The-MJP's Profile

Joined: Jul 21, 2018

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The-MJP reviewed X-Men #28 Nov 15, 2023

Firestar would never betray anyone (even for a ruse) and she certainly wouldn't cower in fear of kitty pride. This comic is stupid, and Gerry Duggan needs to admit that he hates this character already

That is all

X-Men #28

By: Gerry Duggan, Joshua Cassara
Released: Nov 1, 2023

Juggernaut has come a long way from his beginnings as a bully transformed into an unstoppable foe of the X-Men. In fact, he'd recently become one of mutantkind's best human allies. So why is he trying to kill Firestar?
Rated T+

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The-MJP commented on this:
WhistleBlower reviewed Batman #54 Sep 5, 2018

Kind of pathetic that people are making alt accounts to review bomb this.

Batman #54

By: Tom King, Matt Wagner
Released: Sep 5, 2018

Dick Grayson-the original Robin-gets to spend some quality time fighting crime with his mentor for the first time since Batman popped the question to Catwoman. It's a walk down memory lane as Bruce Wayne helps Dick get over the loss of his high-flying acrobat parents, which in turn led to his crime-fighting career. Guest artist Matt Wagner (Mage, T...

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The-MJP - Jun 7, 2020

Mycoinus well I've come to realize that calling someone a psycho cause they make bad stories Plenty of writers put their characters through hell to make them come out stronger just because tom king does it poorly doesn't put him on the same level as the joker. Dennis hopeless (who's work IMHO is hit or miss) wrote avengers arena, does that make him a child-killer? Hell no, he just wrote a bad story. Though I know you probably think different that why I feel calling him psychotic is out line

myconius - Jun 12, 2020

if all King was doing was writing bad stories, that'd be one thing. as for him being a psycho, i do not believe so. he's someone that likes to exploit topics like mental illness and suicide for the purpose of capitalism. to me, that's much worse. that there is just evil.

The-MJP commented on this:

Part one was so good. So why screw part two. Don't wrong me I'm a huge fan of the end. Good surprise. But I didn't enjoy the rest. And I don't see Riri like a dumb hotshot. It's the first time Zub make me thing he have a character completely wrong. And It was a dick move to do that to her. I understand that this is war and we have to care for the well being of the teen be confronted at Thanos. But more

Infinity Countdown: Champions #2

By: Jim Zub, Emilio Laiso
Released: Jul 4, 2018

Nova and the Champions fighting for Thanos? Strange allies abound and sacrifices will be made...One of these young heroes is about to lose everything.
Rated T+

+ LikeComments (5)
The-MJP - Jun 7, 2020

Why won't this site let you delete comics

The-MJP - Jun 7, 2020


The-MJP commented on this:
Synthozoid reviewed Batman #62 Jan 10, 2019

Welcome to the "Let's $h!t on Tom King" homepage so glad you could join us. All of your favorite reviewers are here to squeeze out a hot deuce on the comic that they supposedly paid money for, even though they have hated every issue for the past two years. Would you like a review? I'm sorry we only drop deuces over here. There are possibly professional critics on this website, but ignore them. Pay more

Batman #62

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: Jan 9, 2019

Now features the Story solicited for #61 written by Tom King with art by Mitch Gerads. The Eisner-winning creative team behind MISTER MIRACLE is back together as artist Mitch Gerads rejoins the Bat team for a special issue! Professor Pyg is loose in Gotham, and you know that means things are going to get weird... and bloody!

+ LikeComments (2)
Br'er Lapin AKA 20-Ish Ceiln - Jan 13, 2019

I am going to get so much hate for liking this comment. I'll say that it is okay for them to dislike and keep reading the book though, I do that with so many books.

The-MJP - Jun 7, 2020

I don't like this book

The-MJP commented on this:
Synthozoid reviewed Shatterstar #1 Oct 4, 2018

I love what Peter David did with Shatterstar in his run on X-Factor. This was nothing like that. Don't waste your money as I did.

