredible. I hope the rest of the series proves me wrong and improves, but it needs to be a drastic improvement.

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Alienated #1

Feb 12, 2020

An exciting debut issue. Incredible writing hooks you in, outstanding art pulls you deep inside the comic, the colors bring it all to life and expert lettering makes a complex story readable with ease. A fantastic but subtle look at society and social media, this promises to be a great story. This is a comic that plays to all the strengths of the medium and wouldn’t work nearly as well in a different format.

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Alienated #2

Mar 18, 2020

Only two issues in and I’m already predicting this seriers will end up being one of the greats, and make frequent appearances on ‘best of’ lists. Simon Spurrier’s writing excels as always, Chris Wildgoose’s art is one of the highlights, André May’s colours add a lot to the storytelling. A deep look into the human psyche, each of its character is flawed and human, a commentary on social media and its influences on society, morally grey. There are some great concepts on display here.

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Alienated #3

May 27, 2020

Alienated proves, yet again, what an incredible series this is and is undebatably a must-read comic. The focus on Samantha takes the story in an unexpected but welcome direction, Spurrier manages to tell a story which is emotionally impactful with a conclusion that is genuinely unpredictable. Wildgoose’s art is outstanding as always. Read this comic. You won’t regret it.

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Alienated #4

Jul 7, 2020

Each issue of Alienated has been better than the last, taking the story in unexpected directions and really building on our understanding of the characters. We begin to understand the reasons why each character feels ‘alienated’. This issue covers some dark territory which is rarely addressed head on, but Spurrier does it with a surprising sensitivity towards the subject matter. An incredibly difficult series to describe, it’s a definite must read.

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Alienated #5

Aug 13, 2020

The story being told here is incredible. One of the best coming of age stories ever, an incredible exploration of that moment of becoming an adult, of facing the trauma’s that have defined you and moving past them. It’s also a wonderful exploration of the dangers of teenage emotions, and a clever look at a what if scenario of teens having more power. The art and colours have been as incredible and exciting as the story itself, and there is no doubt that this is one of the best comics in recent years.

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Alienated #6

Sep 29, 2020

An epic conclusion to an incredible story, this is the kind of comic which will appeal as much to non-comic readers as long time comic fans. It’s also a story which wouldn’t work in another format, this is comic book storytelling at its absolute best. What’s on display here is a writer at the top of his game, an artist whose talents know no bounds, and a colourist who can bring the incredible art to life. If you’ve read any issue of this series you’ll be picking this comic up, an absolute no brainer. If you’re late to the party hound your local comic shop to get the rest of the series. An absolute must read.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018): Full Circle #1

Oct 23, 2019

If nothing else you owe it to yourself to see what happens when a team of Marvels finest get together. An experiment in story-telling it’s a real treat from cover to cover.

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American Ronin #1

Oct 6, 2020

An exciting debut issue, it introduces readers to a near future world ruled by massive corporations, and promises characters who are more than just two dimensional cardboard cut outs. The empathy talent that the American Ronin has is both unique and interesting, and promises to make for some excellent storytelling opportunities as the series progresses. A debut that readers won’t want to miss.

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American Ronin #2

Nov 11, 2020

An intelligent and well constructed world is the setting for a sci-fi story about Assassins who can literally connect and empathise with their victims using their DNA gives some incredible storytelling opportunities which Peter Milligan makes the most of. The art is stunning, and demonstrates which comics are such a unique and important storytelling medium.

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Angel (2019) #6

Oct 23, 2019

Another great issue, and in this modern age of binging makes me impatient for the next issue to see what happens next. A must for Buffy/Angel fans.

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Angel (2019) #7

Nov 27, 2019

Another great issue of Angel, high standards of writing, art and colors as always. This series is really finding its feet and the pieces are all coming together to recreate the feel of the TV series. A must for old, and new, fans.

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Angel (2019) #8

Dec 18, 2019

The best issue of Angel so far, as each new comic is released there’s an improvement on the one before and like the TV series I think we’ll find this ends up eclipsing it’s parent series of Buffy. Another must have issue, great writing coupled with fantastic art and colors make this an awesome issue and a reminder that the Buffyverse is such a rich playground for these great characters.

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Angel (2019) #9

Feb 25, 2020

Ring of Fire is off to a great start. It's good fun seeing Angel return and learning the new status quo, the introduction of a new character promises a new and interesting dynamic going forward. Angel Investigations has officially been born. The art from Gleb Melnikov and Roman Titov's colors are as outstanding as always and a real highlight of the comic. You need to be reading this comic.

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Angel (2019) #10

Mar 24, 2020

This series has gone from one highlight to another as it progresses, and this issue has some great moments in it. Hill's writing captures the essence of the TV series, right down to the characters banter and the humour throughout. Melnikov and Titov make a fantastic art team and they continue to do an outstanding job, giving the comic a unique and instantly recognisable look. Fans of the Buffyverse will love this series.

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Angel (2019) #11

Jun 23, 2020

This issue is important for getting the characters where they need to be. It's also integral to exploring Angel's past and helping the reader learn a little more about the titular Vampire with a soul, but the issue isn't as fast-paced or as exciting as previous issues are. This issue will read better as part of a collected trade, where the reader can immediately carry on to what promises to be an exciting conclusion to the storyline. The art and colours are as consistently good and stylised as the reader has come to expect from Melnikov and Titov.

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Angel (2019) #12

Jul 22, 2020

An action packed issue, a number of storylines are taking unexpected and interesting steps, it's going to be interesting to see how they resolve. Team Angel feels a lot more fluid and less defined than in the TV series, no-one feels safe or a permanent fixture yet, which adds a sense of danger to the series. Melnikov's art is truly outstanding and has been an excellent match for the series, and this issue has some of his best moments.

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Angel (2019) #13

Aug 25, 2020

As a break between one creative team leaving and another arriving this is the perfect opportunity to dive deeper into Angels past. As a one-shot it also serves as an opportunity for fans who've so far missed out on the comic to pick up an issue and see if it's for them. It's a good fun story, filled with Noir vibes, and hints at events in Angels past. Not essential reading for the larger narrative but a good read nonetheless, fans won't want to miss out.

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Angel (2019) #14

Sep 22, 2020

All in all it's clear that Zac Thompson is the right person to carry this series on. His first issue seamlessly carries on the threads and stories which Hill introduced, while making his own clear mark on Angel's story. It's clear the reverence he has for everything which has already occurred, and it's an exciting time to be an Angel fan. The drastic change in artist may take a bit of getting used to.

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Angel (2019) #15

Oct 28, 2020

Zac Thompson feels like an excellent choice to take over as the writer on the series, his clear love of the show shines through and he's doing an excellent job with the cast. The ongoing storylines feel fresh and exciting for fans of old, with no clear destination in mind yet. The art is a big change which might initially be a hurdle for some fans, but is as equally stylish as what's come before.

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Annihilation - Scourge: Alpha #1

Nov 20, 2019

A good set-up promising a series worthy of the Annihilation name, a great threat and excellent line up of heroes promise to make this an event that fans of Marvels Cosmic side won't want to miss.

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Annihilation - Scourge: Fantastic Four #1

Dec 4, 2019

I look forward to all the characters coming together in Annihation Scourge: Omega. It promises to be quite an issue, and if all the one shots released so far are an indication of quality this is a series that fans of Marvel Cosmic, especially Annihilation events, are going to love.

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Annihilation - Scourge: Omega #1

Dec 18, 2019

I wish Marvel had taken the time to tell this tale properly and give it a bit of space to breathe, as it stands however it's rushed and a big disappointment. Some of the art was really good however, and I enjoyed the fact it gave Nova a big role, but these alone aren't enough to save it from mediocrity.

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Annihilation - Scourge: Beta Ray Bill #1

Dec 11, 2019

Is it an outstanding issue? No, like I mentioned before these one shots are beginning to feel very paint by numbers. Is that a bad thing? Not overly, but holds it back from really standing out for the crowd. Good set up for Annihilation Scourge though, and it was good seeing Beta Ray Bill taking the lead here.

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Annihilation - Scourge: Nova #1

Dec 4, 2019

A real return to form for Richard Rider, an excellent issue in Annihilation Scourge, great art and excellent action scenes promise to make this a winner with fans of Marvels Cosmic.

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Annihilation - Scourge: Silver Surfer #1

Dec 11, 2019

Following the same formula as all the other one shots in this series readers will know what to expect. Considering this is Dan Abnett of Annihilation fame the writing isn't quite as strong as I'd come to expect. Colors really help to bring out Paul Davidson's stunning art which is probably the highlight of this issue.

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Archangel 8 #1

Mar 22, 2020

An incredible debut issue, incredibly violent and deserving of the mature rating, this promises to be a fantastic series. It sets a dark, seedy tone early on and the violence contributes to the moodiness of the work. The art is absolutely gorgeous and establishes AWA as a publisher to be eagerly following.

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Archangel 8 #2

May 3, 2020

Archangel 8 is shaping up to be one of the most stylised comics of the year. This is a phenomenal comic that will appeal to fans of the Punisher or Hellblazer. A rich mythos that begs to be explored, gorgeous artwork which will pull readers in, and an incredible hardboiled story that comes together to produce an outstanding comic. Highly recommended.

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Archangel 8 #3

Jul 7, 2020

Ultra violent angel hitman on the trail of a rogue angel and his demon partner, with a huge body count in their wake? The lovechild of Punisher and Hellblazer? Such an incredible set-up for a comic, and Moreci, Smith and Cortez keep on delivering. The writing, the art, the colours, all are absolutely top notch and demand to be read. This, along with everything else AWA is currently producing, demands to be read. Comic lovers owe it to themselves to be reading this series.

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Archangel 8 #4

Aug 18, 2020

The Punisher meets Hellblazer might not be the most natural of bedfellows but the rich tapestry that Moreci has painted out of this mythology of Angel Hitmen instantly hooks the reader in and pulls them deep into the story. Smith and Cortez are a perfect pairing, although whether they’re a match made in Heaven or thanks to a deal made elsewhere is never clear. Hopefully this penultimate issue isn’t our penultimate entry into this fantastic world.

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Archangel 8 #5

Sep 23, 2020

An excellent conclusion to an excellent series, readers will be left hoping this is only the first foray into this incredible world of Angels and hitmen, and that there’ll be more left to come. This issue has the over the top violent, hardboiled story which readers have come to expect. The art from C.P. Smith and Snakebite Cortez continues to make this one of the most unique, stylised comics on the market.

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Bad Mother (2020) #1

Aug 5, 2020

Another exciting debut issue from AWA studios, the concept is fresh, exciting and unique. With elements of Breaking Bad and Taken, it promises a whirlwind ride for the reader and addictive reading. The biggest criticism to be thrown at it is it’s such compulsive reading the issue feels over too quickly, leaving the reader desperately craving more.

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Bad Mother (2020) #2

Sep 10, 2020

The spiritual successor to Taken and Breaking Bad, the storytelling plays to the strengths of the medium to tell a compulsive and exciting crime thriller. The lengths a mother will go to save their child has been explored plenty before, but having a typical suburban mum as the protagonist is a stroke of genius. Stunning art and colours are just the icing on the cake.

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Bad Mother (2020) #3

Oct 14, 2020

With Bad Mother Christa Faust has created a realistic world filled with believable characters, and April is a convincing character on the trail of her daughters kidnappers. It’s a delight seeing April make clever use of the limited resources she has and it’s going to be exciting to see her continue on her daughters trail and what comes next. The art team of Mike Deodato Jr. and Lee Loughridge is fantastic and the incredible art is the icing on the cake of this comic.

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Beta Ray Bill (2021) #1

Mar 29, 2021

This first issue offers readers an intriguing premise, the opportunity to delve deep into one of Marvels more mysterious characters, the titular Beta Ray Bill, as he goes on a quest to find himself. Forever in Thor’s shadow, defined by his now destroyed weapon Stormbreaker, no longer able to transform back into humanoid form, what is next for our hero? That’s what the series aims to discover. By having the story written and drawn by Johnson means that readers are getting exactly the story that he’s visualised.

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Black Knight: Curse of the Ebony Blade #1

Mar 17, 2021

An intriguing premise filled with plenty of inner conflict which is not afraid to shy away from taboo subjects, fans of Spurrier’s writing will lap this series up. This comic, while firmly set within Marvel continuity, has a personality and feel to it which separates it from typical Marvel fare. Excellent art gives us a series of intriguing battles and locations, which also conveying the emotions of our protagonist. An exciting first issue, this is one you won’t want to sleep on.

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Black Knight: Curse of the Ebony Blade #3

May 19, 2021

One of the more exciting comics that Marvel is currently publishing, precisely because it doesn’t feel like a Marvel comic. Spurrier reminds readers why he’s one of the most interesting writers in the industry, not afraid to tackle themes like mental illness. Spurrier and Dávila appear to be having a blast, diving deep into a rich Arthurian mythology with their own unique take on it all. Interesting characters, intriguing plot, stunning art, magic and swords, so much to love and recommend in this series.

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Black Knight: Curse of the Ebony Blade #4

Jun 30, 2021

The penultimate issue of the series, if there is any justice we’ll see Spurrier and Dávila team up to tackle this character in an ongoing series. A fantastic exploration of Marvels Arthurian legend, putting a brand-new spin on everything, this is an excellent look at the mythology of the Ebony artifacts. The deep themes and concepts explored in this series elevate it beyond the typical superhero fare into something unique and special.

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Black Knight: Curse of the Ebony Blade #5

Jul 28, 2021

A fitting conclusion to Spurriers reinterpretation of the character, the Black Knight legacy has an interesting and exciting future ahead. A mini series which stands on its own, but has many implications for the future. It also explores quite complex themes, and things like parentage and heritage feature quite heavily. Through in a fantastic art team as well and this is a comic readers will want to pick up.

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Bliss (2020) #1

Jun 20, 2020

It’s a surprisingly emotional comic, with excellent writing and a unique and exciting concept at its core. This first issue only just introduces us to the world and the characters and while it’s an excellent and entertaining story it feels like this issue is only setting us up for the larger story. There is a rich mythology that is just begging to be explored. Yarsky’s art brings this story to life and makes the world and characters feel real and alive.

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Bliss (2020) #2

Aug 24, 2020

We get to delve further into this morally grey world, where the lure of Bliss is high, the love of a father for his son outweighing everything else. Lewis’ writing makes for compulsive reading, Yarsky’s art goes a step further than most comics in telling the story, and they’re a fantastic creative team. Stories like this play to all the strengths of the medium in telling a story that wouldn’t work in other formats, and are a great reminder why comics are an excellent medium for telling stories that go beyond the stereotyped superhero tales.

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Bliss (2020) #3

Sep 21, 2020

So, in summary, we’ve got ridiculously complicated and morally grey quandaries, a rich mythology which the reader is just dying to explore more of, all told against the backdrop of one of the more compelling stories to be published this year. The storytelling, the art, it’s a cracking combination and there’s not a single thing to fault in this comic. Every once in a while a comic comes along like this which is truly special, a combination of an incredible idea, brilliant storytelling and collaboration between the writer and artist, it’s not to be missed.

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Bliss (2020) #4

Oct 28, 2020

Bliss continues to surprise and delight readers with each issue, a story which has the power to evoke powerful emotions from the reader. There hasn’t been a single dud issue yet and each one continues to build on the incredible mythology. There is a reckoning coming which promises to be epic, but for all its worldbuilding and tales of Gods and myths at its core this is still a story about a son and his father. About how love can transcend all the atrocious deeds and acts in its name.

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Bliss (2020) #5

Feb 9, 2021

Everything which worked so well about the first story arc of Bliss is back, and even more complex themes and ideas are explored without losing any of the emotional connections that readers will have for the story. Twists and turns aplenty, stunning artwork, fantastic storytelling. There isn’t enough praise that can be heaped on this comic. If you’ve managed to sleep on this story pick up the first trade before diving head first into this one, you won’t regret it.

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Bliss (2020) #6

Apr 6, 2021

This is one of the stories that is uniquely suited to comics, it explores some excellent themes around love and relationships, particularly between a father and son, at the same time it tells an incredible story that readers will find themselves invested in. As the story shows its nearly impossibly to predict where it will go, and there are twists and turns at every corner. The fantastic art is the icing on top of the cake. Don’t let this comic miss you, it’s one of the best on the market.

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Bliss (2020) #7

May 4, 2021

With only the final issue to go there hasn’t been a bad issue in the entire run, this series belongs on ‘best of’ lists, the story is epic with a rich mythology, yet the focus is on the characters and their relationship to one another. The story built around memories and Gods is just a vessel to explore the relationship between a father and a son, and works fantastically. The story, the characters, the worldbuilding, the art, every aspect of this comic is fantastic and cannot be recommended enough. One of the most original and thought provoking comics in a long time.

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Bliss (2020) #8

Jun 1, 2021

Bliss has consistently one of the best and most unique stories on the market. This issue is a touching and emotion filled issue which concludes this unbelievably good story in a fantastic way. There is so much to recommend in this story, and it is guaranteed to end up populating so many ‘best of’ lists as time goes on. But it’s not just a good, entertaining story. The themes explored here and the message it tells will linger on long after the reader has finished.

