War is over, democracy an illusion, real power now lies not with nation states but huge corporations engaged in a silent war for global domination. Their number one weapon: highly-skilled, technologically-enhanced operatives trained since childhood to pledge their allegiance to the corporate flag. But what happens when one such operative breaks free of his mental chains and decides to bring the whole system down? Can one "Ronin" make a difference?
AMERICAN RONIN #1 is a beautifully-delivered premiere. An intelligent, cerebral thriller, you get so much jam-packed into this first issue: an engrossing story, stunning visuals, an espionage feel, and high-quality work all around. Put AMERICAN RONIN on your radar and get your pre-orders in now. This is a series you cannot afford to miss! Read Full Review
An exciting debut issue, it introduces readers to a near future world ruled by massive corporations, and promises characters who are more than just two dimensional cardboard cut outs. The empathy talent that the American Ronin has is both unique and interesting, and promises to make for some excellent storytelling opportunities as the series progresses. A debut that readers won’t want to miss. Read Full Review
Writer Peter Milligan writes a smart script that never gets too bogged down in technical speak. It is smart but accessible. ACO does a great job with the art here, reminding me of Dave Gibbons for some reason. Read Full Review
Say what you like about Artists Writers and Artisans bur over the last few months, they have been delivering some excellent books covering a wide range of topics and flavours. Read Full Review
American Ronin #1 is a good psychological thriller that is as absorbing as it is pretty. It's a little slow, but if you want a narrative that's very different than what you can get from most publishers, you'll want to give this a shot. Read Full Review
American Ronin #1 is a fairly visual interesting action/assassin comic from Peter Milligan, Aco, and Dean White that isn't weighed down by unnecessary exposition. Except for the last few pages, the book is fairly standalone and has a grindhouse (But slicker.) or darkly humorous tone. If you like John Woo movies, but also want to guillotine Jeff Bezos, then American Ronin is worth checking out. Read Full Review
Held back by some of Milligan's inconsistent dialog and confusing plot elements, "American Ronin" has the potential to be a great espionage thriller with a visual style all its own. Read Full Review
It's indulgent to the extreme with characters occupying the highest echelons of wealth and engaging with related vices. What might normally seem lascivious is fun when framed with curious new layouts Read Full Review
Corporations rule all and war against each other. Their soldiers are loyal only to their respective corporation. However, one soldier has become unbound from his conditioning. He is now a ronin seeking to take down this network of corporations. Yet is this truly happening? Read Full Review