The mystery surrounding the X-Assassin grows, as Laura investigates its origins and Gabby does her best to find the humanity deep in its robot heart... But the X-Assassin isn't the only threat facing the sisters!
Rated T+
From hilariously perfect Golden Girls references to the genuine, pure eagerness Gabby has to accept this newcomer as family, the issue is a shining example of the differences and similarities between the sisters, making for a fun and exciting romp with real stakes and excitement to boot. Read Full Review
Action, emotion and its hopefully avoided what threatened to be a betrayal of a retcon so I can forgive the lack of laughs. Read Full Review
I love Laura and Gabby and if TUOKS doesnt kill them both, I may even learn to love her as well. This issue is another quick read, but its got humor, action, and Gabby! Thats pretty much enough for me. Read Full Review
Another quick X-23 issue at least has some engaging characters and a solid story. Read Full Review
We're this close to discovering the brain behind this cyborg/clones attack on our heroes. Is it possible to redeem her or is she a total vegetable by this point? As Gabby tries to reach this robotic unit, Laura is busy tracking her creators and this whole issue culminates in a show of strength on the part of our heroes with the cyborg…to be continued. ***1/2 (8.8 rating) Read Full Review