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Books of Magic (2018) #15

Jan 2, 2020

Threats continue to mount against Tim Hunter who is oblivious to most of them. This issue succeeds in building up tension even while not neccessarily progressing the plot very much. This arc promises to be a really good one.

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Books of Magic (2018) #16

Jan 22, 2020

This is another solid entry in the Books of Magic series. The tension continues to build in each issue and the next one promises a reckoning. How will these events shape Tim? Will they tip him towards good or evil? Only time will tell, but I’ll make sure to keep reading each issue to find out.

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Mar 2, 2021

A fantastic introduction to a brand new series which holds plenty of promise. Action filled in a way that is more reminiscent of a movie than a comic, Keanu Reeves involvement is clear, not just because the protagonist is based off him, there is a certain style of action that will remind readers of John Wick turned up to 100. An intriguing concept there is plenty here to keep readers coming back for more.

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Apr 28, 2021

The second issue does a fantastic job of telling B’s origins while progressing the story in modern times. If over the top, excessively violent and gory, action comics are to your liking you will love this. Readers familiar with Keanu Reeves recent work will recognise elements of it here, when you boil it down to its basics it’s a Reeves action film in comic form, with enough intriguing elements of the world weary, hard boiled action hero to set it apart from the crowd. Excellent storytelling, gorgeous art, intriguing concept, there is a lot to recommend here. Get on board this series now while it’s early on in the 12 issue run, you won’t regret it.

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Jun 15, 2021

This is the kind of comic, with a name as big as Keanu Reeves, that has the potential to draw non comic readers in. And with the intriguing story and excellent art has the kind of pulling power to not only keep these non comic book readers, but also to open their eyes to other comics. Keanu Reeves and Matt Kindt have crafted an excellent story here, where readers can’t help but sympathise for the Berserker, while worrying what is in store for his future. The art is fantastic throughout, there’s plenty to recommend about this comic.

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Jul 28, 2021

It's clear that Keanu Reeves first foray into the world of comic books has created something special, and teaming with the talented Matt Kindt has created a story which at first glance is just an action filled comic, but on closer inspection is surprisingly nuanced and subtle. The art is fantastic and does a great job of capturing both the over the top brutality and the quieter moments as well.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2019) #9

Nov 6, 2019

Don’t let the sub-par art drag you away from what is a fantastic read and comic series. Hellmouth & Angel are both fantastic, and this is the parent of the Buffyverse.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2019) #10

Dec 4, 2019

Another good issue in a consistently strong run, focusing on characters that have so far been a little neglected it is sure to be a fan pleaser. Things look to be coming to a head in the next issue which promises to be good. As with all issues in the rebooted Buffyverse, highly recommended.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2019) #11

Jan 8, 2020

This issue perfectly sums up my feelings about the Buffy reboot. The writing is spot on, there are some real stand out moments, but the art lets it down again. Which makes scoring this issue a real challenge. Writing? 10/10, no question about it. The art however lets it down. When it shines it's fantastic. When it doesn't it drags the whole comic down, taking me out of the story and stopping me being completely immersed, and on the final page leaving me confused about who the character appearing is.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2019) #12

Feb 5, 2020

The whole series has been building to this issue. Excellent writing, fantastic pacing, great art and colors, the best issue of the series. As the penultimate issue of Hellmouth it manages to build up plenty of excitement while also being a brilliant issue in its own right. Well done to the whole team at Boom! Studios.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2019) #13

Mar 4, 2020

A nice break before the Ring Of Fire story-arc begins in earnest, readers will find themselves warming to Kendra and understanding her better. It's a nice change of pace from the craziness of the Hellmouth event and lets readers have a minute to take a breath. Valero-O'Connell's art is also a nice break from the rest of the series and would be welcome to return later.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2019) #14

May 19, 2020

A really strong issue, by taking the time out to develop our characters and their new status quo it makes for a fantastic issue. Minor tweaks to the formula and an incredible new art team take a good series and elevate it to a fantastic series. There is a real potential to surpass the TV series here.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2019) #15

Jun 30, 2020

Another fantastic issue in a series which is sure to delight Buffy fans, Booms! Buffyverse has so much potential. The biggest problem this series has is its inability to choose and stick with a good artist, a constant switching between different artists, is getting a bit frustrating. That being said Ramon Bachs' does a good job here and won't disappoint anyone with the art. The setup for this seasons big bad has so much potential and will excite readers no end.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2019) #16

Aug 5, 2020

Things are really heating up in Boom!s Buffyverse. It feels like no-one is safe, and it's an incredibly exciting time to be a Buffy fan. The art is amongst the best of the series. No slayer fan will want to miss this issue, or indeed incredible series.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2019) #17

Sep 1, 2020

The kind of issue which is important for furthering the mythology of the series, will delight fans with the introduction of certain characters, and is an all round blast. Filled with the trademark humour of the series it's an incredible issue and has so many implications for the rest of the series. The art from Andrs Genolet & Ral Angulo is excellent and amongst the best team we've had so far in the Buffyverse.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2019) #18

Oct 6, 2020

A much slower, character focused issue, which gives readers a nice breather before the upcoming confrontation. Willows return is a clever way to examine the characters different relationships and she's been sorely missed from the series. The next issue promises to be an exciting one, with this issue being all about the build-up for the next one.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2019) #19

Nov 4, 2020

Each new issue of Buffy continues to be a delight, Bellaire and Lambert have managed to hit that sweet spot of telling a good story, carrying on the overall story-arc, as well as spending plenty of time with the characters and not letting any of them feel neglected. Fans of the TV series will lap each issue up, and there's plenty for new fans to appreciate. And it feels like things are really heating up now, and the writers have got the cast exactly where they want them to tell some fantastic stories.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2019) #20

Dec 2, 2020

There are plenty of moments in this issue to get fans incredibly excited, the expansion of the Scoobies allows for more complex storytelling, and it looks like two fan favourites are here to stay. The soulless vampire Xander storyline is intriguing and how it will play out feels very unpredictable. There are a few moments which are guaranteed to take readers by surprise as well. The art is good although in danger of feeling a little too cartoony for Buffy.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2019) #21

Jan 6, 2021

An excellent issue in a series which progressively gets better, the storylines getting into murkier grey area's, this issue won't disappoint fans. Bellaire and Lambert manage to capture the magic of the TV series while putting their own unique stamp on it, and bringing it up to date for modern audiences. It's difficult to know where this storyline will go, but it'll be a pleasure finding out. Genolet's art brings Buffy's world to life brilliantly, and he makes an excellent fit for the series.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2019) #22

Feb 2, 2021

An important issue in the overall series, it takes the time to slow down a little and really spend some time with each of the characters, reminding us of all the different plates the Bellaire & Lambert have spinning. The series is building up to an epic finale with seeds that were laid very early on in the run, and it's really unclear just how the Buffyverse is going to look afterwards.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2019) #23

Mar 2, 2021

A large ensemble cast of both heroes, villains, and those in between, each with differing motivations, makes for interesting reading. The conflict that has slowly been building is coming to a head, and it's difficult to guess where all the pieces are going to end up. There are plenty of mysteries still to be explored here, and that's without mentioning the multiverse which has been slowly teased recently. Buffy fans are sure to love this issue.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2019) #24

Apr 6, 2021

Buffy has been building to this point for a while, Anya subtely manipulating characters into serving her larger plan against the Watchers council. The hints and teases of a Buffy multiverse, the seeds of which were planted early on, are finally coming to fruition here. There are teases and Easter Eggs aplenty which fans will devour, all of which serve to really build up the excitement for what is coming next.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2019) #25

May 12, 2021

The secrets of the Buffyverse are beginning to open, a chance to see some classic TV Buffy in action, and filled with fantastic Easter Eggs from start to finish, there's plenty here for Buffy fans. An oversized anniversary issue, the gag in the final panel is worth the price of admission alone. It's clear that the overarching mysteries of the season are just around the corner. Pinti is one of the better artists so far on the series, and the art is matching up to the quality of the storytelling. With the series now in full swing it's an exciting time to be a Buffy fan.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2019) #26

Jun 2, 2021

It feels like the story is really heating up here, the big bad is about to be revealed, and readers will finally get a good idea of the overall story arc of the series. As long as these reveals aren't dragged out too much longer then this is shaping up to be one of the best story arcs of the comics so far. This issue really captures the TV characters brilliantly, a combination of good writing and great art really does leave this issue feeling like an episode of the TV series.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2019) #27

Jul 6, 2021

A much needed slower issue, it'll be interesting to see how Jeremy Lambert manages to continue spinning all these different plates, while giving the characters time to shine and develop, and push the plate forward. He's got a real challenge ahead, but so far seems more than capable of continuing that. Carmelo Zagaria's art looks great as well, a nice fit for the world of Buffy.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2019): Every Generation #1

Jun 2, 2020

A strong, talented creative team has been brought together to craft three brilliant Buffy stories. Where All Paths Lead is important for the role it plays in building up the established mythology of the series, the second story has a great twist and a unique way of looking at slayers, while the third story is full of little nods for seasoned scoobies and is generally a fun story. This is an excellent issue to fill the gap between Buffy releases.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2019): Tea Time #1

Jun 29, 2021

This is the perfect one shot. An excellent entry point for readers who haven't been reading the main comic series, it has all the hallmarks of the TV series, at points hilarious, then dark, then moving. It would be great to see Mirka Andolfo doing more work in the Buffyverse, with her grasp of the characters it would be a sure fire hit. This will appeal to all Buffy fans.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2019): Faith #1

Feb 23, 2021

The origin of one of the best characters from the Buffyverse was always going to be a big deal, but with a few clever ideas Lambert gives us a story which will surprise readers, while still being faithful to her character. Carlini does an excellent job with the art, the action scenes are filled with a fluid energy, and she has some of the best monster designs we've seen within the Buffyverse.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel: Hellmouth #2

Nov 13, 2019

Another fantastic issue in the rebooted Buffyverse, only two issues into Hellmouth and the stakes are already so high. The excellent storytelling matched by outstanding artwork makes this issue and whole event a must have for Buffy fans new and old.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel: Hellmouth #3

Dec 11, 2019

The Hellmouth event has been great, this is a fantastic example of comic book events done properly. Writing is spot on, the art is great to the point I’ve found myself stop reading to admire it. The conclusion to this issue is one of the best cliffhangers I've read and I can actually hear Sarah Michelle Gellar and David Boreanaz's voices in my head in the last few panels.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel: Hellmouth #4

Jan 15, 2020

The penultimate issue of Hellmouth, the story continues to build and build. I can't wait to see where they go with it next. They manage to capture the feel of the show, the writing is dramatic and art is incredible. This is the highlight of the Buffyverse and I hope these events become a regular staple going forward.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel: Hellmouth #5

Feb 12, 2020

This issue acts as an excellent season finale for the first year of the Buffyverse. It has everything we’ve come to expect of this reboot and so much more. There’s epic battles, quieter emotional moments, good banter. It’s Buffy at its best. It succeeds in drawing all the different threads together to a satisfactory conclusion while also sowing the seeds for what’s still to come. Fans, both new and old, are going to love this. To say I’m excited for the future of the Buffyverse would be an understatement.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Willow (2020) #1

Jul 7, 2020

A great first issue in a miniseries where character is put first and foremost, and events unfold naturally as Willow travels the world in an effort to find her place and recover from the events of Hellmouth, amongst other things. Tamaki makes sure that readers understand this miniseries is going to be important within the larger Buffyverse, and teases events our heroes will be facing shortly. Like everything in Booms! Buffyverse, highly recommened.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Willow (2020) #2

Aug 13, 2020

Another excellent issue in Boom!s extended Buffyverse. It's an exciting time to be a Buffy fan, and while it's early days for this Willow mini-series it'll be interesting to see how events here affect the other series, and how it'll all tie in. A well deserved opportunity to spend some time with Willow and learn a little more about her. Buffy fans don't want to miss this.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Willow (2020) #4

Oct 13, 2020

The penultimate issue of Willow, it's been an excellent way to spend time with the character and learn a little more about what makes her tick. With only one issue left before her return to the main Buffy comic (ignoring the fact that due to the way comics are published she's technically already returned) it'll be interesting to see how the final issue, and the series as a whole, have changed the character. Readers will desperately be awaiting the final issue in this exciting mini-series.

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Carnage: Black, White & Blood #1

Mar 24, 2021

The basic description of a Carnage anthology should be enough to decide if this comic will appeal to you. If you love Carnage and any excuse to spend more time with the evilest of symbiotes appeals to you then you’ll love this comic. Anthologies of short stories don’t appeal to everyone, but having some real talent involved means most of the stories are above average quality. The choose your own adventure comic is a real highlight.

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Chariot #1

Mar 2, 2021

A futuristic, sentient, Knight Rider style car. Interesting characters who readers will instantly empathise with. Stunning art, equally comfortable with Block Buster style action as quieter, touching moments. Excellent writing. There are plenty of reasons to pick this comic up, beyond the exciting concept of ex-con meets Knight Rider.

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Cojacaru: The Skinner #1

Apr 21, 2021

Another exciting entry in a shared universe which has all of the same scope and potential the Mignolaverse, but without a titular hero like Hellboy who is central to the whole story. This gives a freedom to paint a much bigger picture with a sense that no-one is truly safe. Hellboy’s destiny was foretold early on, and subsequent stories were just steps on the path to getting there. This Outerverse doesn’t find itself contained in the same way, and it feels like Mignola and Golden could take this story in a myriad of ways. Bergting’s art is excellent as always, and his heavy involvement in all the previous entries in the Outerverse contribute to the feel of a shared universe.

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Cojacaru: The Skinner #2

May 18, 2021

This two-parter is one of a number of smaller tales laying the groundwork for what is still to come in Mignola and Goldens shared Outerverse. It gives readers a taste of the battles that lay ahead, whilst introducing some of the champions who will be fighting for humanity. By telling such small scale tales it really gives the universe a feeling of being vast and filled with possibility. Cojacaru is a shining beacon of light in a world overrun by darkness, different witches lie at every turn, and this is an exciting time to be a Mignola fan.

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Devil's Highway #1

Jun 30, 2020

Yet another series from AWA which manages to establish, with only its debut issue, itself as yet another comic series that must be read. The level of quality from AWA is uncannily good. Benjamin Percy’s writing is phenomenal, it’s character led stories which are real page turners. The skill of the creative team doesn’t end there though, Schoonover’s art and Filardi’s colours make this comic into a real place, with real characters going through natural emotions. The tale of a serial killer who may have inadvertently chosen the wrong victim, and the femme fatale on his tail, promises to be a good one.

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Devil's Highway #2

Aug 13, 2020

An exciting second part in the investigation of the serial killer who murdered Sharons dad, it makes for some compulsive reading. The only thing which matches the quality of the writing is the quality of the art. Yet another incredible comic from AWA studios which readers are sure to lap up.

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Devil's Highway #3

Sep 15, 2020

Schoonover and Percy make an excellent pairing, working together to tell a perfectly crafted tale of serial killers, snakes, conspiracy theories, and a revenge story following one of the most badass protagonists to appear in a comic for a long time. If you haven’t been following along with this series you need to pick up the first couple of issues then this one, you won’t regret it. AWA continue to show the reader that they may be a small publisher but the quality of the stories they keep putting out there makes them one to be watched.

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Devil's Highway #4

Oct 20, 2020

Devil’s Highway continues to impress, excellent storytelling and art throughout the series, a creative team who work really well together and are firing on all cylinders here. The concept of a cult of serial killer truck drivers is excellent, suitably scary yet managing to remain believable. The series is so consistently good it really manages to stand out from the crowd.

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ET-ER #1

Apr 22, 2020

It’s definitely an interesting premise for a series, with different creators telling their own stories in each subsequent issue. Early days for sure, but this debut issue does a great job of introducing the hospital and staff. McComsey and Pulido make a great team and manage to keep the ideas feeling fresh and increasingly bonkers.The only criticism is that it feels a little safe at times. Definitely worth picking this issue up if only to see where the rest of the series goes.

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Extreme Carnage (2021): Scream #1

Jul 14, 2021

A fantastic next chapter in Chapmans run on Scream, if this is the only way that readers get to experience what happens next for Andi Benton and her symbiote then fans will love it. As the second part of the Extreme Carnage event it’s still unclear how the entire series will come together but the pieces are there for an entertaining story, and hopefully this finished event will read coherently despite the different creative teams taking over the reigns as the series progresses.

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Extreme Carnage (2021): Alpha #1

Jul 7, 2021

This issue does a great job of introducing the summers symbiote event, along with the new symbiote status quo, and most importantly making Carnage feel like a truly terrifying monster again. The concept of different creative teams taking the story through the event and telling stories focusing on different symbiotes is intriguing, but only time will tell how effective it is at telling a coherent story. Carnage really shines in this issue, but sometimes to the detriment of the other characters.

