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Joined: Nov 14, 2015

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Ambaryerno reviewed X-Men #1 Jul 7, 2021

If Gerry Dugan wanted to write Logan, why didn't he just USE Logan?

I'm getting sick of writers turning Laura into just Logan with boobs. She hasn't had her own personality on a team book in YEARS. The only thing missing here was a few "Bubs" for good measure.

I miss stoic, laconic, deliberate, reserved, and introverted Laura. I don't know who this growly and snarling person more

X-Men #1

By: Gerry Duggan, Pepe Larraz
Released: Jul 7, 2021

The heroes of Krakoa are here to save the planet! Things might be complicated between the nation of Krakoa and the rest of the world, but to the X-MEN, things are simple - you do what's right, you protect those who need protecting and you save the world we all share. Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Sunfire,...

+ LikeComments (1)
Hex - Jul 13, 2021

It might just be a Marvel thing. Clearly Duggan knows how to write well but I imagine the heads or editors said, "You have to have more representation in your book! Use that lady Wolverine, she'll sell."

Ambaryerno rated X-23 #11 Apr 10, 2019

X-23 #11

By: Mariko Tamaki, Diego Olortegui
Released: Apr 10, 2019

• X-23 vs. Honey Badger!
•  But what could drive a wedge between these two sisters?
•  Meanwhile, X-23 digs deeper into the shadows of a secret new organization, HARVEST!
Rated T+

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Ambaryerno reviewed X-23 #10 Mar 13, 2019

Overall it's a fine issue. The art is good, it's fast-paced, and the characters are well-written. Unfortunately not only is this arc too much like other recent stories (specifically Four Sisters from All-New Wolverine) the plotting was also rather predictable.

X-23 #10

By: Mariko Tamaki, Diego Olortegui
Released: Mar 13, 2019

• The mystery behind X-Assassin revealed!
•  What will Laura and Gabby do when they come face-to-face with an army of genetically altered assassins?
•  Gabby's life will forever change after this!
Rated T+

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Ambaryerno rated X-23 #9 Feb 8, 2019

X-23 #9

By: Mariko Tamaki, Diego Olortegui
Released: Feb 6, 2019

The mystery surrounding the X-Assassin grows, as Laura investigates its origins and Gabby does her best to find the humanity deep in its robot heart... But the X-Assassin isn't the only threat facing the sisters!
Rated T+

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Ambaryerno reviewed Uncanny X-Men #11 Feb 6, 2019

Let's Fridge a disabled chick, and gratuitously kill off a WoC who DOESN'T EVEN GET TO DIE ON-PANEL, and you wouldn't know the corpse was hers if someone didn't explicitly identify her.

It's bad enough Editorial won't let the NXM grow up because it ages the "classic" cast too much, but to then turn around and kill them off in such a tonedeaf manner for shock value is frankly insulting.

Uncanny X-Men #11

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Salvador Larroca
Released: Feb 6, 2019

After the devastating events of "X-Men Disassembled," it falls to Cyclops to rebuild the X-Men in the face of overwhelming hatred. Thankfully, he's not the only X-Man to have just returned from oblivion. Scott and Logan are together again, and they are mutantkind's only hope. Writer Matthew Rosenberg and returning supe...

+ LikeComments (3)
CrazyforRAMU - Aug 19, 2019

Ambaryerno's talking about two deaths - not just Blindfold, but Loa, whose death is indeed gratuitous and too easily overlooked.

The-MJP - Jun 6, 2020

Thank God for hickman

Ambaryerno reviewed Uncanny X-Men #10 Jan 16, 2019

Too much reliance on nostalgia. Too many characters written badly out of character. Too much plot that's plopped down preassembled and with no build-up. And worse still, we're back to yet ANOTHER Mutant Extinction plot so soon after IvX (and that's not even getting into the Age of Apocalypse rehash).

Uncanny X-Men #10

By: Ed Brisson, Pere Perez
Released: Jan 16, 2019

From the Age of Apocalypse to the end of the X-Men...and the dawn of the AGE OF X-MAN???
Rated T+

+ LikeComments (1)
MKW69 - Feb 15, 2019

Pftt Noob. No one was written out of character. And mutants are always in excintion.