Shatterstar #1

By: Tim Seeley, Carlos Villa
Released: Oct 3, 2018

A gladiator, a warrior, a hero...the man called Shatterstar has been many things, but one thing he's always been is deadly. He's not a man you want to cross or you'll learn that fact all too well. Walk back into the darkness with Shatterstar.
Rated T+

+ LikeComments (2)
The-MJP - Jun 7, 2020

Does marvel seriously need to give an ongoing to every character in their encyclopedia Give me my tigra solo already leave it at that we didn't need a hulking ongoing spanning four trades

The-MJP - Jun 7, 2020

Addmitidley given the lack of LGBT representation in the everything industry hulking was a bad example but you get my point

The-MJP reviewed 1602 #8 Jun 7, 2020

Captain America being a guy from the future sent to the past instead of the other way around was an interesting twist and given how time travel works in the marvel universe and some revelations in X-Men blue I could believe that time travel would cause marvel heroes to spear in the 15th century of someone stayed there long enough. but I still think that this could have done without the time-travel more

1602 #8

By: Neil Gaiman, Andy Kubert
Released: Mar 31, 2004

CLIMATIC last issue! Secrets revealed! Mysteries explained! A mighty sacrifice! Worlds live! Worlds die! Heroes make choices! And so do villains...

+ LikeComments (1)
Ultimate Goblin - Mar 3, 2022

Yeah, some decisions of Neil were weird, but it's still a great complicated and enjoyable story.

The-MJP rated 1602 #7 Jun 7, 2020

1602 #7

By: Neil Gaiman, Adam Kubert
Released: Feb 11, 2004

Secrets are revealed and coffins are closed as two of our 17th-century Marvel heroes lose their lives in the penultimate chapter to this major, best-selling limited series event!

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The-MJP reviewed Heroes In Crisis #6 Mar 1, 2019

Oh tom king, it’s cute how you think you know anything about mental health or the DC Universe.

Stop pretending to care about comics, I know some easily offended whiny feminazis who care more about comics than you do

I mean you have to try to give this much of a middle finger to the fanbase, (word of advice, fans are never wrong)

Tom Taylor, the guy who wrote X-me more

Heroes In Crisis #6

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: Feb 27, 2019

Get a deeper look into the inner workings of Sanctuary. When heroes visited the facility, they relived their trauma through virtual reality, contending with the events that brought them there in the hope of reaching a meaningful resolution. That is, until the trauma took over and escalated these personal events into a full-blown crisis! Find out wh...

+ LikeComments (13)
The-MJP - Jun 7, 2020

"We should limit free speech" undertones the series had that I don't agree with but I tend to ignore those things anyway Tom king is not a psychopath and X-Men red is not the acceptable targets I was making it out to be and I'm sorry for that Still not a good comic

myconius - Jun 7, 2020

you have absolutely nothing to apologize for MJP. .....whether he's a hero or not remains to be seen. but one thing holds true, Tom King's comics are more unpleasant than the stinkiest of stinky dog turds.

The-MJP reviewed Valkyrie: Jane Foster #1 Jun 7, 2020

Some might argue that bad characters not going way is signifying the death of the industry

I say...f*ck you yellowflash Jane is great as Thor or valkyrie, she got me into this corner of the marvel universe and you can't take that away from me

Valkyrie: Jane Foster #1

By: Jason Aaron, Cafu
Released: Jul 24, 2019

JANE FOSTER STARS IN AN ALL-NEW NEW ONGOING SERIES! A new hero emerges straight from the pages of THE WAR OF THE REALMS! For years, you knew her as Dr. Jane Foster, one of Thor's most steadfast companions. Then you knew her as Thor, the Goddess of Thunder, who took up the mantle when no other hero - god or human - was worthy. Now Jane takes on a ne...

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The-MJP commented on this:
Ambaryerno reviewed Uncanny X-Men #11 Feb 6, 2019

Let's Fridge a disabled chick, and gratuitously kill off a WoC who DOESN'T EVEN GET TO DIE ON-PANEL, and you wouldn't know the corpse was hers if someone didn't explicitly identify her.

It's bad enough Editorial won't let the NXM grow up because it ages the "classic" cast too much, but to then turn around and kill them off in such a tonedeaf manner for shock value is frankly insulting.

Uncanny X-Men #11

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Salvador Larroca
Released: Feb 6, 2019

After the devastating events of "X-Men Disassembled," it falls to Cyclops to rebuild the X-Men in the face of overwhelming hatred. Thankfully, he's not the only X-Man to have just returned from oblivion. Scott and Logan are together again, and they are mutantkind's only hope. Writer Matthew Rosenberg and returning supe...