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FCBD 2020: Spider-Man/Venom #1

Jul 22, 2020

Another excellent FCBD story, it fills in the blanks between Venom #25 & #26, but most importantly it introduces readers to Virus. Fans of Donny Cates run will lap this up, Ryan Stegmans art is incredible as always, and released as a free comic it's a no brainer. Pick this up at your LCS today.

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Firefly (2018) #11

Nov 20, 2019

Fans of Boom! Studios offerings of Firefly so far will continue to enjoy this series. As this is the only continuation we’re likely to get for Firefly I say no power in the ‘Verse will stop me reading them. A few small tweaks to the formula could make this a really fantastic series.

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Firefly (2018) #12

Dec 18, 2019

The story hasn’t necessarily had the impact it should have done. The argument that this is the only way we’re going to get more Firefly probably isn’t the most convincing reason to buy it. Will I keep it on my pull list? Yes, but it’s not something I’m going to rush down to my local comic book shop to pick up.

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Firefly (2018) #13

Jan 22, 2020

The start of a brand new storyline, it shows a lot of promise, and hopefully won’t make the same mistakes the previous storyline did by feeling drawn out towards the end. The new art team do a great job and I can’t wait to see more of their work. Firefly fans won’t be disappointed.

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Firefly (2018) #14

Feb 18, 2020

This issue is a return to form for Firefly fans. Having a new art team for this arc helps to make this feel fresh and new. If this is the new standard going forward fans, new and old, are in for a treat.

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Firefly (2018) #15

Mar 19, 2020

This issue is sure to be a fan pleaser. Greg Pak’s script captures the characters banter really well, Lalit Kumar Sharma and Francesco Segala’s art have really strong Sci-fi/Western vibes which nails Firefly really well. If the Unification War storyline wasn’t quite to your taste I recommend picking up the New Sheriff in the ‘Verse storyline, it’s much closer to the feel of the TV series.

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Firefly (2018) #16

Jun 17, 2020

This issue feels more like filler than substantial story and only serves to highlight the area’s where the comic can’t capture the magic of the shortlived yet well loved TV series. It’s not a bad issue, or series, per se, but it can’t quite achieve the lofty heights of Joss Whedon’s masterpiece. Another change in art team leaves the comic feeling as if it doesn’t have a clear identity. Fans who have stuck in with this series may begin to feel a little disappointed.

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Firefly (2018) #17

Jul 7, 2020

It’s not a bad series but Greg Pak has spent too long with the crew separated, he can’t quite catch Joss Whedon’s magic, and while it’s likely this will be the only return to the Firefly ‘Verse for fans it doesn’t quite live up to the TV series. Pak has shown he can do it though, he gets so much right, but can’t quite seem to pull it all together to produce a comic that lives up to its TV series. It’s a welcome return of Lalit Kumar Sharma who helps to give the Firefly comic its own unique identity.

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Firefly (2018) #18

Jul 31, 2020

While Pak manages to capture the banter between the crew beautifully it’s a shame that he decides to spend so much time not focusing on it, but this issue remedies that slightly by having a larger focus on Kaylee and Jayne. There are a few important moments within this story which promise to have implications going forward for the series. The art from Sharma & Segala help to give this series an incredibly unique, Western meets Sci-fi vibe which is brilliantly recreated from the series.

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Firefly (2018) #19

Aug 18, 2020

Boom!s Firefly has been a bit hit or a miss of late, and the recent storyline has been one of the weaker aspects. This issue turns that around a little, and the conclusion is one of the biggest twists and revelations in the comics history. It’s an incredible moment and is guaranteed to stun readers and puts a different slant on recent events. The art continues to bring the Western meets Sci-Fi vibe to life.

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Firefly (2018) #21

Oct 20, 2020

Another issue of Firefly which doesn’t quite live up to its full potential, the storyline feels a little too sci-fi for the world of Firefly. Strong moral messages, great banter between the crew, and excellent art make the weaknesses of the storyline more frustrating.

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Firefly (2018) #25

Jan 26, 2021

A brand new chapter which gives Pak more creative freedom than ever as its set in the aftermath of Serenity, it feels like really early days for the series and only time will tell how it all unfolds. It’s clear that time hasn’t been kind to all of our heroes so it’ll be a fun ride to discover what they’ve gone through in the intervening years. The new art team do a great job of capturing the feel and energy of the Firefly ‘verse.

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Firefly (2018) #26

Feb 23, 2021

The comic series from Boom unfortunately doesn’t capture the magic that was great about the TV series, or even the Firefly comic series, despite the bold moves that Greg Pak has made. Jumping forward in time, dividing the crew, resurrecting old comrades, all brave moves. While it’s not a bad comic it’s unfortunately not a great Firefly comic.

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Firefly (2018) #27

Mar 31, 2021

Booms current run on Firefly continues to be disappointing, the characterisation for the leads feels off, and the explanations for Mal’s recent disappearance don’t feel in keeping with the character. Rather than being a good issue giving readers plenty of opportunity to reconnect with Mal it feels like the entire issue could have been condensed down to only four pages and not be any worse for it.

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Firefly (2018) #28

Apr 28, 2021

Good art isn’t enough to save the comic from the subpar writing which has plagued it for a while now. The crew being split apart, before reuniting, feels old and stale now, and the emotional beats that the comic aims to hit fall short because only the most diehard of fans will still be clinging on at this stage.

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Firefly (2018) #29

May 26, 2021

It’s difficult to know how this story arc will pan out, or whether or not the original TV series would have covered this if it hadn’t been prematurely cancelled. It’s the closest to classic Firefly that this series has achieved in a long time, but whether or not that will keep readers coming back for more is up in the air. The art looks great though, and almost justifies the cost of entry.

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Firefly (2018): The Outlaw Ma Reynolds #1

Jan 8, 2020

Despite appearing to only be a one-shot this is essential reading for the main Firefly storyline. Good fun and nice to focus on Mal for a change but I missed the rest of the crew and I'm looking forward to them getting back together in the main series. My only real gripe is how this issue was set up in Firefly #12, it just didn't feel realistic to me. The change in artists is a welcome change.

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Firefly: Brand New 'Verse #1

Mar 24, 2021

It’s early days in this series, which has made the bold move to jump forward in time by 20 years from its parent series. So far, all the pieces are there, with so much potential on offer, but only time will tell if it lives up to its namesake or not. One of the strengths of Firefly were the crew, and by removing them here are they paving the way for greatness or a disaster? Only time will tell. Either way the art looks great and really captures the Firefly ‘Verse.

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Firefly: Brand New 'Verse #2

Apr 21, 2021

It captures the frenetic energy and crews penchant for mischief that the TV series was filled with, while also having it’s own identity. It’s got its feet firmly rooted in the Firefly universe and the reappearance of several old friends is skilfully done and will delight fans. This comic is likely the closest that fans can expect to a full sequel to Firefly/Serenity, and as such it does a great job with the ‘Verse.

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Frankenstein (2015): Undone #1

Jan 29, 2020

This looks to be another unmissable chapter within the larger Mignolaverse. This gives us a closer look at Frankenstein, as well as being a surprisingly deep look at what makes a man and what makes a monster. Stenbeck’s art is great as ever and this first issue promises great things to come.

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Frankenstein (2015): Undone #2

May 30, 2020

It feels early on in the series to tell where Frankensteins' story will go. As a collected edition it will no doubt read a little more focused and enjoyable, but not a bad comic by any means. The art from Stenbeck and colours from Wagner is one of the highlights of the comic. Frankenstein undone promises to be another important chapter in the larger Mignolaverse which fans won’t want to miss.

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Friday #1

May 6, 2020

Brubakers story and characters are intriguing, the whole post young adult premise is exciting, and there is plenty of mystery to hook the reader into the story. The art is incredibly rich and detailed, and the colours in particular really stand out. The style of the art, more specifically the characters, won’t appeal to everyone, which is a shame since this is an excellent debut issue with plenty of promise for future issues.

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Grendel Kentucky #1

Sep 1, 2020

An intriguing debut issue, while still early days for the mini-series there are enough hooks to keep readers coming back for the next issue. The comic has a unique, audible feel to it, and this extra layer is a nice touch and will leave the reader wondering why more comics don’t make use of the SFX. The writing is evocative of Sons of Anarchy, and the art style is perfectly suited to bringing Grendel to life. Another exciting debut issue from AWA.

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Grendel Kentucky #2

Oct 14, 2020

An exciting second issue which promises to race full throttle until the series conclusion, teasing readers that this will become a full-on horror series by the time it’s done. The art does a great job of capturing the tone of the comic, and the supernatural elements feel unique and well done.

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Grendel Kentucky #4

Dec 23, 2020

A satisfying end to an excellent horror series, one of the best comic showdowns in recent history. The action continues to be filled with noise and the reader can practically hear the sounds, which is an excellent touch that is all too often overlooked. It all comes together to be a rather unique horror story that manages to evoke the same feelings of some of the greatest horror stories.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #11

Nov 13, 2019

The future looks bleak for our heroes, and the concluding issue promises to be epic. It’s a shame that building up to that issue has left this issue feeling a bit of a weak link in this run. However the artwork is, as always, stunning, and well worth the price of admission. And this is essential reading for #12 which promises to make up for the weaker aspects of the Faithless storyline.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #12

Dec 18, 2019

As Donny Cates last issue on Guardians of the Galaxy he really ends it all on a high. Great art, some incredible references back to earlier Cosmic series he’s done, this is going to be a guaranteed fan pleaser. Now all we need is an omnibus containing all of his cosmic work to date.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #1

Jan 22, 2020

An impressive start to a new run from Al Ewing, his obvious knowledge and reverence for everything that’s come before leaves me excited for what’s to come next. Juann Cabal does a great job on art and leaves you no doubt he’ll do excellent whether it’s quieter moments or galaxy sized epic fights. It’s early to say how good this run will be but right now I’m feeling optimistic, and long time fans are sure to love it.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #2

Feb 19, 2020

It’s early days in Ewings run but it already looks set to be an incredible run. Clever storytelling techniques from not just Ewing but Cabal and Blee set this above other runs on Guardians. The best comics have a creative team firing on all cylinders, this one has them collaborating so closely the final product is nothing short of genius. The galaxy is sure to remain safe, it’s our heroes I’m more worried about.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #3

Mar 18, 2020

A slower issue than the first two, we get a chance to see the Guardians dealing with their grief. An extensive art team help tell the story better than Ewings words, which is a deliberate and effective ploy on his part. I’m looking forward to seeing whose still standing in this team once the dust settles.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #4

Jul 15, 2020

If it lives up to its promise this is a run which could rival Dan Abnetts iconic cosmic run.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #5

Aug 5, 2020

Another excellent issue in what promises to be a fantastic run on the Guardians, Al Ewings makes sure to pay homage to all that’s come before, and is reverential of previous material, all the while making his own mark on the iconic team. The art is out of this world, no pun intended, and just as iconic as the original run on Guardians. Don’t miss out on this series.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #8

Nov 4, 2020

Al Ewing’s run on Guardians gets better and better with each issue, he shows readers he’s taking each character very seriously, spending the time on their characterisation and drafting a familiar Guardians which are also very much Ewings Guardians. The art continues to impress.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #9

Dec 9, 2020

Long time fans of Marvels cosmic tales will no doubt lap this up as they have the rest of Ewing’s run on Guardians. Not the strongest tale in the series so far it feels like important setup for future storylines, and an important part of Star Lords tale. The art and colours continue to be absolutely stunning. Cabal and Blee look set to be amongst the best artists on an ongoing Guardians series.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #11

Feb 17, 2021

An important character focused story setting up events for the future of the guardians. Some brilliant throwbacks to the Annihilation event are sure to delight long-time fans. Watching Al Ewing, with his clear reverence for the characters histories, mould the team into a new and exciting shape is a real delight. The art is stunning and a real highlight of the issue. Guardians of the Galaxy fans owe it to themselves to pick this comic up.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #14

May 12, 2021

This is an exciting time to be a Guardians fan. If the series continues like this it will end up being one of, if not THE, best Guardians run. Al Ewing is really leaning into the teams remit as quite literal Guardians of the Galaxy and the stakes have never felt higher, the storytelling and art on a new level. Readers owe it to themselves to get onboard this insane rollercoaster ride now or risk losing out on the most exciting Guardians story of the past decade.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #15

Jun 23, 2021

Al Ewings grasp of the characters is second to none, this run is as important to the lore as anything previously published. It’s impossible to heap enough praise on the issue, or the larger series. Each issue stands out from the rows of comics because of the second to none storytelling contained within. This is fast becoming one of the best runs on Guardians, and in time will rightly be remembered as a legendary epic. This is shaping up to be the definitive take on the Guardians of the Galaxy.

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Hawkeye: Freefall #1

Jan 2, 2020

This comic is great fun from beginning to end. Hawkeyes narration is filled with plenty of humour and you don’t need to be well versed in the character to follow what’s going on. We’ve got an interesting setup which takes a good look at the corrupt justice system, as well as a mystery to solve in Ronin’s reappearance. Recommended.

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Hawkeye: Freefall #2

Jan 29, 2020

Buy this issue, and the previous one, to see what all the hype is about. Stay, because it’s damn good fun, an interesting story with twists and turns, art that perfectly matches the tone. Plenty of great action, great storytelling, plenty of laughs. I’m excited to see where they take this story in the next issue and how they explain the events of the first two issues.

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Hawkeye: Freefall #3

Feb 12, 2020

The twists and turns keep coming, there are laughs-a-plenty, plenty of cameos from other well known characters, so many reasons to keep coming back issue after issue. The art perfectly matches the tone of the book and makes it an essential if you’re after a good time.

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Hawkeye: Freefall #4

Mar 11, 2020

The gag on the first couple of pages is worth the price of admission alone. The fact that the rest of the issue is just as funny and a good time is an added bonus. One of the funniest comics I’ve ever read. On a parallel earth Matthew Rosenberg’s making his living as a comedian. Otto Schmidt’s art takes the humour, and action packed scenes, to the next level. You won’t stop laughing from the moment you open this comic till the last page. And maybe for a few minutes after as well. The Hawkeye/Ronin plot gets more complicated and convoluted with each issue, and that’s half the fun of it.

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Hawkeye: Freefall #5

May 20, 2020

Another good issue in a pretty damn good Hawkeye series, things are really heating up for the final issue, Rosenberg does a fantastic job building the tension throughout this issue. It’s difficult to know how Barton is going to find his way out of the mess he’s found himself in. This series is likely to go down as one of the best Hawkeye series, and whenever new readers are looking for a Hawkeye series to read this will be an easy recommendation. Hopefully Rosenberg and Schmidt will get the opportunity to return to this character in the future.

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Hawkeye: Freefall #6

Jul 1, 2020

One of the best Hawkeye series in years, it begs for a follow-up series from the same creative team to explore where Clint goes next and what the future holds for him. The story has developed excellently over the six issues, Rosenberg understands what makes Barton great, and has been absolutely hilarious at times. The dark spiral that Clint has undergone throughout the series has made for compulsive reading and this series will not only appeal to Hawkeye fans but to a larger audience as well.

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Hellblazer (2016): Rise & Fall #2

Nov 3, 2020

The biggest issues that this mini-series have are that it’s Constantine in name alone, and the Black Label has just been tacked on for some extra graphic violence, not for any storytelling reason. Compared to the recent Hellblazer series this falls short. It would have made much more sense to create a new character for this story than use an existing one if all you’re really using is the name and look. The art is stunning throughout, and the length of the story is a bonus. Not a bad story, just a bad Constantine one.

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Hellblazer: Rise and Fall #1

Sep 1, 2020

An entertaining story featuring John Constantine, the biggest issues that this issue, and the miniseries at large, face are the comparisons with the ongoing Simon Spurrier Hellblazer. Unfortunately in comparison this series really pales. Released at a different time, without that immediate comparison, it would do better.

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Hellblazer: Rise and Fall #2

Nov 3, 2020

The biggest issues that this mini-series have are that it's Constantine in name alone, and the Black Label has just been tacked on for some extra graphic violence, not for any storytelling reason. Compared to the recent Hellblazer series this falls short. It would have made much more sense to create a new character for this story than use an existing one if all you're really using is the name and look. The art is stunning throughout, and the length of the story is a bonus. Not a bad story, just a bad Constantine one.

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Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: Long Night at Goloski Station #1

Oct 30, 2019

Long night at Goloski station has everything we've come to expect from a Mignolaverse tale, fantastic artwork, a story which will haunt you long after you've put the comic down, each page practically dripping with melancholy.

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Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: The Return of Effie Kolb #1

Feb 18, 2020

It's nice to return to a classic Hellboy tale. Excellent writing, great art and of course the legendary Dave Stewart on colors make this a tale Hellboy fans won't want to miss. The only criticism I can make is I suspect it will read much better as a complete tale rather than a two-part story. And if that's the onlycriticism I can aim at it then you know you're in for a treat.

