Kevin Given's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Word Of The Nerd, Comic Crusaders Reviews: 240
8.2Avg. Review Rating

3 Devils #4

Jun 26, 2016

This title is a great find. I almost passed on it but I'm so glad I didn't. The author's love for both westerns and horror shows forth and his characters are fresh and original. In a medium that's literally over-populated with stereotypes we find people we can relate to, and there's not many titles that mix these genre's. And most of the ones that do exist, with the possible exception of Jonah Hex (the comic-book, not the movie,) won't succeed. The character of Oliver is the most compelling in that he is a Werewolf by night, but by day, he's a carnival sideshow freak that has Hypertrichosis so he is literally a wolf by day as well as by night. This title is like nothing else on the market and it hasn't yet de-evolved into formulaic story telling yet.

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30 Days of Night (2017) #4

Mar 23, 2018

The body count is mounting and the town folk have no idea what to do ta abate it. Can these vampires be killed? There is seemingly no stopping this blood thirsty clan as they invoke all out war against this tiny little hamlet. The reader will be drawn into the situation as they wonder how it will end. An all out victory for the vampires or will the humans finally figure out a way to stop them. There is a great twist at the end as the head vampire… to be continued! ***1/2 stars(8.5 rating)

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Action Comics (2016) #996

Jan 30, 2018

Superman and Booster Gold make an interesting team as the Last Son of Krypton is in no mood for future boy's sarcastic wit and antics. He's on a serious mission to find answers about his home world and the villains that survived it's destruction. The friction is there even as the two strive to work together. Lois successfully lands in Longamba and meets up with resistance leaders that are ready and willing to assist her. Superman is making quick work of his adversaries and seems to be succeeding in his goal when…to be continued. ***1/2 (8.8 rating)

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Action Comics (2016) #1011

May 27, 2019

This title gets better with every issue. Just when you didn't think anything new could be introduced in Superman's world along comes this juicy little tale which brings about new villains and revelations of characters actions that bring about surprises and intrigue. A great read from a great creative team. **** (9.2 rating)

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Adventures of the Super Sons #11

Jun 10, 2019

A wild and crazy couple of guys have their hands full as Rex Luthor throws everything he can in their way as he tries to get through the portal to a planet where he will be lifted up above the fray. A divine comedy of errors awaits the super sons. That is if they can get through the portal themselves. Will the super sons be able to thwart the latest maniacal plans of Rex Luthor? To be continued. *** (8.7 rating)

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Agent 47: Birth of the Hitman #2

Dec 12, 2017

Ariel Medel is the right artist to bring Sebela's story to life. His pages bring the characters to life in a no nonsense fashion that bring the story to new levels of danger that our protagonists can only imagine are aimed at them. His tight panels showcase the heightened suspense as the tale progresses to new levels of urgency. Its great stuff and he draws us into the story in a fast paced action packed manner that makes this comic an easy read.

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Aliens/Vampirella #1

Jul 5, 2016

Our creative team definitely knows how to build suspense. Our heroes overcome obstacle after obstacle and near the end Vampirella needs to feed again. Lars once again offers his blood but Vampi doesn't want to take anymore from him because she's afraid that she's taken too much already, excellent dramatic moment that only brings a sense of foreboding to the final battle. Before that battle happens we learn something new about Vampirella and her relationship to the nosferatu of earth. A solid , satisfying read. Hopefully there will be more.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #32

Oct 25, 2019

This issue doesn't answer a whole lot of questions about Miguel's mission, but it sure is a lot of fun trying to figure it all out as the heroes have their hands full with the bad guys. It's a back to basics issue that makes us feel like Spiderman is getting it together again. We're more than on board with finding Peter Parker doing his best to solve the crime at hand.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #45

Aug 3, 2020

I can't get enough of Peter Parker's Spiderman and this issue doesn't disappoint. It includes all the ingredients of a great Spiderman story.

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Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows (2016) #14

Jan 2, 2018

We think we're getting a standard Lizard story throughout the proceedings, but things are not always as they appear. It's a fun ride through what might be a mundane action story but the twist at the end keeps our interest and we'll surely want to get the next issue when it's revealed that the Lizard wasn't doing what everyone thought he was doing…to be continued. *** (7.7 rating)

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Angel Season 11 #12

Dec 27, 2017

It's a fine issue. I enjoyed it because I have never read a story with this incredible of a premise and yet see the characters as realistic people. they are simply two immortals and a human dealing with their day to day situations. It works because they give credence to their predicament. This little episode helped our characters grow and learn something more about themselves and each other. like the old clich says: you learn something new everyday. Even if you've been around for a few hundred...or thousand...years.

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Annihilation - Scourge: Fantastic Four #1

Dec 13, 2019

It's a helluva ride as the F.F. face what could be the deadliest foes they ever took on"themselves! The Cancerverse versions force our heroes to examine their motivations and they may not like what they see. But then they turn that mirror on their attackers and the Cancerverse counterparts are forced to see a part of themselves that they may not like either. It's a battle of wills and wits, only who will come out on top? Just when you think everything's going to get tied up nice and neat"to be continued! **** (9.2 rating)

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Aquaman (2016) #35

Apr 19, 2018

A battle weary nation fights in revolt of its King. Their former King returns and helps to even the odds! This issue is an all out free for all and the stakes are high as Aquaman shows his true colors and gets down and dirty with the adversaries of the Atlantean people. The final splash shows us what true grit is made of as Urcell and Leot come face to face with" to be continued.

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Aquaman (2016) #45

Feb 25, 2019

Some great thought went into the creation of Aquaman's newest adversary and her origin is breath-taking. This issue is spent setting us up for a great confrontation, which we assume will happen next issue. In the meantime our heroes are preparing for the worst as they're not sure about their future. One because he can't remember much, the other because she doesn't know what to expect. But it looks like next issue is going to take us for a heluva ride! It's to early to tell if Namma is going to be as great a villain as, say Black Manta. But one things for sure. The creative team is pulling out all the stops to make her one of A's greatest adversaries To be continued!

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Aquaman (2016) #46

Mar 25, 2019

The stakes are high this issue and the fate of the village of unspoken water has never been in more danger!

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Aquaman (2016) #51

Aug 27, 2019

The King of Atlantis saga continues as this issue reveals a little bit of the politics of Atlantis. We've got a new dynamic duo as Aquaman must get used to the antics of the new Aqualad. We also witness a queen who may not be as willing to see the return of the king and the return of the King's arch-nemesis plus a nice little twist at the end as we see"to be continued ***1/2 (8.7 rating)

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Archie Meets Batman '66 #1

Jul 23, 2018

Dan Parent and J. Bone bring us the best of both worlds right down to the Joker's make-up covered Mustache (maybe they should have thought of that with Henry Cavill"?) Over the top and cartoony as we would expect Batman to be and Archie fans were used to up until the recent incarnation.

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Army of Darkness: Furious Road #2

Apr 11, 2016

The fast pacing in Army of Darkness: Furious Road #2 keeps you eager to turn each page. Once again, the tension consistently builds throughout the story, leaving you hungry for the next issue. Ash makes a hasty decision by the end of this issue which will haunt him for the rest of his life. Important characters face injury and this will leave us all anxiously waiting to see what happens next.

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Army of Darkness: Furious Road #3

Apr 27, 2016

At the conclusion of Army of Darkness: Furious Road #3, the Werewolf faces a catharsis which will challenge his role in our rag tag group of heroes. Will he stay with the group? We learn something very important about the deadites which will make it harder for our champions to defeat them. Our warriors re-group and head to"church? To be continued.

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Army of Darkness: Furious Road #5

Jul 6, 2016

The characters grow in each issue of Army of Darkness: Furious Road. In this issue we see a real bond between Dracula and his daughter. In previous issues those two had locked horns and one got the impression that nothing could bring them together. But here we see Eva being carried to her destination by her father, who explains to her why he, nor the other monsters, couldn't tell her about plan B. It's a nice moment between father and daughter. Collins and Baal are a great creative team. Another one of my favorite moments comes when Ash, after revealing to Michael his past, asks him if he's afraid of what Dracula might do to his girlfriend (Eva) and Michael snaps that she isn't his "girlfriend." The team winds finally reunites at the Monastery. Will they be able to implement plan B before being destroyed by the deadites?

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Assassin's Creed: Templars #3

Jun 12, 2016

This is a pivotal issue as the Black Cross finally comes face to face with the leader of the green gang. He's coming closer to discovering what they're all about and how to prevent them from taking over. The sub-plot with Roo is developing nicely as well as she's asked why she spared a certain persons life. I'm not going to give it away but the set up for both looks like it will lead us into a promising fourth issue. It's definitely an intriguing read.

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Astonishing X-Men (2017) #11

May 3, 2018

action, action, action! That's what defines this chapter and it's a great one. Proteus has, indeed, defeated the X-Men, but that doesn't mean that they're taking defeat lying down! It's a no holds barred all out war as the students of Charles Xavier attempt to regain the upper hand I loved the adrenaline rush as the team devises a new way to take down their opponent. Will this new trick succeed or… to be continued. *** (8.2 rating)

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Avengers (2016) #675

Jan 11, 2018

There can be no bigger threat to this earth than what is conveyed in this issue. The mighty marvel heroes have to step up to the plate and have to hit a home run. There can be no room for errors in this epic tale of catastrophic events. Anyone who ever was an Avenger is called to active duty and if even one of them doesn't respond then it could mean the end of mankind! The stakes were never higher for this world, earth, Terra Firma, the big blue marble. It's at this point that these former Avengers"to be continued! It's an intense issue and great reading!

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Back to the Future #8

May 24, 2016

Doc's memory is slowly starting to come back to him. Needles is harassing Marty, delaying him from helping the Doc. Clara and the boys are waiting patiently for Doc's return. So now that Doc is starting to remember what happened Marty and Jennifer are ready to send him back to the past right? After all he needs to be with his wife and kids, but maybe there's something he has to do first. To be continued.

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Back to the Future #9

Jun 25, 2016

Yet another time line has been created. This time Griff seems to have done well for himself. Doc and Marty still aren't sure why they're in 2035, but it's slowly coming back to Doc. Not enough information was conveyed as to why the duo is in 2035 to be a thoroughly enjoyable issue but the action is still top notch and hopefully we'll get the answers by the next issue. So far, the story line has been good and I think this creative team still has a trick or two up their sleeves and the next issue will deliver the goods.

