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Joined: Nov 04, 2020

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Emma rated Task Force Z #10 Jul 30, 2022

Task Force Z #10

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Eddy Barrows
Released: Jul 27, 2022

The rise of Powers Industries! Red Hood and what remains of his Task Force Z squad are on the run and investigating the secrets of their former benefactor, Powers Industries. What they discover will change Batman history forever. Meanwhile, inside Powers Industries, Mr. Bloom and Man-Bat are hard at work betraying their teammates with no remorse.

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Emma rated Task Force Z #9 Jul 5, 2022

Task Force Z #9

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Eddy Barrows
Released: Jun 29, 2022

Are we the baddies? After the shocking (but not really) betrayal by Mr. Bloom, the new Task Force Z are public enemy number one. All of Gotham is hunting for them. They are out of money, out of friends, and out of Lazarus Resin. But now they will have to face their most dangerous foe yet-and it's one of their own!

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Emma rated Task Force Z #8 May 24, 2022

Task Force Z #8

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Eddy Barrows
Released: May 25, 2022

All-new team! Same old problems! After losing everything, Task Force Z has finally discovered who their real enemy is. Jason and his team are on the run, underpowered, and outgunned. But everyone knew this was really just a Suicide Squad when they signed up, right? One way or another, they are going to finish this. Only one thing stands in their wa...

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Emma rated DC vs. Vampires #6 Mar 29, 2022

DC vs. Vampires #6

By: James Tynion IV, Otto Schmidt
Released: Mar 30, 2022

Batman gets the upper hand on the vampires who have infiltrated the Justice League...but the Vampire King finally reveals himself, and it will be the most jaw-dropping moment of 2022! The shocking, bestselling series reaches its blood-drenched halfway point!

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Batman: Beyond the White Knight #1

By: Sean Murphy
Released: Mar 30, 2022

"A lot can change in 10 years, especially in Gotham! Batman, a.k.a. Bruce Wayne, may be behind bars, but the real criminals are still out there. Gotham Motors CEO Derek Powers has seized control of the Wayne family's assets and is using them to transform the GTO and the city they've sworn to protect. Crime is down, but at what cost?
A new Batma...

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Emma rated Task Force Z #6 Mar 22, 2022

Task Force Z #6

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Eddy Barrows
Released: Mar 23, 2022

Secret-origin issue, baby! Task Force Z #5 was quite the disaster for Bane and Jason, huh? Let’s give those two a minute to sort out their lives and travel back to the very beginnings of the team: where the black market Lazarus trade has just begun, and Two-Face makes a call that heywaitaminute this is going to inform the current story, isn’t i...

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Emma rated Titans United #7 Mar 15, 2022

Titans United #7

By: Scott Cavan, Jose Luis
Released: Mar 16, 2022

The Titans face their final challenge as the true enemy is revealed. An alien armada is heading toward Earth, and Superboy must decide once and for all where his true allegiance lies. Will Starfire join forces with her evil sister, and what mysteries lurk far below the streets of Metropolis?  

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Emma rated Detective Comics #1057 Mar 15, 2022

Detective Comics #1057

By: Mariko Tamaki, Dan Mora
Released: Mar 16, 2022

"Batman is back! And just in time to save the life of Nightwing, who was given a fear toxin super-dose and tossed out of a skyscraper-another tragedy surrounding Arkham Tower's hostile takeover. As Scarecrow readies his forces for the big bat, war erupts on every floor of the building between the Penguin's thugs, the Party Crashers, the murderous A...

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Emma rated Seven Secrets #15 Mar 12, 2022

Seven Secrets #15

By: Tom Taylor, Daniele Di Nicuolo
Released: Mar 9, 2022

*  As the stakes get higher and more of the Order is lost, Caspar begins to struggle with the weight of the destruction mounting around him.
*  With Amon wielding the power of the future, can Caspar stay one step ahead and protect the ones he loves? Or will one wrong move bring it all tumbling down?

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Emma rated Future State: Gotham #11 Mar 12, 2022

Future State: Gotham #11

By: Dennis Culver, Nikola Cizmesija
Released: Mar 9, 2022

The Next Joker's rampage continues! All hell breaks loose in Gotham City as Jason Todd, a.k.a. Peacekeeper Red, enlists the Next Batman and Hunter Panic to battle the Next Joker for the life of...Tobias Whale? Plus, Talia makes a move that will change Nightwing forever!