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Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: The Seven Wives Club #1

Nov 10, 2020

Some of the strongest Hellboy stories are one-shots, short stories filled with atmosphere and mystery, and Seven Wives Club will slot nicely in with them, an entertaining story which also serves to showcase Hellboy at his best for new readers. Long time fans will love this return to Hellboys younger days before he was fulfilling his destiny as beast of the apocalypse. The art is gorgeous and full to the brim with atmosphere.

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Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: Her Fatal Hour & The Sending #1

Dec 2, 2020

Hellboy short stories always stand out as some of Mignola's best work, and these two will fit in nicely amongst the others. Mignola tells the story he wants to in the space it requires, and there is no unnecessary bloating to make these stories longer. Fans of Hellboy will be picking this up, no doubt about it, while newcomers will get a good taste of Hellboys world and this could be a stepping stone to investigating the larger mythology. The art from Trevallion feels like a good fit for the Mignolaverse.

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Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: The Secret of Chesbro House #1

Jul 7, 2021

An excellent introduction to a two-part story which feels classic Hellboy, where some of the best tales have been short stories. Filled with a haunting atmosphere, enough twists to keep the reader constantly guessing and some clever narrative tricks to keep the story entertaining readers. Great art, a real spooky vibe, and there are plenty to recommend here for readers new and old.

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Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: The Secret of Chesbro House #2

Aug 11, 2021

Any long-time reader of Hellboy knows how much fun these short stories are, and that they quite often end up being relevant to the larger Hellboy universe in weird and unexpected ways. Mignola and Golden have shown time and time again that they make an excellent pairing, and combining them with McManus' art makes this an excellent example of the Mignolaverse that will appeal to seasoned fans as well as readers with no experience of Hellboys world.

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Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: The Return of Effie Kolb #2

Oct 28, 2020

It's been said that the best Hellboy stories are the short stories, and this two-parter with the return of several fan favourite characters manages just that. Fans have everything they could want from a return to Hellboys world, and it's also nice to fill in some of the gaps in Hellboys career that have until this point been glossed over. Zach Howard is a great choice of artist as his style nicely emulates Corbens from the Crooked Man storyline.

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Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: 1957: Family Ties

Sep 14, 2021

The first entry in Hellboy & the B.P.R.D.s 1957 adventures is off to a fantastic start, dark and brooding atmosphere combined with a unique tale centred around a troubled family make for an excellent entry in the Mignolaverse. The Hellboy & the B.P.R.D. tales are in a unique position to both fill the gaps in Hellboys timeline, while also getting to see the evolution of a much younger Hellboy into the hero that readers are intimately familiar with. Roberson's writing pairs perfectly with Mignolas, and Campbell's art consistently creates some of the more atmospheric tales in the Mignolaverse.

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Hellboy: Winter Special: 2019 #1

Jan 15, 2020

A perfect sampler for new readers, the Winter Special is a looked forward to tradition for long time readers to dive back into Hellboys world. Short stories is arguably where Hellboy shines and these three are no exception.

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Home Sick Pilots #1

Dec 2, 2020

A really exciting debut issue, readers owe it to themselves to pick this up and try it. A unique story which wouldn’t work in any other medium half as effectively as it does in comics, if the debut issue is anything to go by this is an ongoing you owe it to yourself to pick up. Watters and Wijngaard make a great creative team, the concept is fantastic, the writing is extraordinary, and the art is phenomenal.

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Home Sick Pilots #2

Jan 12, 2021

The debut issue made an excellent first impression, now that we’re beginning to settle into the larger series it’s obvious that all the favourable reviews were earned, and this is a series to jump on board now. A mesh of so many different genres it would be a disservice to try to boil it down to just one. This comic is an excellent demonstration of creators who understand the strengths of the medium and have crafted something which will appeal to any and all comic book fans. Pick this series up now, while it's just starting. You won't be disappointed.

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Home Sick Pilots #3

Feb 11, 2021

This comic is absolutely bursting with potential, such a clever and different spin on the haunted house story, and three issues in it feels like the story hasn’t even begun in earnest yet. Interesting characters, unique concept, gorgeous art, there’s so much here to recommend. Jump on this series now while it’s still early days, if it keeps going the way it is this will be one of the best and most talked about comics out there.

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Home Sick Pilots #4

Mar 11, 2021

One of the most original comics currently on the market, it’s clear that the story is only just beginning, and there is still so much more of the rich mythology to explore. Watters and Wijngaard make a great partnership, and this comic is one that is going to be talked about for a long time. It’s only four issues in, if you haven’t picked it up yet you want to get on board this comic now, it’s fantastic. Original concept, stunning art, excellent writing, a true showcase of why comics are such a great storytelling medium.

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Home Sick Pilots #5

Apr 14, 2021

The series is beginning to live up to its initial premise of Power Rangers meets The Shining. The storytelling is personal and raw, and this first story-arc does an incredible job of introducing the world, establishing the characters and the stakes, and getting readers excited for whatever comes next. Readers have barely scratched the surface of the deeper mythology Watters has introduced, and coupled with the unbelievably good art from Wijngaard, this combines to make this one of the most original and exciting comics on the market.

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Home Sick Pilots #6

Jun 22, 2021

The first story arc was a consistently good and surprising story, and it would have been an easy trap to fall into to just carry on with more of the same as this second part kicks off, but it continues to innovate and surprise readers. The mythology is rich and layered, and feels barely explored. The characters are relatable and real. The story consistently twists and turns, never taking the expected route. Incredible art with some fantastic designs. There is so much potential here, jump on board this crazy train now before it really takes off. Not to be missed. This comic is special and deserves to reach a wide audience.

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Home Sick Pilots #7

Jul 21, 2021

Home Sick Pilots established in its first story arc that this comic is not to be missed. Stellar writing, stunning art, a unique and different plot. All the pieces are there to produce a comic that will really appeal to readers. This is the kind of magic that rarely happens, when the perfect creative team work together on a project to produce something really special. READ THIS COMIC.

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Home Sick Pilots #8

Aug 18, 2021

Another excellent issue in a consistently good series, the excellent pairing of Watters and Wijngaard makes for some incredible storytelling. Such a unique concept which manages to keep surprising and delighting readers, it’s almost inevitable that once this series is finished it’ll find itself on many ‘best of’ comic lists. The story, the art, all of it is fantastic.

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Home Sick Pilots #9

Sep 14, 2021

It’s an incredibly unique concept that Watters and Wijngaard have created with Home Sick Pilots, and unlike most new stories with different and unique tales to tell, Home Sick Pilots continues to impress and tell new and different stories than readers are expecting. All the pieces are in play for an incredible finale to this story arc, and with sympathetic characters all around who are in truth victims of the ghosts that haunt them, it’s difficult to know who to root for in the coming battle.

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Hotell #1

Mar 18, 2020

Horror fans are going to love this, and between this and all the other comics releasing this week from AWA Upshot mark this as a publisher to keep an eye on. I’m excited to read the rest of the anthology, which is from the same creative team, and discover more chilling and creepy stories unfolding in the Pierott Courts Hotel.

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Hotell #2

Jun 17, 2020

Another horror filled issue in an anthology series that is sure to appeal to fans of horror. John Lees understands that great horror doesn’t always need to involve monsters and the supernatural, that humanity can be more twisted and scary than anything otherworldly. This second issue suggests there is a bit of an overarching narrative going on here as well and it’ll be interesting to see how the finished anthology reads. Talaji’s art is a good match for the series and Loughbridges colours are fantastic. Horror fans do not want to miss this.

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Hotell #3

Jul 22, 2020

Another excellent tale in the Hotell anthology, Lees’ is a writer to be watched, capturing different horror aspects in each tale and satisfactorily concluding each story. The use of the supernatural is only a backdrop to explore the more human horror stories which Lees knows and used to fully tell the tale. The art and colours have been fantastic throughout the series and help to build up the tension in the story.

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Hotell #4

Aug 18, 2020

An excellent conclusion to an anthology filled with vastly different horror stories, John Lees’ manages to not only tell an exciting stand alone story he also manages to tie it all together to tell a cohesive, larger tale. Hopefully this won’t be our last visit to the Pierot Courts Hotel. Having the same creative team across the anthology has worked well for the larger story telling aspects, and the art from Dalibor Talaji has been a great fit for the horror stories which Lees’ has been telling. Horror fans won’t be disappointed with either this issue, or the anthology as a whole.

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House of Whispers (2018) #17

Jan 8, 2020

This issue looks to be getting ready to tie up a lot of threads from earlier issues and I look forward to seeing where it all goes. I’m enjoying the fact that things are rarely what they same and more often than not taken unexpected directions. Another strong addition in the world of The Sandman Universe.

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Imogen of the Wyrding Way #1

Jun 22, 2021

An excellent addition to the world of the Outerverse, which is growing at an incredible rate. Like Hellboy's Mignolaverse, Mignola is crafting another universe with as much talent and love as before, and this is a universe which is almost guaranteed to stand the test of time like it’s older brother, and keep readers coming back time after time. Don’t sleep on this series, pick it up, along with Lady Baltimore, and explore the Outerverse now in its infancy.

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Jim Henson's The Storyteller: Ghosts #1

Mar 9, 2020

This is sure to appeal to horror fans. Fans of the original Jim Henson’s The storyteller won’t be disappointed, but it’s equally accessible if you’ve never come across the original. The tale is tragic and haunting, it delivers everything you could want from it. If the rest of this anthology turns out as good as this debut issue this series will be a must have.

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Jim Henson's The Storyteller: Ghosts #2

May 19, 2020

While we might only be two issues into our four part anthology both have been quite entertaining and different reads. Fans of Jim Henson’s Storyteller are sure to enjoy these stories, and if the quality continues then it promises good things to come. What’s most impressive about this issue is the fact that Jennifer Rostowsky managed to write, draw and colour it. The way that the readers expectations of a ghost story are flipped around to tell a totally different, but equally entertaining story, makes it feel fresh and exciting.

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Jim Henson's The Storyteller: Ghosts #3

Jun 30, 2020

The story and the art come together to tell a satisfactory tale. Another great addition to The Storyteller anthology, the nature of the tales meaning the reader can dip in and out of the stories as they choose. Having each tale written and drawn by the same person has been a nice touch. This story, and anthology series as a whole, will appeal to fans of ghost stories, especially as the stories are never typical and manage to evoke a chill down the readers spine.

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John Constantine: Hellblazer #1

Nov 27, 2019

I can’t rave enough about what a good issue this is. I don’t think I realised how much I needed this series until I started reading it. If this is the standard from DC’s Black Label I think we’re in for a real treat. I am so excited for the future of John Constantine. If I could award more than 10/10 I wouldn’t hesitate. I can’t remember the last time I read a #1 and felt this excited about what’s to come.

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John Constantine: Hellblazer #2

Dec 18, 2019

I can’t fault anything in this new Hellblazer series, the writing, art, colors, all top notch. The stories interesting, taking unexpected turns, the supporting cast come alive on the page fully formed, this is comic books at their absolute best.

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John Constantine: Hellblazer #3

Jan 22, 2020

The third issue cements any doubts that this series is something special. An incredible pairing of writer, artist and colorist make this comic one of the best on the shelves at the moment. Simon Spurriers got such a good grasp of what makes John Constantine so great and has populated his world with characters who feel so real they practically jump off the page. Aaron Campbell manages to bring Constantines London to life in the most incredible way. Jordie Bellaires colors have to be amongst the best in the industry and really atmospheric. This is the comic I look forward to most month after month.

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John Constantine: Hellblazer #4

Feb 26, 2020

Brilliant new tone for this two-parter, Simon Spurrier’s writing will have you in stitches, Matías Bergara’s art sets the tone and helps with the humour, and Jordie Bellaire’s colours is the visual glue which holds it all together. A perfect jumping on point for new readers. This run on Hellblazer is definitely shaping up to be one of the best and most memorable. Simon Spurrier was born to write this series.

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John Constantine: Hellblazer #5

Mar 25, 2020

Tonally very different from the storyarc that came before, this has been a lighter and funnier storyarc. Changing artists to reflect the differences is a stroke of genius. The Hellblazer world and mythos continues to expand. Spurrier manages to take our expectations and still shock us with twists and turns. Bergara’s art compliments the tone. A satisfactory end to the Scrubbing Up storyline, this is a series that readers will look forward to week after week.

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John Constantine: Hellblazer #6

Jun 2, 2020

An incredibly powerful comic, incredible writing, and current global events make it resonate incredibly strongly. If you haven’t been reading this run on Hellblazer do yourself a favour and go pick it up at once. You won’t regret it. The writing, the art, the colours, all three are out of this world.

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John Constantine: Hellblazer #7

Jun 23, 2020

Yet another outstanding issue, it’s dark and seedy, a character study into a twisted man and the effects of isolation. The art brings Constantine’s London to life in a way which not many comics can achieve. With these seven issues Spurrier establishes himself as one of the great Hellblazer writers, easily on the same level as Delano or Ennis.

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John Constantine: Hellblazer #8

Jul 29, 2020

Each subsequent issue takes us deeper into the seedier elements of John’s London, the human psyche, and the depravities that people do to each other. The supernatural elements allow Spurrier to tell the story he wants, but each story is very human and grounded in reality. One of, if not THE, best ongoing series of 2020. Do yourself a favour and pick this comic up now.

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John Constantine: Hellblazer #9

Aug 25, 2020

Hellblazer is THE BEST ongoing series out there, not renewing it after issue 12 is a travesty. Pick this comic up now, it’ll stand the test of time and will be remembered as one of, if not THE, best runs on Hellblazer. Tell your friends to buy a copy, buy an extra copy for them. Will it be enough to convince DC to carry this series on? Who knows, but a series which is consistently number one on comic book round up deserves an opportunity to prove itself. A different tone than previous issues, its still everything which is excellent about Hellblazer.

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John Constantine: Hellblazer #10

Sep 29, 2020

This issue should come with a disclaimer, not for the faint of heart. An exceptionally tense issue in an exceptionally good Hellblazer run, this issue will have fans talking for weeks. Spurrier shows us yet again what a masterful storyteller he is, and how incredibly well suited he is to dabble with the Hellblazer mythos. If ever a writer and a series were a natural pairing this is it. Bergara takes readers expectations for the style of story he’s telling and flips it around completely, showing us he’s more than capable of telling darker and more horrifying stories.

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John Constantine: Hellblazer #11

Oct 27, 2020

Storytelling on a level which is rarely seen in comics, the series has explored some dark themes, and with this issue everything is culminating towards an incredible finale, and readers can see the entire series has been building to this point and telling one grand story. It’s not just the writing though, it’s the art, the colours, it all comes together to create such an incredible piece of work, there isn’t anything which lets this series down.

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John Constantine: Hellblazer #12

Nov 24, 2020

This isn’t a comic to be on the fence about buying. This is a comic you NEED to get down to your local comic shop and pick up at once. This run of Hellblazer is amongst the best there is, and Spurrier delivers a finale that is perfect. This run of Hellblazer isn’t just amongst the best comics of the year, or the decade, this is an all time great, and this finale is the best of an excellent bunch. The writing, the art, the colours, it’s impossible to imagine a greater creative team coming together or producing a better story. BUY THIS COMIC.

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King In Black #3

Jan 20, 2021

With only two issues left the stakes have never been higher, there are some incredible battles here and real fan pleasing moments in this issue. It’s clear how long this event has been in the planning, and fans of Cates’ work in general will be rewarded for having read all his Marvel work. Answers to the mysteries surrounding Dylan feel close by, and however this event ends it’s guaranteed to change Venom forever. If you're a fan of Marvel, Cates and/or Stegman, you owe it to yourself to pick this comic up.

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King In Black #4

Feb 17, 2021

As Marvel events go this has been one of the best in years, the tie-ins have been well thought out and contribute to the overall storyline. The main King in Black comic has, of course, been the true highlight, and watching Cates’ and Stegman bring their venom Swansong together is a real delight. Fantastic story, unbelievable art, truly epic event storytelling, this will appeal to all Marvel fans.

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King In Black #5

Apr 7, 2021

This issue demonstrates two masters at the top of the game, crafting an ending to not only the King in Black event but also their years long run on Venom. A satisfying ending which ties up most, if not all, of the loose plot threads from their run. An ending to an event that felt truly universe threatening. This issue, along with the entire event, is not to be missed.

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King In Black: Scream #1

Mar 24, 2021

This issue reads like a conclusion to the previously cancelled Scream series using the excuse of the King in Black event to tell a final chapter to Chapmans series. It’s a logical tie-in to the event but the real lure will be for fans of Scream. It’s nice to learn a little more about what happened to Demagoblin following her resurrection in Absolute Carnage, and it feels like a resolution for the character of Scream. The art really captures the horror vibe that Chapman is going for and the result is a creepy one shot.

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King In Black: Handbook #1

Mar 3, 2021

Just to recap, if you're feeling lost and overwhelmed by the number of different symbiotes out there and references then it's a no brainer, pick this up. If you're familiar with most of the characters and story but occasionally find the need to head over to Wikipedia, then pick this up. If you're a die-hard Venom superfan then there'll still be something in here for you, well written and entertaining, there's bound to be something in here you've forgotten. The ultimate guide to everything symbiote.

