The Man Who Effed Up Time #3

Writer: John Layman Artist: Karl Mostert Publisher: Aftershock Comics Release Date: June 17, 2020 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 1
7.5Critic Rating
5.5User Rating

The armored Neanderthal foot-soldiers who serve the evil emperor Abraham Lincoln VI have orders to bring in time-traveling f#%&-up Sean Bennett dead or alive- and they choose dead!

That's right, we kill our lead character on page two of issue #3. So, uh...what's next? Well, either a lotta blank pages...or a surprise twist so amazing YOU DARE NOT MISS THIS ISSUE!!! (Spoiler: it's the latter.)

Presenting a time-twisted sci-fi action-comedy, a butterfly effect noir, by multiple Eis-ner-winning writer John Layman (Chew, ELEANOR & THE EGRET) and talented new-comer Karl Mostert. Order it today...before time runs out!

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Jun 17, 2020

    As the series progresses I'm definitely getting into a position of wondering what Future Sean is up to and just how John Layman may pull the rug out from under us overall. There are enough twists and turns you can do with time travel and I'm hoping for some good surprises that leave me in disbelief. This installment is a lot of fun as Sean contends with the truth of some of his past and figuring out how to secure a future while he has some time left. Karl Mostert has a lot of fun with the look and feel of this particular timeline and embraces its weirdness and wonkiness while making it feel cohesive. I'm excited to see what comes next and hope it's just as surprising. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Nick Devonald Jun 17, 2020

    Carrying on the high standards the first two issues set this third issue continues to surprise readers with numerous twist in an insane time-travelling storyline. It carries on being a fun read and is sure to appeal to readers who love bonkers stories with different timelines being intertwined. Read Full Review

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