Lol yeah that's how hook you in. I have to go back and read all of the venom and web of venom stuff now. I was planning on waiting to read it but I guess I have to now lol
o At the diplomatic conference to decide the future of space, there's been a murder most foul - and one of the delegates is responsible!
o It's up to Ranger Rocket to save Marvel Boy from execution, solve the mystery and find the real killer - while a ticking bomb counts down to zero!
o Can things get worse? It's GUARDIANS. Things always get worse.
32 PGS./Rated T+
A solid issue with a lot of big reveals in regards to the overall plot. Read Full Review
Al Ewing’s run on Guardians gets better and better with each issue, he shows readers he’s taking each character very seriously, spending the time on their characterisation and drafting a familiar Guardians which are also very much Ewings Guardians. The art continues to impress. Read Full Review
Can Ranger Rocket get his tiny prehensile hands around a murder mystery set to leave the galaxy aflame and at war? Read Full Review
If youre a fan of Rocket, youll get a kick out of this issue as he logics his way through a murder mystery. His flippant attitude is front and center but the rest of the cast of characters are wonderfully represented through the dialogue and art. Read Full Review
Read up to the second to last page, and it's great. Read Full Review
This is a detour that looked to be a lot of fun, but by the final page readers have discovered the first issue in this Guardians of the Galaxy run that can be described as being "just fine." Read Full Review
I love this detective story.
Drunk Rocket playing detective lends a comedic air to a story that takes a decided turn for the grim. He solves the case and prevents (some) war, but the shadow of Knull looms by the end. Solid art, terrific writing, and a rare star turn for a Chitauri make this payoff every bit as satisfying as the setup in the previous issue.
This current run needs more buzz. It is very good.
Now I see why some people disliked the MCU interpretation. I enjoyed those movies, but I am finding the comic versions of GotG so much more complex. The GotG stories are much more than a "superhero" title. Al Ewing continues a great run on these characters. Now that Empyre is complete, I look forward to where he takes our heroes. This issue is quick, but no less well written and drawn. The dynamics between the teams and the other players in the universe carries the perfect amount of drama and intrigue. This book continues to have stellar artwork. Finally, Al Ewing writes a great Rocket! Tell your LCS to add this book to your pull list. Wont be disappointed.
YES I love a murder mystery.
This is really fun. I like how Al Ewing writes Rocket, especially.
I absolutely love the cover art so much. I mean come on, that's like Rocket Racoon meets Han Solo. This comic series is absolutely brilliant! I love everything that this comic has to offer. I would have preferred a little more mystery for Rocket's detective arc but nonetheless this comic captivates me with its humor, it's thrilling story and its beautiful artwork!
Really good issue. Scary last panel. Great art and loved rocket in this issue, columbo like.
" What am i saying ? I'm saying one of you is a murderer. Nobody leave this room."
I really like Rocket and wanted to give this a higher review. I like a good murder mystery but this just wasn't. A good murder mystery or detective story will allow the reader to put the answers together if they are paying attention. It should take multiple issues. So for just a 2 issue story, and one that the reader see's that Marvel Boy is innocent right away, it just didn't work out as a mystery for me. The real killer was never something that could be worked out outside the narrative either. Go read an older Sherlock Holmes or Agatha Christie story to see how these stories do it right. Maybe it was into a Knull crossover and had to wrap it up early... Also disappointed the series is crossing into the Knull stuff. I was planning on sittimore
This was so weak.