The Scourge is closing in, wreaking havoc across the galaxy. The Silver Surfer has returned in time to bear witness to the Scourge's atrocities - but his new status quo leaves him helpless to intervene! Will the Surfer be able to find a way to save the fleeing innocents around him - or will he be forced to stand by and herald in a new age of death?
Rated T+
Left picking up the pieces after Silver Surfer: Black, the wielder of the Power Cosmic has his first major standalone story since and right away, it delivers. Read Full Review
Easily one of the more impressive efforts from the crossover Annihilation Scourge: Silver Surfer #1 sets the bar high for the incoming finale. Read Full Review
Silver Surfer vs the Void and his massive army of zombified Avengers, nuff said. Read Full Review
ANNIHILATION " SCOURGE: SILVER SURFER #1 is another solid book of the mini event. Dan Abnett nails the voice of Silver Surfer, and this issue gives a lot of answers as to the who, how, and why of the "Scourge". Paul Davidson pulls his own weight, but the star on the art side is Matt Milla and his beautiful coloring. It may be an event nobody asked for, and we'll see how it ends, but ANNIHILATION " SCOURGE: SILVER SURFER #1 is a worthy read. Read Full Review
Following the same formula as all the other one shots in this series readers will know what to expect. Considering this is Dan Abnett of Annihilation fame the writing isn't quite as strong as I'd come to expect. Colors really help to bring out Paul Davidson's stunning art which is probably the highlight of this issue. Read Full Review