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CrazyforRAMU - Aug 19, 2019

Ambaryerno's talking about two deaths - not just Blindfold, but Loa, whose death is indeed gratuitous and too easily overlooked.

The-MJP - Jun 6, 2020

Thank God for hickman

The-MJP commented on this:
JBL Reviews reviewed Jean Grey #1 May 3, 2017

It doesn't sound like Jean and, even worse, the silly, stupid "Pickles" is in this book.

Jean Grey #1

By: Dennis Hopeless, Victor Ibanez
Released: May 3, 2017

When a teenage JEAN GREY traveled through time and arrived in the present, she learned the terrible fate that befell her predecessor: Possessed by a cosmic entity called the Phoenix, Jean was trapped in an endless cycle of life and death. Determined to escape that future, Jean set out to write her own destiny. But now, she's visited by a premonitio...

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The-MJP - Jun 6, 2020

Really cuz I thing hopeless has an eye for Jean and his X23 is the problem

The-MJP commented on this:
Forge reviewed X-Men / Fantastic Four #1 Feb 5, 2020

Boy, was this book a disappointment.

I've never read Zdarsky before but I've heard good things about his Spiderman books, so I had fairly high expectations for this miniseries. What I ended up with was a book where the X-Men act like idiots. For what is essentially a diplomatic mission to the Fantastic Four, Prof X decides to send Wolverine, Magneto and Pyro. Considering that the FF are more

X-Men / Fantastic Four #1

By: Chip Zdarsky, Terry Dodson
Released: Feb 5, 2020

KRAKOA. Every mutant on Earth lives there ... except for one. But now it's time for FRANKLIN RICHARDS to come home.
It's the X-MEN VS. the FANTASTIC FOUR and nothing will ever be the same.
Rated T+

+ LikeComments (2)
The-MJP - Jun 6, 2020

I know this is mostly personal taste but dodson, a bad artist? Really? Dodson? The only art of his I didn't like was the generation x covers and that's into because the colors on those blended into each other and it stangley gave the impression it was a "woke" book Other than that I have read it comment

CrazyforRAMU - Sep 7, 2020

Rather than dismiss Xavier as an idiot, consider that this undiplomatic visit drove Franklin straight into the mutants' arms. Bringing a combative roster -- particularly letting Magneto push Sue's buttons -- worked out great for him.

The-MJP commented on this:
DDJamesB reviewed Valkyrie: Jane Foster #1 Jul 25, 2019

This was way better than expected. I really enjoyed it and the art was really a great fit. And for the villian, its so weird it works.

Valkyrie: Jane Foster #1

By: Jason Aaron, Cafu
Released: Jul 24, 2019

JANE FOSTER STARS IN AN ALL-NEW NEW ONGOING SERIES! A new hero emerges straight from the pages of THE WAR OF THE REALMS! For years, you knew her as Dr. Jane Foster, one of Thor's most steadfast companions. Then you knew her as Thor, the Goddess of Thunder, who took up the mantle when no other hero - god or human - was worthy. Now Jane takes on a ne...

+ LikeComments (6)
DDJamesB - Jul 29, 2019

Youre so odd. Its a comic book. Enjoy it or dont read it. Hope you find something you like.

The-MJP - May 4, 2020

I was being sarcastic and honestly I like Jane fostor and I thing giving her cancer did wonders for her character development and I hate how people shit on her because Jason Aaron went on a weird tangent in one issue DDjamesB

The-MJP commented on this:
Ambaryerno reviewed X-23 #8 Jan 9, 2019

An overall solid issue, I just wish it wasn't treading ground that was already explored so recently. Not only are we dealing with more X-23 clones a mere 3 years after Gabby, Zelda, and Bellona were introduced, but it turns out the plot is being driven by the same villain!