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Emma rated Venom #6 Mar 12, 2022

Venom #6

By: Ram V, Bryan Hitch
Released: Mar 9, 2022


Dylan Brock is in the fight of his life - and he may be in it alone! As he and the VENOM symbiote continue to learn to live together without Eddie Brock, the LIFE FOUNDATION has activated a deadly new operative named the SPEARHEAD! Dylan and Venom aren't the only ones dead in his sights - every single symbiote th...

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Emma rated Spawn #327 Mar 12, 2022

Spawn #327

By: Rory McConville, Carlo Barberi
Released: Mar 9, 2022

The war for control of the Dead Zone enters a new phase as a surprising faction emerges, one that threatens to destabilize Spawn's plans to rid the world of the forces of Heaven and Hell.

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Superman: Son of Kal-El #9

By: Tom Taylor, John Timms
Released: Mar 9, 2022

Superman/Nightwing crossover part 2 of 2! Nightwing promised Clark Kent that while he's off-planet, Nightwing would look after Clark's son, Jon, as he tries to fill his father's shoes as Superman. But with someone out there murdering superpowered people, is Nightwing in over his head? Read Nightwing #89 (in stores 2/15/22) for part 1 of this crosso...

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Emma liked this:

Incredibly, it wasn't that bad until Dick decided to treat Jon like a moron. Dude you can't treat a young man who is already exploring his sexuality in such a childish way, it's not Damian. Such a forced interaction.
The art is really good.

Superman: Son of Kal-El #9

By: Tom Taylor, John Timms
Released: Mar 9, 2022

Superman/Nightwing crossover part 2 of 2! Nightwing promised Clark Kent that while he's off-planet, Nightwing would look after Clark's son, Jon, as he tries to fill his father's shoes as Superman. But with someone out there murdering superpowered people, is Nightwing in over his head? Read Nightwing #89 (in stores 2/15/22) for part 1 of this crosso...

+ LikeComments (1)
Becea - Mar 12, 2022

In my opinion, this was a desperate attempt to attract readers to this series, we all know that after number 5 sales began to drop. The writer can deny it all he wants, but the exit from the top 50 is a fact.

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M.Grayson reviewed Superman: Son of Kal-El #9 Mar 8, 2022

For a moment I thought about buying this number, until it became an emotional fanfic.

Superman: Son of Kal-El #9

By: Tom Taylor, John Timms
Released: Mar 9, 2022

Superman/Nightwing crossover part 2 of 2! Nightwing promised Clark Kent that while he's off-planet, Nightwing would look after Clark's son, Jon, as he tries to fill his father's shoes as Superman. But with someone out there murdering superpowered people, is Nightwing in over his head? Read Nightwing #89 (in stores 2/15/22) for part 1 of this crosso...

+ LikeComments (5)
Psycamorean - Mar 12, 2022

What forecasts lmao?

Tempra16v2.0Turbo - Mar 13, 2022

It's been about 5 years since DC will close in 1 or 2 years

Emma rated Punisher #1 Mar 12, 2022

Punisher #1

By: Jason Aaron, Jesus Saiz
Released: Mar 9, 2022


Born of tragedy. Devoted to war. Unstoppable in his rage. As the Punisher, Frank Castle has become the most accomplished killer the world has ever seen. Now it's time for him to face his true destiny. What shocking secret from Frank's past will convince him to take the reins of the Marvel Universe's most notori...

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Emma rated Robin #11 Feb 22, 2022

Robin #11

By: Joshua Williamson, Gleb Melnikov
Released: Feb 23, 2022

They survived the League of Lazarus tournament! Damian, Flatline, Ravager, and Connor Hawke celebrate with the rest of the fighters, but their party quickly turns into another deadly fight! Secret crushes are revealed, hearts are broken, and Hawke has one last confrontation with an old enemy before he can return to his former life!

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SenpaifenixJäger reviewed Nightwing #89 Feb 17, 2022

top by the comic book store and take a look at this issue, and it's a bad issue, to be sure, one where there's a desperation to focus attention on SuperJon. I do not understand why? he already has his own series.
Boring, bad jokes and no focus on character. And besides, I'm surprised he's still on the money thing, hell, I think Dick ended up mentally retarded after he was shot. It's the only more

Nightwing #89

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Feb 16, 2022

Superman/Nightwing crossover! Years ago,when Robin took his first uncertain steps away from Batman as his own hero, Superman stepped in and offered Dick Grayson crucial advice, support, and a name: Nightwing. Now it's time for Nightwing to return the favor.