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Back to the Future #10

Jul 14, 2016

In ConclusionA lot of questions are answered in this issue. Doc has regained his memory and remembers that he overshot the year 2015 by two decades because of the crude equipment he had used from 1895. Doc finds himself in need of cash so he goes to a bank where he opened an account in 2015 to get his comic book collection only to be thwarted by the security measures from that year. Now Doc is on the run. Can Marty catch up to Doc? Can Doc avoid getting arrested? Can the two of them get out of 2035? Gotta get the next issue to find out.

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Back to the Future #25

Dec 13, 2017

A lot of hard work went into finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and there's a nice twist that makes us wonder if Marty and the Doc really can set this situation right. It doesn't look good for Joey Baines and the tensions between Marty and Biff threaten Joey's future. This time Marty might have bitten off a little more than he can chew by stealing the DeLorean. This is the final issue to the story and the conclusion isn't quite what you might expect! *** (7.8 rating)

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Back to the Future: Citizen Brown #2

Jun 15, 2016

Back to the Future: Citizen Brown #2 follows the same formula as the movies but it's still interesting; it's slightly predictable, but the wit is still sharp. Die hard fans will definitely enjoy this issue and I think that for people who have never seen anything Back to the Future, it's a good introduction to Hill Valley.

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Back to the Future: Citizen Brown #3

Jul 19, 2016

The topsy turvy world that is Hill Valley in this time line is unusually sanitized with pretty much every little bit of fun made completely illegal. Biff Tannen has practically become a choir boy, And he likes it! Doc Brown missing the 1931 premiere of Frankenstein somehow caused this entire time line and Marty must find a way to set things right. Contacting Doc has become a chore since he's a high up official and you must request an audience with him. But Marty manages to reach him by breaking the law. Marty shows him the now useless time machine and that causes Doc to remember his vague images of dreaming up the flux capacitor in 1955. Great fun that promises more fun in the next issue.

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Back to the Future: Tales From The Time Train #5

May 8, 2018

Anyway, God bless the folks at IDW for giving us more of these stories that fans crave so much. This comic book is satisfactory and the end of this issue makes us want more and to get to the next issue before time runs out!

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Back to the Future: Tales From The Time Train #6

Jun 18, 2018

I love me some Back to the Future comics. If you're like me then the three movies and Cartoons weren't enough of Back to the Future. I needed more and IDW was the right company to bring us the continued adventures of Doc Brown. This particular tale didn't really offer much new to the whole franchise and the story was far from being the most original they could have come up with, but I loved it! What all the BTTF comics have been is a lot of fun that brings a what if quality to the franchise. This tale concludes in a satisfactory manner and I can't wait for the next one! *** (8.3 rating)

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Barbarella (2017): Holiday Special #1

Dec 10, 2018

It's a different kind of Barbarella story, also a different type of Christmas story. A noir detective tale that should leave the reader enthralled. It's a great tale which has implications that could expose a nasty negotiation and there's more to this murder than meets the eye. Conspiracy, cover-up, and madness ensue. The reader will be surprised when the mystery is solved and it all fits into the whacky world of Barbarella. It's definitely a story unlike any other Barbarella story and the eroticism, though it's there, is actually downplayed this time around. *** (8.2 rating)

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Batgirl (2016) #34

Apr 26, 2019

This is the first part of what promises to be a three-part tale of corruption and greed. The underworld is trying to manipulate the political structure of Gotham city and Batgirl is the only one standing in their way. She on the trail of the ones who have been threatening the congresswoman, but at what cost? She winds up in a tight predicament that be continued.

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Batman (2016) #58

Nov 8, 2018

This issue sees a slow down in the action as Oswald Cobblepot and the Batman deal with another death. It's a poignant issue and brings the antagonist to a point where he has to contemplate the reality of this situation. The Penguin seems to be going further off the deep end with the death of his daughter. His behavior is erratic even for him. The Batman is thrown for a loop while investigating the Freeze case. He winds up in the Penguins lair! To be continued! *** (8.2 rating)

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Batman (2016) #61

Dec 26, 2018

Everything is not as it seems in this tantalizing tale. We get a look into the young Bruce Wayne and the beginning of the mental disorder that would create the Batman. It almost unfolds like an episode of Gotham. Only we see what might have happened if Young Bruce had gone further off the deep end.

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Batman (2016) #70

May 6, 2019

80 years of Batman have had their ups and downs. At different times the character was going to be cancelled, but something has always happened to keep us fans on our toes and brought the Dark Knight back into prominence. This tale is one of the characters high points in terms of suspense building, a rogues gallery homage, and noir style mystery that keeps us guessing. This issue concludes with the same inmate that opened the tale. This time quoting another classic poem! To be continued. ***1/2 (8.9 rating)

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Batman (2016) #78

Sep 16, 2019

Superhero comics don't always need to be action-packed and this little tale serves the caped crusader well as an introspective piece. These type of stories help to flesh out the characters and make them three dimensional as opposed to simply two-dimensional good guys versus bad guy tales that become boring if we don't see some contrast and motivation with the characters. This tale is a touching moment between the two leads as they try to figure out why they are so drawn to each other even though they're not good for each other I loved this story and it's one of my favorite Batman tales of this, or any other, year.

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Batman (2016) Annual #3

Dec 17, 2018

It's a special day at Wayne Manor. When Bruce decides that he must take Alfred's interests into consideration. Batman has bitten off a little more than he can chew and Alfred needs more help than usual to look after his employer. We see the true extent of Alfred's concern by the end of this issue and it's an excellent moment. One that defines family more than most issues of this type do. All in all, a totally satisfying issue. ****1/2 (9.8 rating)

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Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: II #1

Dec 6, 2017

The fun begins with this unexpected cross over which is sure to please fans of DC and IDW comics. The main villain from Batman's rogues gallery seems to be the right fit for this tale as we look into the face of fear and wonder if the Batman, even with the help of his new friends can complete the task at hand. Not to mention that the events that take place could lead to more of the Dark Knight's rogues gallery showing up and causing problems. I really enjoyed this issue and can't wait for more *** (3.9 rating)

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Batman Beyond (2016) #24

Sep 28, 2018

Action fans will find this a thrilling intense ride and a completely satisfying comic book through and through. Some may feel that it's a bit rushed, especially the ending. But no one can deny that this story reaches a dramatic conclusion that ties up all the loose ends neatly. No cliffhangers and it will leave the reader with a sense of completion and yet make us eager for what's to come in the next issue. I found this to be a satisfactory issue all in all.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #30

Mar 27, 2019

An awesome adventure with Robin trying to hide his fear of Batman's enemies. The Bat-Teams inability to accept the final fate of the Clown Prince of Crime and the remaining Jokerz inability to function without their fearless leader. It seems like our heroes have wrapped things up and solved the case but…to be continued.

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Batman's Grave #4

Jan 28, 2020

A fast-paced delightful chapter in this maxiseries. Batman's best tropes are condensed into an action-packed tale of street justice. Just enough exposition to whet our appetite as the Bats kicks some major bad guy but! The entire room, as usual, is no match for this vengeful vigilante. A must-have for any Batman fan. 2 (8.3)

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Batman: Gotham Nights (2020) #6

Jun 8, 2020

A refreshing change of pace from the normal monthly assault on our senses from Batman stories, it's a fun little tale of reversed expectations and I thoroughly enjoyed every page. Once in a while we have to get away from the norm and see things from different perspectives. This story truly throws us for a loop and subverts what we've come to expect from this title, awesome read! ***1/2 (8.7 rating)

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Batman: Sins of the Father #2

Mar 26, 2018

The best Batman stories always have an element of noir mystery and this one fulfills our expectations. Gage and Lenco are a dynamic duo all their own and the Batman's deductive skills are on great display as he finally realizes where he has to go to discover the secret of the killer. Retracing his steps will take him back into the belly of the beast! **** (9.2 rating)

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Batman: Sins of the Father #5

Jun 25, 2018

Batman works best as a detective, but it's always great to see his action skills put to the test too. Here we have a villain that thinks he's every bit Batman's equal and so far he's stayed one step ahead of the dark knight for this entire issue.

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Batwoman (2017) #10

Dec 22, 2017

The ultimate goal in this issue is not just to take down the Scarecrow, it's to see how this battle has affected Kate's mind. In a good scarecrow story, the protagonist leaves with a little bit of her (his) soul taken from them. Dr. Jonathan Crane is almost the Dr. Hannibal Lecter of the DC universe (without the cannibalism) His powers of illusion aren't just for trickery but for getting into the minds of his victims and Kate will realize that not everything was an illusion, a great issue and I enjoyed it a lot. ***1/2 (8.6 rating)

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Big Trouble In Little China #22

Mar 31, 2016

Fred Van Lente captures Burton's over the top pompous attitude and nails it squarely on the head. He and Winona are thrust from one problem to another in rapid succession and still don't know how they're going to get back to the future, if you'll forgive the pun. Victor Santos gives the illustrations a manic energy that moves the issue along and leaves the reader wanting more. He gives the issue a cartoony feel that fits the comedic tone of the story. All in all, a very satisfying read.

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Big Trouble In Little China: Old Man Jack #10

Jul 3, 2018

This is one manic issue as Jack reluctantly accepts his latest mission and he's immediately being tortured by familiar enemies.

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Black Bolt #10

Feb 15, 2018

This issue is a turning point. We can't help but feel the anguish our protagonist must feel as he's helpless before an enemy he should be able to quash so easily. As long as Lash has the child Blinky, our hero can not resist his antagonists will. But something is happening to Blinky…to be continued. *** (7.8 rating)

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Black Cat (2019) #6

Nov 12, 2019

For those who think that Felicia Hardy is only Selina Kyle lite, this title shows us a bit more of the feline personality which is quite different than anything we've seen in Selina.

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Bloodshot: Reborn Annual #1

Apr 4, 2016

Lemere tells these tales with an absurdist humor that borderlines parody in it's execution, he is clearly having a blast with the characters and it shows. Kano renders the characters appropriately, giving the art a manic style and he knows when to take the characters seriously and when to highlight the absurd, both with the Thespians and the situations they find themselves in. Great from beginning to end.

