As Noah's mother lies in the hospital, deep in a coma with no prognosis of awakening, John Constantine makes the acquaintance of a rapacious spirit-one with a terrifying significance for all of England.
Reading the issue for the first time, I was torn between so many sentiments and reactions. The style reads like classic Hellblazer in the best way with monsters that defy visual definition, providing terrifying impressions over clean lines. Read Full Review
What more can be said? This is THE issue for Simon Spurriers Constantine. This is the one to show your friends to get them back into comics. Or to show them what Black Label is about at DC. Or to give that family member that says something uncomfortable about the NHS. This is what comics can be and it should be read. Read Full Review
Hellblazer's latest issue is required reading. It's a thoughtful and timely meditation on the nature of hate that commands the reader's attention until the very last panel. Read Full Review
An incredibly powerful comic, incredible writing, and current global events make it resonate incredibly strongly. If you haven’t been reading this run on Hellblazer do yourself a favour and go pick it up at once. You won’t regret it. The writing, the art, the colours, all three are out of this world. Read Full Review
Hellblazer #6 is a reminder of the powerful storytelling the comics medium is capable of. Read Full Review
It felt like Jamie Delano was writing the book again, it was that good. The art by Aaron Campbell is equally impressive. They really hit all the right notes with this story. Read Full Review
A great story that has a very important point to make. Read Full Review
In short, John Constantine: Hellblazer #6 is an excellent example of Hellblazer in the classic mold, impressing with it's art and complex storytelling while depressing me as I realize how little has changed since 1988. Read Full Review
John Constantine: Hellblazer #6 (Spurrier, Campbell, Bellaire) is visually terrifying with writing so relevant that it is even scarier. Spurrier, Campbell, and Bellaire offer a great Constantine issue that is meant to be read this very moment. Read Full Review
The only drawback I have for this issue is that while it's definitely supposed to be dark and mysterious, there are certain panels when the spirit/ghost/demon is doing its thing, and I can't really make out much on the page outside of red streaks and what resembles a face. It would take me out of what was otherwise a well-written and well-drawn book. Read Full Review
Bergara's art fits well with the introduction of Tommy Willowtree, but Campbell's capture Constantine's presence a bit more; that dingy feel. Still, I like that DC has alternated artists in the first few issues " typically that bugs me. But the tone changed from issues #1-3 to #4 and 5, and now we see it again in #6. All that being said, Constantine belongs in the dark, so hopefully he stays there for a little while longer. Read Full Review
Definitely my favorite issue of the series so far. Also pumped that Campbell is back doing art for this book; the art once again meshes so well with Spurriers story. Here's to hoping they work together for the majority of this series!
As perfect as an issue can get, I think.
Wow, this was just... perfect.
Probably my favorite issue of the series so far. It all works very well. It's a tight done-in-one. The writing, the art, the coloring, everything. It all works. There's not anything I can say bad about this one. This is a very pure 10/10.
This issue was for the ones who didn’t really liked Noah as a replacement for chas (I am one of them) but spurrier proves that Noah is an amazing and good hearted character in just one issue. This issue was poetic and had very good details about its character, even the ones we see only for a page. This issue is scary, poetic and at times funny. Its everything hellblazer wants to be and should be. Another a plus story!
I'm late to review this, I know, but just wanted to add my two cents to the conversation. Spurrier's run on Hellblazer started off well and has got better with each issue. This one is a classic! It gives us a little look into Noah's life, as well as reminding us that this book has always been a horror comic. Recommended!
Very well done issue