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Merlyn reviewed Nightwing #89 Feb 15, 2022

So Dick funds a cult now? He's even more idiotic than just throwing his money away? He may just be the dumbest DC character at this moment. Also, is anyone REALLY laughing at this cringey humor? I genuinely don't think anyone with a decent sense of humor finds the "jokes" here funny. And I'm really tired of Taylor's pet creations peppered everywhere, the rEvOlUtIoNaRiEs were cringe, they made the more

Nightwing #89

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Feb 16, 2022

Superman/Nightwing crossover! Years ago,when Robin took his first uncertain steps away from Batman as his own hero, Superman stepped in and offered Dick Grayson crucial advice, support, and a name: Nightwing. Now it's time for Nightwing to return the favor.

+ LikeComments (27)
SenpaifenixJäger - Feb 17, 2022

These people, how the diversity of opinion hurts them, they only know how to attack, give them that others do not think like them, we are not seals to applaud even if something is garbage. Get over it and if Merlyn decides to keep reading it you should give thanks it's one more purchase.

Fury - Feb 24, 2022

Heaven help us. Merl & Ming have hooked up. Toxic fandom once again crawling out from under their rock.

Emma reviewed Teen Titans Academy #12 Feb 22, 2022

I was shocked when I learned that this diverse series, full of inclusive characters, was going to the guillotine. It's been bad from the start, so there's no loss.

Teen Titans Academy #12

By: Tim Sheridan, Tom Derenick
Released: Feb 23, 2022

It’s all come down to this! As their lives are literally tumbling down around them, the Titans must contend with the betrayal of their most troubled student-who has just unmasked themselves as Red X-plus a familiar face from deep in their darkest days, determined to exact an unholy vengeance upon Nightwing. In the end, after the epic collision of...

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Emma rated Task Force Z #5 Feb 22, 2022

Task Force Z #5

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Eddy Barrows
Released: Feb 23, 2022

Heads? Everyone gets eaten by a zombie. Tails? Aw, who am I kidding…everyone’s going to get eaten by a zombie. It’s always a trick question when Two-Face is involved…and Harvey Dent’s role in this whole zombie Suicide Squad thing (zombicide? Is this a Zombicide Zquad?) is a whole lot weirder than you think it is. Or maybe not, I don’t k...

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Emma rated Future State: Gotham #9 Jan 11, 2022

Future State: Gotham #9

By: Corinna Sara Bechko, Gabriel Hardman
Released: Jan 12, 2022

Peacekeeper Red teams up with Hunter Panic to learn the origins of the Next Joker from the only person who seems to have answers: Punchline! Can Jason Todd convince her to help in time to stop this deadly new Joker from killing his latest victim? And what will he have to give her to get her to do it?

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Merlyn reviewed Detective Comics #1048 Jan 11, 2022

For a second there, I almost thought there's a good story here, that Wear might be an interesting character who takes his revenge on Gotham because his mother wasn't taken care of. Nope, turns out he hated his mother and he's an average crook. I guess expecting a good story from Tamaki was foolish on my part. The backup is even more bland.

Detective Comics #1048

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Fernando Blanco
Released: Jan 12, 2022

“The Tower” part two! The mysteries of Dr. Wear begin to unfold as a new doctor named Frow joins the staff of Arkham Tower. The Bat-Family tries to figure out the best way to infiltrate the facility, but someone may have gotten the drop on them…someone not unfamiliar with psychiatric facilities…one Dr. Harleen Quinzel, better known to you d...

Emma liked this:

I didn't expect this series to plummet that way in sales, from having number 6 in sales in the previous issue to ... not even being on the top 50 list. Obviously the collectors had to acquire it, but it is still a bad writing where everything revolves around a rose novel, poorly written and ridiculous instead of a good adventure.

This number is a vile filler and again we see charact more

Superman: Son of Kal-El #6

By: Tom Taylor, John Timms
Released: Jan 5, 2022

Superman has recovered from the devastating attack against him. After the life-changing events of issue #5, Jon Kent and his new ally Jay Nakamura are ready to strike back. They are on a collision course with the type of power that is used to swatting problems out of the way. But Superman is not so easily swatted!