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Brothers Dracul #1

Apr 4, 2018

A great replay of Turkish history during the 1400's The pacing is good, the visuals are incredible and we get the feeling that we're not even in a vampire comic at all. Everything in this issue is historical fact. So is this not a horror comic? maybe it's just a history lesson. At least we get that feeling up until the time that the brothers are led into the village and see…to be continued. ****1/2 (9.4 rating)

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Bubba Ho-Tep and the Cosmic Blood-Suckers #1

May 16, 2018

This comic book is strange but fun. I had a good time as I turned each page and found at least one laugh per page and some horrific goings on. Add this one to the ranks of Evil Dead, Zombieland and Return of the Living Dead as a classic in the horror/comedy genre.

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Bubba Ho-Tep and the Cosmic Blood-Suckers #2

Aug 6, 2018

We learn a lot about Elvis and his goons also their mission. What we don't know is if these misfits thrown together can actually do the job. Think Mystery Men, or the Inferior 5. A bloated Col. Tom Parker spells it out for them, but they have no clue as to what to do. Their foray into the other dimension shows us everything we need to know about these incompetents. This issue is more expositional than the previous one, but the creative team has fun telling it and it's clearly worth a chuckle or two. The set up promises more great stuff in the coming issues. I really love a good spoof and this is one of the best I've read in years!

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 #25

Mar 29, 2016

Christos Gage has packed enough action and fun in this issue to make the reader want more and Megan Levens art is the perfect complement to a highly satisfactory issue. I know that it's common for the art in these types of issues has to have the right amount of horror with a comedic feel and this one hit the nail right on the head.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 #28

Jun 16, 2016

This issue sees friends re-connecting and a renewed enthusiasm for going into battle with the forces of darkness. It's an emotional roller-coaster ride as we see the struggle our heroes have between their own personal relationships and their duty to the vampire hunting world. Buffy thinks she's going on this one alone, but her friends won't let her. This shows the level of friendship that she can count on, even in the face of insurmountable odds. These friends stay by her side even when they don't know who she's going to fight! To be continued.

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Buffy: The High School Years - Freaks and Geeks #1

Jun 1, 2016

I really enjoyed the twist at the end of this issue. People Buffy thought she could trust turned out to be not so trustworthy after all. Betrayed by a friend. For every Christ there is a Judas and for every Caesar there is a Brutus. A tragic creature from Greek mythology is also conjured up giving Buffy the fight of a lifetime. A truly satisfying read all around.Anyone who is a fan of vampire hunter comics will enjoyBuffy: The Highschool Years Freaks and Geeks.

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Captain America (2017) #702

May 22, 2018

I love a good mystery and this one shows us a twist that most wouldn't have expected. It keeps us guessing right up until the last page when Jack Rogers finds an important relic from his father's era. But with the discovery comes…to be continued. ***1/2 (8.2 rating)

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Category Zero #2

Sep 23, 2019

This series just keeps getting better as we're drawn into the difficult decisions that have to be made concerning the one-percenters. Kimmel and Lima are a great comic book producing team and this series tackles some very mature situations. The series is not for the squeamish and it's an enjoyable read from start to finish.

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Conan The Barbarian (2019) #11

Dec 2, 2019

Here is a look into the heart mind and soul of a Barbarian King. We look deep into Conan's psyche as he tries to deal with the changes going on around him. He faces the ultimate challenge in this tale of a world turned upside down. He questions his faith and may not like the answers he gets as he sees a god that's not so kind and loving. But his courage never wavers. This issue sets us up for the next issue which should be bigger and better! ***1/2 (8.7 rating)

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Conan The Barbarian (2019): Exodus #1

Aug 19, 2019

A must-have for any Conan fan. a pictorial odyssey from Cimmeria to a strange land and our anti-hero finally getting the action-packed life he had been craving for since he could remember.

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Conan: The Avenger #24

Mar 30, 2016

Brian Ching has a simple yet effective style that compliments the story to a great degree. His art is slightly rushed at times, so it's not perfect. But he effectively renders each page with an eagerness that helps to move the story along . I have been enjoying Dark Horse's takeon Robert E. Howard's creation and I'm glad they have the license topublish more Conan adventures.

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Conan: The Slayer #1

Jul 11, 2016

The main antagonist prevents his son from killing Conan after he's been taken into captivity. He notices something odd about the barbarian and wants to question him. The warrior sees that Conan is a northerner and far removed from his own territory. He also questions Conan about his sword, it's to well made to be from a Cimmerian blacksmith. Other warriors arrive seeking Conan. They tell the leader that Conan led a group of bloodthirsty Zuagir raiders and offer money to this family of warriors to aid them in finding our favorite Cimmerian. Will Conan be kept captive? Will he be turned over to the strangers that are seeking him? Read on and find out.

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Cyborg (2016) #20

Jan 4, 2018

Lesson learned. Don't mess with your fate. It's a timeless story that every protagonist must come to realize, accept who you are and live life the way you were meant to live it. From Archie Andrews to Star Trek's Mr. Spock these type of tales bring the central character a bit closer to being human and help us, as the reader, relate to them and understand their fears and motivations. They become more 3 dimensional and the writer of these characters will have an easier time developing stories for Victor Stone and the next level of his experience as a superhero.

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Cyborg (2016) #23

Jun 12, 2018

This is the issue that we learn who wants Cyborg and why. It's a very satisfactory tale about family strife between different families and the lengths people will go to in order to survive. We learn who want's Cyborg's technology and it's for a good reason, but the means do not justify the ends. I really enjoyed how this comic book played out and you have to have a certain sympathy for the antagonist in this tale.

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Daredevil (2015) #598

Feb 12, 2018

A gritty noir style thriller which every Daredevil comic should be. The Kingpin as mayor is a nice Touch of Evil as Daredevil's chief antagonist got what he wanted, and legally too! It's fun to watch Matt Murdock attempt to control his arch-nemesis from within his own round table and this team does a superb job of building the suspense as to where Muse will strike next as they try to track him down. It's a great read and leaves the reader in anticipation for the next issue. **** (8.9 rating)

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Daredevil (2015) #599

Feb 23, 2018

I love how this issue is leading to the bigger chapter as we see many New Yorker's getting impatient to find the antagonist. Much like the movie Summer of Sam,we feel what the lead is going for when bodies are piling up, only unlike Summer of Sam we only see partial acts of violence but the threat is still very strong even as we shift focus from Wilson Fisk to the real perpetrator of the crime. And of course there will be those who give into the hero's inclinations only to find that they must… to be continued. ***1/2

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Daredevil (2019) #8

Jul 29, 2019

This comic is great because it goes against convention for what you would expect in a superhero comic. There's no action scenes and very little violence, but yet the information presented here make us yearn for the next issue. It's a simple tale of the governor and the mayor on a friendly hunting trip and Matt Murdock being invited to dinner. But it's the undercurrents that keep our interest. We learn the dirt behind this average "family" and wonder if Matt will even be allowed to leave this home, especially with one of the tough family members becoming angrier at Matt's accusations. Awesome issue, I can't wait for the next one!

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Dark Red #2

Apr 30, 2019

Tim Seely has crafted a very adult themed series that most mainstream comics probably wouldn't publish. Violent, gritty and laced with some, shall we say, more colorful metaphors.

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Dark Souls: The Breath of Andolus #2

May 20, 2016

The creative team has taken their time and turned this title into an artistic masterpiece. The influence of artists like Al Williamson and Bernie Wrightson are obvious though Quah takes us on a journey all his own as his lines clearly define the shadows and mid-tones in a way that is unique to his style.

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Dark Souls: The Breath of Andolus #3

Jul 28, 2016

In Dark Souls #3,the overall story is getting stronger as we see our protagonist getting closer to her goal and having to side track to find her partner in crime Aldrich. She has to deal with the transition of dying and resurrecting which isn't as easy as it looks. Another satisfying read with breath taking art work. Will Fira find Aldrich based on the clues left behind? Can Fira trust the new warriors that she's recruited on this mission? Can Fira survive the attack of the Baron? To be continued!

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Dead Man Logan #6

Apr 16, 2019

Old man Logan's tale is coming full circle and we're getting a feeling of helplessness as the tale is about to close. The creative team has done a great job of making Logan a three-dimensional character. A person that's realized his mistakes. He's given a second chance which makes him grateful and he's doing his best to steer this world on the right course. A course that will avoid the pitfalls of his own universe. Although the helpless feeling permeates, we're still granted a glimmer of hope that he can right some of the wrongs during his second chance at life. And there's a neat little twist at the end that I won't discuss as this is a spoiler free review. To be continued. *** (8.7 rating)

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Dead Man Logan #10

Aug 13, 2019

This issue is an Adrenalin rush like no other. The pace is relentless and never slows down. I'm really digging this series and it shows a lot of muscle in its execution. For anyone that thinks comics can't be profound and yet exciting, they have to pick this series up as in the end one of our heroes"to be continued.

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Death Follows #1

May 26, 2016

Death Follows is brilliantly rendered from the point of view of the protagonists oldest daughter Abigail. Abbie's father has been dealt a crippling blow in the form of rheumatoid arthritis and can barely move his hands. This necessitates his having to hire an extra hand to help out on the farm. Enter Cole Jenson. Abbie doesn't like Cole from the beginning.

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Death Force #3

Jul 26, 2016

In ConclusionEach issue in this story is an improvement over what's gone on before. The way the story has been developing shows elements of other sci-fi/horror tales such as Robocop and Spawn, but it's now taking on a life of it's own and becoming something uniquely different. The chemistry between the anti-hero and the hacker is evolving into adistinctive relationship and provides some comic relief. From what I've seen the next issue can only get better.

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Deathstroke (2016) #30

Apr 5, 2018

Here's one of the most unusual Batman stories ever conceived. It's amazing how the writers can still come up with unique stories for a character that's almost 80 years old. This tale is a winner and belongs in every Batman fans library.

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Deathstroke (2016) #31

May 4, 2018

Pagulayan, Viacara, Hama and Paz have crafted a mini master piece here and their panels really bring the characters to life in a special way. The female Russian Agent looks a lot like actress Scarlett Johansen, I don't know if that was a conscious effort or not but it did provide a chuckle on my part and the noir atmosphere (have I ever mentioned that I love noir, lol) brings a certain depth to the proceedings. Highlights include the opening plane crash and Batman's first appearance, but is it Batman?

