el kozzy's Profile

Joined: May 02, 2016

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el kozzy rated The Sheriff Of Babylon #5 Aug 24, 2016

The Sheriff Of Babylon #5

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: Apr 6, 2016

Now that Chris and Nassir have stuck their noses where some people wish they hadnt, everyone seeks shelter behind the gates of the American stronghold within the Baghdad Green Zone. When both Chris and Nassirs wife Fatima are unable to sleep, they have an unlikely meeting of the minds and share their experiences from the War on Terror. By morning, ...

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el kozzy reviewed The Sheriff Of Babylon #4 Aug 24, 2016

The cover is a 10 though.

The Sheriff Of Babylon #4

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: Mar 2, 2016

The danger is mounting, but Chris is no closer to finding out who killed his trainee than he was when this whole mess started. After their enemies make attempts on the lives of Nassir and his wife, the Iraqi couple seeks asylum in Chriss barracks, leading to a gathering of all the principle players when Sofia arrives to tell Chris a shocking secret...

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el kozzy rated The Sheriff Of Babylon #3 Aug 24, 2016

The Sheriff Of Babylon #3

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: Feb 3, 2016

The epic, brutal crime tale continues. In the power vacuum left after the American invasion of Iraq, no one is safe. Christopher, Sofia, and Nassir attempt to navigate this dangerous landscape to find the story behind a mysterious dead body. But as they get closer to the truth, and to each other, the bombs start to fall.

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el kozzy rated The Sheriff Of Babylon #2 Aug 24, 2016

The Sheriff Of Babylon #2

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: Jan 6, 2016

Chris Henry is an American contractor in Iraq with a dead body on his hands and no idea what to do with it. Thats why he needs Nassir, one of the countrys last remaining old-school lawmen, to return the slain man to his family. Yet, with Sadaam Hussein long gone and Nassirs badge long since retired, just what is motivating the man to help out?Top-n...

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el kozzy rated Ms. Marvel #5 Aug 24, 2016

Ms. Marvel #5

By: G. Willow Wilson, Nico Leon
Released: Mar 9, 2016

•  Unjustly ousted from the Avengers. Flunking advanced physics. Getting beat by B-team bad guys. Life is a mess for Ms. Marvel.
•  Fed up with failing, Kamala teams up with her old buddy Bruno and creates her own Militia of Ms. Marvel Automatons to help her fight crime and things are f...

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el kozzy rated Ms. Marvel #6 Aug 24, 2016

Ms. Marvel #6

By: G. Willow Wilson, Nico Leon
Released: Apr 27, 2016

• A problem of plenty becomes a problem of many as the Kamala Khan doppelgangers get out of control.
•  Kamala always wanted to be the biggest super hero there ever was... but she didn't mean it literally!
Rated T+

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el kozzy rated Vision #9 Aug 24, 2016

Vision #9

By: Tom King, Gabriel Hernandez Walta
Released: Jul 13, 2016

• Every family has its share of secrets - skeletons in the closet, kept hidden from the world at large.
•  For the Visions, those secrets are real, actual skeletons.
•  The thing about secrets is they always have a cost... and one of the Visions is going to pay with their life.
Rated T+

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el kozzy rated Vision #8 Aug 24, 2016

Vision #8

By: Tom King, Gabriel Hernandez Walta
Released: Jun 8, 2016

•  The most critically acclaimed series of the year continues.
•  The Avengers know. They know his wife killed the Reaper and the boy. They know Vision lied to protect her. They know that those lies will lead to more lies, those deaths will lead to more deaths.

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el kozzy reviewed Vision #7 Aug 24, 2016

If you have ever been in love, if you ever have been in love and it didn't last, if you ever
been in love and it didn't last and you still think about the person from time to time, if you
ever had your heart broken, if you ever broke someone's heart and it was all your fault, if
your peak came crashing down and you were the one to blame, if your best of all time is
somewhere more

Vision #7

By: Tom King, Michael Walsh
Released: May 11, 2016

•  Once upon a time a robot and a witch fell in love. What followed was a tale of the dead and the dying, of the hopeful and the lost, of the wronged and the avenged. And in the end, after both had fallen, the witch and the robot rose from their dirt and eyed each other across a field of blood and bone.

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el kozzy rated Vision #6 Aug 24, 2016

Vision #6

By: Tom King, Gabriel Hernandez Walta
Released: Apr 6, 2016

The book everyone is talking about. The first arc of this acclaimed series comes to its frightening climax. The bodies will not stay buried. The truth will not remain hidden. And The Vision will never be the same.

