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Joined: Dec 29, 2021

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Msf567 commented on this:

I didn't expect this series to plummet that way in sales, from having number 6 in sales in the previous issue to ... not even being on the top 50 list. Obviously the collectors had to acquire it, but it is still a bad writing where everything revolves around a rose novel, poorly written and ridiculous instead of a good adventure.

This number is a vile filler and again we see charact more

Superman: Son of Kal-El #6

By: Tom Taylor, John Timms
Released: Jan 5, 2022

Superman has recovered from the devastating attack against him. After the life-changing events of issue #5, Jon Kent and his new ally Jay Nakamura are ready to strike back. They are on a collision course with the type of power that is used to swatting problems out of the way. But Superman is not so easily swatted!

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SenpaifenixJäger - Jan 11, 2022

Sorry I thought you were one of the gang of stalkers who only seek to annoy and are so sick that they even do it off site.

SenpaifenixJäger - Jan 11, 2022

Tambien esta

Msf567 reviewed Superman: Son of Kal-El #6 Jan 4, 2022

Boring. Removing from my list

Superman: Son of Kal-El #6

By: Tom Taylor, John Timms
Released: Jan 5, 2022

Superman has recovered from the devastating attack against him. After the life-changing events of issue #5, Jon Kent and his new ally Jay Nakamura are ready to strike back. They are on a collision course with the type of power that is used to swatting problems out of the way. But Superman is not so easily swatted!

Msf567 commented on this:
Merlyn reviewed Swamp Thing: Green Hell #1 Dec 28, 2021

More climate alarmism from Jeff Lemire this time, I hardly feel like this is the same guy who's writing Robin&Batman. The dialogue is just bad, it's like he's not even trying. I honestly expected better from him, even if he isn't one of my favorite writers at all. But this is just stupid, lazy and self-indulgent, nothing to see here.

P.S.: For those who don't understand what other peopl more

Swamp Thing: Green Hell #1

By: Jeff Lemire, Doug Mahnke
Released: Dec 29, 2021

The Earth is all but done. The last remnants of humanity cling to a mountaintop island lost in endless floodwater. The Parliaments of the Green, the Red, and the Rot all agree: it’s time to wipe the slate clean and start the cycle of life over again. And to do so, they’ve united their powers to summon an avatar-one of the most horrific monsters...

+ LikeComments (23)
Mingthemerciless - Dec 31, 2021

Repubs and dems are two sides of the same coin. Both stink and both have similar interests at their core.

Mingthemerciless - Dec 31, 2021

Bingo Merlyn the corporations feign being woke to avoid the damage from activists. Its just cheaper in their eye.

Msf567 added The Nice House on the Lake to their pull list Dec 29, 2021

The Nice House on the Lake

Everyone who was invited to the house knows Walter-well, they know him a little, anyway. Some met him in childhood; some met him months ago. And Walter’s always been a little…off. But after the hardest year of their lives, nobody was going to turn down Walter’s invitation to an astonishingly beautiful house in the woods, overlooking an enormo...

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Msf567 added Batman (2016) to their pull list Dec 29, 2021

Batman (2016)

"I AM GOTHAM" chapter one
No one has ever stopped the Caped Crusader. Not The Joker. Not Two-Face. Not even the entire Justice League. But how does Batman confront a new hero who wants to save the city from the Dark Knight?
CAN'T MISS: Superstar artist David Finch returns to Batman alongside writer Tom King for this five-part storyline.

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Msf567 added The Joker Presents: A Puzzlebox to their pull list Dec 29, 2021

The Joker Presents: A Puzzlebox

It's story time! The G.C.P.D have a mysterious corpse, a magical box, and a murderer's row of the city's most dangerous villains sitting in a jail cell. Now all they need to figure out is what exactly happened. Fortunately, one suspect is willing to talk. Unfortunately, it's The Joker…

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Msf567 added Swamp Thing (2021) to their pull list Dec 29, 2021

Swamp Thing (2021)

Swamp Thing returns in a new 10-issue series that stars Levi Kamei as the next Guardian of the Green. Unable to control his transformation into the monstrous Swamp Thing, Levi is thrust into the harsh, unforgiving mystery of grisly murders committed by a supernatural desert legend. Levi must revisit past events in his homeland of India and face the...

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Msf567 added Action Comics (2016) to their pull list Dec 29, 2021

Action Comics (2016)

PATH TO DOOM Chapter One
Superman returns to Metropolis just in time to meet the city of tomorrows newest protector: Lex Luthor. But its not long before these dueling titans meet someone unexpected the new Clark Kent! DONT MISS: ACTION COMICS returns to its original numbering with this issue! NOW SHIPPING TWICE MONTHLY!

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Msf567 added Swamp Thing: Green Hell to their pull list Dec 29, 2021

Swamp Thing: Green Hell

The Earth is all but done. The last remnants of humanity cling to a mountaintop island lost in endless floodwater. The Parliaments of the Green, the Red, and the Rot all agree: it’s time to wipe the slate clean and start the cycle of life over again. And to do so, they’ve united their powers to summon an avatar-one of the most horrific monsters...

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Msf567 commented on this:
Merlyn reviewed Action Comics #1038 Dec 28, 2021

Pretty mediocre story that always backs down whenever a serious choice with real consequences is to be made.

Action Comics #1038

By: Philip Kennedy Johnson, Adriana Melo
Released: Dec 29, 2021

“The Warworld Saga,” part three. Everything changes! After the heart-stopping events of Action Comics #1037, Superman and the surviving members of the Authority see a side of Warworld they never knew existed. In the lower catacombs, Superman finds another survivor of the lost Phaelosian race of Krypton, a scientist turned enslaved gladiator wit...

+ LikeComments (7)
Merlyn - Dec 29, 2021

His solution was "I'm sure everything'll turn out ok for you Lia, even though you're dead right now". That's not something I enjoyed at all. His philosophy wasn't about not killing those who cheer for them, it was about winning hearts and minds by trying to win over even those that don't understand him at this point. I did like that but again, it really bothered me that whole "oh you're dead but you'll get over it".

Merlyn - Dec 29, 2021

Yeah, I also enjoy this a lot more than Taylor's cringy Superman, which is horrible overall. But I still feel like this run is playing it too safe.

Msf567 reviewed Action Comics #1038 Dec 29, 2021

A bit all over the place. I dont understand how Midnighter located Superman's prison cell by just killing a few guards... the story is chalk full of narrative shorthand such as this, but strikes a satisfying moral thesis at the heart of it. The backup is a citrus chaser, nice NFT reference.

Action Comics #1038

By: Philip Kennedy Johnson, Adriana Melo
Released: Dec 29, 2021

“The Warworld Saga,” part three. Everything changes! After the heart-stopping events of Action Comics #1037, Superman and the surviving members of the Authority see a side of Warworld they never knew existed. In the lower catacombs, Superman finds another survivor of the lost Phaelosian race of Krypton, a scientist turned enslaved gladiator wit...

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