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Deathstroke (2016) #32

Jun 6, 2018

Each issue gets better and better as we discover something new, yet with each discovery it brings about more questions that need to be answered. The connection between Damian and Bruce gets more tense and we realize that there are two Robins in on the whole who's who in the Wayne universe which is being threatened. The already fragile relationship between father and son is wearing thinner. Excellent writing, great art and a superb story all around. Just when you didn't think things could get any weirder than they already are"to be continued.

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Dejah Thoris (2018) #0

Jan 10, 2018

Amy Chu has done it again! I have seen a trend lately in the comic books I've been reviewing. Many of them deal with childhood and innocence and having that innocence taken away abruptly and shattered. This, of course is the theme in Dejah Thoris # 0. Dejah sees the conditions in the Palace prison and is visibly upset. So upset that she can't eat. Her good nature leads her to want to do something about it, but what she does leads her to trust the wrong person and she just might have put her home world in jeopardy"to be continued!

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Despicable Deadpool #298

Apr 17, 2018

Deadpool, though a regular character in the Marvel Universe, is almost a send up of the whole super hero genre. Oh, he isn't an obvious send up like the Impossible man, but rather a subtle send up. He looks like a Marvel superhero, talks like a Marvel superhero and acts like a Marvel superhero, but, of course, he's different. He belongs, but he doesn't. And his stories in the right hands are always fun and this one is no exception.

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Detective Comics (2016) #990

Oct 10, 2018

Not a lot of exposition in this issue but a quick read as the action flows and the panels with great art are the highlights of this issue. Not to say nothing happens, We get one step closer to finding out Two-Faces motivation and Batman seems to know what's coming up even if the reader doesn't. It's a compelling look into the relationship between Bruce Wayne and Harvey Dent as we all wonder which side the coin will land on once again. ***1/2 (8.7 rating)

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Detective Comics (2016) #995

Jan 2, 2019

Someone is opening up several cans of worms that I bet Bruce wants to keep closed. The walk through Arkham Asylum let's us eliminate several of Batman's Rogues gallery as suspects. The set up leads us to suspect one villain, but the end results of the story make us question whether it's actually that person. Batman's walk through Arkham Asylum brings us to the cell of"to be continued.

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Detective Comics (2016) #1009

Aug 14, 2019

This is an intriguing introduction to a tale that could shape up to be one of the best Batman stories of the year. It's got an interesting sub-plot set in Singapore that sees us switch locals and a villain with a strong hatred of the hero that isn't the Joker.

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Doctor Strange (2015) #383

Dec 26, 2017

Stephen Strange has to deal with the unfairness of his predicament. Why did the Vishanti make him do battle with the other mystics if they already knew they were going to replace him? This only adds insult to injury. Is there a motivation to their decision? Are they just upset with Strange for some unknown reason that they aren't sharing? And why give the title to someone who shows no interest in obtaining it? So many questions are raised with this issue. One of the best Dr. Strange story arcs in a long time.

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Doctor Strange (2015) #384

Jan 26, 2018

Stephen Strange brings this fight home when his anger against Loki reaches its peak. Loki acts like Strange is nothing more than a nuisance. And the level of destruction these two cause as they play out their power trip is incomprehensible. A great issue that takes us to another dimension of magic as only Mighty Marvel can tell the tale. Just when Loki thinks he's gained the upper hand" to be continued. ***1/2 (8.8 rating)

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Doctor Strange (2018) #11

Feb 26, 2019

The story concludes with this issue. It was what we expected, except that Stephen learns a little bit more about himself and the humility needed to be a true master of the mystic arts. A satisfactory finale to a good tale. And our hero learns a little bit about himself through teamwork and the weakness of his adversaries, but there is still unfinished business… *** (8.1 rating.)

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Elvira: Mistress of the Dark #2

Sep 12, 2018

The two Daves have given us another worthy female lead in this mistress of the dark. It's similar to Vampirella but not quite as serious. For those who love Vampirella but crave something more. this will fulfill your fantasies. If you're a big fan of Elvira, to begin with, this comic book won't disappoint you. If you've seen every episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and still crave more, give this comic a shot, you can file them next to your Dark Horse collection. A fun comic worthy of its namesake. *** (8.3 rating)

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Evil Heroes #1

Jul 26, 2016

This is an exciting fast paced introduction to a series that has potential. In addition to the destruction in New York by the Ultra-man knock off we see the other super-powered beings wreaking havoc in other areas before coming together by the end of the issue. We also get glimpses of characters whom I'm assuming will become the heroes of mankind in the series. One of those possible heroes is a Dr. Paul who's warning other people, namely Cecilia to "get to the base." because he rightly deduces that the destruction will continue in other areas of the globe. The good doctor by the end of this issue discovers a place that he didn't expect to still be standing. To be continued.

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Exiles (2018) #6

Aug 13, 2018

I really enjoyed this genre fusion of epic proportions as Superhero fantasy meets Western chivalry. I always like my comic book company crossovers but I love when two unlikely genre's clash as well and this is an interesting mash-up which makes for an intriguing read.

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Extremity (2017) #10

Jan 5, 2018

I don't see many great sci-fi original comics out there anymore, most of what is there is adapted from either movies or novels. As a comic book and science fiction fan I yearn for the time when Space Opera was one of the norms in comic book format, Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers, Planet comics et al. Now, thanks to Image bringing us a diversity of titles and stretching out to avoid repetitive story telling and age-old comic clichs, titles like this can bring some diversity to the realm of comic books. The end of this issue has one of the protagonists (no spoilers) contemplating what has gone on and realizes that he might be fighting on the wrong side. A dramatic arc that will leave fans of this title wanting the next issue now!

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Fantastic Four (2018) #8

Apr 1, 2019

This is an exciting chapter as Doom, once again, seems to be succeeding in his quest for total world domination. I always love it when Doom puts our quintessential quartet in seemingly inescapable traps. Especially when they're more ingenious then the previous traps. Marvel, at least with the Fantastic 4, seem to be getting back to basics and putting fun back in their comics. Susan plays a pivotal role by this issues end as She shows Doom his"to be continued.

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Fantastic Four (2018) #18

Jan 27, 2020

More good old action and adventure as only mighty Marvel can bring it. I love the Overseer's outlook, it seems to be similar to Thanos, if only for the planet Sprye, instead of the universe. His solution to bringing balance to his homeworld may not be as devastating as Thanos was for the universe but resulted in tragedy nonetheless. The usual team conflicts threaten to break up the family dynamic but Reed succeeds, as always to put things together in a satisfactory way. Some may think this is cliched, but I prefer to think of it as a trope, as long as our heroes behave in the ways we've come to expect and rise to the occasion to succeed, I'm more than happy with the outcome of this issue which promises" to be continued. **** (8.8 rating)

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Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas #2

Jun 30, 2016

This is the publication that's right for Hunter S. Thompson's story. It should have made it's way to the trade paperback medium as soon as it was written. The over the top visuals work well with the outlandish circumstances that take place. In Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas #2, we see our anti-heroes barely coherent at a race that they were supposed to be covering as journalists, muscling their way into a sold out show by claiming to be associates of the star, disrupt a local circus with their crazy antics while high on ether, then their hazy attitude turns into a paranoid fear. And the loathing hasn't even started yet, that'll happen in the next issue as they arrive in Las Vegas.

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Flash (2016) Annual #2

Feb 4, 2019

This issue tears at our heart-strings as we look at the speedsters losses in this issue. It hints at crossover with other titles like Teen Titans and Young Justice and the story promises that it will be continued…but not just in the next issue of Flash. It will take some time to get the entire story so the creative team must have something real big conjured up over the next few months. Godspeeds actions put the power in play in a strong way and we don't learn who has hired him to gather all of the speedsters forces. We are truly stumped as to who has been trying to take…something from our heroes and we're never quite sure as to what he's actually taken. We finally see who's been wanting the characters life force as we… to be continued. **** (8.8 rating)

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Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2019) #13

Nov 4, 2019

This is a feel-good issue as we see this team performing at their best. Johnny's frustration shines forth as Reed and Spidey guide him into taking apart a deadly weapon of mass destruction. This is a pleasant conclusion to the proceedings and the Under Yorkers get their comeuppance in a nice way. A satisfactory reading experience.

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G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero vs. the Six Million Dollar Man #4

Jun 1, 2018

This was a great team up and the conclusion sees Steve Austin's heroic attitude tested in a way we've never seen it before. A life and death situation that could have turned sour real quick. The final issue has us guessing about the six million dollar man's future in ways that we never dreamed possible. It's a fun read and a satisfactory climax to an awesome team up that only IDW and Dynamite can do it!

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Game of Thrones: Clash of Kings #11

Jul 4, 2018

Both Bran and Jon go through an introspective period where they learn a lot about themselves and their relation to the kingdom. And the climax of this issue promises a big battle in the coming issues as our hero's have to deal with the ever changing surroundings of their kingdom. These comics are a worthy companion to both Martin's novels and the HBO series.

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Ghost Rider (2019) #3

Dec 17, 2019

The saga of the two Ghost Riders is a spellbinding tale of two diametrically opposed wills. The pacing is good for this type of tale, it's not moving to fast and we can see the frustrations of both personalities as they try to deal with their individual possessions. Ketch and Blaze have different goals and this issue shows their frustrations with trying to live those lives and achieve these goals with the supernatural interfering. Johnny catches up to two demons from hell who are causing problems on earth, he chastises them as they are on the way to…be continued. ***1/2 (8.8 rating)

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Ghost Rider (2019) #5

Mar 3, 2020

Awesome stuff here as the momentum builds from the previous issue. Lilith is preparing her demons for an all-out confrontation with Johnny Blaze and we see Johnny slip into a more insane state of mind as he tries to grapple with what he should do with Mephisto now that he has him where he wants him. Danny is trying to fight what he's become as he realizes that he's bitten off more than he can chew. Just when you think you've seen it all a certain Stranger arrives…to be continued. ***1/2 (8.6 rating)

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Ghostbusters International #6

Jun 29, 2016

One gets the feeling that a baton is about to be passed with the majority of the action being conducted by the newer members of the team with Stantz and Venkman being reduced to cameo status. There's even a scene where Egon laments that he wishes Ray were here because he would know about the culture and spirit that they're about to face, only to have Kylie and Melanie relay the information that Stantz would normally convey in the story. Miguel described the apparition that he saw to be a "lady in White" Egon deduces that they may be facing La LLorona and he goes on to explain that this spirit has appeared in different cultures, not just Mexican lore. Ghostbusters International #6is awell paced issue with great character development in our supporting cast of characters.

