In a world beyond the sight of mortals, Heaven and Hell wage war for the souls of mankind. Principal among God's legion are seven archangels written about in religious texts for millennia. But there is an eighth archangel, known only from passing allusions in Apocrypha, who operates under a different code. Fighting without God's sanction, he faces the enemy on his own terms, and shows just how bad good can be.
Archangel 8 is shaping up to be one of the most stylised comics of the year. This is a phenomenal comic that will appeal to fans of the Punisher or Hellblazer. A rich mythos that begs to be explored, gorgeous artwork which will pull readers in, and an incredible hardboiled story that comes together to produce an outstanding comic. Highly recommended. Read Full Review
While it's virtually impossible to bypass Marvel and DC in sales, the writing that AWA is putting out is better than anything the big two are doing right now. Read Full Review
Archangel 8 #2 is a violent, intriguing and even better executed second chapter in this supernatural noir tale with strong moody art and writing that balances some heavy, violent action with good character work and tension building storytelling from the team. It's well worth the read. Read Full Review
A successful vigilante comic that offers more then just the violence. This issue is brutal and requires more work from the reader to get through the violence to the core of the story., but the layers are there. Excellent art work and plotting make this comic worth picking up. Read Full Review