Vision #7

Writer: Tom King Artist: Michael Walsh Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: May 11, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 56
8.7Critic Rating
9.3User Rating

•  Once upon a time a robot and a witch fell in love. What followed was a tale of the dead and the dying, of the hopeful and the lost, of the wronged and the avenged. And in the end, after both had fallen, the witch and the robot rose from their dirt and eyed each other across a field of blood and bone.
•  Forty-five years in the making, this is the story of Scarlet Witch and the Vision. Before family, there was love. And war.
Rated T+

  • 10
    Nerds Unchained - Jeremy Radick May 12, 2016

    The strength of the series continues to be in its handling of its lead character, who at once is so easy to identify with and have sympathy for, even as the series continues to grow creepier and creepier in how Vision's human desire to protect his family is leading him to increasingly strange actions. This isn't a conventional super-hero series, but it is a brilliant one, and Vision #7 is more proof. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero May 11, 2016

    Reading Vision has quite an effect on you. Tom King's take on the character is both joyous and heartbreaking at the same time. King is delivering and creating multiple layers on the book and character which are fantastic and surprising. You almost have to stop and catch your breath after reading, as if you just got done running a marathon. Michael Walsh's art along with Jordie Bellaire's colors are absolutely brilliant. They capture every beat of the story in a glorious fashion. This is easily my favorite book of the week. I need more. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Book Resources - Jennifer Cheng May 16, 2016

    On the last page, the Vision trots out the same joke to Virginia that he presented to Wanda so many years ago, and the effect is both creepy and wrenchingly sad. The final irony is in the last caption that proclaims, "And everything is new and different." "The Vision" #7 is brilliant in its use of irony and how it depicts human affection, longing, pain and the complexity of moral error. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Richard Gray May 12, 2016

    This is a frustratingly beautiful break in the main narrative: frustrating because we were left on such a crushing moment, but beautiful because it is still one of Marvel's best books on the market. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Noah Sharma May 14, 2016

    The art may take getting used to and its relationship with continuity is a tangled one, but The Vision #7 is another breathtaking installment in a masterful series. Tom King has already secured his place as one of the mainstream industry's most talented new voices, but The Vision remains some of his best and most personal work. With this issue The Vision reaches out for Marvel's past, a love letter as tricky and multifaceted as the troubled relationship it depicts. Despite some imperfections, this is a beautiful comic at every level and it helps to cement this run as a defining interpretation of its protagonist(?) alongside Fraction & Aja's Hawkeye, Brubaker & Cooke's Catwoman, or Miller & Janson's Dark Knight. Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze May 12, 2016

    Vision #7 continues to astound proving the kind of story you get when a creative team really is given this kind of room to make a story that will bring a tear to your eye, while making you cringe at what could happen next. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    IGN - Jeff Lake May 12, 2016

    Taking an aside from the book's current plot, writer Tom King uses issue #7 as a retrospective of sorts, combing through the highs and lows of Vision's romantic past. It's a strong, unnerving bit of work, as King is able to use the past as a way of further informing the character's current state in the present. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    PopOptiq - Logan Dalton May 11, 2016

    Vision#7 is a shining example of using continuity to enhance a series and a character as Tom King uses Vision's past struggles with deception and starting a family to inform his current reality. There is also a nice twist towards the end that shows why his family in the currentVisionis so Stepford-like that is set up by Kurt Busiek and George Perez's excellent run onAvengers. Vision wants to have the idyllic, suburban life with two kids, a wife, a dog, and PTA meetings and will, but as we've seen so far, that this includes compromising his moral and heroic compass. Relationships are organic, not synthetic, and King, Walsh, and Bellaire show this in the flashback scenes with Scarlet Witch that are sexy and adorableat times that contrasts with his current, almost lifeless relationship with Vivian. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas May 14, 2016

    The Vision may not make me smile after reading each issue, but it stays with me long after reading. Although this story doesn't move the story from the 1st six issues forward, it felt like a smart choice for Tom King to dive into the Vision's past to see how those experiences are shaping the mess that is currently his life right now. This issue is yet another example of why The Vision is one of Marvel's most compelling and personal series. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose &lsquo May 11, 2016

    As far as interludes go, The Vision continues to be a can't-miss affair, with King, Walsh and Bellaire recontextualizing the many adventures of the Vision, and showing just how creepy this hero can be. Seeking out love is a very human emotion, and perhaps it's even human to show how much love can be twisted if handled in the wrong way, or pursued for the wrong reasons. It's a subtle but relatable kind of terror " the kind that The Vision has always done best. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    GAMbIT Magazine - Alan D.D. May 13, 2016

    Mature, interesting, a must for real fans, but perhaps not the best worked issue for newcomers. I'd summarize Vision #7 as a basic teen story portrayed in an adult way. It's worth keeping an eye on this one to see what happens next. Read Full Review

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