Ambaryerno commented on this:
SloboSOY reviewed X-23 #8 Jan 12, 2019

As always a very strong reading. I really love Gaby. I have only a part I don't fully understand.
The part who seem to be a flashfoward. Maybe link to what Old Man Logan tell to Laura.
I find it originality in this story with a lot of thing already seen in a Laura Story.
But cloning and Laura are tied up and work well. I wonder how of Peter & Wolvy have more clone now ^^


X-23 #8

By: Mariko Tamaki, Diego Olortegui
Released: Jan 9, 2019

Laura and Gabby face the creators of the X-Assassin...and find they might not agree on what to do about this barely human killer.
Rated T+

+ LikeComments (2)
Ambaryerno - Jan 12, 2019

What flash-forward? Everything in this story is set in the present, before Disassembled.

SloboSOY - Jan 12, 2019

I don't know. The part where gabby stab someone & then have laura in her arms !

Ambaryerno reviewed X-23 #8 Jan 9, 2019

An overall solid issue, I just wish it wasn't treading ground that was already explored so recently. Not only are we dealing with more X-23 clones a mere 3 years after Gabby, Zelda, and Bellona were introduced, but it turns out the plot is being driven by the same villain!

There's also a small retcon to Laura's background that ties All-New Wolverine much more closely to Innocence Lost, more

X-23 #8

By: Mariko Tamaki, Diego Olortegui
Released: Jan 9, 2019

Laura and Gabby face the creators of the X-Assassin...and find they might not agree on what to do about this barely human killer.
Rated T+

+ LikeComments (1)
The-MJP - Mar 1, 2019

I’m worried that gabby might end up like sally west ten years down the line with editorial thinking they’re doing the fans a favor by killing her off repeatedly simply because some very vocal fans don’t like her

Ambaryerno added Uncanny X-Men (2018) to their pull list Nov 14, 2018

Uncanny X-Men (2018)

New ongoing series kicking off with a 10-part weekly epic, the flagship X-Men series that started it all is back and better than ever! Starting with a mysterious and tragic disappearance, the X-Men are drawn into what might be...their final adventure?! X-Fan favorite writers Ed Brisson (EXTERMINATION), Matthew...

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Ambaryerno reviewed X-23 #6 Nov 7, 2018

It's a breather issue between two heavy arcs. The art is a step back from Cabal, though served the inherent silliness of the story well.

If there's a weakness, it's that while the idea of Gabby interacting at school with normal kids her age and Laura herself being in a teacher's role is an interesting one, Tamaki never really gives it the thorough exploration it deserves. Rather than be more

X-23 #6

By: Mariko Tamaki, Georges Duarte
Released: Nov 7, 2018

Laura and Gabby go undercover as teacher and student to uncover a deadly secret. Will Gabby be teacher's pet? Will Jonathan?
Rated T+

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Ambaryerno added Infinity Wars: Weapon Hex to their pull list Oct 20, 2018

Infinity Wars: Weapon Hex

In a dark weapons program breeding subjects specifically for magic use, the 23rd attempt, now called Wanda, was finally able to connect to violent magics - making her one of the deadliest people on the planet!
Rated T+

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Weapon Hex #1 is basically X-23: Innocence Lost condensed into one issue, with Laura gaining Wanda's magic powers. This addition really didn't change all that much and the story didn't really cover any ground X-23's main 'verse origin story didn't already. If anything, shortening the story the way they did blunted the emotional impact of Innocence Lost, which is a shame because the original story more

Infinity Wars: Weapon Hex #1

By: Ben Acker, Gerardo Sandoval
Released: Oct 17, 2018

In a dark weapons program breeding subjects specifically for magic use, the 23rd attempt, now called Wanda, was finally able to connect to violent magics - making her one of the deadliest people on the planet!
Rated T+

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Ambaryerno rated X-23 #4 Sep 12, 2018

X-23 #4

By: Mariko Tamaki, Juan Cabal
Released: Sep 12, 2018

• It's a sisters-vs.-sisters showdown as Laura must battle through the Cuckoos' powerful mind
projections to rescue Gabby - but why did the Cuckoos kidnap Gabby in the first place?
•  And will Gabby be able to resist their psychic shackles, or will she turn against Laura too?
Rated T+

+ LikeComment
Ambaryerno reviewed X-23 #3 Aug 29, 2018

Great issue. Too much Warren, but not enough to take away from the rest.

