Raspiutin's Profile

Joined: May 27, 2017 About Me: Jeff

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Raspiutin added Hawkeye: Freefall to their pull list Dec 29, 2019

Hawkeye: Freefall

When a mysterious and ruthless new Ronin starts tearing a destructive path through the city, suspicion immediately falls on Hawkeye, but Clint has more to worry about than who's wearing his old costume. After a clash with the Hood ends badly, Hawkeye gives himself a new mission that will place him in the crosshairs of one of New York's most dangero...

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Malitia reviewed Incoming #1 Dec 26, 2019

It's not bad...

But these type of initiative starting one-shot advertisements should be FCBD giveaways or 1$ promotional issues at most... not 10$ overpriced/sized collectors bait.

Incoming #1

Released: Dec 25, 2019

A mysterious murder brings together the heroes of the Marvel Universe in the search for a killer - but no one can imagine where the trail will lead, or how it will affect everything in 2020 and beyond! Who is the victim and who is the assailant?
The closing chapter to MARVEL's 80th year, which will connect the dots of e...

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M1sf1r3 reviewed Incoming #1 Dec 26, 2019

Incoming aims to solve a murder mystery while showcasing the Marvel Universe going into 2020. Let's see how it goes.

The Good:
It was nice seeing how the entire Marvel Universe is going right now.

The Bad:
The detective story fell flat.

It is boring at certain points which isn't helped by the length of the issue.


Incoming #1

Released: Dec 25, 2019

A mysterious murder brings together the heroes of the Marvel Universe in the search for a killer - but no one can imagine where the trail will lead, or how it will affect everything in 2020 and beyond! Who is the victim and who is the assailant?
The closing chapter to MARVEL's 80th year, which will connect the dots of e...

Raspiutin added Vampblade: Season 4 to their pull list Dec 18, 2019

Vampblade: Season 4

New season! New artist! New costume! Katie Carva is back! Back from an alternate Earth, back from hell, and back to running a comic shop by day, and wielding other-dimensional-parasite slaying bloodthirsty blades by night! Features 3 regular and risqué variants, plus Dan Mendoza (Zombie Tramp, DollFace) plus special incentive and super limited...

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Raspiutin added Winston Young to their creator watch list Dec 18, 2019
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Raspiutin added Jason Martin to their creator watch list Dec 18, 2019
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Raspiutin rated Venom #1 Dec 15, 2019

Venom #1

By: Donny Cates, Ryan Stegman
Released: May 9, 2018

In the wake of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s collapse, an ancient and primordial evil has been awakened beneath the streets of New York, and with it, something equally evil has awakened in that most Wicked of Webslingers - VENOM! Still a Lethal Protector of the innocents in New York, this never-before-seen threat co...

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Raspiutin rated Daredevil #1 Dec 8, 2019

Daredevil #1

By: Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto
Released: Feb 6, 2019

Rated T+

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Raspiutin added Craig Thompson to their creator watch list Dec 7, 2019
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Raspiutin added Ann Nocenti to their creator watch list Dec 6, 2019
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Raspiutin added Herik Hanna to their creator watch list Nov 29, 2019
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Raspiutin added Freddie Williams to their creator watch list Nov 19, 2019
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Raspiutin added Bernie Wrightson to their creator watch list Nov 7, 2019
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The Longest Day of the Future #1

By: Lucas Varela
Released: Aug 31, 2016

Argentinian cartoonist Lucas Varela has crafted a wordless thriller reminiscent of the work of Jason (I Killed Adolf Hitler). In a futuristic city, two mega-companies engage in a battle to eliminate the other. Will the crash of an extraterrestrial flying saucer change that? Under the guise of a science fiction fable, Varela has spun a searing indic...

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Raspiutin added Lucas Varela to their creator watch list Oct 29, 2019
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Raspiutin rated Rohan at the Louvre #1 Oct 28, 2019

Rohan at the Louvre #1

By: Hirohiko Araki

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The Sheriff Of Babylon #1

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: Dec 2, 2015

Baghdad, 2003. Florida Police officer-turned-military contractor, Chris Henry is tasked with training a new Iraqi police force. When one of his trainees ends up dead, Chris is forced to team up with Nassir, the last remaining cop in Baghdad. Pulling the strings to bring them together is the mysterious Sofia, an American-educated Iraqi who has retur...

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Raspiutin rated Vision #12 Apr 15, 2019

Vision #12

By: Tom King, Gabriel Hernandez Walta
Released: Oct 26, 2016

• A while ago, a robot created a family. And all was good. For a while. Then came the murders. The lies. The betrayals. The battles fought. The battles lost. The family lost.
•  And now, at the end, Vision stands alone. He must decide how he will go on, if he will go on, if he can go on. And that decision will shape the...

