drackula's Profile

Location: Bratislava, Slovakia Joined: Nov 16, 2019

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drackula added Dying Is Easy to their pull list Jan 20, 2020

Dying Is Easy

The debut of an all-new creation by Joe Hill (Locke & Key) and Martin Simmonds (Punks Not Dead)! Meet Syd "Sh*t-Talk" Homes, a disgraced ex-cop turned bitter stand-up comic turned... possible felon?!
In part 1 of Dying is Easy, Carl Dixon is on the verge of comedy superstardom and he got there the dirty way: by stealing jokes. He's got a killer...

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drackula added Dr. Strange (2019) to their pull list Jan 9, 2020

Dr. Strange (2019)

The impossible has happened! Doctor Strange's hands have been healed, restoring his surgical skills - but now he's being torn between his obligations as the Sorcerer Supreme and as a neurosurgeon. And when he's forced to choose which vows to uphold, who suffers most for it? After all, magic always has a cost...Be here for a brand new era of magic.....

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drackula rated The Visitor #1 Jan 4, 2020

The Visitor #1

By: Paul Levitz, Mj Kim
Released: Dec 18, 2019

Unstoppable. Untraceable. Unkillable. This is how he changes the world...
Who is the Visitor? Why are the leaders of the world terrified of him? And will they live long enough to find out?

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John Constantine: Hellblazer #2

By: Si Spurrier, Aaron Campbell
Released: Dec 18, 2019

John's return to London isn't going as smoothly as he'd hoped...though it's already been just as bloody as he could have expected! Enormous angels straight from the mind of William Blake are tearing people to ribbons in Peckham Rye Common, and the gang lord who's pressed John into service is getting increasingly impatient about John's inability to ...

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drackula added Wonder Woman: Dead Earth to their pull list Dec 26, 2019

Wonder Woman: Dead Earth

The celebrated creator of Murder Falcon and Extremity and artist of The Ghost Fleet, Daniel Warren Johnson brings bold sci-fi chops to his DC debut with a harrowing vision of Wonder Woman unlike anything you've ever seen. Princess Diana of Themyscira left paradise to save Man's Worl...

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drackula added John Constantine: Hellblazer to their pull list Dec 26, 2019

John Constantine: Hellblazer

John Constantine is back in London, back to his old tricks-and just in time, as things have become very dark indeed in his old stomping grounds. A small-time gang lord has found himself dealing with a big-time outbreak of supernatural weirdness...and without any allies to call on and nothing left to call his own, John doesn't have much choice about...

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drackula added The Visitor (2019) to their pull list Dec 26, 2019

The Visitor (2019)

Unstoppable. Untraceable. Unkillable. This is how he changes the world...
Who is the Visitor? Why are the leaders of the world terrified of him? And will they live long enough to find out?

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drackula added Suicide Squad (2019) to their pull list Dec 26, 2019

Suicide Squad (2019)

Task Force X-nicknamed the Suicide Squad-unites some of the DCU's unlikeliest villains for its bloodiest series yet! The Squad's new mission is to neutralize a new group of international super-terrorists known as the Revolutionaries-and not everyone on either side will make it out back alive! But when the U.S. government's most deniable team of do-...

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Is it the best tie-in issue in this event? Probably yes.

Annihilation - Scourge: Silver Surfer #1

By: Dan Abnett, Paul Davidson
Released: Dec 11, 2019

The Scourge is closing in, wreaking havoc across the galaxy. The Silver Surfer has returned in time to bear witness to the Scourge's atrocities - but his new status quo leaves him helpless to intervene! Will the Surfer be able to find a way to save the fleeing innocents around him - or will he be forced to stand by and herald in a new age of death?...

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drackula reviewed Suicide Squad #1 Dec 25, 2019

I dont like Suicide Squad and Harleen, but i like work of Tom Taylor. And Tom surprised me. It was fun, it was bloody and full of action. In next issues will be new and old characters like a barrel of gunpowder - on a grill party.

Suicide Squad #1

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Dec 18, 2019

Task Force X-nicknamed the Suicide Squad-unites some of the DCU's unlikeliest villains for its bloodiest series yet! The Squad's new mission is to neutralize a new group of international super-terrorists known as the Revolutionaries-and not everyone on either side will make it out back alive! But when the U.S. government's most deniable team of do-...

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drackula reviewed Wonder Woman: Dead Earth #1 Dec 25, 2019

It took a while to adapt to art, but it was great issue. Wonder woman is in post-apo world like a concentrated hope and light. She want to save everybody. I'm looking forward to next issue with more information about past and connecton between WW and catastrophy that decimated humankind.

Wonder Woman: Dead Earth #1

By: Daniel Warren Johnson
Released: Dec 18, 2019

The celebrated creator of Murder Falcon and Extremity and artist of The Ghost Fleet, Daniel Warren Johnson brings bold sci-fi chops to his DC debut with a harrowing vision of Wonder Woman unlike anything you've ever seen. Princess Diana of Themyscira left paradise to save Man's Worl...