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el kozzy rated Vision #5 Aug 24, 2016

Vision #5

By: Tom King, Gabriel Hernandez Walta
Released: Mar 9, 2016

• The secrets are turning into lies, and the lies are turning into blood. In the midst of this violence, Vision must find the truth of what happened to the Grim Reaper. But when he does, will he protect his family or destroy them?
•  Find out as the story of Vision's family builds to a breathtaking cliffhanger.

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el kozzy rated Vision #4 Aug 24, 2016

Vision #4

By: Tom King, Gabriel Hernandez Walta
Released: Feb 3, 2016

• Just as everything is coming together, everything goes to hell.
•  After finally finding love for The Vision, Virginia must respond to the one person who threatens that love - and her response will shock the Marvel Universe.
•  A not-to-be-missed ending that builds to next issue's breathtaking clima...

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el kozzy rated Vision #3 Aug 24, 2016

Vision #3

By: Tom King, Gabriel Hernandez Walta
Released: Jan 6, 2016

• A house attacked. A daughter dying. An old, dead friend screaming out in pain. This wasn't how it was supposed to go.
•  The Vision created his family to be normal. This isn't normal. This is terrifying. And it's just the beginning.
•  The epic tale of Vision and his family continues as he fights to...

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el kozzy rated Vision #2 Aug 24, 2016

Vision #2

By: Tom King, Gabriel Hernandez Walta
Released: Dec 2, 2015

• After the stunning, heart-stopping events of Vision #1, the Avengers will never be the same.
•  The Vision and his family attempt to cope with these events in their own, unique way. Though they put on a happy face, each of them can feel their anger growing, blistering, tearing them apart.
•  Will th...

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el kozzy rated Batman #1 Aug 24, 2016

Batman #1

By: Tom King, David Finch
Released: Jun 15, 2016

"I AM GOTHAM" chapter one
No one has ever stopped the Caped Crusader. Not The Joker. Not Two-Face. Not even the entire Justice League. But how does Batman confront a new hero who wants to save the city from the Dark Knight?
CAN'T MISS: Superstar artist David Finch returns to Batman alongside writer Tom King for this five-part storyline.

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el kozzy rated Batman: Rebirth #1 Aug 24, 2016

Batman: Rebirth #1

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jun 1, 2016

Longtime Batman and Eisner Award winning writer Scott Snyder co-writes with rising star writer Tom King!
EVIL 365: Gotham City faces the threat of the Calendar Man!

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el kozzy rated New Suicide Squad #19 Aug 24, 2016

New Suicide Squad #19

By: Tim Seeley, Juan Ferreyra
Released: Apr 6, 2016

The Suicide Squads freedom proves to be short-lived when their liberators are revealed to be none other than the Fist of Cain, the insane, ultra-violent death cult for whom murdering famous super-villains would be a thrilling path to glory. Harley Quinn and Deadshot fight for their lives while Amanda Waller and Captain Boomerang decide whether they...

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Campy, funny and enjoyable. Campy, funny and enjoyable until you start getting beat over the
head with jokes, especially the annotations at the bottom of each page.
Overall, the story is solid, it's just that after awhile the jokes feel so forced and are overdone.

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #1

By: Ryan North, Erica Henderson
Released: Oct 28, 2015

Galactus. Thanos. M.O.D.O.K. With her unique combination of wit, empathy, and totally kick-butt squirrel powers, Doreen Green -- aka The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl -- has taken ALL these chumps down! Alongside her friends Tippy-Toe (a squirrel) and Nancy (a regular human with no powers whatsoever -- they checked), Squirrel Girl is all that stands bet...

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Suicide Squad (FCBD 2016) #1

Released: May 4, 2016

Harley Quinn, Deadshot and King Shark lead a lethal team of death-row Super-Villains recruited by the government to take on missions so dangerous - they're sheer suicide!
Don't miss this first issue of the hit series before the upcoming major motion picture, SUICIDE SQUAD!
Rating: Teen

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el kozzy rated Preacher #7 Aug 24, 2016

Preacher #7

By: Garth Ennis, Steve Dillon

Naked City concludes as Jesse, Cassidy and Tulip the serial killer, and the secret life of supercop Detective Bridges sees the light of day...

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el kozzy reviewed Omega Men #11 Aug 24, 2016

You wake up in the morning and the first then you do is go take your morning piss. Once you are
finished, you go to the sink and wash your hands and splash a little water in your face to shake
off the cobwebs. The water drips from both your hands and face. There is no towel near you, so
shake your hands in an attempt to dry them. Next, you take those very hands and use them to dry more

Omega Men #11

By: Tom King, Barnaby Bagenda
Released: Apr 27, 2016

Crippled and desperate after their brutal defeat on Karna, the Citadel brings an all-out war to the Omega Men as the team attempts to unify all the worlds of Vega in a last stand against their conquerors.

