• Chewie's been Carnagized, and Carol ain't happy about it!
• It's Earth's Mightiest Hero against a symbiotic space cat - what more could you need?!
Rated T+
Highly recommended, great art, great storytelling, not essential reading for the main event but if you're going to pick up any of the tie-ins, I would put this one at the top of the pile. Read Full Review
Overall, Absolute Carnage: Captain Marvel #1 is an average tie-in comic. The story is okay. The art is average at best. For every fun Bad kitty bit of dialogue, theres an off-putting FOMO. If youre collecting everything Absolute Carnage, go ahead and pick it up. For the rest looking for absolute must tie-ins, save your five bucks. Read Full Review
While there are some charming parts at the beginning and end of the issue, there's just not enough here to make this a must-buy, though there is some fun to be had if you're willing to overlook some flaws. Read Full Review