Black Knight: Curse of the Ebony Blade #5

Writer: Simon Spurrier Artist: Sergio Davila Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 28, 2021 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 17
8.4Critic Rating
7.1User Rating

•  The BLACK KNIGHT's ancient enemy has forged the EBONY CROWN - a weapon with the magical might to dwarf even the EBONY BLADE.
•  The end is within reach. No more suffering. No more pain. All Dane has to let go.
•  But he can't give in to the darkness. Not if there's any chance of ending the blood feud started in Camelot long ago.
•  Dane must fight. One last desperate battle. But he might not be the world's last hope. There is another.
•  Her name is JACKS, she's @#$% off, and she will change the BLACK KNIGHT FOREVER. more

  • 10
    Major Spoilers - Christopher Rondeau Jul 29, 2021

    Black Knight: Curse of the Ebony Blade #5 has been a thrilling miniseries that has the best possible conclusion for the plot and the characters. Read Full Review

  • 9.0 - Nicole Drum Jul 28, 2021

    Black Knight: Curse of the Ebony Blade reaches its finale this week with issue #5 and while the entire run has been an action-packed ride that simultaneously delivers on some deeply thought-provoking concepts about the accuracy of the history we're told as well as mental health, Si Spurrier saved the biggest punches and most exciting moments for this finale and the result is a fantastic book. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    COMICON - Scott Redmond Jul 29, 2021

    Black Knights concluding issue sufficiently and wonderfully wraps up many of the overarching plotlines or focuses of the miniseries while also building a whole new realm of mythology to explore moving forward. Every bit of the artwork brilliantly mixes darkness with also the brightness of hope and heroic energy that fills the issue. If you haven't checked out this series already, it surely should be on your to-read list. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Nick Devonald Jul 28, 2021

    A fitting conclusion to Spurriers reinterpretation of the character, the Black Knight legacy has an interesting and exciting future ahead. A mini series which stands on its own, but has many implications for the future. It also explores quite complex themes, and things like parentage and heritage feature quite heavily. Through in a fantastic art team as well and this is a comic readers will want to pick up. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Watch - Jimmy Hayes Jul 29, 2021

    A great final chapter to this series that reads very well on its own. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Aug 2, 2021

    Elsa Bloodstone returns as well to help in the battle against Mordred. Although she was a nice addition to the story, her involvement feels a bit forced given her hasty exit earlier in the series (which is then repeated again here). Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weird Science Marvel Comics - mrgabehernandez Jul 28, 2021

    Bits and PiecesBLACK KNIGHT: CURSE OF THE EBONY BLADE #5 has great art and a fairly inventive master plan by the lead villain, but it all feels a little too much like a contrived setup to have Jacks take over as the new Black Knight. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Willwrites Jul 28, 2021

    Spurrier expertly weaves a tale that shows us the depths of Dane Whitman's character and paves the way for a future filled with excellent stories. His history with writing about mental illness provides a careful and mindful hand where lesser writers would be blunt in their depiction, and it is genuinely refreshing to see considering Marvel's history with how it treats its manic-depressive characters. His blight isn't magicked away with an empty bit of toxic positivity, instead it is managed and treated with empathy.
    Read Black Knight with an open heart, and buckle up for amazing action and smart dialogue.

    - Spoilers -

    Taking the Dread Pirate Roberts tactic and applying it to Dane and Jacks is the best kind of more

  • 9.0
    Psycamorean Aug 2, 2021

    This was a really smart way to end this miniseries. I liked it a lot. Especially all the overt references to Brex*t. When Dane literally shat on Queen Elizabeth herself, I too lost my shit.

  • 8.5
    maljoss Mar 12, 2022

    This was strong finish to a series I really enjoyed.
    Sergio Davaila's art is much appreciated, and Spurrier's story and script were well paced and exciting. I'm always happy for an Elsa Bloodstone appearance, and I like Jacks as an addition to the Black Knight cannon. I liked the way Spurrier portrayed Dane, and I can understand why some people do not. The idea that his flaws are the source of the blade's power is a good twist, that's definitely a curse. Great ending page,too. Marvel should just bite the bullet and give Dane a regular series. I think this take, and this creative team, has some legs.

  • 8.5
    Fracadactyl Jul 28, 2021

    There are plenty of surprises this time around, this time not quite as founded. I might've missed the part that says the therapy app Dane was using is owned by Mordred. But I guess Jacks' involvement is one that fits if looked at hard enough. Plus the conclusion kind of fits together with her and Dane sharing the role of Black Knight. Because as most mental health cases in superhero narratives tell, it is best to share the burden than keep it all to themselves for self-destruction and delusion. Because as these narratives tend to go, similar problems will always come back.

  • 8.0
    CrazyforRAMU Dec 23, 2021

    The Black Knight defeats Mordred thanks to some excellent plot twists and psychological insights. An interesting new status quo is set up at the end. I complained at the last issue that the twists were telegraphed, but I found this finale quite satisfying. The fact that I failed to call the biggest twist of all might have something to do with it. This is a complicated script and the art does an impressive job keeping up. Most scenes are split between two different settings, and in most cases it successfully expands the scope of the story.

  • 1.5
    Merlyn Jul 28, 2021

    I hope whoever takes the reigns after this just forgets all this mess and pretends this abomination didn't happen. Spurrier's hate for Brexit and the crown shouldn't have to ruin a character with such a rich history, shame on you Marvel. All this was very stupid, from a character in a world of magic and history Spurrier made it about technology, that was so boring and predictable. Also, his daughter's personality is annoying but I guess that's how modern female characters have to be written to be considered "strong".

  • 1.0
    Logan X Aug 29, 2021

    I was hoping for the rebirth of Dane Whitman. I wanted direction for this character, streamline him and give him purpose. It cost me $20 to see him become a bigger mess. Magic undone by an app? Really? Really?

    Don’t get me started on the daughter that no one asked for.

  • 10
    Lock Aug 14, 2021

  • 9.0
    MarVVel Aug 9, 2024

  • 8.5
    Kreniigh Aug 14, 2021

  • 8.5
    Pantheon36 Jul 31, 2021

  • 8.5
    Blackgirl Jul 29, 2021

  • 8.0
    mrDovydas Sep 14, 2021

  • 8.0
    tonpas1989 Aug 9, 2021

  • 7.0
    Emma Jul 29, 2021

  • 6.5
    Lucas Oct 18, 2024

  • 1.0
    Fmernamz0 Jul 29, 2021

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