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Ghostbusters: Deviations (One Shot) #1

Mar 23, 2016

Nelson Daniel's art is appropriately goofy and brings the humor to vivid life. Especially when the Fearless 4 return to their office and the sign is sprayed over to say Ghostlosers. Daniel has the Stay Puft marshmallow man down pat. Great fun.

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Gold Key Alliance #3

Jun 7, 2016

We're getting closer to the answer of how the fabric of time has bent and our heroes all converged into one time frame. The villain known as Mekman is invading Magnus' thoughts. A brazen attempt to manipulate him. But for what purpose? An old style horror show host seems to be manipulating Samson. Turok seems to be drifting back and forth in his mind from past to present and can't differentiate between the two. On the final page we get a vital clue as to who is doing the mind manipulation.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #8

Sep 2, 2019

This issue brings us to the brink of despair as we don't know if Rocket will help his former teammates or not. Indeed, we don't even know if he'll survive in time to help said teammates. We're getting down to the wire and it's not looking good for our heroes. The situation becomes direr as Patriarch leads them into a chamber and shows them the length of depravity he will go through to achieve his goals. Starlord suspects the worst but even he isn't ready for"to be continued.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #35

Dec 28, 2017

Wow! A quick read in an action packed, but important chapter in this story. There's no exposition or introspection, just four fast friends in one of the most important battles of their lives. they left the boring parts on the cutting room floor! the heat is on and the stakes are high. Can they rescue their friends before it's too late? We'll have to wait and find out…to be continued! **** (8.8 rating)

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Harley Quinn (2016) #36

Jan 31, 2018

Though this issue is action packed and on the surface seems to be just another battle issue, there's a lot more going on here than that. Towards the end we see Harley reflecting on her popularity and wondering if, somehow that popularity is responsible for the mess that ensued. The professor being unable to remember where the antidote is a nice touch and making him all the more real. How many times have we forgotten where we put things, even though we think we put them in a special place that we won't forget? Then this issue looks like it's going to be the final chapter in this story but there's a nice twist at the end to let us know that things are a little fishy and the arrival of"to be continued.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #48

Aug 20, 2018

It seems that Harley is having a hard time finding a job that she's suited for. Time is running out and she has less than two days to achieve her goal. So, she finally takes a job that she should be good at. Taking out the newest threat to Gotham city and it's underworld. She finds it easy to infiltrate the outlaw's hide-out and it is apparently easy to take out what she must consider being a second-rate thug. Only… to be continued! ***

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Hawkman (2018) #14

Jul 15, 2019

DC is definitely doing the right thing with this title and bringing us a humanized version of this hero that really shows what it would be like for any man, even if he is an alien, to have gone through the rigors of what Carter Hall has faced. This issue brings back one of Hawkman's earliest foes and brings a strong sense of nostalgia to our hero and this tale. All the while pointing to a new beginning for this issues thief which involves…to be continued. *** (8.2 ratings)

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Hellboy in Hell #9

May 3, 2016

And now to the conclusion of this little opus. Hellboy is confronted with his destiny. He's told that he knows what he has to do and he has to do it alone. It is, all along, why he was born, why he died and why he is where he is. If he wants to rise above his circumstances, he has to complete what he has already attempted before he can attempt something new. Brilliant storytelling, we can't wait for the next issue.

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Hellchild #4

Jun 4, 2016

The Cover for Cat's in the Cradle:The cover of Hellchild #4is intriguing. Angelica is facing forward, she's poised for action with her sword type weapon in hand. She has a menacing, intimidating look on her face, daring the reader to open the cover and look inside. The one she cherishes is behind her, with his back to her. He obviously does not approve, but he also doesn't want to interfere. Richard Ortiz says a lot with this cover. It reveals the hatred that Angelica has for her father and shows the feeling of helplessness those who care about her have in this situation.

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Hellchild #5

Jul 19, 2016

In ConclusionWe come full circle as we see Hades imprisoned and about to be executed. Angelica has been betrayed by a main character and Van Helsing is involved in another fight and has been delayed in the rescue of her lover. A great story, if I have any criticism of this issue it's that we don't see enough of Olaf. I think his character should have been more prominent. Other than that this is a very satisfying conclusion which makes us wonder about the future of these characters. Will Hades and Van Helsing continue their relationship or has it been strained to the breaking point. Will father and daughter reconcile? Some of these questions aren't completely answered by the finale leaving the possibility for another story at another time. I enjoyed this series very much.

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Hunt For Wolverine: Dead Ends #1

Sep 3, 2018

A lot of people are anxiously awaiting the return of Marvel's most popular X-Man and this team has brought us a true page-turner.

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Immortal Hulk #20

Jul 9, 2019

I love not knowing what the Hulk is going to do next. It's what kept me invested in the character all those years of collecting his comics, and now, Marvel has succeeded in making it fun to collect this title again.

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Immortal Hulk #24

Oct 7, 2019

This title improves with every issue. I am so glad that there are still some Marvel titles that aren't afraid to be brutal. I love a good fight issue between two adversaries of equal strength and the good General seems to be another excellent antagonist for the Jade Giant. It's a refreshingly violent tale that brings us into the soul of this rampaging beast. ****1/2 (8.8 rating)

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Immortal Hulk: The Threshing Place #1

Oct 5, 2020

A hodgepodge of different Hulk type scenarios wrapped up in a nice little package. This title doesn't hold back and we get the feel for the original character and how it was done in the early '60s with a touch of the cinematic versions including Lou Ferrigno's take on the character but with a modern sensibility, all while keeping the current savage persona intact an awesome read and enjoyable.

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Independence Day #1

Mar 31, 2016

Steve Scott's art is in fine form here as he brings us into the deep blue Atlantic Ocean with style. The characters we know are drawn to resemble the actors who have played them. We get the feeling of claustrophobia and constraint as the characters are locked into the tin can of a submarine which will take them on their journey. A good set up for what could be a great expectation.

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Independence Day #5

Jun 13, 2016

The specimen that the crew thought was dead regained consciousness and is now attacking the crew of the submarine, it's a stressful situation that sees builds tension among the crew as they try to contain the problem. In one of the more humorous scenes two security officers reassure a crew person that they're the good guys and she's safe as long as they're around only to have the alien sneak up from behind and attack them. It's a much needed break in the tension as the issue moves forward. This is the final confrontation between humans and aliens, or is it? A good finale that leaves you guessing.

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Inferno: Resurrection #4

Jun 14, 2016

In Conclusion:A great fourth issue! It's Flatliners meets Constantine as Mercy has to let Frank and Lori put her to death in order to speak to her commander-in-chief, Lucifer. I enjoyed the conversation between the two former friends as Lucifer threatens to send Mercy to her eternity in Hell for violating their contract. The only criticism I might have is that Mercy didn't put up much of a fight about being put to death, even if only for a few minutes. It would have been more realistic to see he resist what Lori and Frank wanted to do to her for the purpose of gaining information. Her life threatening stunt proved to be vital as she picked up important information on Raum which leads us in To be Continued territory.

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Infinity Wars (2018) #3

Sep 14, 2018

Not since the Dark Phoenix saga have we seen a being so totally corrupted by power that she can't handle or control. The way this story unfolds we feel the total helplessness of the most powerful heroes the earth has to offer as their world is torn asunder and put back together in ways that they could not imagine. Is there a way to stop Requiem before it's too late? Is there anyone on earth that might be able to stop this madness? Quick, we must contact…to be continued. **** (9.3 rating)

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Injustice 2 #19

Feb 8, 2018

This issue shows us heroes determined to assist their own in the face of Zod's tyrannical obsessions. There are bittersweet reunions as the Titans discover that they've been in the Phantom Zone for many years. There is a feeling of helplessness in this story as Zod seems to have the upper hand throughout, however, the way Batman takes on Zod is a nice twist as he…to be continued. ***1/2 (8.7 rating)

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Invaders (2019) #2

Mar 5, 2019

They really don't write 'em like this anymore. It takes a strong talent to put a fresh spin on old material without deviating from the source material and our creative team does it with flying colors. I never thought an Invaders title, which I only slightly enjoyed during the original run, could catch my attention and hold it like this has. Our heroes battle inner conflict as well as an outward enemy and we're left wanting more as this story progresses. Loyalties will be tested and friendships strained, perhaps to the point of no return. We can see the motivation for each character and this makes for a compelling issue as the inevitability of war seems to loom! **** 8.8 rating

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Invaders (2019) #11

Nov 19, 2019

I always love reading Invaders comics when I was a kid. But, of course, they were throwbacks to a different era. I never thought they could put the team into present-day continuity with the original human torch being the Vision in today's world and Namor being more of a villain than a hero. But the powers that be at the big M found a way and I'm glad they did. The end of this issue brings us a no-nonsense moment between Cap and the Sub Mariner that will grip the reader as they try to mesh out their differences and reconcile their current battle. An awesome issue all around. **** (9.1 rating)

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Invisible Woman (2019) #4

Nov 6, 2019

The story that's unraveling here is one of faith. Losing one's faith in the face of adversity and being betrayed by those you trust. Susan Richards proves that she can solve mysteries competently without the aid of her teammates. But the conclusion of this issue makes her seem helpless with the fate of those that she feels compelled to protect. Can she regain that faith? she could use her teammate's skills here, given that those she feels she must protect are miles away, will she be able be continued.

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Jeepers Creepers #4

Aug 15, 2018

Fans who miss shows like Tales from the Darkside and Tales from the Crypt can take solace that their appetite for good horror anthologies is still being met and Dynamite is the leader in publishing these macabre moments. Even when they're mini stories within a larger frame like here. I don't know anyone else who is publishing horror anthologies on a consistent basis.

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Justice League (2018) #12

Nov 21, 2018

There is so much going on in this issue I just couldn't put it down! Well paced action with a twist or two plus a special guest strange sorcerer that we haven't seen in a while keeps us glued to every page. And just when you think it couldn't get any more intense the Atlanteans release… to be continued! **** (9.3 rating)

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Justice League (2018) #19

Mar 6, 2019

The Justice League has to humble themselves somewhat in this issue and work with a character they would never have dreamed in a thousand years they would have to work with to confront this issues crisis. Superman is the only one of the League that can enter this new realm and deal with the situation at hand. Our guest antagonist reveals that anyone else would go insane. He also reveals that it's only because of him that Superman would survive this trip. A lot of great surprises for our team this issue. Excellent read here. Only things aren't as they appear to our Super Team"To be continued!