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King In Black: Spider-Man #1

Mar 17, 2021

A fun story that is reminiscent of Spider-Man’s Friendly Neighbourhood origin stories, it’s only let down by the fact that the story doesn’t tie in very well with the King in Black event. Someone forgot that Parker currently has his hands full dealing with Knull and isn’t just swinging around helping out innocent bystanders. An entertaining story that feels more like it’s designed to introduce readers to Reptil before his solo event later on in the year. The art looks great throughout the comic, and both art teams really bring their A-Game.

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King In Black: Captain America #1

Mar 3, 2021

A tie-in that unfortunately suffers from being not essential reading to either King in Black or Captain America fans, this is one for die hards only. The story is entertaining in its own right. It’s an interesting concept of exploring the lasting damage of Knulls hold over Captain America, but ultimately feels like it doesn’t live up to the potential by being resolved in a one shot. It's there to flesh out King in Black and tells a self contained story which leaves it feeling a bit lacking when compared to some of the other tie-ins out there.

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King In Black: Black Panther #1

Feb 14, 2021

An excellent chapter in the King in Black event, not essential reading but fans of King in Black won’t want to miss this tale, a corner of the world which has so far been overlooked in the rest of the event. Thorne understands what works well about Black Panther and manages to tell a story which really captures the vibe of Wakanda, and answers the question of how well Wakanda would fare against a symbiote army. It manages to stand apart from the other tie-ins as well, no mean feat. The art is really good, the action scenes are incredible and the symbiote designs really capture the sinister horror vibe better than most of the other one-shots in the event. If you’re not planning on picking up all the tie-ins to the event this is one of the issues you should definitely consider picking up.

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King In Black: Wiccan and Hulkling #1

Mar 1, 2021

While not essential reading for the larger King in Black event it's a fun love story focusing on one of Marvels biggest couples at the moment. Fans of the couple, along with Empyre and cosmic, will lap this story up, and completionists won't feel like this is a waste of money. As if an entertaining story isn't reason enough to pick this up, the art and colours are fantastic too.

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King In Black: Black Knight #1

Feb 3, 2021

This is a great introduction to the character of Dane Whitman, Black Knight, for new readers and a refreshing take on the mythology and the direction the ongoing series will be taking for seasoned readers. The best kind of tie-in, one that expands upon the main event but doesn’t feel like a story for stories sake, this is a tale that was dying to be told and just happens to be set against the backdrop of the King in Black event. Fans of the event, the Black Knight, Simon Spurriers writing, or Marvel comics in general will not be disappointed with this issue.

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King In Black: Ghost Rider #1

Mar 29, 2021

This issue is a conclusion to Brisson’s earlier run on Ghost Rider, and nicely wraps up most of the outstanding plotlines as well as offering some important changes to the status quo in Blaze and co’s life, as well as the more general backdrop of Hell itself. Gorgeous visuals, demons, symbiotes and Ghost Rider going head to head, an action packed comic that fans will love, but will appeal to fans of King in Black as well as just Ghost Rider. If you only pick up one tie-in issue to King in Black make it this one, it won’t disappoint.

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King In Black: Gwenom vs. Carnage #1

Jan 13, 2021

Fans of Ghost-Spider who were disappointed with the abrupt ending of the series will lap this up. For readers coming solely from the King in Black event it answers the question of what Gwen is up to, as well as being more symbiote goodness. The twist ending promises plenty of excitement in the next issue. With King in Black it feels like Marvel are getting the tie-in issues just right.

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King In Black: Gwenom vs. Carnage #2

Feb 3, 2021

This is a series written for fans of the cancelled Ghost-Spider series, who will absolutely love not only the return to that world but the opportunity to really explore the relationship between Gwen and M.J., which serves as a good look at the character of Gwen in great detail. It’s clear that however this series pans out Gwen won’t be the same again. The art is very unique and stylised and is a great match for the story being told.

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King In Black: Gwenom vs. Carnage #3

Mar 3, 2021

This is sure to appeal to fans of Gwen Stacy, Ghost-Spider, who will enjoy this next chapter in Gwens life. It feels like it's setting up important events for the future, and there will be repercussions for the characters later. Not essential reading for the King in Black event it is a fun story that shows a different part of Knull's invasion, so will appeal to fans of the larger event as well.

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King In Black: Planet Of The Symbiotes #1

Jan 12, 2021

As tie-in issues go most issues usually fall into one of two categories, essential reading or unnecessary money making issues. In terms of importance this one appears to fall into the latter, and in terms of enjoyment factor it’s a pretty good, fun read. If you only plan on picking up one or two of the tie-in issues you can’t go wrong with this one, it’s fun, it expands the event and doesn’t feel unnecessary. It does a great job of fleshing out the event and has everything you want in a tie-in issue.

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King In Black: Planet Of The Symbiotes #2

Feb 17, 2021

Not quite as effective as the first Planet of the Symbiote comic, this is still a fun tie-in to the main event, but without quite as strong an appeal as the first one. If you’re a fan of giant monsters smashing things, or Hobie Brown/The Prowler/Hornet then this is a comic to pick up. If you’re looking for a bit more King in Black because the main story wasn’t quite scratching that itch, pick this up. Otherwise this is a tie-in you can happily avoid without missing out on the main story.

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King In Black: Planet Of The Symbiotes #3

Apr 7, 2021

Another worthy addition to King in Blacks tie in anthology series, the issue is only let down by the second story which just rehashes other idea’s which have been done to death. There is good art throughout the comic by both creatives teams though, and it’s an interesting look into other events occurring during the main King in Black event.

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King In Black: Thunderbolts #1

Jan 12, 2021

Another good fun tie in to the King in Black event, while not essential readings it’s a fun, energetic read that will appeal to more than just completists. Fans of the Thunderbolts, in any of their iterations, will be sure to enjoy it, as will fans of Cates’ run on Venom and the King in Black event. Good writing expertly fuses horror and comedy, with art that fits perfectly in with the style of the story to produce a good, fun tie in.

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King In Black: Thunderbolts #3

Mar 3, 2021

Thunderbolts has been one of the best of the King in Black tie-ins. It’s been funny from beginning to end, while it may have come together as a response to Knull this reads more like an introduction to a brand new iteration of the Thunderbolts with an exciting future ahead of them. Rosenberg keeps the laughs coming even while the odds are stacked against our heroes (villains) and it’s been one of the best mini-series to come out of King in Black.

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Lady Baltimore: The Witch Queens #1

Mar 24, 2021

This issue does exactly what first issues should, it introduces readers both new and old to the cast of characters, sets up the ongoing plot without giving too much away, and is above all good fun. Clearly following in the legacy that Baltimore created it takes pains to establish itself as its own series with a cast of both new and old characters. It’s filled with plenty of promise for the future and will have fans desperate to see where these new Outerverse tales go.

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Lady Baltimore: The Witch Queens #2

Apr 21, 2021

Fans of either Baltimore, Joe Golem, or Mignola’s work in general will love this series. It’s paving the way for a new shared universe with plenty of potential for the future, numerous new characters and stories just begging to be explored. As opposed to Hellboy, who’s ending was prophesised early in the series, this series has so much potential and could go in any direction.

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Lady Baltimore: The Witch Queens #3

May 25, 2021

This is the perfect opportunity to watch the Outerverse begin to blossom from seeds planted in Baltimore and Joe Golem. Readers have barely scratched the surface of this shared universe but indications are it’s going to be as big and exciting as Hellboy’s universe, and while comparisons are likely as both are the brainchild of Mike Mignola there is so much in here to set it apart from that series.

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Lady Baltimore: The Witch Queens #4

Jun 23, 2021

As penultimate issues go the stakes have never felt higher. As the first chapter in the new Outerverse the groundwork being laid here is incredible. The mythology of the Outerverse is rich, the storytelling epic, the art is inspired, Mignola fans rejoice for the beginning of another outstanding universe filled with the kind of deep, layered storytelling we've come to expect from the master.

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Locke & Key: Dog Days #1

Nov 6, 2019

Dog Days is a welcome return to the Keyhouse, a joy to read, with the promise of more to come.

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Locke & Key/Sandman: Hell & Gone #0

Dec 9, 2020

The Locke & Key story, Open The Moon, is reason enough to buy this comic. One of the best stand alone stories, not just in the Locke & Key saga, but in the entire medium of comics. Beautiful and heart wrenching at the same time, even the coldest hearts will find themselves emotionally invested in this story. The excerpt from The Sandman serves as a reminder of how the saga began, and a good introduction for new readers. This comic isn't just for fans of the upcoming crossover, comic book fans in general owe it to themselves to pick this issue up.

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Locke & Key/Sandman: Hell & Gone #1

Apr 13, 2021

One of the most ambitious crossovers between two comics which regularly appear on all time best lists, it doesn't just live up to the expectations, it far exceeds them. If this is any indication to go by this crossover, extending from In Pale Battalions Go, to Hell and Gone, will be one of the best chapters in both sagas. Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez are incredible collaborators, a team that never fails to impress and amaze, and they're both on their A-game here.

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Locke & Key: In Pale Battalions Go #1

Aug 25, 2020

The fact that it's Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez returning to the fantastic world of Locke & Key should be enough to sell this comic. Not only is it always a delight to return to the world of Keyhouse, but it's also an excellent story which draws the reader back into the world of Locke & Key. While the fact it's also an important part of the setup for the upcoming crossover with Sandman is an added bonus, the excellent writing and art are the real attraction here. And for fans of Sandman who've never picked up an issue of Locke & Key before this is a great starting point, a stand alone adventure which is sure to paint enough background to enjoy and appreciate the crossover.

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Locke & Key: In Pale Battalions Go #2

Oct 6, 2020

Locke & Key consistently ranks as one of the all time greatest comics, and this welcome return marks what might well be one of the best Locke & Key stories of all time. That it's also part of the build up to the crossover with the Sandman Universe make it even more exciting. Readers will constantly be surprised by the twists and turns of this issue, and keep guessing throughout. The art is as incredible as the reader has come to expect from Gabriel Rodrguez, and if you've been sleeping on this story you need to get in on the action now.

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Lonely Receiver #1

Sep 1, 2020

There are some incredibly creative concepts on show here, Zac Thompson feels like he has an important message to tell about humanities unhealthy relationship with technology and using a literal relationship with technology is an inspired way to look at it. It's still incredibly early days for the comic and it's difficult to tell where the series will go from here. Jen Hickman does an amazing job with the art, bringing these fantastical elements to life and managing to portray an adult relationship incredibly well.

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Lonely Receiver #2

Oct 7, 2020

A very honest and raw look at breakups, examined through the lense of a futuristic A.I. leaving a woman. It’s an interesting examination of the loss during a breakup, as well as being an interesting look at the way technology, and our dependence on it, is growing, and one potential future if society carries on down the route it’s going.

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Mirka Andolfo's Mercy #1

Mar 4, 2020

An intriguing tale, unfolding at its own pace and never feeling rushed, Mercy #1 introduces readers to a world steeped in gothic horror. While providing plenty of questions and no answers yet gives us a compelling reason to keep reading. The atmosphere this comic creates is fantastic. It’s all the more impressive when you consider how hard Andolfo must have worked to not only write but draw the tale. Fans of gothic horror will not want to miss this.

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Mirka Andolfo's Mercy #2

May 27, 2020

While it doesn’t feel like any of the mysteries are any closer to being solved than they were after the first issue it’s an entertaining read which keeps the reader intrigued enough to want to return to further explore Lady Hellaine and the town of Woodsburgh. The overall effect is an intriguing otherworldly gothic tale that sucks the reader deep into the story. The art is fantastic and some of the creations contained within are sure to stick in the readers' memories long after they have put the issue down.

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Mirka Andolfo's Mercy #3

Jul 29, 2020

The pieces are slowly coming together to reveal the picture and the reader is beginning to get an idea of what’s going on in Mercy. Mirka Andolfo’s storytelling techniques feel fresh and exciting, and it’ll be interesting to see how this story develops and what the future holds for it. The art is extraordinary and a real strength of the comic.

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Mirka Andolfo's Mercy #4

Jul 29, 2020

The strongest issue yet, filled with plenty of revelations to keep readers hooked and on the edge of their seat, Mirka Andolfo makes sure to fill it with just as many twists and turns while introducing a number of new mysteries. Where this story will end up remains to be seen, but hopefully it’ll continue on past the six issues originally planned for it, or future mini-series can be told in this universe she’s created. Even with answers being more forthcoming it feels like we’ve barely scratched the surface of the rich mythology that Andolfo has created here. The art is absolutely stunning and each page is beautiful.

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Mirka Andolfo's Mercy #5

Aug 25, 2020

A uniquely dark and otherworldly fairytale, each issue gets better and better, and expectations are incredibly high for the conclusion to this series. Readers will be in awe of Mirka Andolfo’s storytelling capabilities, watching her bring her story to life through the brilliant and vivid art.

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Mirka Andolfo's Mercy #6

Sep 30, 2020

An incredible conclusion to an outstanding storyline, except it feels less like an ending and more of a beginning. Readers will look forward to these characters return in the future. Mirka Andolfo shows readers she’s not only a talented artist but also a fantastic writer, continually throwing twists into the story to shock readers, and what an emotional ending she’s crafted here.

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Monstress #25

Jan 29, 2020

We have such complex characters, with different motivations and goals, that are all so well rounded. A complex and well thought out world. I can’t heap enough praise onto this series. And while this is only the first issue in this next 6 issue arc and spends a lot of time setting up what our various characters are up to it’s absolutely captivating from beginning to end, and the 30 pages are over before you know it. Epic in a way no other comic comes close to, fantastic art and storytelling, you need to be reading this series.

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Monstress #26

Feb 25, 2020

Every issue of this series is incredible and this one is no different. If you’ve been reading this series from the beginning there’s no doubt in my mind you’ll be picking this one up. If you’ve heard good things and are on the fence about picking it up? Do, but don’t start reading here. Go back to the beginning. You won’t regret it. Fantastical world building alongside outstanding art makes this one of the best ongoing comics on the market. More than worthy of all the awards it’s won.

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Monstress #27

Mar 24, 2020

This comic truly transcends the borders of storytelling, it’s such an incredibly well realised, engrossing and epic story that anyone who picks it up, regardless of their feelings towards comics, will find themselves sucked into it. It’s impossible not to care about Maika and her plight, worrying after Kippa in all her naivety, desperate to understand the mysteries at play. In ten years time this will continue to frequently appear on best of lists.

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Monstress #28

Jun 23, 2020

The scope of the world and the plot in Monstress is truly incredible. The worldbuilding and storytelling is on a whole other level, it elevates it above most comics to a level usually reserved for the most epic of fantasy novels. The art is truly spectacular and is just as intricately crafted as the outstanding story. Liu manages to get the balance right with constantly drip feeding the reader new answers even while introducing yet more questions and mysteries. It doesn’t shy away from the horrors of war, rather it embraces it with the storytelling. A truly epic story.

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Monstress #29

Jul 22, 2020

Another incredible issue in one of the best ongoing comic series bar none. This reviewer can’t heap enough praise on this series, it’s an absolute must read. This issue explores the harsh reality of war in all of its excruciating brutality, making for some chilling moments. It feels like we’ve barely scratched the surface of the tale being told here, which hopefully means it’ll be coming for many years to come. As always the art is so intricate and beautiful, it’s truly breathtaking, even when the subject matter is so violent.

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Monstress #31

Jan 26, 2021

Another exciting entry in the Monstress saga, this issue marks the start of another incredible chapter in Maika’s story, and promises great things to come. Watching the characters grow and develop over the course of the series has been incredible, and this issue really highlights some of the changes our cast have gone through over the course of the series. As epic and character driven as always, Monstress continues to be one of the best series on the shelf. You need to add this comic to your collection.

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Monstress #32

Feb 23, 2021

In such a consistently good series it’s hard to fathom that the already incredible story and art can get better, but somehow the team of Liu and Takeda manage this, and this issues really rewards those readers who’ve been hooked from the first page. Confontations and meetings which have long been on the cards finally occur, and don’t play out how readers would expect. If you haven’t been reading along with Monstress you owe it to yourself to get caught up. Arguably some of the best worldbuilding and one of, if not the, most epic sagas to ever grace the pages of a comic, there hasn’t been a bad issue yet, and this is one rates as one of the best.

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Monstress #33

Apr 21, 2021

Monstress is a colossal epic, thanks to two incredibly talented creators at the top of the game it tells a story with a scope rarely scene in any storytelling medium let alone comics, it tells a layered story with a deep mythology, well rounded characters with distinct and conflicting goals. It doesn’t conform to traditional comic book tropes, instead it tells a story that would work in any format which just happens to be a comic. Every page is stunning. This is the kind of story that will appeal to non-comic readers.