X-23 #3

By: Mariko Tamaki, Juan Cabal
Released: Aug 29, 2018

Laura has faced plenty of threats in her day... And when those threats take aim at Gabby, all bets are off. But the stakes are even higher - and the consequences more dire - when Laura comes up against a psychic superthreat: the Cuckoos!
Rated T+

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Ambaryerno reviewed All-New X-Men #12 Aug 11, 2016

Hopeless tries to save the godawful Wolverine/Angel romance, and fails miserably at it. Not only does he fail to provide a workable explanation for her OOC behavior thus far this series, but what he DOES give just revisits plot points that were resolved by Liu a long time ago.

The "understanding" that Laura and Warren reach also rings hollow, and if this were a real-life relationship Wa more

All-New X-Men #12

By: Dennis Hopeless, Mark Bagley
Released: Aug 10, 2016

• One is a time-displaced cosmically powered angel from the '60s.
•  The other is a homicidal clone struggling to fulfill her dead father's legacy.
•  But who says Angel and Wolverine can't make their relationship work?
•  Also: Another burgeoning romance may place one of the All-Ne...

+ LikeComments (4)
The-MJP - Jul 30, 2018

i hope Marvel is giving him another Spider-woman series so he can redeem himself

The-MJP - Aug 1, 2018


Ambaryerno commented on this:
RaisingBlack reviewed All-New Wolverine #33 Apr 9, 2018

I really enjoyed this issue. The future story arc looks interesting and everything was paced really well. Gabby as the future Wolverine looked really great and I wouldn't mind exploring that in it's own book. This was a great issue for me and Laura's mission is already off the an action packed start and I liked the ending. Looking forward to the reveal next month. My big ask is that Tom Taylor giv more

All-New Wolverine #33

By: Tom Taylor, Ramon Rosanas
Released: Apr 4, 2018

In the not-too-distant future, the world is a utopia where heroes have succeeded in bringing peace worldwide. At the head of this utopia is none other than Laura Kinney, who's passed on her mantle of Wolverine and is living her best life as Madripoor's benevolent queen. But a long simmering evil will force Laura, out...

+ LikeComments (5)
Ambaryerno - Jul 30, 2018

@The_MJP It's confirmed that the reason she decided to use the name again will be explored in the new series.

The-MJP - Jul 30, 2018

oh, ok, personally i think the reason she changed back to X-23 is becuase the anti-SJW thought her being wolverine was insulting cause she's a diffrent gender than logan, and marvel editorial gave up and decided to make them happy not trying to look like an SJW apoligist, I do see where they're coming from, but i think it's a little overblown especially since at least she's an established supporting character and not some nobody that exist to be diverse like riri

Ambaryerno rated X-23 #2 Jul 25, 2018

X-23 #2

By: Mariko Tamaki, Juan Cabal
Released: Jul 25, 2018

Cloned from a warrior, raised as a killer, Laura Kinney has gone through hell and come out the other side a hero. After a stint as the All-New Wolverine, she returns to her roots as X-23 to make sure no one ever has to go through the horrors she did. With her sister Gabby and their pet Jonathan in tow, X-23 forges her own destiny in this new series...

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Ambaryerno commented on this:
Forge reviewed X-Men: Red #6 Jul 18, 2018

Twenty pages where nothing happens. The first half of this book is wasted on Gentle, an obscure character that nobody cares about. The second half is spent preparing for an unnecessarily elaborate heist which is then mostly skipped over. The closest thing to action in this book is when Nightcrawler teleports the team onto the transport plane, once again ignoring 40+ year old rules about how Nightc more

X-Men: Red #6

By: Tom Taylor, Carmen Nunez Carnero
Released: Jul 18, 2018

• From deep beneath the ocean, Jean Grey's X-Men watch as waves of anti-mutant hatred wash over the world!
•  Can the X-Men quell the tide? Or will they be swept away in its wake?
Rated T+

+ LikeComments (2)
Ambaryerno - Jul 18, 2018

Plenty of people care about Gentle, and were ecstatic to see him on the book. So speak for yourself. And exactly what rule about Kurt's powers was broken? This is nothing we haven't seen him do before. And you think that just because Xavier is dead Cassandra will just stop and go on her merry way?