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Justice League of America (2017) #22

Jan 10, 2018

This issue is so tense that the reader will be gripped by its severity. The League has to make split second decisions which will have repercussions for all mankind. Their concern for their friend might bring about the wrong decision and let the "Primordial Monarch" arise victorious. It's a back and forth game with our heroes trying to stop an evil being but not hurt their friend.

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Justice League: Odyssey #3

Nov 28, 2018

An exciting fast paced issue highlights the alien world that our heroes visit. Will the inhabitants be friend or foe? Upon initial contact, they seem friendly enough. So now they have to fix their damaged ship and find a way home. However, the way the inhabitants of this world see Cyborg may make it difficult, even if they can get their ship fixed. Oh, they're not being cruel to him, it's just the opposite…to be continued. *** (8.3 rating)

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Kings Quest #2

Jun 8, 2016

In Conclusion:By the end of this issue our heroeshave broken through Ming's defenses and have approached his palace. Will they finally confront the merciless one? Will they hook up with Dale Arden or is it to late? Has She become Mrs. Ming? Is she even still alive? The Male Phantom has a little surprise for the ruler of Arboriabut will he be able to spring it on him? King's Quest #2 brings high energy fun in the spirit of the old movie serialsfrom the 1930'sthrough the '40's, which all of our hero's have been featured in at one time or another.

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Kingsman: The Red Diamond #4

Dec 20, 2017

This is yet another topsy turvey mission that the Kingsmen find themselves embroiled in and the stakes once again are high. The riots throughout the world are escalating and threaten the lives of people that Eggsy cares about a lot, The feeling of helplessness grows on each page throughout the story. as it escalates we see that the offices of the Kingsmen are also in jeopardy as our heroes attempt to contain the situation"to be continued.

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Kiss: The End #5

Sep 24, 2019

Edu Menna is the right artist for this tale, his depictions of the Kings of the Nighttime World in concert are some of the best renditions of the band in the history of comics and the finale when Kiss plays with their special guest is a real treat.

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Kiss: Zombies #3

Feb 3, 2020

This story gets better with every issue. It's so refreshing to see Kiss members as part of the tale and not just guest stars in a title that bears their name. I love how the creators treat our make-up clad rockers and the different crises that they must overcome with their desperate companions in order to find their way back home with the legions of hell on their trail.

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Kong on the Planet of the Apes #3

Jan 18, 2018

The tensions that arise within the leaders of ape city are understandable as the threat of Kong looms large. Zaius and Zira both threaten to strip Ursus of his rank as he takes matters into his own hands against direct orders. It's an issue not to be missed as our heroes face a decision of monumental consequences. Can Ape and human work side by side as both their worlds are in the mighty ones paws? Is Kong more of a threat to the apes or the humans? Will Ursus have his rank taken from him? To be continued… ***1/2 (8.4 rating)

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Kong on the Planet of the Apes #4

Feb 26, 2018

The Apes from the original franchise just keep meeting stranger and stranger creatures; the crew of the starship Enterprise, Lord Greystoke, and now the mighty Kong himself. Only here they don't have to team up with any other comic book company as they own the rights to both franchises now. I love all of these franchise team ups, ever since I was a kid I wanted to see William Shatner take on the role of Brent in Beneath the Planet of the Apes. Oh, and I wasn't kidding about the Archie/Planet of the Apes team up either! This issue shows us what happens when the apes bite off a little more than they can chew. The animals that they bring with them from Skull Island aren't happy about being in captivity and they… to be continued. **** (8.8 rating)

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Legion of Super-Heroes (2019) #9

Oct 6, 2020

The Legion of Superheroes seems to be getting back to its roots and doing so in an awesome way. I enjoyed this issue as it seems to be setting us up for great things to come. We get some excellent guest stars from the DC hero gallery and all seems to be righting itself in this universe. I can't wait for the next issue.

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Marvel (2020) #1

Mar 6, 2020

This issue is a splendid homage to the silver age of comics that I grew up with. Theses stories are simply told about a time that was much simpler then today, at least it was for me, the only thing I had to worry about was where to get the $1.25 that I needed per month to collect the five comics I collected on a regular basis! After these two tales are wrapped up nice and neat the Nightmare has his own comeuppance…to be continued *** (8.2 rating)

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Marvel Action: Avengers #1

Dec 26, 2018

Marvel and IDW are perfect companions in the new Marvel Action titles that are coming out. The basic fun of this issue is the guessing game the Avengers are having with Ironman. Is Tony inside the armor or is it an imposter? They never find out for Ironman takes off before they can discover the truth. They're unable to track him down. We don't know for sure until the last page what's going on and it's a shocker!

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Marvel Action: Spider-Man #3

May 7, 2019

The fun continues as we watch another fantastic story unfold. The Spider people all shine in ways we would expect them to and they appear to be having fun as they solve this case together. It's all about teamwork and we're getting three young people working together. They're approaching the answer to the mystery when" to be continued!*** 1/2 (8.7 rating)

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Marvel Knights: 20th #2

Nov 23, 2018

This is an intriguing tale, unlike any Marvel has given us before and it's interesting to see the whole story played out. The cool thing is that they're not rushing it. They pay attention to little details and take their time to tell the tale. The guessing game is why we keep coming back for more. We turn each page carefully, not knowing whose memory will return first and what will trigger that memory, the final page is a real mind blower, leading us to crave the next issue now! We don't want to wait the extra month. Awesome work Marvel, keep it up!=

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Marvel Two-In-One (2017) Annual #1

Jun 14, 2018

Chris Zdarsky isn't going to make it easy to bring back Marvel's flag-ship title. This story can get a little confusing if you don't follow it closely.

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Marvel's Black Widow Prelude #2

Feb 25, 2020

Peter David and C.F. Villa have constructed an amazing prequel to the Black Widow solo movie. They've taken information that we already knew and incorporated it into an amazing two-parter that will whet any Marvel fan's appetite and make us anticipate the upcoming movie even more. Here's to hoping that we don't get just one Black Widow movie and that the comics will bring her back to amazing life as well. *** (8.4 rating)

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Mera: Queen of Atlantis #6

Jul 30, 2018

A good issue and a satisfying conclusion (well, sort of) to this mini-series. It's a story that' been done before, but then again every story has been done before. It's not going to stand out as a classic or anything, but the pacing is good and it's a nice read over all. Will Mera be victorious? What do you think? *** (8.0 rating.)

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Midnight of the Soul #2

Jul 7, 2016

There hasn't been a great detective comic like Midnight of the Soul, that I know of anyway, in a long time. It was a refreshing read after all the superhero comics on the market. Our hard hearted anti-hero goes through the maze of taking a case that has personal ramifications for him. Detective Breakstone starts to question the victims neighbors only to be given the cold shoulder by a potential witness named Deidre. Once she realizes that he's a detective and that his wife was having an affair with the victim, she begins to warm up to him, though she does reprimand him for his drinking. Breakstone seems surprised that she knows he'd been drinking and swears to himself to lay offthe liquor store for a while. He discovers a cigar box behind a secret panel that has the evidence he's looking for and this leads him into an even worse part of town than the body was discovered in. We'll have to wait until next issue to find out what that evidence was.

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Mike Hammer #3

Aug 27, 2018

Max Allen has worked with Mickey Spillane and had Spillaine's blessing to complete his last novel and take over the exploits of Mike Hammer before he passed. So it's only fitting that Allen write this comic book, no one knows the character of Mike Hammer better than Allen, except, of course, the late Mickey Spillane. And Allen doesn't dissappoint.

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Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #31

Jun 11, 2018

As with all well done antagonists we can see the motivation behind this ones actions. His kind has been hunted for centuries and he's trying to get a little pay back for the wrongs he sees as being done to the creatures that he can relate to. One of the ways he sees fit to seek revenge is to increase the nicotine addiction among humans. For nicotine has been wreaking havoc on his kind for centuries. Devil Dinosaur is more subdued in this issue than normal, but when he does come to life…Read on true believer! 'nuff said. *** (8.2 rating)

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Moon Knight (2017) #199

Oct 1, 2018

The fragile, schizophrenic mind of Marc Spector is at risk here as his tormentor takes him to the brink of insanity with his confusing arguments about just about every subject under the sun. Can Marc take this abuse and come out on top. Ernst threatens his loved ones unless Moon Knight recants his very existence. Will Moon Knight/Marc Spector fall prey to these tactics or wind up on top? To be continued.

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Negative Space #4

Apr 22, 2016

The conclusion in this issue is gut wrenching. It shows a hero that can't find peace in his actions of heroism. A manic depressant individual that should be pleased about what he has accomplished but doesn't seem to get it. This is not your everyday action hero either in appearance or attitude. All in all, a refreshing change from the norm in the world of comic books.

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Nightwing (2016) #34

Dec 7, 2017

The final chapter is well worth the cover price as We see Dick Grayson fearless in the face of certain death. We will learn something new about his relationship to Raptor and are given a poignant moment between hero and villain. The final twist is something we probably won't see coming as the final pages wind down to what will become a satisfying, if bittersweet conclusion. Highly recommended! ***1/2 (8.5 rating)

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Nightwing (2016) #37

Jan 19, 2018

Dick Grayson has to face the mistakes of his past which lead to the troubling situation we find in this issue. It's a golden opportunity for the former side-kick of the Dark Knight to redeem himself. Now that he's older can he face his former enemy who previously escaped due to our heroes over-enthusiastic attempt to please his mentor? Will he be able to help his friend save her casino before it's too late? To be Continued! *** (8.2 rating)

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No. 1 With A Bullet #5

Mar 16, 2018

A great chapter that answers a lot of questions and raises many more. Is Grover on the right trail? Is he closer to solving the mystery or is there more that he doesn't yet know about? Is Jad actually dead? Nash gets deeper involved in Vi's plight and shows real concern about her friend, even though there's something sinister about the whole situation. And what happens when Nash puts her contacts"to be continued. ***1/2 (8.8 rating)

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Old Man Logan (2016) #37

Apr 2, 2018

This ones got an intensity all its own, It's pure cliff hanger material and action packed from page one! Our antagonist is racing to her hacker friend to see if the hacker can figure out the code. The hacker is informed that the last one who tried to hack into it was killed as the usb in question had some kind of radar that detects mutants, or just the powers that be in particular exhibits power over them. After a long fight, the antagonist shows up just as we're about to find out…to be continued. ***1/2 (8.8 rating.)