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Monstress #34

May 25, 2021

Fans of Monstress won’t need any encouraging to pick this issue up, but this is one of the best issues of the series yet which is high praise indeed. One of the easiest 10/10 ever awarded. It’s fair to see this issue involves numerous changes which will have huge ramifications going forward, and it manages to separate itself artistically from the previous issues as well, no mean feat. Monstress continues to tell one of the biggest tales in comics.

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Monstress #35

Jun 29, 2021

This issue ends with the mother of all cliff-hangers, and the wait for the next issue is going to be almost unbearable. The real triumph of this issue, and the larger story-arc, is getting to see the changes that Liu has wrought in Maika over the course of the series. This series features some of the best character growth in any storytelling medium. The story is incredible. It’s tragic and heart-breaking and incredibly human. It’s beautiful and horrifying. The art stuns on every page, unique and special.

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Nebula (2020) #1

Feb 11, 2020

The final panel employs such a tired storytelling trope it lets down the clever and imaginative story up until that point. Looking past that, if Vita Ayala’s writing continues these otherwise high standards, with Claire Roe and Mike Spicer on art duties, fans of Marvels Cosmic comics are in for a treat. I’m enjoying how Marvel are putting the spotlight on some of their lesser cosmic characters at the moment and I hope the trend continues. We're getting a return to the heights of Dan Abnett and Andy Lannings cosmic run and I hope this trend continues.

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Nebula (2020) #2

Mar 11, 2020

Plenty of promise in this series, I’m interested to see where they take Nebula, and how she’ll have grown and changed once she regains her memories. I love the concept of the All-Seer system and I’m intrigued what that will end up looking like once Nebula remembers again.

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No One's Rose #1

Feb 29, 2020

A densely packed issue which draws the reader deep into its Solar Punk world, its themes and ideas are sure to linger on the mind long after you’ve put the comic down. A breath of fresh air in a world which feels increasingly pessimistic about the future. Some much-needed hope. Brilliantly brought to life by Alburquerque’s art and Raúl Angulo’s colours. Highly recommended.

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No One's Rose #2

Jun 10, 2020

An already important and relevant comic thanks to recent events it feels even more so now. A futuristic Solar-Punk story filled with the kind of moral ambiguity that makes for fantastic reading and will leave the reader pondering the themes and concepts long after they’ve finished reading. A great artist and colourist bring the world in all it’s natural, complex, futuristic details. Highly recommended.

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No One's Rose #3

Jul 7, 2020

It’s still too early to tell where this Solar-Punk tale will take us, and while Thompson & Horn have a clear message to tell, and dire warning for the future, it also makes for an entertaining story as well. Their vision of the future is well realised and beautifully brought to life by Alburquerque. A morally grey tale which has divided two siblings and has readers unsure who to root for. A highly recommended read.

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No One's Rose #4

Aug 18, 2020

Another densely packed issue which asks questions that the reader will be sure to ponder long after they’ve put the comic down. It’s a very unique take on the typical post-apocalyptic story that comic readers get. On one level it’s a cracking adventure filled with political unrest, on another it has important themes delving into the importance of living in harmony with nature. Alburquerque manages to bring this world to life so well it could conceivably be a possible fate for humanity in their far future.

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Old Haunts #1

Apr 22, 2020

A stylistic, cinematic tale of gangsters haunted by their past decisions, it’s unclear whether the intense writing or stunning art which is a highlight of the issue. This is an excellent example of a fantastic collaboration between the entire creative team to produce a chilling debut issue in another excellent offering from AWA studios. A highly recommended new series.

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Old Haunts #2

Jul 7, 2020

Just over halfway through the year and Old Haunts looks set to be THE most stylish comic out there thanks to Campbells incredible art and the outstanding colours from Loughbridge. The blend of Gangster story and supernatural haunting from Masters & Williams promise to make for interesting bedfellows. Yet another comic from AWA that demands to be read.

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Old Haunts #3

Aug 13, 2020

A well written script makes for compulsive reading, Williams and Masters understand the value of show not tell. This series has some of the most stylised art and colours in a comic, period, making this a comic that readers can get lost in, losing time appreciating the phenomenal pairing of Campbell and Masters. All the disparate threads promise to come together for a reckoning, but the reader is still in the dark about how that’ll occur.

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Old Haunts #4

Sep 15, 2020

A gangster movie in the veins of Scorsese, throw in some large dashes of the supernatural and three old men slowly unravelling, an inspired choice of artist and colourist, and the final result is one of the more stylish comics currently on the market. Each cinematic panel looks absolutely gorgeous, the writing is excellent, don’t miss this comic. And if you haven’t been following along makes sure to get down to your Local Comic Shop and pick them all up, you don’t want to miss this train.

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Old Haunts #5

Oct 28, 2020

A really satisfying conclusion to an inspired fusion of gangsters and horror, fans of the series will not be disappointed with how it wraps up. The conclusion is brutal but justified, and it feels like each character is given their own ending. Campbell and Loughridge have made an incredible team with the art throughout the series which has helped create a unique and inspired feel to the series and if anything they take it to a whole new level with this concluding issue.

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Our Encounters with Evil #1

Nov 13, 2019

A good fun throwback to classic Hammer movies, fans of Mignola or Mr. Higgins Comes Home will love this. Thrilling and exciting the art style won't be to everyone's liking but give it a try. You might be surprised by how much you enjoy the art by the time you finish the book.

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Outlawed (2020) #1

Mar 19, 2020

An essential read for fans of teen superheroes, the start of the Outlawed event won’t want to be missed by anyone. Doesn’t have the biggest appeal if you aren’t reading one of their ongoing series though. A good springboard for the newest Champions series. The art is good and draws you deep into the action. I would have preferred a bit more ambiguity when it comes to the question of whether the teens should be allowed to operate as heroes.

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Punisher: Soviet #1

Nov 13, 2019

Punisher’s greatest storyteller is back, and it’s like he’s never been away. Frank Castle is as brutal, relentless, and methodical as ever. Sensational art throughout reminiscent of the late and great Steve Dillon is just one of many reasons to head out to your comic book shop and buy this now.

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Punisher: Soviet #2

Dec 11, 2019

It’s Garth Ennis writing Punisher Max and really that’s all you need to know. It’s great, as good as anything he’s done in the past, and the juxtaposition between Castle and Stepanovich promises to make fun reading as well as an interesting look into Franks personality.

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Punisher: Soviet #3

Jan 2, 2020

This issue is classic Garth Ennis and contains echoes of a lot of his previous work. It contains some strong images, is definitely not for the faint of heart, but is great none the less. It earns its explicit content warning on the front cover. It fills in the missing blanks and sets in motion events for the rest of the series. Castle and Stepanovich promise to be a great team up. Ennis fans will not be disappointed.

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Punisher: Soviet #4

Feb 26, 2020

One of Garth Ennis’ best runs on Punisher, ‘nuff said. By making Castle part of a duo rather than a singular driving force, having interesting antagonists, help to elevate this above Ennis’ other incredible works on the Punisher. This series is a must have. Best part is the Soviet storyline is very standalone from all the other works on the Punisher. The art is great throughout and the entire art team of Burrows, Ortego and Woodard deserve recognition for the great work they do here.

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Punisher: Soviet #5

Mar 11, 2020

One of the best Punisher series in years, the fact it’s Garth Ennis and under the MAX label just reinforce this is how Punisher stories should be told. Art and colours which live up to the high standard of Ennis’ plotting and storytelling, furthering the plot, make Punisher: Soviet a must read series. As the penultimate issue all the pieces are in place for an all out bloody and violent finale.

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Punisher: Soviet #6

Mar 24, 2020

A fantastic addition to the Punisher MAX series, Garth Ennis’ involvement always guaranteed it would be worth reading, but this is a real gem. A great conclusion to a fantastic series. It took a lot of Punisher tropes and turns them on their head. It’s also stand alone so a great introduction to the character for new readers. The art team have done a fantastic job here. Highly recommended.

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Ravencroft #1

Jan 29, 2020

This series hasn’t taken off running like I expected following the one-shots. There are still a number of mysteries to be solved, with no sign of resolution yet, I only hope they start providing answers soon to hold our interest.

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Ravencroft #2

Feb 26, 2020

While this issue goes some way to resolving a number of the problems I had with the Ravencroft series and one-shots it still doesn’t do enough to lift it above mediocre. I’m remaining hopeful that as it progresses this may change but as it stands I’m finding it hard to be overly invested in it.

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Ravencroft #3

Mar 25, 2020

Good art is unfortunately not enough to elevate the lazy writing. Twists and turns, shock reveals, don’t make a good comic. The rest of the writing needs to be of a high standard as well. It’s a shame the effort that’s gone into plotting these twists doesn’t extend beyond that. If things don’t improve soon this series is sure to lose readers.

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Ravencroft #5

Jul 1, 2020

A disappointing conclusion to a disappointing series. Despite attempting to convince readers of its importance to the overall Knull storyline, it doesn’t read as essential reading rather just Marvel being greedy and trying to make the most money out of Cates’ excellent run on Venom and Absolute Carnage. The great art isn’t enough to recommend this comic.

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Red Border #1

Mar 22, 2020

The weakest of the four releases from AWA studios it suffers more for the comparison with the rest of that incredible line-up. Not a bad comic though, it’s taking its time to get going with main characters that the reader is, so far, indifferent to. It won’t be until the next issue drops that it’ll be clear whether this mini-series will be good or not. Good art and colours help to elevate it above being just average.

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Red Border #2

Jun 23, 2020

The plot and overall story feel a little disjointed and unclear to what story is being told. The art is absolutely incredible, and while it might not be quite enough to justify the cost of entry it makes the price of entry a little more palatable because of how good it is.

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Red Border #3

Jul 14, 2020

Despite an incredible art pairing of Will Conrad and Ivan Nunes the poor story makes this comic difficult to recommend. The only one of AWA’s offerings which hasn’t been fantastic, perhaps the high bar set by the other series only highlights this one’s weaknesses. The indecision with the story being told and genre of the tale, coupled with a leading couple that the reader doesn’t root for, leaves this comic a little disappointing. With a little bit of work this could have been a good comic, unfortunately it falls a little short. With only one issue left it looks unlikely to be turned around.

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Red Border #4

Aug 25, 2020

The concluding issue is one probably the strongest issue but it isn’t enough to remedy the mistakes this series has made. Main characters who the reader doesn’t overly sympathise with, and a story which can’t quite decide if its a full on horror or action story, and doesn’t manage to succeed at either. AWAs only weak entry in an otherwise stellar line up.

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Redemption (2021) #1

Feb 2, 2021

An incredible introduction to a well realised world, interesting characters in a unique setting makes for a compelling and exciting new comic. This wasteland of a world feels like a rich tapestry for a storyteller, but even without this backdrop the story being told is exciting and one that readers will find themselves invested in. Hopefully this mini-series will pave the way for future stories told here. Pick this comic up, you won’t regret it.

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Redemption (2021) #2

Mar 11, 2021

An exciting comic which explores some deep themes, the description of Post-Apocalyptic Steampunk Western should be enough to get readers excited for this mini-series. There’s everything that readers could want from that insane combination of genres, which fit together in a way that feels natural. It’s watching the two characters beginning to connect where the comic really shines though. Deodato and Loughridge do an incredible job with the art, filling the comic with atmosphere and style.

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Revenge of the Cosmic Ghost Rider #1

Dec 18, 2019

Donny Cates' bonus story at the end makes this worth the price of admission. It's fortunate then that Revenge of the Cosmic Ghost Rider is a great story, helped by stunning art. I look forward to the next part of this story. Following the initial Cosmic Ghost Rider run we’ve needed a good solo story featuring him and I think this could be it.

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Revenge of the Cosmic Ghost Rider #2

Jan 15, 2020

Dennis “Hopeless” Hallum proves he’s got what it takes to carry Cosmic Ghost Riders reigns. Scott Hepburn and Antonio Fabela bring that vision to life. Put your sanity away and dive deep into this bonkers tale.

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Revenge of the Cosmic Ghost Rider #3

Feb 19, 2020

Hepburns art is perfectly suited for drawing both the manic moments and the quieter (that’s quiet-ER moments, not quiet) and is an excellent fit. Antonio Fabela’s colors accentuate the artwork and take it to a whole new level. I’m excited to read the next issue and see what’s coming next.

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Revenge of the Cosmic Ghost Rider #4

Mar 25, 2020

Fans of Cosmic Ghost Rider won’t want to miss this, Hallum understands the character really well, and throws enough twists and turns to keep the reader guessing. And somehow he still manages to catch us by surprise regularly. Hepburn’s art is as insane as our main protagonist. Highly recommended comic, it won’t just appeal to fans of Cosmic Ghost Rider, or Marvels Cosmic stories, it’s so well told it’ll appeal to comic fans in general.

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Revenge of the Cosmic Ghost Rider #5

Jun 3, 2020

This mini-series feels more like it’s setting up a new status quo for Frank Castle's future as the Cosmic Ghost Rider, with new enemies out there to thwart and challenge him. Unfortunately the current uncertainty in the comics industry makes his future seem a little precarious. Without having the most definitive of endings and no major shocks for the reader leaves this concluding issue not quite living up to the high standards which have been set by previous entries in the series. Worth getting if only to see how the story ends and for the implications for the character in the future.

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Rogue Planet #1

May 6, 2020

While only the debut issue in this story it does a great job of introducing the crew, the rogue planet, and the basic premise. The Cortés has a Nostromo flavour to it which helps settle the reader into the story, and there are plenty of twists and turns to keep the reader guessing.

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Rogue Planet #2

Jun 24, 2020

A little too much story is getting thrown in and it ends up overwhelming the reader and detracting from the overall enjoyment. Whether the storylines will converge or stay separate remains to be seen, but it might have worked better as two separate comics, not one combined one. The horror elements and tension are still there, and being an amalgamation of dozens of sci-fi horror tropes is still working well, but it isn’t quite living up to the promise of the first issue.

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Ruins Of Ravencroft: Sabretooth #1

Jan 15, 2020

Using some clever techniques we get a continuation of the modern day Ravencroft story, as well as delving into a hidden story from Marvel history. A good horror story, I'm still not convinced on the line up of characters in the modern story. The art's good and I look forward to next weeks concluding issue.

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Ruins Of Ravencroft: Dracula #1

Jan 22, 2020

These three one-shots have left me intrigued to see where the Ravencroft series is going. The line-up of characters seems a bit random at time and hopefully an explanation will be forthcoming in the ongoing Ravencroft series. The art has been good throughout. If the goal of these one-shots has been to get people excited for the Ravencroft series then they've succeeded.

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Ruins Of Ravencroft: Carnage #1

Jan 8, 2020

For fans of Absolute Carnage, and horror, this issue will go down well. Where the story goes remains to be seen but I’ll be sure to pick them up. Great and distinctive art between the two artists is a real highlight.

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Scream: Curse of Carnage #1

Nov 27, 2019

A promising start, if nothing outstanding, to a new series. Time will tell whether it’ll be good or simply a cash in on Venoms success, in the meantime good art and colors make it worth picking up. I have high hopes though.

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Scream: Curse of Carnage #2

Dec 18, 2019

This has all the potential to be a great series going forward, I’m really enjoying the fact we’re getting a bit of time to delve into the horror aspects of the Marvel universe. The art really is exceptional and makes this comic stand out in a sea of well-drawn comics.

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Scream: Curse of Carnage #3

Jan 29, 2020

Chapman has managed to bring some brand new aspects of symbiote mythology into play, while still managing to keep it feeling faithful to everything that’s come before. There are still lots of mysteries waiting to unfold and I have no idea where most of it’s going but I’m excited to find out. With Brown & Mooneyham on art it’s guaranteed, wherever the story goes, to be a real stand out in the horror genre.

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Scream: Curse of Carnage #4

Feb 26, 2020

This horror themed series has been a fantastic spin off from the events of Absolute Carnage. I’m excited to see where the future takes us and how this will tie into the inevitable event when Knull makes his way to earth. It’s difficult to choose which part of the story I’m enjoying most, the writing or the art. Both are brilliant and make this a must read for fans of Marvels symbiotes, especially Venom fans.

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Scream: Curse of Carnage #5

Mar 25, 2020

This issue doesn’t quite live up to the epic conclusion of this arc that many will be expecting. It plays it a lot safer in terms of the storytelling and the art, which is disappointing as it had been regularly pushing the envelope out on both until now. Not bad by any stretch, just not reaching the same quality previous issues have. The future of this comic looks great however and I’ll still be recommending it as a whole.

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Scream: Curse of Carnage #6

Jun 3, 2020

A great setup for the next big Scream storyarc, it promises great things to come. New villains for Scream to face, new characters for her to befriend, the police slowly circling closer to learning Andi’s alterego, Chapman has plenty of plates spinning with lots to look forward to. The inclusion of The Punisher and Sandman works pretty well overall and the oversized issue makes great use of the extra pages it has to pace the story well. Chris Mooneyhams art remains a highlight of this exciting horror series.