The-MJP - Jul 30, 2018

@ambaryerno thank you so much, i honestly think this guy is just complaing about marvel because "SJW's cant write muh nostolgia"

Ambaryerno reviewed X-23 #1 Jul 11, 2018

My big question remains why Laura would take back the X-23 name after so directly rejecting it in the last book. It's not by any means a flaw of the book itself, but it's definitely an issue we're seeing within Marvel of hammering the Reset Button so liberally. Combined with the fact we never got to see the moment Laura decided to become Wolverine, it only emphasizes the sense that her stint was s more

X-23 #1

By: Mariko Tamaki, Juan Cabal
Released: Jul 11, 2018

Cloned from a warrior, raised as a killer, Laura Kinney has gone through hell and come out the other side a hero. After a stint as the All-New Wolverine, she returns to her roots as X-23 to make sure no one ever has to go through the horrors she did. With her sister Gabby and their pet Jonathan in tow, X-23 forges her own destiny in this new series...

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Ambaryerno added X-23 (2018) to their pull list Jul 10, 2018

X-23 (2018)

Cloned from a warrior, raised as a killer, Laura Kinney has gone through hell and come out the other side a hero. After a stint as the All-New Wolverine, she returns to her roots as X-23 to make sure no one ever has to go through the horrors she did. With her sister Gabby and their pet Jonathan in tow, X-23 forges her own destiny in this new series...

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Ambaryerno reviewed All-New Wolverine #35 May 16, 2018

I couldn't help but be underwhelmed by the end of All-New Wolverine. Its final arc began with a lot of promise, but part three of Old Woman Laura just falls flat for me. Maybe because I just didn't want the book to end it feels unsatisfying, but it was also quite anti-climactic.

There's something of a disconnect here, since the book ends in an AU, rather than tying back in to the presen more

All-New Wolverine #35

By: Tom Taylor, Ramon Rosanas
Released: May 16, 2018

• The world has been saved. Its people, never happier. The Wolverine should be retired, enjoying her time ruling Madripoor and living life with her sister.
•  But instead Laura is in the last bastion of cruelty: Latveria. She has one more mission: One person to save, one person to kill.
•  It all comes down to this.
Rated T...

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Ambaryerno added Domino (2018) to their pull list May 9, 2018

Domino (2018)

Impossible curves. Impossible shots. Impossible targets. Marvel's #1 soldier of fortune is back in an explosive new ongoing series! The product of a failed super-soldier program, Neena Thurman always made her own luck as the sharpshooting mercenary known as Domino... but what happens when her own powers betray he...

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Ambaryerno reviewed Hunt For Wolverine #1 Apr 28, 2018

Where's Armor? Laura? Amiko? Kurt? They don't get an invite to Logan's "real" funeral, but Doop and Firestar do? And while the series at least explains Jean's nonsensical appearance in Legacy #1, it doesn't change the fact her presence has no impact whatsoever.

The effort to make this a Marvel-wide thing is done hamfistedly at best. Did Kitty honestly not have someone within the X-spher more

Hunt For Wolverine #1

By: Charles Soule, David Marquez
Released: Apr 25, 2018

The RETURN OF WOLVERINE begins here, providing the first piece of a mystery that will leave no corner of the Marvel Universe untouched. Just as the X-Men have finally come to terms with Logan's death, they learn a terrible secret. Old wounds will be re-opened, truths questioned, and an epic quest begun. The earliest clues to the mystery of Wolverin...