There's also a small retcon to Laura's background that ties All-New Wolverine much more closely to Innocence Lost, more

X-23 #8

By: Mariko Tamaki, Diego Olortegui
Released: Jan 9, 2019

Laura and Gabby face the creators of the X-Assassin...and find they might not agree on what to do about this barely human killer.
Rated T+

+ LikeComments (1)
The-MJP - Mar 1, 2019

I’m worried that gabby might end up like sally west ten years down the line with editorial thinking they’re doing the fans a favor by killing her off repeatedly simply because some very vocal fans don’t like her

The-MJP added Heroes In Crisis to their pull list Mar 1, 2019

Heroes In Crisis

There's a new kind of crisis threatening the heroes of the DC Universe, ripped from real-world headlines by C.I.A.-operative-turned-comics-writer Tom King: How does a superhero handle PTSD? Welcome to Sanctuary, an ultra-secret hospital for superheroes who've been traumatized by crime-fighting and cosmic combat. But something goes inexplicably wron...

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The-MJP reviewed Female Furies #1 Mar 1, 2019

Even feminist are decrying this as shallow propaganda, what does that tell you?

All I can say is that whoever wrote is REALLY fighting the stigma of women not caring or knowing anything about comics

I’d preside it for the art but I read All-new Wolverine, I never really gave two f-s about art as long as it followed an actual sequence

Female Furies #1

By: Cecil Castellucci, Adriana Melo
Released: Feb 6, 2019

All their lives the Female Furies have been raised to be the meanest, most cunning and most ruthless fighting force on all of Apokolips. So why are Granny Goodness' girls left behind every time the men go to war? With the might of New Genesis hanging over the planet, and the Forever People making mincemeat out of Darkseid's army, Granny thinks it's...

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The-MJP commented on this:
Psycamorean reviewed X-Men: Red #11 Dec 14, 2018

This issue felt rushed, but I still liked it. I think this series did a lot for making Jean Grey likeable again. At least for me it did.

X-Men: Red #11

By: Tom Taylor, Roge Antonia
Released: Dec 12, 2018

The X-Men have battled valiantly against their powerful psychic foe, Cassandra Nova, since the moment she framed Jean Grey for murder on the world stage. They have been hunted. They have been hated. And now...they can fight no more.
Rated T+

+ LikeComments (9)
The-MJP - Dec 31, 2018

You’re right I’m overreacting But there’s still other comics I’ll read first and I can’t read comics week-to-week

Psycamorean - Jan 1, 2019


The-MJP rated Astonishing X-Men #1 Aug 3, 2018

Astonishing X-Men #1

By: Joss Whedon, John Cassaday
Released: May 26, 2004

Dream-team creators Joss Whedon (creator of TV's Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly and fan-favorite film Serenity) and John Cassaday (Planetary, Captain America) bring you the explosive #1 issue of the all-new flagship X-Men series! As part of X-men: Reload, this issue marks a return to classic greatness and the beginning of a brand-new era for the...

+ LikeComments (8)
The-MJP - Dec 28, 2018

I like whedon's x-men and legitamtley didn't like Kim and Kim and wanted to give my thoughts on themdeal with it

The-MJP - Dec 28, 2018

and for the record, because of rising comic book prices and my ow financial situations, I rarely read comics issue by issue and usually just borrow trade paperbacks from lending libraries, which is why i score older comics more than newer comics

The-MJP commented on this:
Bigpoppa393 reviewed X-Men: Red #11 Dec 20, 2018

The best modern X-Men comic by a long shot.

X-Men: Red #11

By: Tom Taylor, Roge Antonia
Released: Dec 12, 2018

The X-Men have battled valiantly against their powerful psychic foe, Cassandra Nova, since the moment she framed Jean Grey for murder on the world stage. They have been hunted. They have been hated. And now...they can fight no more.
Rated T+

+ LikeComments (1)
The-MJP - Dec 28, 2018

half of youtube and facebook would disagree with you

The-MJP commented on this:
Forge reviewed X-Men: Red #8 Sep 29, 2018

The X-Men Red Team literally spends half of this issue sitting around holding hands.

Nothing in this story makes sense. The X-Men hide from Jean Grey by running out of the room, apparently forgetting that Jean is a telepath. Nightcrawler teleports Storm thousands of miles around the globe, once again violating decades old rules about how his powers work. Storm attacks Cassandra Nova wit more

X-Men: Red #8

By: Tom Taylor, Carmen Nunez Carnero
Released: Sep 26, 2018

In the wake of an unprecedented assault on Atlantis, the X-Men must react and recover...while at the mercy of a world that grows more hostile to mutants every day, and a foe who is determined to keep it that way!
Rated T+

+ LikeComments (1)
The-MJP - Dec 28, 2018

i stoped caring about what you have to say when you said "Jean Grey isn't as hot as she should be"

The-MJP commented on this:
ohhaimark reviewed X-Men: Red #8 Sep 29, 2018


-I really liked this issue's take on the anti-mutant themes of X-Men comics. Definitely the best use of that theme in a long time.