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Silver Surfer: Black #5

Oct 30, 2019

This comic is filled with imagery that goes beyond the stunning art and terrific colours. This is light versus dark. Birth, death and rebirth. There is a poetry in Cates’ writing on show here. The artwork augments this and raises it above just a comic book. This isn’t just a comic. This is Art. And in case you worry this takes away from the comic it doesn’t. This is a comic that NEEDS to be read. And Donny? I think Stan would be proud of this comic.

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Spider-Man (2019) #2

Oct 16, 2019

These first two issues have been enjoyable reads. It almost feels too early on to say how good this series will be yet, too many unknowns, but if it carries on the way the first two issues did readers will be in for a treat.

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Stealth #1

Mar 9, 2020

This is a very promising start to a new series. I really hope the rest of the series lives up to expectations, and if they do this could very well be called a classic several years down the line. Not only tackling sensitive issues but making them the focus of the story is a brilliant move. I’m excited to see what comes next. Costa works really well with Bellegarde and Bonvillain to tell an exciting and fresh superhero story.

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Stealth #2

Jun 10, 2020

Stealth is a unique concept that doesn’t shy away from difficult subject matters. In a genre already saturated with superheroes, Stealth manages to find it’s own niche to fill and if the quality continues this is sure to be a recurring character for Image. Brilliant artwork helps bring the more emotional aspects of the story to life. An exciting read which is highly recommended.

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Stealth #3

Jul 7, 2020

Stealth continues to take a unique look into the effects of Alzheimer’s, both on the victim themselves and their loved ones, and the more dangerous implications that this can have. Setting this against a superhero story is a clever storytelling technique, and is an excellent opportunity to look at the real life effects of mental illness against a completely different backdrop than we’d usually see it. While there isn’t quite as much emphasis on this as in previous issue’s it’s still a great story and has much promise for the rest of the series. The art from Bellegarde and colours from Tamra Bonvillain are as consistently good as they have been in prior issues.

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Stealth #4

Aug 13, 2020

While this issue focuses a little less on Daniels declining mental state and a little more on all of the other storylines it’s cleverly done and doesn’t feel like the dementia storyline is taking a back seat, rather it’s just allowing the other storylines a chance to breath. The art and colours continue to be good. A unique and interesting way to look at mental health through a superhero story, this is a comic you won’t regret picking up.

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Stealth #6

Oct 14, 2020

A satisfying ending to the story, the only downside is the Alzheimers storyline doesn’t quite get the treatment it deserves instead getting an almost too neat bow to explain and wrap it up. The series has been a great look at Alzheimers in a unique way though, and deserves recognition for this. A strong ending to a strong series, definitely recommended.

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Stranger Things: Into the Fire #1

Jan 8, 2020

For die hard fans only, those fans looking for a bit more Stranger Things won’t necessarily get what they’re after here. Not to say this is a bad comic, it’s enjoyable, it just doesn’t have the same allure the TV series does. It suffers from the same problems all tie-in comics do.

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Stranger Things: Into the Fire #2

Feb 13, 2020

The art and colors are well done, some clever storytelling techniques are used. On paper this should be a great comic. The biggest problem it has is tying it into Stranger Things. It can’t capture the eighties movie vibe that the series does so well and as such will only appeal to the superfans. Unlike a lot of tv tie ins this won’t appeal to the masses more just the zealots.

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Stranger Things: Halloween Special #1

Oct 20, 2020

A welcome return to the world of Hawkins, it's a setting ripe for one shot Halloween stories along these lines and fans will absolutely devour this issue. Something that can be easily picked up and read without reading any of the other Stranger Things comics it's an ideal starting point for fans looking to explore a little more of the Stranger Things world. The characters are so brilliantly brought to life, the art is another fantastic reason to pick this one-shot up.

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Sweet Heart #1

Jan 22, 2020

This is something horror fans are not going to want to miss. An adult fairy-tale, one of the only genuinely scary horror comics I’ve read, this is a must read for horror fans.

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Sweet Heart #2

Apr 5, 2020

This comic works incredibly well as a metaphor for chronic illness, dealing with the emotions and impact on the victim, the alienation from peers, the struggles of family. It’s incredibly effective and well done. Also, it’s an entertaining story in its own right. The art and colours are a good match to the tale being told. All in all a good comic where you can’t help but be sympathetic towards Maddie.

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Sweet Heart #3

Apr 13, 2020

A genuinely scary comic, charting the seemingly futile struggles against an enemy which can’t be defeated only kept at bay, this comic works on many levels. One of the most chilling comics you’ll read, and some of the themes and concepts will linger on after you’ve finished reading. It should be praised for its mature approach to tackling complex issues surrounding illness and the various stigmas attached to it. The art fits the comic brilliantly and makes this a really great comic for horror fans. But it also works equally well for comic fans either suffering chronic illness themselves, or who have loved ones who endure similar suffering.

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Sweet Heart #4

Apr 20, 2020

Sweet Heart deserves to be recognised as one of the few comics that manages to be truly horrifying. At times that is due to the nature of the monsters in the story, the chronic illness metaphor given flesh. While at other times it works because of the suffering that illness brings to everyone it touches, the desperate measures and lasting effects. And it works because, at its core, this is an incredibly human story.

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Sweet Heart #5

Apr 28, 2020

A fantastic conclusion to an excellent series, this is sure to hit the mark with readers suffering from chronic illnesses. A surprisingly emotional and hard-hitting final issue, it shows the way the stories adapted as the series has progressed, from a full on horror into something much more poignant. The overwhelming message coming away from this comic is one of hope, and it is incredibly well done and affecting. A highly recommended series.

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Tales from the Umbrella Academy: You Look Like Death #1

Sep 16, 2020

While this may only be the intro to this latest mini-series it's good fun and sure to delight fans of The Umbrella Academy. Klaus is one of the funnier characters in the series and putting him into the spotlight is an excellent decision. I.N.J. Culbard does a great job with the art, capturing the feel of Ba's Umbrella Academy without feeling like he's just imitating him. An excellent first issue, whether a seasoned fan or new to the series there's something for everyone here.

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Tales from the Umbrella Academy: You Look Like Death #2

Oct 20, 2020

Just like the first issue, any excuse to return to the world of the Umbrella Academy is a great one, and the fact that this issue focuses on one of the breakout stars of the academy is excellent. The background story involving Vampire Gorilla's feels very much in line with the absolutely bonkers stories that the Umbrella Academy is notorious for, and it feels like things are shaping up to be another unforgettable excursion to the world of the Academy. The art is fantastic and a real highlight of the comic.

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Tales from the Umbrella Academy: You Look Like Death #4

Dec 23, 2020

Fans of either/both the comic series and Netflix show will find something to love here. Klaus is a great character to tell a solo story about and doesn't disappoint. It has the signature humour and insanity that fans have come to love and tells an entertaining and at times surprisingly deep story.

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Tales from the Umbrella Academy: You Look Like Death #5

Jan 20, 2021

Another excellent foray into the world of the Umbrella Academy, the penultimate issue makes for captivating reading in an excellent series. The characters feel fully fleshed out here, and fans will love any entry in the Umbrella Academy. A great entry with a series which fans of the TV series will be able to pick up and understand as well as fans of the comic series. Focusing on Klaus was a great idea, and hopefully once this series concludes there'll be other series focusing on some of the other Hargreeve siblings.

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Tales from the Umbrella Academy: You Look Like Death #6

Feb 23, 2021

An epic ending to an exciting chapter in The Umbrella Academy, sure to tide fans over until the next installment of The Umbrella Academy, whether that's the TV series or the comic. Excellent writing, bonkers concept, brilliant art, and a focus on Klaus. What's not to love about it?

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The Boys: Dear Becky #1

Jun 3, 2020

A slower paced issue eases us gently back into the world of The Boys, the backdrop of two mates having a pint works well to reintroduce the world and the changes that have occurred over the fictional last twelve years. Having Garth Ennis reunited with the rest of the creative team from The Boys helps it feel familiar to the reader and like there hasn’t been such a long hiatus between issues. When the violence comes it’s extreme and most definitely not for the faint-hearted. This is Ennis at his most brutal and cynical, and it’s a welcome return to the dark world of The Boys.

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The Boys: Dear Becky #2

Jun 30, 2020

It’s a welcome return to the dark world of The Boys. It’s a look at Butchers descent into madness and the long lasting effects of the trauma that Wee Hughie endured. It’s darkly hilarious and feels like catching up with that old friend, where no matter the length of absence the years fall away and it’s like you’ve never been away. Fans of Garth Ennis will lap this up, as will fans of The Boys, and it works as an introduction to this world if you haven’t had the pleasure.

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The Crow: Lethe #1

Mar 4, 2020

This is an interesting first issue, introducing a number of interesting characters, a twist on the familiar crow story, a mysterious villain. I enjoyed Kyriazis’s art and Mae Hao’s colours. The issue felt over really quickly, it could almost have done with being slightly longer to get the story really flowing, but otherwise I would recommend it. Fans of the Crow franchise are sure to enjoy this for the twists on the more familiar tropes.

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The Crow: Lethe #2

Jun 17, 2020

While the first two issues manage to cram a lot of story in Steeley manages to make them not feel too dense and keep the story character driven. Next months concluding issue has a lot to try and fit in though so time will tell whether he manages this trick. An interesting take on the Crow mythos it manages to make this series stand out amongst others. The art is a good fit for the story, sudden acts of violence come out of the blue and are impactful for the way they’re drawn. Crow fans will lap up this story for the subtle differences it makes.

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The Dreaming (2018) #17

Jan 2, 2020

Another great issue, making this series another great issue in the Sandman Universe. The characterisation has been fantastic and I love seeing where the characters are going, even if it does seem to be to new depths. While everything seems to be coming to a head it’s difficult to know where it’s going to go and what will happen next. And it’s this mystery, this unknown, which helps bring me back issue after issue to find out what’s coming.

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The House of Lost Horizons: A Sarah Jewell Mystery #1

May 11, 2021

An exciting first issue in a classic murder mystery with flavours of Agatha Christie, this is an intriguing new chapter within the Mignolaverse, with two heroines whose rich history is dying to be told. It works as a standalone chapter too, so no previous knowledge of the characters or Hellboy's larger universe is necessary. Stunning art filled with suspicious glances and guilty expressions really accentuates the murder mystery. Not to be missed.

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The House of Lost Horizons: A Sarah Jewell Mystery #2

Jun 15, 2021

The tension is beginning to ramp us as more mysteries are served to the reader. The cast of interesting characters each have their own secrets and motivations, and unravelling these as the story progresses will keep readers intrigued. Long time Hellboy fans will enjoy a tale in the universe which is quite different from any others, and it will be interesting to see it's place in the grander scheme.

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The House of Lost Horizons: A Sarah Jewell Mystery #3

Jul 13, 2021

At the midpoint in our murder mystery there are no obvious winners in the most suspicious character stakes, each characters motives and goals remain in the shadows, leaving readers to make wild guesses to what's going on. The art compliments the story and the final comic is compulsive reading, a classic murder mystery with supernatural overtones, and looks fantastic. Set years before Hellboy no prior knowledge of the universe is necessary, a perfect jumping on point for readers who want a flavour of the world without a massive commitment.

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The House of Lost Horizons: A Sarah Jewell Mystery #4

Aug 11, 2021

Another solid entry in the first solo Sarah Jewell story, readers will love it and no prior knowledge of the Mignolaverse is required. One of the joys of stories like this is while it fleshes out Hellboys world, filling in blanks for long-time fans of the universe, not once is Hellboy or the B.P.R.D. mentioned. It means any reader could pick this story up and enjoy it, while long-time fans will love learning about another corner of the world we hadn't previously read about. The art elevates the story to make this an intriguing and entertaining read. A murder mystery with a number of eclectic characters trapped inside a house, with the occult and supernatural looming in the background? Mignola fans will absolutely love this series.

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The House of Lost Horizons: A Sarah Jewell Mystery #5

Sep 14, 2021

Readers who have reached this point will find an great conclusion to the Mignolaverse take on the classic murder mystery, the series has been infused with tension and intrigue, and populated with interesting characters that extends beyond the titular Sarah Jewell and her partner Marie-Thrse LaFleur, with a number of the characters sure to pop up in other titles. Once everything is laid bare the conclusion is swift and satisfying, and Chris Roberson manages to give things a distinctly Mignola flavour.

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The Last Annihilation: Wiccan & Hulkling #1

Sep 1, 2021

Another good chapter in The Last Annihilation, the overall storyline progresses nicely even if the resolution feels a little quick, and plenty of time is given to the titular couple and their relationship which is the key to this entire issue. The stakes feel suitably epic and never higher.

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The Man Who Effed Up Time #1

Feb 5, 2020

A great first issue which pulls us deep into the mystery, it’s great fun, and the end of the issue brings home the stakes at play for our main character. Good art throughout helps to bring home how absurd and insane this issue is and keeps it entertaining. This is a series I look forward to following.

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The Man Who Effed Up Time #2

Mar 9, 2020

A fun read, I look forward to finding out where the series goes next. Unashamedly just trying to have a good time, this is exactly what we get. The art team makes these alternate timelines believable, the mysteries and intrigue keep us coming back.

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The Man Who Effed Up Time #3

Jun 17, 2020

Carrying on the high standards the first two issues set this third issue continues to surprise readers with numerous twist in an insane time-travelling storyline. It carries on being a fun read and is sure to appeal to readers who love bonkers stories with different timelines being intertwined.

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The Man Who Effed Up Time #4

Jul 22, 2020

The penultimate issue in an otherwise fun and engaging series is beginning to outstay its welcome. Questions which have been apparent to the reader from near the start of the series are only just occurring to Sean, which takes away a little of the shock factor and instead leaves it feel a bit predictable and unexciting. The art and colours are a visual treat, and here the art team faces its hardest challenge yet.

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The Resistance: Uprising #1

Apr 6, 2021

Last years The Resistance did an excellent job of introducing Straczynski’s superhero universe, and this first issue really begins to develop the characters and the story, still keeping the global stakes but making the stories feel more personal. One of AWA’s flagship stories, with such an excellent creative team and the scope for some truly epic stories amongst the excellent worldbuilding, readers owe it to themselves to pick this comic up.

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The Resistance #1

Mar 18, 2020

If this first issue is indicative of the quality of this new, shared superhero universe AWA comics are not only onto a winner but they are a publisher to keep an eye on. An emotional, human story, incredible art and colours, this is one of the best first issues EVER published. Probably the easiest 10/10 I've ever awarded. Incredibly excited for the future of this shared universe. The talent involved takes this story to a new level. The coincidental timing of its release and the coronavirus just add an extra layer of drama.

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The Resistance #2

Mar 27, 2020

The Resistance is shaping up to be one of the best comic series period. As the set up for AWA’s shared universe it’s doing a fantastic job. The writing is outstanding. The way the story comes together from smaller, human stories, sucks the reader in. The tales feel so real. The artwork is spectacular. Every single part of this comic is brilliant. This is 2020’s must read comic. If the quality of their releases so far are any indication AWA are going to be huge in a few years. On a slightly different note they’re also making some of their releases free online due to the coronavirus outbreak and availability issues, which is such an incredible move. Check out The Resistance #1 here.

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The Resistance #3

Jul 22, 2020

Tonally quite different from the first two issues, by focusing on one character we’re beginning to get a feel for Straczynski’s new shared world. At times it feels like it’s bordering on a parody of the superhero genre, but it’s deliberately done and deftly handled so it never goes into full-on satire. It’s an exciting world and shared universe which is being crafted here, and readers will want to get in on the action now while it’s still forming. The art and colours continue to be out of this world, crafting a sense of realism that fits perfectly with the story.

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The Resistance #4

Aug 13, 2020

We’re only just beginning to scratch the surface of this rich new universe that Straczynski has crafted but it’s one of the more unique and exciting worlds out there. Filled with dozens of mysteries to be solved, incredibly human characters and raw stories, infinite possibilities. The quality of the writing and art is second to none. Do yourself a favour and get in on this incredible story now, at the start. You won’t regret it.

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The Resistance #5

Sep 10, 2020

The penultimate issue of one of the most original and ground-breaking superhero universes out there, it’s going to be exciting to see where this series, and the larger shared universe, go from here. An incredible human story which tells a vast and epic story. There are exciting ideas and concepts on show here, and this may well be the best origin story for a new shared universe. Pick this comic up, you won’t regret it.

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The Sandman Universe: Hellblazer #1

Oct 30, 2019

This is a welcome return to Constantine of old, a chain-smoking, swearing, back stabbing, conniving, haunted, snarky, lying bastard. Welcome back. Can't wait to see what you do next.

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Thor (2020) #1

Jan 1, 2020

As a New Year dawns a New Thor stands ready to take on a galactic threat that threatens the entire Marvel universe. Luckily the team of Donny Cates, Nic Klein and Matthew Wilson are more than up to the job of telling this story. This isn’t just for fans of Thor, or Marvel, this is a comic all comic fans NEED TO BE READING. Yes, it’s that good.

