Benjamin Percy (Wolverine) and Brent Schoonover (Batman '66) present a chilling crime thriller, loosely based on real events, that examines murder in the dark underbelly of America's heartland. Sharon Harrow, an elite military veteran with skeletons in her closet and a dark family secret, embarks on a quest to hunt down the serial killer that brutally murdered her father - only to discover that he is just one piece of a national network of evil that snakes across the country and hides in plain sight. To catch the Devil, Harrow must first embrace and unleash the darkness within.
Overall, Devil's Highway #4 is a great penultimate issue where we see a hero rise. The story by Benjamin Percy is astounding. The art by the creative team is astounding. Altogether, a great chapter in the miniseries which ratchets up the action. Read Full Review
Devil’s Highway continues to impress, excellent storytelling and art throughout the series, a creative team who work really well together and are firing on all cylinders here. The concept of a cult of serial killer truck drivers is excellent, suitably scary yet managing to remain believable. The series is so consistently good it really manages to stand out from the crowd. Read Full Review