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Old Man Logan (2016) #43

Jul 17, 2018

Bullseye is toying with the man formerly known of as Wolverine and his new sidekick Vendetta. This dynamic duo thinks they're secretly tracking the insane Bullseye, only to realize that they're being set up in a deadly game of tag. The final panel is truly shocking as Logan and Vendetta come upon"to be continued.

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Penny Dreadful #1

Apr 27, 2016

If I have any criticism at all it's that the cover could give us a bit more action. Still, this is a good introduction to a satisfying gothic horror issue and a compliment to Showtime's television series.

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Penny Dreadful #2

Jun 29, 2016

Our protagonists finally find Mina Harker in this issue. Johnathan relates to the group what happened to his wife as we see his world, which started with such promise slowly dismantle into the hell that is Harker's life. He lovingly remembers marrying Mina and then we see his joy give way to despair as he loses the woman that he loves. Can Mina be returned to the loving wife she once was? Our protagonists look on in despair as they wonder if they're search had been worth it. A great series. I just learned that the Television show has been cancelled. That is really sad. Can the comic book survive and keep fans happy? We'll wait and see.

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Penny Dreadful #3

Aug 2, 2016

Comic Review – Penny Dreadful #3Comic Review – Penny Dreadful #3Kevin GivenPenny Dreadful #3 Story- 9.8 Art- 9.6 Overall- 9.8 Summary: This issue shows how Sir Malcolm learned to trust and be-friend Sembene. Malcolm's obsession leads him to continue this expedition even after the death of his son. Is this expedition cursed? You decide.

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Planet of the Apes: Ursus #3

Mar 28, 2018

The struggle between apes and humans just got more real as we learn that Zaius knew all along that there were pockets of humans that were better organized and more intelligent than those seen in Ape city. Ursus obsession with discovering the secrets of the forbidden city doesn't go unnoticed by the mutants who reside there and we are led to a clever cliff hanger for this issue, it's from the first movie, but not the Statue of Liberty scene. Even though we've seen it in the first movie it's still a shocking moment as presented here given the build up to it. It's clever and keeps the reader involved and those clamoring for more of the original Apes, your appetite will be satisfied with the Ursus story. **** (8.8 rating)

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Predator: Life and Death #3

May 5, 2016

ConclusionAt the conclusion of this fine issue the enemy has returned. Our heroes haven't had time to rest from the previous battle and the Predators have been toying with them all along. They have to forget their personal squabbles and team up once again to face an enemy that appear to be impossible to defeat. They don't seem to tire at all while our fearless freedom fighters are obviously exhausted and ready to step down. One of the major characters faces an insurmountable obstacle as he finds himself in the enemy's grasp. The story is gearing up for what appears to be a winner take all scenario in the following issue.

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Punisher (2018) #11

May 7, 2019

I haven't seen this much action in a Marvel comic in a long time. It's exciting to see Frank Castle as a relentless assassin once again. His badassery is what we've been waiting for, for a long time. There's only so much contemplating and pondering that a Punisher fan can put up with. Oh, we know that exposition is important to tell the story, but a great Punisher story, like a great James Bond film, only uses the story as a plot device to deliver the action, and this issue delivers in grand style!

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Ragman #6

Mar 14, 2018

The final issue brings us closure. Sacrifices had to be made and Reagan is taking it all in as to what happened on this day. He's torn between having a power and weather or not to keep using said power. Will he continue being the Ragman in the face of what he had to do on this day? You'll have to read on to find out. I really enjoyed this series as our protagonist becomes a bit more human and takes in the consequences of his actions. The final chapter is a must read and Reagan's final decision is not unexpected but poignant none the less **** (8.8 rating)

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Raven: Daughter of Darkness #7

Aug 28, 2018

It's fun to see Raven struggle in real-world situations that most of us can relate to, like cramming for a test, however, she has advantages that most of us don't have in that she can send her Raven-self to the library to look up the answers, however, she doesn't cheat. She could just as easily have used her bird self to look on someone else's paper for the answer instead of sending her bird-self to the library for the answer. Then we dig deeper into the Arcanes themselves and their reason for wanting our protagonist. It's not a pretty one!

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Ravencroft #3

Apr 8, 2020

Unleash the testosterone! All of these guys are pumped up and ready to fight. It's a slugfest that showcases Marvel's best assassins as each wants to take down the other, their plans interrupted by the former Kingpin as he realizes that he needs all of these thugs in one piece. The issue builds to a rousing climax as we meet…to be continued! ***1/2 (8.5 rating)

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Red Agent #5

May 25, 2016

Our team faces insurmountable odds and has to complete their mission under heavy duress. They do an admirable job in the face of danger, but at a grave cost. The team members have to grow up and some of them have to do things that are not in their nature. The team has been pawns in an unscrupulous game of wits and it now comes to an end. Or does it?

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Red Sonja & Vampirella Meet Betty & Veronica #6

Oct 31, 2019

This series has been so much fun, even though it's a murder mystery and deals with some mature content. It's amazing how this creative team has brought this story full circle and linked Vampirella's homeworld into the proceedings. Vampirella's responsibilities bring her home. Red Sonja's presence is perfunctory, it's like she's only needed to be the muscle, but what makes her a necessary character is the way she has to interact with present-day reality, being taken out of time. She provides a lot of the humor for each issue and is definitely needed for the conclusion. One of the most unique inter-company cross overs I've read. **** (8.9 rating)

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Red Sonja (2016) #6

Jun 24, 2016

There will be sacrifices made and lives lost for the rebels to gain their freedom. Red Sonja must make a decision unlike any she has ever made as she watches her former lover, the King descend into madness. Sonja promises not to kill Kanara even as Midyan sends a flock of owls to attack her. Sonja finally confronts the King and accuses him of being a traitor. He argues that it was she who left him and Midyan in the past. Sonja tells him that he is a murderer and that she could not stay with someone like him. The final confrontation between Sonja and the King is well worth the read. This is the final chapter of a gut wrenching story as Sonja has to do things to her former lovers that she does not want to do. Red Sonja Vol. 3 #6ends on a peaceful enough note and we see a rare moment melancholy for our protagonist.

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Red Sonja (2019) #5

Jun 7, 2019

Red Sonja has faced defeat and despair many times in her sordid career, but she's always come back fighting. Will this time be different? Are the odds too great for her to overcome? We've never seen her as vulnerable as she is here. It's a desperate feeling we get as we see her anguish. But as the old cliche says; it's always darkest before the dawn.

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Red Sonja: Birth of the She-Devil #2

Jul 15, 2019

This issue sees a friendship strained between Red Sonja and Ozzyus. Tensions rise as Ozzyus misjudges their enemies intentions and we see our heroes falter. Will this affect their quest? A mission Sonja wanted no part of in the first place plays out in ways that she couldn't have predicted. Can their friendship be restored or will they remain enemies? To be continued. **** (9.2 rating)

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Return of Wolverine #2

Oct 30, 2018

True believer's Logan is working his way back into the Marvel universe in style! It's a nonstop adrenalin rush as the X-Man get's closer to his goal of reuniting with his teammates. We're approaching the home stretch, but will he make it back in time? to be continued! *** (8.6 rating)

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Samurai: The Isle With No Name #4

Jun 11, 2016

Samurai #4 concludes in a way that was least expected. I was completely blown away by the creative decisions made. A methodically drawn conclusion that was superbly handled by this creative team. The character of Shobi until now could have been any generic bad guy Samurai. But in this issue he proves his honor. We don't know why he was beholden to the Yakuza, but we do know it wasn't because of any selfish or financial reasons. This is one of the few 100% reviews you'll see me give. A great read with a sobering ending.

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Satan's Hollow #4

Jun 24, 2016

A lot is revealed in this fine issue as John and Sandra's marriage has been strained. The chief of police wants to arrest John after seeing him on a surveillance video tape. Sandra calls a reporter who originally wrote a piece on the goings on in Satan's Hollow. She discovers that the news article wasn't 100% accurate and some important details were left out. Brusha's pacing with this story is really well done as he keeps the reader wanting to turn to the net page on every panel to find out what's happening. The mystery unravels nicely as certain questions are answered, some in ways we may not expect. Is John involved with the disappearances? What does the Shadow man want with Sandra and who is he really? Can John and Sandra' marriage be salvaged? A fine issue leading us to want the next installment now!

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Savage Avengers (2019) #3

Jul 9, 2019

This title is an awesome team-up of some of Marvel's most savage warriors and it's a breath of fresh air from a company that, let's be honest, hasn't been doing much savages storytelling in recent years.

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Savage Avengers (2019) #8

Dec 30, 2019

This is an enjoyable read as we see a surprise meeting between Victor and Conan. It certainly isn't the meeting we thought would happen, though when you think about the whole ordeal, it's probably what we should have expected. A diplomatic rendezvous between two icons of royalty. No one is more surprised at this than Stephen Strange. But just when you think you know what's going to happen, well, let's just say that Dr. Doom is always full of surprises, and it's never more clear here than when he"to be continued. =

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Savage Avengers (2019) #9

Jan 13, 2020

Superhero comics done the way they used to be done. No political influence, no contemplative regrets on the past or reflections about what could have been and could be, just good old fashioned action and adventure. Marvel may be playing along with the political atmosphere that has infiltrated todays comic books, but they also haven't forgot what made them great in the first place. This is an excellent read and an original tale with all the excitement that most comic books used to be about. Thank you Marvel for remembering those of us that made you great in the first place. ****1/2 9.6 rating

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Savage Sword of Conan (2019) #6

Jun 24, 2019

This one issue story won't go down as a classic but it is a great tale of intense fury and would probably make Robert E. Howard proud as Conan is pushed to his physical limitations. He's up against the odds once again and the odds are afraid. His captors are impressed and the young lady aspires to be Conan's love interest despite her father's wishes. And the final page of this story is so satisfactory as we see"nah, no spoilers read it for yourself.

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Scooby Doo Where Are You? #94

Aug 21, 2018

These three stories won't set the literary world on fire, but they're what I come to expect from Scooby Doo and that's what I like. They're a lot of fun and make me remember an era where I would lie on the floor on my stomach in the late '60s and early '70's on Saturday mornings hanging loose and watching cartoons as well as re-runs of the old George Reeves Superman TV shows for hours on end! It was outta site man and if the keen DC crew that brought us these wonderful tales were here I'd ask them to give me some skin!

