Well put.
Thanos Wins...Cosmic Ghost Rider...The Death of the Inhumans...Silver Surfer: Black...Guardians of the Galaxy...It's all been leading to this.
Rated T+
If you're looking for a Guardians story to pick up"this is it. If you're a fan of the team, there's no way you'll leave disappointed. Read Full Review
As Donny Cates last issue on Guardians of the Galaxy he really ends it all on a high. Great art, some incredible references back to earlier Cosmic series he’s done, this is going to be a guaranteed fan pleaser. Now all we need is an omnibus containing all of his cosmic work to date. Read Full Review
Another commendable thing about this Guardians of the Galaxy was the solid art throughout, which began with Geoff Shaw and ends with Cory Smith. Replacing an artist in the middle of a run is always tricky you either find someone whose aesthetic is compatible with the person theyre replacing, or completely swerve off the path into a new style altogether. They took the former approach here, and Smith has been an exceedingly seamless transition from Shaw that you may not even notice the change if you werent paying close enough attention. The fact that he also brought with him a new inker (Victor Olazaba) and colorist (David Curiel) from the departing Shaw and Marte Gracia makes the changeover even more impressive. Read Full Review
The finale of Donny Cates run is a fun ride for anyone who loves emotional space adventures. Read Full Review
Too easy of an ending to be satisfying,Donny Cates and Cory Smith'sGuardians of the Galaxy tenure chooses to conclude in the breeziest manner possible, all the while shamelessly plugging the author's other recent works. Plain and simple, fans deserve better. Marvel, for their part, seem more interested in cranking this issue out just so they can get to next month's latest first issue for this title. If this is the sort of product readers can expect from an ever-increasingly corporate Marvel and its Mouse House overlords, dark days are indeed ahead for the former House of Ideas. Read Full Review
It's the final issue of Cates' run on Guardians of the Galaxy but it's also the end of his time on Cosmic Marvel. Let's see how it goes.
The Good:
Rocket was great in this issue. Pretty much every scene he was in was great.
Moondragon's scene with Drax. Man, that was good.
I love how Cates tied this story to his other books. It's something he always pulls off well.
Those last couple spread pages. Those were great from the creative teams of those books.
The Bad:
A fitting end to Cates' GotG and Cosmic Marvel as a whole. It's a shame it had to end but we're also getting Ewing on the title next so I'm hyped for that.
This second arc was even better than the first one and I don't have any complaints about the ending this time. All of the emotional bits hit.
This was very sweet and a good conclusion.
This was a very good wrap up issue. I had a good time.
" You're not losing to a raccoon. You're losing to an engineer. "
An ok run from Cates. Feels like it won't be remembered years to come
It's a satisfying ending, but the assertion that all of Donny Cates' cosmic stories combine into a grand tapestry doesn't thrill me at all.
As a person who only read the this run + Silver Surfer Black(which is amazing and you should definitely read, BTW), and doesn't have any connection with all the other Cosmic MARVEL stories he wrote, i didn't liked it too much. It drops plot points, ignores characters and solves problems in very weak ways.