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Thor (2020) #2

Jan 29, 2020

Donny Cates continues to be paired with some of Marvels hottest artists which make for some of the best comics in the industry. If these first two issues are anything to go by fans of Thor, and Marvel in general, are in for a real good time going forward. Twists and turns to keep the reader guessing, possibly the most dangerous threat the Marvel universe has faced, and Thor in a new role promise some exciting storytelling going forward. Nic Klein’s art has to be seen to be believed.

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Thor (2020) #3

Feb 12, 2020

With the creative team of Donny Cates, Nic Klein and Matt Wilson we were obviously going to be onto a winner. The amount of love and passion the three of them have for this project is abundantly clear. This is shaping up to be one of, if not THE, best runs on Thor. And I can say this with certainty despite only being three issues in. That’s how good it is.

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Thor (2020) #4

Mar 11, 2020

There hasn’t been a bad issue in this run on Thor. A phenomenal creative team of Cates, Klein and Wilson make this epic series a must have. Cliffhanger endings keep me on tenterhooks between issues. A level of intricately detailed artwork and rich colours which defy belief. An instant classic.

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Thor (2020) #5

Jun 24, 2020

Yet another incredible issue in a run which is promising to live up to the high standards that Jason Aaron set before, Cates is using his own brand of magic to make Thor his very own while paying homage to everything that has come before. Twists and turns abound in this issue, showing the reader to expect the unexpected, and the cliff-hanger ending promises an incredible conclusion. The art and colours are truly spectacular and worthy of much praise.

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Thor (2020) #6

Aug 19, 2020

This run on Thor already stood out as one of the best Thor runs ever, coming off the back of Jason Aaron’s run that’s high praise indeed. Cates’ clearly has big plans for the character, and the Marvel universe at large, that readers won’t want to miss. Get in on this series now, it’s incredible. There are big changes for Thor in this issue, and the Marvel universe at large, and teases for more to come in the near future. The only thing better than Cates’ writing on Thor? The art from Nic Klein. This is one of the best looking comics out at the moment.

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Thor (2020) #7

Sep 16, 2020

Donny Cates knows just how long to tease readers before giving them answers, and he’s timed that to perfection here by exploring Mjolnir’s new problems. Filled with plenty of references to previous Thor stories it’s sure to delight long time fans without alienating newer readers. It’s nice to see Beta Ray Bill having a larger role. Guest artist Aaron Kuder does a fantastic job with the art in Kleins absence. Another excellent issue in an extraordinary run.

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Thor (2020) #8

Oct 7, 2020

Readers coming to this issue expecting answers from the previous issue will unfortunately find themselves disappointed. Readers coming to this issue looking for more of Donny Cates excellent run on Thor will find a number of fan pleasing moments within, just don’t come looking for answers. There is some great art in this issue and a few panels in particular will really stand out from the crowd.

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Thor (2020) #9

Nov 4, 2020

This is the start of one of the more inspired and exciting Thor stories for a good long time, where this story could go is really up in the air, and it’s an excellent time to be a Thor fan. By taking the familiar Thor mythology and putting his own slant on it Donny Cates shows fans yet again why he’s one of the best writers currently at Marvel. Having series regular Nic Klein back on art duties means we get some truly gorgeous and detailed art, one of the highlights of the entire series.

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Thor (2020) #10

Dec 2, 2020

Fans of Thor will love Cates’ run on the series, and this arc, Prey, looks to be one of the best yet. He’s managed to introduce readers to a villain who is not only Thor’s equal, but looks to be his superior. The writing is amongst Cates’ best, readers will love every page of this comic. The art team of Klein and Wilson have to be one of the best in modern comics, and pairing them with Cates’ storytelling make this an unmissable comic.

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Thor (2020) #12

Feb 17, 2021

Donny Cates is one of Marvels top writers at the moment, and his clear love for Thor has really elevated his work here. One of the best Thor stories in a very long time, Blake is a villain who is more than worthy of taking on Thor. It’s clear that Cates has been planning this series for a long time, and there are even bigger changes and challenges for our heroes ahead. The art from Klein and Wilson is unbelievably good, making this one of the best looking comics currently out there.

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Thor (2020) #13

Mar 17, 2021

The Prey storyline is heating up for an epic final battle in the next issue. Cates’ clear love for the character comes across in every page, and the stakes have never been higher. The art team of Klein and Wilson is second to none and each page is stunning. Epic writing, blockbuster action, gorgeous pages, there’s nothing to not love.

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Thor (2020) #14

Apr 14, 2021

An epic conclusion to the Prey storyline, it’s clear the ramifications from this issue will carry on well into the future. All of the main characters have undergone some big changes and growth across the series, and especially during this mini-arc. Wherever Donny Cates takes this tale, it’s clear that Thor, Loki etc will be greatly changed by it. This is a Thor story told by a writer with a clear reverence for the character and his history, and drawn by an incredible artist who fills each panel with so much detail, what’s not to love?

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Thor (2020) #15

Jul 14, 2021

Another excellent issue in one of Thor’s best ongoing series, this chapter promises to be the start of a big and exciting new entry in Thor’s life, one which will reinvigorate fans for the character and keep them coming back month after month. But even amongst all of the big, character changing moments, Cates manages to find some quieter moments for the character to reflect, and this is a real highlight of the issue. He understands Thor in a way that a lot of writers don’t, which makes his work on the character extraordinary.

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Thor (2020) #16

Aug 25, 2021

Another good issue in an excellent run on Thor, it’s nice that the pace is slowed down a little and readers get the opportunity to really understand what Thor is going through, before the next challenge is thrown at him. It feels like seeds that were sown early on in this run, and in other Cates’ series, are finally beginning to sprout. It’s an exciting time to be a Thor, and Marvel, fan under Cates excellent creative skills. The guest artist does a great job of capturing a side of Thor that readers rarely get to see and the combat looks great.

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Venom (2018) #19

Oct 30, 2019

Great writing, superb art & colours, mysteries teased, a solid entry to both Venom & Absolute Carnage, only a shame it was marred by poor decisions around the release schedule, which unfortunately drags the score down.

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Venom (2018) #21

Dec 26, 2019

After the craziness of Absolute Carnage we get a chance for a brand new story arc, a throwback to a classic ASM story, and a chance to slow things down before the inevitable insanity of Knull’s arrival and what that’ll mean for our heroes. A great premise for the story I can’t wait to see where the story goes. Mark Bagleys art is good while we wait for Ryan Stegmans return.

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Venom (2018) #22

Jan 8, 2020

If you’ve been reading Donny Cates’ run on Venom there’s no doubt in my mind you’ll be heading to your local book shop at your earliest convenience to pick it up, this is one of the best things happening in comics right now. And if you’re not then you need to catch up on the rest of this run then buy this one. The writing, the art, the characters, it’s all top notch. A standout issue in an incredible run.

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Venom (2018) #23

Feb 12, 2020

Another incredible issue in an outstanding run. Cates consistently increases the tension, and here he shows us there can be consequences in comics. Bagley’s art makes the island feel real, and Martins colors make the most of the great art. Everyone needs to be reading Venom Island.

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Venom (2018) #24

Mar 11, 2020

Venom Island is turning into one of the best arcs of Cates’ run on Venom, which has taken me pleasantly by surprise. The art has been incredible, thanks to the talented team of Bagley, Owens and Martin. Cheap plot twist aside this issue’s been great, like all the subsequent ones. It’s building up to a hell of a finale and the next issue promises to be a good one.

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Venom (2018) #25

May 27, 2020

While 25 issues might not be the biggest landmark Marvel has made sure to go all out with this issue in style. An excellent conclusion to a great Venom story arc, it feels like a conclusion to everything that’s come so far from Cates’ run and a setup for the future. With its summary of events to date it works as a jumping-on point for new readers. Bagley’s art has been an excellent part of Venom Island, and the two-page montage from Stegman will get readers excited for his return, and Venom's future. It also features the first appearance of Virus, a major new player in Venom’s future, even if we won’t learn anything about him until the FCBD issue.

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Venom (2018) #26

Jul 15, 2020

It feels like Cates’ is concluding a number of his earlier storylines and mysteries while getting ready for what is coming, namely Knulls arrival later this year. It features the introduction of Virus, who promises to be an interesting villain for Brock to face off with. And, as is becoming tradition, the cliff-hanger ending manages to exceed our expectations and raise the stakes from the previous one, leaving readers desperate for the concluding chapter.

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Venom (2018) #27

Aug 13, 2020

One of the most exciting and revelatory issues in Cates’ entire run, an achievement in itself, this issue cannot be missed. The symbiote mythology is further explored and expanded on as more new questions are introduced. Virus and Codex are both exciting new characters. Parallel universes are always great fun and we’ve never come across a universe quite like this one. The art matches the frentic pace of the comic. Cates’ run on Venom is one of the most exciting things happening in comics at the moment and this is one of the best issues to date.

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Venom (2018) #28

Sep 23, 2020

Seeds planted much earlier in the Venom run are beginning to blossom, an excellent alternate reality story is reason enough to recommend this story but all of the reveals in this issue make it an excellent story. DO NOT READ ANY SPOILERS FOR THIS ISSUE. Make sure you buy and read it as soon as possible.

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Venom (2018) #32

Jan 6, 2021

Another outstanding issue in an incredible run on Venom, essential reading for the King In Black event and for Marvel fans at large. Cates continues to expand and explore the Venom mythology and fans will love the direction he’s taking in this issue, with both Venom and Brock, as well as the overall symbiote mythology. And as if excellent storytelling wasn’t enough we have fantastic art from Coello and Aburtov.

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Venom (2018) #33

Feb 3, 2021

Not only is this issue essential reading to Venom fans, and the King in Black event, this series is important to Marvel fans in general. The symbiote mythology continues to expand and as Cates’ time on the series draws close to an end it’s clear he’s giving his all to Venom. Stunning art and revelations about throughout the issue, fans won’t be disappointed.

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Venom (2018) #34

Apr 7, 2021

The penultimate issue to Cates run on Venom, an important set up for both the King in Black finale and the Venom finale, filled with moments that are guaranteed to have lasting effects on a number of characters and the future of the symbiotes. It works as a character study of Eddie Brock as well, early on in the run the question, ‘Who is Eddie Brock’, was asked, and the rest of the series has been spent trying to answer that question. This issue and King in Black #5 finally begin to answer that question. Excellent writing, fantastic art, this issue will appeal to more than just Venom fans.

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Venom (2018) #35

Jun 16, 2021

An incredible ending to an incredible series.

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Web Of Venom: Empyre's End #1

Nov 4, 2020

While not essential reading for either event that the title suggests it bridges, this is exactly what a great tie-in issue should do. An entertaining story that builds excitement for the upcoming event, it doesn’t feel like a tie-in for the sake of it. Not essential reading by any means, but readers who decide to skip over it will definitely be missing out. Chapman continues to bring horror to his symbiote stories and this is a great preview for Knulls arrival to Earth.

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Year Zero: Vol. 2 #1

Nov 3, 2020

By making the characters the focus of the story, the zombie infested world merely the backdrop to the comic, the first volume of Year Zero was a rip roaring success. With this second volume Benjamin Percy continues to do everything which worked well in the first volume but with brand new, and if anything more interesting, characters. Fans of the first volume will lap this up, as will fans of the walking dead. It's a great jumping on point as well if you haven't read the comic yet. The art is incredible and the icing on the cake.

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Year Zero #1

Apr 15, 2020

A fantastic creative team combine to make this one a must read. Between Rosanas and Loughbridge’s artwork the final product doesn’t look like a typical horror comic. Percy’s writing doesn’t read like a typical horror comic. The slow build-up of tension without building to a crescendo by the end of the first issue doesn’t read like a typical horror comic. And Year Zero is so much better for all of this. By making it character driven rather than plot it makes for some interesting and exciting reading, which readers are sure to be drawn into. It’s early days for sure, but just like the rest of AWA’s current line-up, this looks to be another exceptional comic and one not to be missed.

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Year Zero #2

Jun 23, 2020

Year Zero is doing an excellent job of filling the Zombie shaped hole in horror fans hearts after The Walking Dead’s abrupt ending. Percy does a great job of crafting an interesting and distinctive cast who each have their own unique story to tell. Rosanas and Loughbridge use some clever storytelling techniques to differentiate between the different characters and the finished comic is an interesting and exciting new take on Zombie apocalypse.

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Year Zero #3

Jul 14, 2020

Year Zero is shaping up to be one of the best Zombie apocalypse comics out there, by focusing on the characters and their tales, it makes the zombie hordes feel like a backdrop to their individual tales rather than the focus. Fantastic art and excellent colours, along with a host of clever story telling techniques, make our four protagonists stand out from each other and each tale exciting and clever. Another must read from AWA.

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Year Zero: Vol. 2 #3

Jan 28, 2021

A post apocalyptic zombie anthology series is an intriguing concept for a series, but it's Percy's fantastic characters and settings which really set this story apart from all the other zombie apocalypses. Not a weak story in the entire bunch, the first volume was an excellent example of comics done right, and this second volume has the potential to surpass the first. Stunning art and colours from Ryp and Martin Jr. are the icing on the cake in an excellent, page turning comic.

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Year Zero #4

Aug 25, 2020

As the penultimate issue in the series it’s a bittersweet feeling, readers will be excited for the conclusion but sad that we’ll soon be leaving these characters behind. AWA have recently announced a return to the world of Year Zero soon though, so it’s not all bad. The writing and art have been incredibly good throughout and this issue continues that trend. Not only does this fill the Walking Dead hole in our heart it surpasses it.

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Year Zero: Vol. 2 #4

Feb 23, 2021

One of the most entertaining comics currently on shelves, Percy gives us one of the best comics on the market, storytelling so good it transcends the typical limitations of the Zombie genre. The art lives up to the high standards set by Percy's writing, and this is THE zombie apocalypse that all comic book fans need in their lives.

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Year Zero #5

Sep 29, 2020

Year Zero has been a breath of fresh air in a genre that has gone a little stale, it fills the hole that The Walking Dead left and is one of the most compulsive Zombie Apocalypse stories of recent years. Each character and their stories are so interesting it’ll appeal to readers who aren’t fans of Zombie stories, the Zombies being a backdrop rather than the focus of the story.

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Yondu (2019) #1

Nov 6, 2019

This Buddy movie shows plenty of promise. Fantastic art helps elevate the good writing and makes this one not to be missed for cosmic fans.

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Yondu (2019) #2

Nov 27, 2019

So far I feel like this series is promising more than it delivers. Will it improve? Too soon to tell, but when it’s 2 issues into a 5 issue mini it’s a little worrying that it’s not delivering on the goods yet. I’ve enjoyed the art and the colors really help set the tone. Perhaps a little naively I remain hopeful for the rest of the series.

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Yondu (2019) #3

Dec 11, 2019

The buddy movie we’ve been promised all along, I look forward to seeing the conflict growing between the two Yondu’s, and seeing if they’re both going to make it out of this in one piece.

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Yondu (2019) #4

Jan 8, 2020

The buddy movie is really beginning to shine, I recommend getting through the earlier shakier issues just for this issue. Great writing, even better characterisation, and an art style that perfectly compliments the story make Yondu a surprise hit.

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Yondu (2019) #5

Feb 5, 2020

This has been a brilliant conclusion to a great series, the final couple of pages really show how much the Yondu’s have influenced each other in their time together. Zac Thompson & Lonnie Nadler make a great team on writing, John McCrea’s art brings their story to life with some fantastic action. I recommend not only this issue but the whole series.

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Young Hellboy: The Hidden Land #1

Feb 16, 2021

An insight into a part of Hellboys early years that readers haven’t had much opportunity to explore, it feels like a typical Mignola story, but Hellboys inexperience and youth give it a fun and much lighter feel than readers are typically used to. The art is excellent and Hellboy fans will love this.

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Young Hellboy: The Hidden Land #2

Mar 31, 2021

An entirely different side to our titular hero, it’s fun to watch Young Hellboy experience his first adventure and a previously untold chapter in his life. Hellboys age makes the story feel much lighter than typical fare. Now that the main Hellboy and B.P.R.D. stories have finished any excuse to travel back into that world for a new story is a good one, and the fact the story is so fun is just a bonus. Hopefully this is just the first in an entire series exploring Hellboy in his youth.

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Young Hellboy: The Hidden Land #3

Apr 13, 2021

The penultimate issue of the series manages to show a chapter and aspects of Hellboys story that is brand new and different to anything which readers are familiar with, Hellboys youth and inexperience put a vastly different spin on the series, and rather than Hellboy being the hero of the story he is more of a passenger to events. The art looks stunning, and Mignola fans will love seeing this previously unsung chapter in our titular demons tale.

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Young Hellboy: The Hidden Land #4

Jun 2, 2021

A conclusion worthy to the first of, hopefully, many more Young Hellboy stories to come. An excellent reminder that readers have still only covered a fraction of Hellboys life and there are literally hundreds more stories to read. Seeing him so much younger and more innocent, in stark contrast to our world-weary hero, makes for great reading.

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