-Cassandra Nova is a really good villain. Taylor does a great job writing her. She feels ominous and menacing and most importantly… villainous.

-This series has a really good cinematic feel to it. It is the only X-Men comic more

X-Men: Red #8

By: Tom Taylor, Carmen Nunez Carnero
Released: Sep 26, 2018

In the wake of an unprecedented assault on Atlantis, the X-Men must react and recover...while at the mercy of a world that grows more hostile to mutants every day, and a foe who is determined to keep it that way!
Rated T+

+ LikeComments (1)
The-MJP - Dec 28, 2018

boo, youre review needs more 'evil sjw' rants (sarcasm)

The-MJP commented on this:

Batman - Good
Hellblazer - Okay
Catwoman/Damian - Okay
Green Lanterm - Okay
Zatanna - Good
Wonder Woman - Okay

New Talent Showcase: 2018 #1

By: Philip Kennedy Johnson
Released: Dec 12, 2018

The latest graduates from the DC Talent Development Workshops show off their skills by telling stories about some of DC's greatest characters including Batman, Catwoman, John Constantine, Wonder Woman, Zatanna and more!  

+ LikeComments (1)
The-MJP - Dec 27, 2018

a comic book by the big two showcasing new talent I can already tell the user reviews are not going to be pleasant

The-MJP commented on this:
SloboSOY reviewed Infinity Wars #6 Dec 21, 2018

No that wasn't good. What a joke. That was the worst reading since Secret Wars : Ultimate End ...

Cover - I take the Connecting variant. Not very nice but a little connected. 1.5/2
Writing - A good exemple to what writer have to avoid to write. 0/3
Arts - Even Deodato disappoint me. Sometime he even make thing more difficult to understand or appreciate. Damn. 2/3
Feeling more

Infinity Wars #6

By: Gerry Duggan, Mike Deodato
Released: Dec 19, 2018

Rated T+

+ LikeComments (1)
The-MJP - Dec 27, 2018

I wasn't aware books could be bad because of "reading" i thought we judged comics or "writing' and "art"

The-MJP reviewed Oh S#!t It's Kim & Kim #1 Jul 30, 2018

who was asking for Mags Visaggio to get more work

Oh S#!t It's Kim & Kim #1

By: Magdalene Visaggio, Eva Cabrera
Released: Jul 11, 2018

The Fighting Kims are back! Kim & Kim trade their denim vests and spiked chokers for tuxes and gowns as they infiltrate the glitzy space colony of Santa Palma to try and con a master thief. But, as usual, everything goes to hell... and it's definitely Kim Q's fault. Come on, Kim. Get your life together. A brand new ongoing series from writer Magdal...

+ LikeComments (5)
The-MJP - Dec 21, 2018

I’m not a fan of mags, I feel that she just writes characters thinking that “Gay” and “trans” are personality traits

The-MJP - Dec 24, 2018

That being said, it’s wrong of me to claim that she shouldn’t get work because I don’t like her output, she already gets enough flak from comic fans as it is

The-MJP reviewed Oh S#!t It's Kim & Kim #2 Sep 14, 2018

The comic equivalent to rape

Oh S#!t It's Kim & Kim #2

By: Magdalene Visaggio, Eva Cabrera
Released: Sep 19, 2018

After striking an uneasy alliance with the deadly Xue Peng, The Fighting Kims head to Furious Quatro's Giant Orbital Death Platform for some Ocean's 11 style hijinks! The fun doesn't last though as Kim Q.'s secret puts them all in peril. Will Kim D. ever trust Kim Q. again?

+ LikeComments (7)
Synthozoid - Dec 22, 2018

MJP - Did you read Oh S#!t It's Kim & Kim #2? Not asking for you to praise something you disliked.

The-MJP - Dec 24, 2018

For me it’s one of those things you remember reading, but the only thing you remember about it is hating it

The-MJP commented on this:
Angus reviewed Plastic Man #4 Sep 12, 2018

The writer's personal problems started to come out last issue and are back again. The first 2 issues showed that the writer is capable of writing a good entertaining issue while not directing vitriol at fans on the very pages which they paid for that are supposed to entertain them.

