It was bound to happen — the gates are off the hinges as everything bursts to the surface! What lies in store for the future of Ravencroft?
While Ravencroft started out as a pretty weak mini-series following up the "Absolute Carnage" event, the book wound up being a ton of fun by issue #5. Read Full Review
A good finale thanks to an excellent last few pages. Ravencroft is an idea that can work and this issue proves that, but it does take a while to get there through some pointless shooting and interesting. Read this knowing the last few pages are rich with ideas. Read Full Review
Comic Fans, if you came looking for something fun to read that will bombard you with action and killing, this issue is totally for you. However, if you're looking for a sturdy plot, character progression, and well-written dialogue, this may not be the title for you this week. Read Full Review
If you love campy horror films, this may be fun; if you're looking for a more character-driven foray into the grim catacombs of Ravencroft, this is not the book for you. Read Full Review
A disappointing conclusion to a disappointing series. Despite attempting to convince readers of its importance to the overall Knull storyline, it doesn’t read as essential reading rather just Marvel being greedy and trying to make the most money out of Cates’ excellent run on Venom and Absolute Carnage. The great art isn’t enough to recommend this comic. Read Full Review