After outcast teens, Samuel, Samantha, and Samir, find an adorable but dangerous alien creature in the woods and name him Chip, they bond over their shared secret. But as the pressures of hiding an actual alien mount, they each begin to fantasize about how to use Chip's strange powers to improve the world-starting with their current lives.
Only two issues in and I’m already predicting this seriers will end up being one of the greats, and make frequent appearances on ‘best of’ lists. Simon Spurrier’s writing excels as always, Chris Wildgoose’s art is one of the highlights, André May’s colours add a lot to the storytelling. A deep look into the human psyche, each of its character is flawed and human, a commentary on social media and its influences on society, morally grey. There are some great concepts on display here. Read Full Review
This is a great second issue that shockingly jumps ahead a bit and forces the reader to catch up. That makes it exciting as it never overly explains or feels slow. It's one of the best psychological explorations I've read in comics for quite a while. Read Full Review
While not as jaw-dropping as the opening issue, Alienated #2 (Spurrier, Wildgoose, May) continues to weave an intriguing story framed in beautiful art that further piques interest for future issues. Read Full Review
Teenage dreams mixed with sci-fi nightmares, tuned for the 21st century. Gen Z is not okay! Read Full Review
An outstanding comic suitable for for almost all ages. The magnificent art work tells a thought provoking story that is entirely engrossing. Alienated is vying for comic of the year. Read Full Review
Issue #1 of Alienated showed us how alone, how different, how “alienated” each of the Sams are. With this issue one of them is beginning to act a little more “alien”. Read Full Review
As cute as the alien is, this is no ET. Alienated is all about teenage angst and such and that some psychic from outer space isn't going to fix it. Read Full Review
I find this actually very funny to read as an older reader, and I am sure I can link the characters back to at least a few people from my teen years. Alienated is genuinely a great read and I am very much invested in where this story goes next. Read Full Review
Chris Wildgoose delivers some beautiful art in this issue. The dream sequence and the invasion of one of the character's minds are drawn beautifully and there is so much great detail to be found in the panels of this issue. Read Full Review
There's still an interesting story present in these pages, but many of the best features have been dialed back to the series' detriment. Read Full Review