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drackula reviewed Family Tree #2 Dec 23, 2019

First issue was about Loretta and her family. Second one is about Grandpa Judd. And Grandpa is a bad-ass. I really like Lemire´s storytelling and ability to surprise. Story had action and emotions. It´s very good issue.

Family Tree #2

By: Jeff Lemire, Phil Hester
Released: Dec 18, 2019

Loretta and her family are surrounded by deadly cultists and running out of time when Grandpa Judd arrives toting his ornery attitude and his trusty shotgun. But what good is a gun against a mysterious ailment turning his granddaughter into a tree?

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drackula reviewed Folklords #2 Dec 23, 2019

Story continues and fragments from both worlds - real-life and folk-tales - are little tighter. I´m enjoyed this issue and cliffhanger surprised me.

Folklords #2

By: Matt Kindt, Matt Smith
Released: Dec 18, 2019

Against the order of his village, Ansel strikes out to find the Folklords, the only beings that can explain his visions of another world. But the forest is even more dark and terrible than he was told, and Ansel meets two very different women who will change his life—one way or another—forever.

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drackula reviewed Morbius #2 Dec 23, 2019

So much better than first issue. It has drama, tragedy and good action. End of this issue was expected from moment of announcing this series. I´m glad that i´m not drop this after first issue. I dont have big expectation, but it has potential to be good reading in next issues.

Morbius #2

By: Vita Ayala, Marcelo Ferreira
Released: Dec 11, 2019

•  In an attempt to cure himself, Morbius has taken matters into his own hands...with monstrous results!
•  The Melter is the first in a line of victims for the Living Vampire!
Rated T+

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I really love this character and this issue is another good piece of great event.

Annihilation - Scourge: Beta Ray Bill #1

By: Michael Moreci, Alberto Alburquerque
Released: Dec 11, 2019

The Scourge has arrived! As the local population becomes infected, will Beta Ray Bill be able to fight back the horde and save the innocents-or are they already lost? Overwhelmed, will Bill himself fall victim to the Annihilation wave?!
Rated T+

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drackula reviewed Punisher: Soviet #2 Dec 22, 2019

This issue is slow, but give us good look into history of Stepanovich's revenge. Frank is mostly in background. I'm still curious and that's good.

Punisher: Soviet #2

By: Garth Ennis, Jacen Burrows
Released: Dec 11, 2019

• Seeds planted decades ago in Moscow and Afghanistan bloom bloody in New York City.
•  Who is Valery Stepanovich and why did he mow down a room full of Russian mobsters?
•  These are questions Frank Castle is going to answer and then decide if Valery deserves his own punishment.
Explicit Content

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drackula added James Bond (2019) to their pull list Dec 12, 2019

James Bond (2019)

New series, new team, new missions! VITA AYALA (Morbius, Age Of X-Man), DANNY LORE (Queen Of Bad Dreams) and ERIC GAPSTUR (James Bond 007) present a fresh take on the world's greatest secret agent. When a priceless piece of art is found to be fake, investigations lead down a rabbit hole of international crime and corruption. But what the hell does ...

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drackula reviewed James Bond #1 Dec 12, 2019

It was good issue, but without Bond. After good setting of story arrived James, but i didnt need him. Mixed feeling about this. I hope that second issue will be qualitatively the same, but with more of James Bond.

James Bond #1

By: Vita Ayala, Eric Gapstur
Released: Dec 4, 2019

New series, new team, new missions! VITA AYALA (Morbius, Age Of X-Man), DANNY LORE (Queen Of Bad Dreams) and ERIC GAPSTUR (James Bond 007) present a fresh take on the world's greatest secret agent. When a priceless piece of art is found to be fake, investigations lead down a rabbit hole of international crime and corruption. But what the hell does ...

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This issue has everything you want from Hellblazer. It has dark atmosphere, horror moments, humor and sympathetic main character. But story was really slow and i miss something and i dont know what is it. Its great start and maybe i will find bigger joy in this series in next issues.

John Constantine: Hellblazer #1

By: Si Spurrier, Aaron Campbell
Released: Nov 27, 2019

John Constantine is back in London, back to his old tricks-and just in time, as things have become very dark indeed in his old stomping grounds. A small-time gang lord has found himself dealing with a big-time outbreak of supernatural weirdness...and without any allies to call on and nothing left to call his own, John doesn't have much choice about...

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First story was great. Fantastic Four in good old-fashioned story with moral dilemma and scientific questions. Second one was meh. I dont like this team and story was really weak.

Fantastic Four: Negative Zone #1

By: Mike Carey, Stefano Caselli
Released: Nov 27, 2019

One of Reed Richards' greatest discoveries is the extradimensional Negative Zone that exists parallel to our own universe. But now, an experiment that Reed began many years ago has come back to roost-and the Fantastic Four will once more have to venture into this hostile expanse in order to put things right!
Plus! Ryan North and Steve Uy bring ...

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Negative zone is in a problems and i like it. It has good drive and so much action. Annihilus is a dick, but he is great for this kind of story. Very kind suprise.

