I wasn't aware books could be bad because of "reading" i thought we judged comics or "writing' and "art"
Rated T+
While the ending was a bit all too predictable, the creative team pulled some interesting strings with Adam Warlock and reintroduced a few new characters that are sure to make cosmic fans happy. Read Full Review
Infinity Wars #6, a 50-page finale, tied up the loose ends. The creative team pulled some interesting strings that are sure to make cosmic fans happy. Read Full Review
Infinity Wars #6 is an intriguing and flawed conclusion to the event series. I hope some of the big changes in the issue will affect the Marvel Universe status quo going forward. For big Marvel cosmic fans or people who are intrigued by the films, it is worth reading through a slightly obtuse story for the charming personality and wild tone of Infinity Wars. Read Full Review
Infinity Wars #6 concludes Marvel's latest event in the most disappointing way it could. Gerry Duggan never made this event come across as something worth reading. The heavy reliance on exposition and question character choices made the entirety of Infinity Wars feel like a chore to read. Which is sad because comics are supposed to be fun but that is not the experience delivered by Marvel's latest cosmic event. Read Full Review
If you're looking for a companion piece to the Infinity War film, you'd be better served reading other stories than this. Read Full Review
Well, unlike almost everyone else, I really enjoyed this event. I don't find it quite so baffling and confusing. I've been reading Gerry Duggan's cosmic story from the start, and I think I have a clear idea of what happened and why. And it makes sense. But I understand why other people would be confused because it is a complicated story and the execution of it was a bit confusing at times. But overall, I think it was very enjoyable and interesting. I like the idea that there's only one set of, now sentient, Infinity Stones in the multiverse. This keeps the concept of the Infinity Gems/Stones from growing stale. I'm very excited for Infinity Watch next year, honestly.
I hate to say this but I liked this event..the Gamora ending for me was so confusing... I never saw two Gamoras I didn't get it.. The other split world was kinda goofy. Art through this event was a 10/10. I really liked that even tho you kinda knew what was gonna happen there was some little twists and turns that made for a fun issue.
I think this was mostly satisfying and I don’t have any major complaints.
Average ending. The art by Deodato and Martin is great but the story is just so opened ended with no real finite answers. A few nice nods here and there but this one stings because i really enjoyed the GOTG books by Duggan from the start with Kuder's fantastic art, tagged along with some nice concepts during the Countdown with Hawthorne's beautiful visuals and i was enjoying them. Then came the main event and i liked the first few issues because of what Duggan was building but that all came crumbling down in issue 3. I somehow can't see this ending here justifiable of my spent time and money. I Have yet to read an event worth my time since Hickman's Secret Wars.
First half terrible, the Loki story line was messy and unnecessary as always and with no tangible conclusion.
The other half was better. New status for the guardians and the infinity stones, some good cosmic characters finally back. and a few interesting plots open by the end.
Overall this issue was a nice ending for Dunggan's guardians and for the cosmic niche. Unfortunately the series as a whole is weak.
Infinity Wars #6
a) Writing/Script= 3.0/10 (Gerry Duggan)
b) Art= 7.8/10 (Mike Deodato Jr.)
c) Colours= 8.3/10 (Frank Martin)
Average= 6.37/10
So it finally ends. I would say it is a rushed but satisfying ending to a very messy event. I hope in the future Gerry Duggan doesnt writes any events, especially with Mike Deodato Jr. Both of these gentlemen's style are very very different. Gerry Duggan is known for writing fun and lighthearted stuff and Mike Deadato Jr's art is meant for a dark and gritty storytelling. When this two styles of this two men combine, it automatically makes the whole book suffer with various issues. As for me i often get bor more
Tried hard to like this event but.... it just didn't work for me on any level.
On the level of 'What Happened', I kinda get it but I don't like it -- another silly alternate universe with more pointless alternate character versions, a vague new direction for Loki that's bound to be ignored by the overabundance of writers who'll be using him in the future, and something about the stones getting souls. On the level of 'Why These Things Happened', I'm sure it all makes sense in Duggan's mind, but for me, nearly every page contained things happening without any sense of cause and effect or story logic. I can't really say this event was bad, but just... baffling.
No that wasn't good. What a joke. That was the worst reading since Secret Wars : Ultimate End ...
Cover - I take the Connecting variant. Not very nice but a little connected. 1.5/2
Writing - A good exemple to what writer have to avoid to write. 0/3
Arts - Even Deodato disappoint me. Sometime he even make thing more difficult to understand or appreciate. Damn. 2/3
Feeling - I will try to forget this. Damn I sollicites the Infinity - Infinity. I'm so stupid ! 0/2
this event was complicated with messy execution, and literally nothing came out of this story. The Infinity stones are sentient.... okay??? the characters, dialogue, and the pacing of this event was pretty bad for me.
It's so bad I can't even find words to describe it.
What a mess. Truly awful event. First of all, what were the consequences? None. Okay. Major character death that happens so fast and doesn't make any sense. This was gonna be the epic Infinity Stones saga? Oh please.
Duggan usually writes well but this was just so bad.
Pointless and idiotic to the end. No rhyme lr reason.
Seems like this whole event was engineered to get rid of Drax.
The Guardians hardly played any role. Warlock was ridiculous throughout. Whoever approved this story should be fired?
I can’t believe this is the same Duggan did in Uncanny Avengers and Nova. His Guardians run had been lackluster but this is outright terrible.