Perhaps one day the writer will try being professional again and just entertaining people. Or perhaps no more

Plastic Man #4

By: Gail Simone, Adriana Melo
Released: Sep 12, 2018

Plastic Man fondly remembers his days as a simple street thug, when people knew his name and respected his talents (even though no one ever respected him). But he's turning over a new leaf, mentoring the youth, saving old ladies from pick-pockets and younger ladies from kidnappers. Unfortunately, when he meets the kidnappers and realizes this entir...

+ LikeComments (13)
Comic Princess - Dec 21, 2018

U r right MJP, we don’t like conics

The-MJP - Dec 21, 2018

Comic princess, Tbh I was just parroting yellow flash and didn’t have any clue what I was saying When I take a step back I realized he’s not somebody I should parrot, especially when I realized I actually liked the comics he was bashing

The-MJP reviewed Black Widow #1 Sep 24, 2018

I never really had an interest in black widow and I have not heard good things about Waid’s recent work, so I was unsure about this seres

This issue immediately hooked me on the character and showed me why she’s more that just “the avenger who kicks a lot”

Very excited to read the rest of the series

But I will say Samnee’s art is a little Amateurish for more

Black Widow #1

By: Mark Waid, Chris Samnee
Released: Mar 2, 2016

The Eisner Award-winning team of Mark Waid and Chris Samnee are taking Black Widow on the lam! Natasha has spent years gathering secrets, and when some of the darkest ones begin mysteriously going public, no one is safe. With her betrayed former confederates at S.H.I.E.L.D. on her heels and a lifetime of training a...

+ LikeComments (3)
The-MJP - Oct 13, 2018

I said waifs RECENT work

The-MJP - Oct 13, 2018


The-MJP reviewed Black Widow #2 Sep 24, 2018

Already hooked but this issue ups the ante, good work all around

Black Widow #2

By: Mark Waid, Chris Samnee
Released: Apr 6, 2016

IT’S S.H.I.E.L.D.’s FUNERAL As S.H.I.E.L.D.’s top brass gather to bury one of their own, they make an attractive target. Lucky for Maria Hill, the agency’s persona non grata, Black Widow, is still watching over them. But that could mean Natasha will have a hard time watching her own back!

+ LikeComment

Nice action and character interaction but a little too convoluted for my taste

Astonishing X-Men Vol. 2 Ultimate Collection

By: Joss Whedon, John Cassaday

The chart-topping super-team of Joss Whedon (Marvel Studios’ The Avengers, RUNAWAYS) and John Cassaday (Planetary, CAPTAIN AMERICA) return! Things go from peculiar to just plain bizarre as Emma Frost’s erratic"¨behavior sends the X-Men into a non-stop downward spiral, and the new Hellfire Club makes its move! Plus: the X-Man destined to destro...

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The-MJP commented on this:
Nihilist reviewed The Silencer Annual #1 Aug 30, 2018

Silencer so far keeps her standards, and does not disappoint. Not once. This annual issue offers not the most original, but surely essential backstory of her coming to revelation she wants to quit her "work", and also how she met her to be husband. It's important, since part of her comics always revolve around the concept of family, and keeping them out of danger, related to Honor's profession and more

The Silencer Annual #1

By: Jackson Herbert, Dan Abnett
Released: Aug 29, 2018

Silencer visits Gotham City, but she's not there to see the sights-she's there to shut down Talia al Ghul's latest secret weapons plant. Obviously, this brings her into conflict with Batman-but there's a secret history to Bruce Wayne and the Silencer that complicates everything! Will Batman slap the cuffs on this metahuman hit woman-or will one of ...

+ LikeComments (3)
Nihilist - Sep 21, 2018

Can't speak for anyone else but I personally like the series, and its mythos, and don't really see too much of resemblance between Silencer and other Marvel characters. Surely nothing as obvious as Gwenpool, Sideways, Deadpool or Old Lady Harley. Besides, Silencer has her own niche in DC - there's no other comic quite like hers. Even Deathstroke, since his comics have a very unique, one of a kind narrative and style.

The-MJP - Sep 22, 2018

People second the same thing about Youngblood lol

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