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Raspiutin rated Vision #11 Apr 15, 2019

Vision #11

By: Tom King, Gabriel Hernandez Walta
Released: Sep 21, 2016

• The Avengers draw a line in the sand. They tell Vision he is not to cross this line. If he does, they will destroy him. "Remember," they say. "You're an Avenger. First. Always." "Stay where you are," they say. "Don't cross the line," they say. Vision nods. He tells them he understands.
•  Then Vision crosses the line.
•  The en...

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Raspiutin rated Vision #10 Apr 15, 2019

Vision #10

By: Tom King, Gabriel Hernandez Walta
Released: Aug 10, 2016

• Tragedy has come to the Vision family. While those around him mourn, Vision plans for revenge, a revenge that will send him into a deadly confrontation with the heroes of the Marvel Universe.
•  As the saga of Vision and his family draws closer to its world-shaking conclusion, don't miss out on the series everyone is talking about!

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Raspiutin rated Vision #9 Apr 15, 2019

Vision #9

By: Tom King, Gabriel Hernandez Walta
Released: Jul 13, 2016

• Every family has its share of secrets - skeletons in the closet, kept hidden from the world at large.
•  For the Visions, those secrets are real, actual skeletons.
•  The thing about secrets is they always have a cost... and one of the Visions is going to pay with their life.
Rated T+

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Raspiutin rated Vision #8 Apr 15, 2019

Vision #8

By: Tom King, Gabriel Hernandez Walta
Released: Jun 8, 2016

•  The most critically acclaimed series of the year continues.
•  The Avengers know. They know his wife killed the Reaper and the boy. They know Vision lied to protect her. They know that those lies will lead to more lies, those deaths will lead to more deaths.

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Raspiutin rated Vision #7 Apr 15, 2019

Vision #7

By: Tom King, Michael Walsh
Released: May 11, 2016

•  Once upon a time a robot and a witch fell in love. What followed was a tale of the dead and the dying, of the hopeful and the lost, of the wronged and the avenged. And in the end, after both had fallen, the witch and the robot rose from their dirt and eyed each other across a field of blood and bone.

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Raspiutin rated Vision #6 Apr 15, 2019

Vision #6

By: Tom King, Gabriel Hernandez Walta
Released: Apr 6, 2016

The book everyone is talking about. The first arc of this acclaimed series comes to its frightening climax. The bodies will not stay buried. The truth will not remain hidden. And The Vision will never be the same.

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Raspiutin rated Vision #5 Apr 15, 2019

Vision #5

By: Tom King, Gabriel Hernandez Walta
Released: Mar 9, 2016

• The secrets are turning into lies, and the lies are turning into blood. In the midst of this violence, Vision must find the truth of what happened to the Grim Reaper. But when he does, will he protect his family or destroy them?
•  Find out as the story of Vision's family builds to a breathtaking cliffhanger.

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Raspiutin rated Vision #4 Apr 15, 2019

Vision #4

By: Tom King, Gabriel Hernandez Walta
Released: Feb 3, 2016

• Just as everything is coming together, everything goes to hell.
•  After finally finding love for The Vision, Virginia must respond to the one person who threatens that love - and her response will shock the Marvel Universe.
•  A not-to-be-missed ending that builds to next issue's breathtaking clima...

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Raspiutin rated Vision #3 Apr 15, 2019

Vision #3

By: Tom King, Gabriel Hernandez Walta
Released: Jan 6, 2016

• A house attacked. A daughter dying. An old, dead friend screaming out in pain. This wasn't how it was supposed to go.
•  The Vision created his family to be normal. This isn't normal. This is terrifying. And it's just the beginning.
•  The epic tale of Vision and his family continues as he fights to...

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Raspiutin rated Vision #2 Apr 15, 2019

Vision #2

By: Tom King, Gabriel Hernandez Walta
Released: Dec 2, 2015

• After the stunning, heart-stopping events of Vision #1, the Avengers will never be the same.
•  The Vision and his family attempt to cope with these events in their own, unique way. Though they put on a happy face, each of them can feel their anger growing, blistering, tearing them apart.
•  Will th...

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Raspiutin rated Vision #1 Apr 15, 2019

Vision #1

By: Tom King, Gabriel Hernandez Walta
Released: Nov 4, 2015

The Vision wants to be human, and what's more human than family? He goes to the laboratory where he was created, where Ultron molded him into a weapon, where he first rebelled against his given destiny, where he first imagined that he could be more, that he could be good, that he could be a man, a normal, ordinary man. And he builds them. A wife, V...

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Raspiutin added Guillem March to their creator watch list Apr 15, 2019
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