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Ambaryerno rated All-New Wolverine #34 Apr 25, 2018

All-New Wolverine #34

By: Tom Taylor, Ramon Rosanas
Released: Apr 25, 2018

•  Though most of the world's problems have been solved in the future, that doesn't mean there are no opportunities to SNIKT every now and then...
•  ...and now that Laura's back in the suit, she's finding those opportunities aplenty.
•  Plus: GUEST STARS you'd never believe and exotic locales you ...

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Ambaryerno commented on this:
SomeDummy reviewed All-New Wolverine #33 Apr 5, 2018

Holy crap do you guys have garbage taste.

All-New Wolverine #33

By: Tom Taylor, Ramon Rosanas
Released: Apr 4, 2018

In the not-too-distant future, the world is a utopia where heroes have succeeded in bringing peace worldwide. At the head of this utopia is none other than Laura Kinney, who's passed on her mantle of Wolverine and is living her best life as Madripoor's benevolent queen. But a long simmering evil will force Laura, out...

+ LikeComments (4)
Ambaryerno - Apr 5, 2018

I don't think anyone's surprised to hear that at all.

The-MJP - Jul 30, 2018

obvious armchair critic is obvious

Ambaryerno rated All-New Wolverine #33 Apr 4, 2018

All-New Wolverine #33

By: Tom Taylor, Ramon Rosanas
Released: Apr 4, 2018

In the not-too-distant future, the world is a utopia where heroes have succeeded in bringing peace worldwide. At the head of this utopia is none other than Laura Kinney, who's passed on her mantle of Wolverine and is living her best life as Madripoor's benevolent queen. But a long simmering evil will force Laura, out...

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Ambaryerno rated All-New Wolverine #32 Mar 14, 2018

All-New Wolverine #32

By: Tom Taylor, Djibril Morissette-Phan
Released: Mar 14, 2018

•  The last time we saw the Orphans of X, they were hunting Laura and other Wolverines for revenge.
•  And now they've returned. But for what purpose? And will WOLVERINE be able to survive this encounter with her deadliest enemy yet?
Rated T+

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Ambaryerno commented on this:
Forge reviewed X-Men: Red #2 Mar 7, 2018

Wow this is garbage. Jean isn't nearly as hot as she should be. X-23 isn't as dark as she should be. Nightcrawler has no personality. Come to think of it, none of these characters seem to have any personality with the possible exception of the newly introduced Trinary. Honey Badger is an incredibly worthless character. Also, the art sucks.

There seems to be a new mandate for the X-Men b more

X-Men: Red #2

By: Tom Taylor, Mahmud A. Asrar
Released: Mar 7, 2018

•  JEAN GREY and her team must infiltrate a top-secret compound in order to save a mutant they've never met.
•  They'll have to avoid guards armed with guns, protestors armed with hate and sentinels armed with...well, slightly larger and more dangerous guns than the guards.
•  All in a day's work for ...

+ LikeComments (4)
Nomadic Avenger - Mar 8, 2018

"Jean isn't nearly as hot as she should be" This sentence alone tells me to stop reading and disregard your review... But like RustonLF suggests, read Gold if this isn't your thing.

The-MJP - Jul 30, 2018

your cover pic is a liefeld drawing, i immediately have zero intrest in what you have to say

Ambaryerno reviewed All-New Wolverine #31 Feb 28, 2018

Two words that tells you all you need to know about the sheer awesomemess of this issue: ZOMBIE. SLOTH.

All-New Wolverine #31

By: Tom Taylor, Marco Failla
Released: Feb 28, 2018

• GABBY makes a shocking discovery about the past and turns to the only person she can trust to help her...DEADPOOL?
•  Will Deadpool help with Gabby's mission of vengeance, or will he only make matters worse?
•  And why is JONATHAN THE ACTUAL WOLVERINE joining them?
Rated T+

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Ambaryerno added X-Men: Red (2018) to their pull list Feb 7, 2018

X-Men: Red (2018)

The Hate Machine Part 1
JEAN GREY is back! Returned to a world she doesn't recognize, the First Lady of the X-MEN gathers an unlikely team - NIGHTCRAWLER, NAMOR and LAURA KINNEY (A.K.A. ALL-NEW WOLVERINE) - to face an evil that threatens to tear down XAVIER's dream by any me...

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