Annihilation - Scourge: Alpha #1

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Juanan Ramirez
Released: Nov 20, 2019

Something is stirring in the Negative Zone...something that the Marvel Universe isn't ready for! Will Nova be able to assemble a team powerful enough to tackle this burgeoning threat, or is it already too late to stop its descent upon the galaxy? For the Cosmos's greatest heroes, ANNIHILATION is only...

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Like some What if? story ok, but like a part of new 2099 universe no. Ending was shocking, but it didnt save this issue. After bad Alpha 2099 another disappointment.

Marvel 2099: Fantastic Four #1

By: Karla Pacheco, Steven Cummings
Released: Nov 20, 2019

Heroes may be no more, but the legacy of Earth's greatest family lives on against impossible odds. But as this new quartet of champions takes on the mantle, what does it mean to be called Fantastic Four in a future ruled by Doom?
Rated T

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drackula reviewed Marvel 2099: Alpha #1 Nov 28, 2019

Oh, this was pure chaos. It´s not a regular comic issue. I´ts like a series of ads without context. I like 2099 and i will probably read next one-shots, but for someone new it must be so confusing.

Marvel 2099: Alpha #1

By: Nick Spencer, Viktor Bogdanovic
Released: Nov 20, 2019

80 years ago, the Marvel Universe was born. 80 years from now, will it die?! THE FUTURE IS IN PERIL! Events of AMAZING SPIDER-MAN have been leading to this for months. Something is happening in 2099 that spans Nueva York and beyond and will shake up the official Marvel Future forever. This is not a drill!
Rated T

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drackula reviewed Olympia #1 Nov 28, 2019

This story is a love-letter to classic comic books. Simple story, but with strong message. Combination of Kirby and Spielberg style is great.

Olympia #1

By: Curt Pires, Alex Diotto
Released: Nov 20, 2019

    MINISERIES PREMIERE! DOUBLE-SIZED FIRST ISSUE! Elon is a latchkey kid who spends his days alone reading comic books-until his favorite superhero, Olympian, comes crashing off the page and into reality! But as he nurses his wounded and delirious hero back to health, he discovers Olympian isn't the only thing that came through...

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drackula reviewed The Dollhouse Family #1 Nov 23, 2019

I really like this first issue. You know from beginning that something evil is in the air, but nothing prepares you to shock at the end of the issue. Except for supernatural threat, there is still horor of everyday life in dysfunctional family.

The Dollhouse Family #1

By: Mike Carey, Peter Gross
Released: Nov 13, 2019

On Alice's sixth birthday, her dying great-aunt sent her the birthday gift she didn't know she always wanted: a big, beautiful 19th-century dollhouse, complete with a family of antique dolls. In no time at all, the dollhouse isn't just Alice's favorite toy...it's her whole world. And soon, young Alice learns she can enter the house to visit a new g...

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drackula added The Dollhouse Family to their pull list Nov 23, 2019

The Dollhouse Family

On Alice's sixth birthday, her dying great-aunt sent her the birthday gift she didn't know she always wanted: a big, beautiful 19th-century dollhouse, complete with a family of antique dolls. In no time at all, the dollhouse isn't just Alice's favorite toy...it's her whole world. And soon, young Alice learns she can enter the house to visit a new g...

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drackula added Rai (2019) to their pull list Nov 22, 2019

Rai (2019)

Welcome to the 41st century: New worlds, new characters, new adventures.

Valiant's critically celebrated cyborg ronin named Rai embarks on a thrilling quest to save the future.

Multiple New York Times bestselling and award-winning writer Dan Abnett (Guardians of the Galaxy) joins forces with breathtaking artist Juan José Ryp ...

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drackula added Batman: Curse of the White Knight to their pull list Nov 22, 2019

Batman: Curse of the White Knight

In this explosive sequel to the critically acclaimed blockbuster BATMAN: WHITE KNIGHT from writer/artist Sean Murphy, The Joker recruits Azrael to help him expose a shocking secret from the Wayne family's legacy-and to run Gotham City into the ground! As Batman rushes to protect the city and his loved ones from danger, the mystery of his ancestry u...

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drackula added The Question: The Deaths of Vic Sage to their pull list Nov 22, 2019

The Question: The Deaths of Vic Sage

For years, Vic Sage has worn the faceless mask of the Question to clean up the streets of Hub City by sheer force of will. He knows right from wrong. He knows black from white. But what happens when he is drawn into a conspiracy that reaches from the heights of Hub City power to the...

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drackula reviewed Folklords #1 Nov 19, 2019

I saw many enthusiastic reviews and i´m glad, that i must agree with them. Very interesting start and good basics to another issues. I´am definitely in. I want to know who are folklords.

Folklords #1

By: Matt Kindt, Matt Smith
Released: Nov 13, 2019

* From Narnia to Harry Potter, we've seen our hero leave the real world for a fantasy world-but in Ansel's world of monsters and magic he's haunted by visions of our world with tailored suits and modern technology!
* Ansel embarks on his Quest to find the mysterious Folklords, hoping they can explain his visions...but looking for the Folklords ...

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