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SenpaifenixJäger - Jan 11, 2022

Sorry I thought you were one of the gang of stalkers who only seek to annoy and are so sick that they even do it off site. https://icv2.com/articles/markets

SenpaifenixJäger - Jan 11, 2022

Tambien esta https://www.comichron.com/index.php

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Merlyn reviewed Future State: Gotham #9 Jan 11, 2022

I actually liked this, as much as Future State was annoying and I'm glad DC is letting all of that go away. It's kind of my guilty pleasure, I guess.

Future State: Gotham #9

By: Corinna Sara Bechko, Gabriel Hardman
Released: Jan 12, 2022

Peacekeeper Red teams up with Hunter Panic to learn the origins of the Next Joker from the only person who seems to have answers: Punchline! Can Jason Todd convince her to help in time to stop this deadly new Joker from killing his latest victim? And what will he have to give her to get her to do it?

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Black Phillip reviewed Women of Marvel: 2021 #1 Apr 22, 2021

A parody book.
My grand parents lived in Marseille in 1943, there were not any black women spies or "resistance bar". French resistants were hidden in the "maquis" and killed very quickly if they were found.
This is the worst thing i ever read on my country in WW2.

Women of Marvel: 2021 #1

By: Natasha Alterici, Eleonora Carlini
Released: Apr 21, 2021

The future is female! Get in on the ground floor with this amazing assembly of writers and artists from all over entertainment. Comics legend Louise Simonson kicks things off with a must-read introduction! Nadia Shammas punches the ...

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Psycamorean - Jan 12, 2022


Psycamorean - Jan 13, 2022

Wait, I just noticed you blocked me, TSMack. Why? I went through our previous interactions and they've been nothing but cordial, and that includes this one. What did I do lol?

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Merlyn reviewed Robin & Batman #3 Jan 11, 2022

Once again, we have Lemire shitting on Batman just for the hell of it. I really don't see Bruce telling Dick to skip school for the mission, he always used to not let the Robins get in the field until their homework was done and stuff like that. Here, Lemire out of misguided dislike of the character, I'm sure, decides Bruce needs to be shitty so Alfred can shine instead. Given his hate of a belove more

Robin & Batman #3

By: Jeff Lemire, Dustin Nguyen
Released: Jan 12, 2022

To reconcile his trauma and move toward an optimistic future, Dick Grayson must first confront his tragic past. Unfortunately, that step includes a confrontation with an enraged Killer Croc, who is out for Grayson blood! This action-packed issue concludes the epic tale of a young man learning to live and love in a nightmarish world.

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Merlyn reviewed The Joker #11 Jan 11, 2022

This book has lost steam for a while now, I'm starting to be more interested in that abysmal Punchline backup than the main story and that's a problem. I think we really need some answers and fast because otherwise this seems like the classic edgy Tynion story where he sets up some stuff and doesn't know what to do with it.

The Joker #11

By: Sam Johns, Giuseppe Camuncoli
Released: Jan 12, 2022

The Joker is about to learn the harsh reality of the motto “Don’t Mess with Texas” as the Sampsons bring him back home to their ranch…for dinner! PUNCHLINE BACKUP: While Harper Row has been making sure that Punchline stays behind bars, her brother, Cullen, has been getting closer to Punchline’s fans. His new boyfriend, Bluff, is hiding a...

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Merlyn reviewed Titans United #5 Jan 11, 2022

Pretty bad issue.

Titans United #5

By: Cavan Scott, Jos Lus
Released: Jan 12, 2022

Black Zero strikes! Superboy has turned on the Titans as Tamaranean forces move to invade Earth. As Donna Troy falls to Conner’s newly restored powers, Raven tries desperately to reach the friend and ally they once knew.

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Emma liked this:

I have given up on Bendis' JL and I can't wait for him to leave the book (JL #74 is his last issue) but I was interested in the concept of the JL vs. Legion. Yeah, it's still bad. Nothing else to add here, all the heroes have the same Bendis voice and I won't read any more of this crap.

Justice League vs. The Legion of Super-Heroes #1

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Scott Godlewski
Released: Jan 12, 2022

One thousand years in the future, a Legion of Super-Heroes comes together to dedicate their lives to recapturing the great age of heroes of the 21st century. When the heroes discover that reality is falling to a great darkness in both times simultaneously, the Justice League and the Legion of Super-Heroes must team up to stop it all. But what is th...

+ LikeComments (2)
Another_fans - Jan 12, 2022

I almost always disagree with your reviews but Bendis is really bad enough for me to agree on this one

TSMack - Jan 12, 2022

Pigs must be flying today! 🐷

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