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el kozzy reviewed Divinity II #2 Aug 24, 2016

Imagine you are 11 years old again. You liked reading comic books back then, right? You probably
thought of your own comic book stories also, right? Now imagine your 11 year old self had the
opportunity to write and publish your own comic. Divinity 2 is basically what that comic would

Divinity II #2

By: Matt Kindt, Trevor Hairsine
Released: May 25, 2016

Russia reigns supreme!

Just a month after the arrival of long-lost cosmonaut Mishka, the former Soviet Union has made an impossible push to become the world's preeminent superpower. But how? Ninjak has a theory, but it will require going undercover across enemy lines...and maybe some help from Mishka's old comrade, Abram Adams - the god-li...

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el kozzy reviewed Snotgirl #1 Aug 24, 2016

This first issue's first half does a good job of setting up the tone of the comic and the
characters in it. Immediately you as a reader know what you are getting into, you are entering
a world of young millennial women who use social media as a catharsis for their daily emotional
highs, a mask for their insecurities and the face they want the world to see them as.
In other wor more

Snotgirl #1

By: Bryan Lee O'Malley, Leslie Hung
Released: Jul 20, 2016

WHO IS LOTTIE PERSON? Is she a gorgeous, fun-loving social media star with a perfect life or a gross, allergy-ridden mess? Enter a world of snot, blood, and tears in this new ongoing series from New York Times Best Seller BRYAN LEE O'MALLEY (Scott Pilgrim) and dazzling newcomer LESLIE HUNG!

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el kozzy reviewed Descender #11 Aug 24, 2016

Though the different story lines in this comic are all starting to unfold more and more and as readers we are getting to see the bigger picture, especially in regards to the Robot Resistance and what they had been doing and how they had been living after their banishment from the UGC, the story is beginning to feel a little static and stale. The build-up of the previous issues of this LeMirian u more

Descender #11

By: Jeff Lemire, Dustin Nguyen
Released: Mar 9, 2016

"Machine Moon" Conclusion
TIM-21 discovers the secret at the heart of the Robot Resistance and it will change the course of his quest forever.

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el kozzy dropped Descender from their pull list Aug 24, 2016


One young robot’s struggle to stay alive in a universe where all androids have been outlawed and bounty hunters lurk on every planet. A rip-roaring and heart-felt cosmic odyssey that pits humanity against machine, and world against world, to create a sprawling space opera from the creators of Trillium, Sweet Tooth, and Little Gotham.

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el kozzy added Descender to their pull list Jun 7, 2016


One young robot’s struggle to stay alive in a universe where all androids have been outlawed and bounty hunters lurk on every planet. A rip-roaring and heart-felt cosmic odyssey that pits humanity against machine, and world against world, to create a sprawling space opera from the creators of Trillium, Sweet Tooth, and Little Gotham.

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el kozzy added Vision (2015) to their pull list Jun 7, 2016

Vision (2015)

The Vision wants to be human, and what's more human than family? He goes to the laboratory where he was created, where Ultron molded him into a weapon, where he first rebelled against his given destiny, where he first imagined that he could be more, that he could be good, that he could be a man, a normal, ordinary man. And he builds them. A wife, V...

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el kozzy added The Sheriff Of Babylon to their pull list Jun 7, 2016

The Sheriff Of Babylon

Baghdad, 2003. Florida Police officer-turned-military contractor, Chris Henry is tasked with training a new Iraqi police force. When one of his trainees ends up dead, Chris is forced to team up with Nassir, the last remaining cop in Baghdad. Pulling the strings to bring them together is the mysterious Sofia, an American-educated Iraqi who has retur...

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el kozzy added Ms. Marvel (2015) to their pull list Jun 7, 2016

Ms. Marvel (2015)

The internationally-beloved, butt-kicking, smack-talking, most adorable super hero makes her triumphant return. Look out world, Kamala Khan is back and officially an Avenger! Yup, the dream to end all dreams has happened for Kamala. She's toe to toe with the best of the best, but will being one of Earth's mightiest heros be everything she imagined?...

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el kozzy reviewed Batman #51 Jun 5, 2016

A nice ode to Bats and Gotham. In this single story issue,the reader is taken on a journey
with Batman as he patrols the city at night and it is then and there that you go into his
psyche and see his love, concern and straight out paranoia he has for his city as its
In this issue there is not much action or any villainous obstacles Bats has face or overcome,
a more

Batman #51

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: Apr 27, 2016

Batman has battled everything from the Court of Owls to Mr. Bloom to the Joker, but how does he handle a quiet night in Gotham City?

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