Riri is a dick and I make no apologies for saying if you like that you are nothing more than a fascist SJW fucktard and you need to accept it
Nova and the Champions fighting for Thanos? Strange allies abound and sacrifices will be made...One of these young heroes is about to lose everything.
Rated T+
After an incredibly engaging first entry, the follow-up with Infinity Countdown: Champions #2 is equally enthralling and enjoyable, providing more character development for not only Nova, but also Ironheart as well. The action is both pleasantly fluid and easy to follow, and the ending to the story sets up some very interesting potential stories for both Sam and Riri down the road. Read Full Review
A solidly written, beautifully drawn and colored tie-in issue that is anything but, Infinity Countdown: Champions #2 has a lot of heart, depth, and action that will definitely have ramifications in the main Champions book as it pushes the characters forward in some new, interesting directions. This one earns a hearty recommendation, especially if you're a fan of Nova and Ironheart, or if you're reading the main Champions book. Read Full Review
This issue has tremendous amounts of heart and proves the old adage of "never build your house on rented land" correct. Read Full Review
Infinity Countdown: Champions #2 is a surprisingly intense story that challenges its protagonists and shows them how small they are in this dangerous universe. You get to see it genuinely impacting them, and it makes for a damn good Champions story. This one earns a recommendation. Give it a read. Read Full Review