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Secret Warriors (2017) #10

Dec 19, 2017

I really liked the tangled webs that this issue spins. It seems like all hope is gone for this team. While our heroes are trying to figure out how to clear their names, Karnak is busy framing them for crimes they did not commit. His crew is concerned about the future of Ennilux, while Karnak assures them that nothing will happen. Do the children that were blown up in the previous issue have any chance at survival? Will Karnak be successful in framing his former colleagues? And did Inferno steal the…to be continued! ***1/2 (8.7 rating)

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Sentry (2018) #3

Aug 28, 2018

This issue isn't action-packed but it is full of mystery and will keep the reader guessing as it is a pleasing page-turner that one simply can't put down.

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Sherlock: A Study In Pink #1

Jun 10, 2016

We see Holmes moving into the infamous Apartment on Baker Street. When asked about the three suicides Holmes corrects Mrs. Hudson, informing her that there's been four. What was the difference between this one and the other three? This one left a note. To be continued. It's a fairly good adaptation and I'm going to give it a good review but not a great one because I feel they could have done a little bit more than simply show what the television episode already showed us. A good adaptation will tweak the story for the medium of comic books and give us a little something the movie or TV show didn't give us. "It was easier to know it than to explain why I know it."

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Spider-Man (2019) #2

Oct 18, 2019

Ben Parker has a lot to figure out in his young life. A life which mirrors his fathers in many ways, the loss of a parent figure. The attaining of great powers and the realization that he was put here for a reason. It's semi-comical watching him try to master these powers while he is clearly lacking in experience. I especially love the uniform that doesn't quite fit. Just when we think Ben is figuring everything out he has to confront…to be continued. *** (8.2 rating)

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Spider-Man / Deadpool #40

Oct 15, 2018

I really enjoyed how this issue handled the conflicting emotions between the characters. Spider-Man and Deadpool coming to grips with the consequences of their actions. Even if they were heroic they still resulted in some questionable results. Plus the way Matrix was trying to atone for the sins of his past and Mockingbird's understandable doubting of Matrix turning over a new leaf. This made for some three-dimensional characters and storytelling the likes of which you don't always see in comic books. Not a lot of action this time around but still an enjoyable read. *** (8.2 rating)

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Star Trek #55

Mar 23, 2016

Tony Shasteen does a great job with his artistic ability. You can actually feel Leonard Nimoy and Zachary Quinto assuming the Spock future and Spock present roles as they come alive on the printed page. All characters are perfectly rendered.

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Star Trek #56

Apr 12, 2016

The tension at the end of this issue leads the reader wanting more as oldSpock is discovered"let's just he's doing something that the powers that be don't like very much. Will Spock succeed in his mission or will he be thwarted by forces that he has no control over? Read on and find out.

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Star Trek #57

May 16, 2016

ConclusionTo sum up this issue; Spock has been found guilty by a Romulan court and has been sentenced. I won't give away the sentence but it doesn't take a genius to figure what the Romulans want to do to Spock Prime, it's what they want to do to the remaining Vulcans. We see a large Romulan fleet about to go into battle. In true Star Trek fashion, Spock should not be underestimated. His powers of deduction, given his ancestry on his mother's side, are elementary.

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Star Trek #59

Jul 14, 2016

Another anomaly in space wreaks havoc with two generations of the Enterprise crew (You'd think they'd stop investigating these after a while.) The two crews are finally complete and intact in thereown universes and we have the obligatory scene in the briefing room where the phenomenon is explained, which, of course is more for the readers benefit than the characters. It's a good set-up for the next chapter which promises to be the series finale. Reading that last part made me sad. Does this mean IDW is going to stop doing Star Trek comics? Perhaps we'll find out next issue.

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Star Trek vs. Transformers #2

Nov 20, 2018

Another great team up between two awesome franchises I really enjoyed how this creative team has captured the feel for both animated series and brings them to life. Fans of both series should enjoy what IDW has done with these characters. The story is shaping up to be a classic and the reader will be left in anticipation for the next issue.

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Star Trek: Discovery - Aftermath #3

Nov 29, 2019

This issue is a fine entry into any Star Trek fans collection, both original fans and new fans could enjoy this tale.

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Star Trek: Manifest Destiny #2

May 12, 2016

ConclusionIf you only get one Star Trek comic book this month, it definitely should be this one. In conclusion the enterprise crew is facing the deadliest Klingon attack they've ever encountered. This Klingon crew has succeeded in doing something no other has done in their collective history together and Kirk and crew are in more trouble than they could have ever imagined from their sworn enemies.

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Star Trek: Manifest Destiny #3

May 20, 2016

ConclusionKirk's plan to retake the enterprise is in full force by the end of this issue. He has another team led by Scotty that should be a surprise to the tyrants that took over the Enterprise, but he loses contact with Scotty. Will Kirk's plan be thwarted. Are the Klingons on to Kirk? In usual Kirk fashion, we have a captain that doesn't play by the rules and refuses to surrender. He's been given an hour to do soby Sho'Tokh, and his hour is almost up. The showdown between Sho'Tokh and Kirk has just begun! The next issue should be to be the most action packed issue yet!

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Star Trek: Year Five #1

Apr 24, 2019

With all the attention to current Trek, such as Discovery and the Kelvin time line, and the multitudes of Trek series that IDW has to choose from, I was beginning to wonder if they would ever revisit the original series with the iconic cast and characters again. I'm so glad that they're giving us this series and it's a great intro to what could be one of the best Trek stories ever told in comics. The ending has a great cliff hanger and I can't wait for the next issue. I grew up with this series and now the original cast is aging and, regrettably, starting to die off. First Deforest Kelley, than James Doohan, also Leonard Nimoy. They will play these characters no more. William Shatner is almost 90 years old. The original cast will never put together any shows or movies ever again. The only way us fans can get original stories now is through Novels and comics. God bless IDW and Titan Books for continuing the legacy and giving us original stories.

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Star Trek: Year Five #3

Jul 8, 2019

A fast-paced story worthy of Gene Roddenberry's original series. Each comic book company that has taken on Star Trek, and there have been many including the big two, has given the series it's own unique spin. IDW is by far the one with the best tales. They have consistently put forth quality as well as quantity. For more than thirteen years they've been churning out great adventure and this tale is one of the best so far. I am so pleased with what they've done and I hope they churn out many more. The end of this issue seems a little strange as Spock is picked"to be continued. ***1/2 (8.2 rating)

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Star Wars (2014) #45

Mar 26, 2018

As I said, not an action packed story but a satisfactory tale in its own right. It's pacing is on par with a good Star Wars tale even if we don't realize it until the end. Enough twists and turns give us a satisfactory climax which I really enjoyed as Princess Leia" to be continued.

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Star Wars (2014) #63

Mar 26, 2019

All the action Star Wars fans crave and then some. It's an awesome ride and more fun than a Wookie should be allowed. A thoroughly satisfying read that should be in the library of any classic Star Wars fan. Just when you didn't think it could get any better, we come full circle as"to be continued. 8.4 a/k/a 3/5

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Star Wars (2014) #65

May 13, 2019

This title is bringing Star Wars back to basics in the way that Rogue One did. I wish this could have been filmed before episodes 7, 8 and 9 so we could have had our heroes together on one last great adventure.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader (2017) #12

Mar 5, 2018

This issue is a fine read as it bridges the story in a unique way. We're shown some of the inner workings of the Empire and the corruption that permeates the Empire's universe. High ranking officials in undercover mode attempting assassinations of important leaders. You can tell in this issue that the Empire is based on the Nazi regime. It is so much like project Valkyrie and the attempted assassination of Adolph Hitler that you can almost hear the officers yell Seig Heil and give the Nazi salute! *** (7.2 rating)

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Star Wars: Poe Dameron #22

Dec 26, 2017

BB-8 is acting out of character. We don't know if Maccon is going to give Lea her property. The plot thickens as we don't know if the rebels are going to accomplish there mission or not and General Lea gives us her final lesson in thievery. You will need a healthy dose of...Luck!

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Supergirl (2016) #18

Feb 20, 2018

This issue finds Supergirl against an antagonist that she can relate to personally and she finds time to be sympathetic to the character as the story develops. She can't hate her attacker even though it might be easy to do so. I thoroughly enjoyed how this issue unfolded and I hope to see more of this character as I don't think their relationship developed as fully as it should have. And just when you think everything was going to wrap up nice and neat along comes… to be continued! (*** 7.6 rating)

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Supergirl (2016) #32

Jul 15, 2019

The pacing is the strength of this issue, it's an easy read that works well as, other than page one, we're not to bogged down with exposition. We're treated to different threats that our heroes, despite their powers, do not have an easy time taking down. The strange goings on of this world are something that neither of them is prepared for. It makes for a competent chapter in a strange story that we weren't ready for. What happens to the antagonist is a shock as…to be continued. ***(8.2 rating)

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Superman (2016) #39

Jan 17, 2018

Yes, this is a filler issue. There's no earth threatening danger, no super powered bad guys, no internal conflict or cliff hanger to be continued arc. It's just a simple tale. But Kudos to this creative team for bringing it to us. Because, you see, this is a story that has to be told.

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Superman (2018) #1

Jul 16, 2018

A great intro to what could be an awesome story. I'm sure that Bendis has some extraordinary things in store for the man of steel following the first part of the Unity saga. I loved the set up and the situation that the man of steel finds himself in is relatable. The pacing is good and the build up to the end of issue one is truly memorable.

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Superman (2018) #4

Oct 12, 2018

This is a can't miss issue which pits our hero against an antagonist he apparently can't beat. The fate of the planet is in the balance. Can Superman muster enough of what's left of Earth's resources to save our world? Are the few remaining Justice Leaguers up to the task of helping Kal-El in the ways that he needs them too? Just when it looks like this will be the final chapter of this tale, an unexpected guest star leads us… to be continued. **** (8.9 rating)

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Superman (2018) #7

Jan 16, 2019

Chaos and confusion comes to the house of El. On the surface this looks like a simple enough mission to save an alien race from enslavement but the stakes are much higher than we could imagine. From the strange appearance of Superboy to the hidden objectives of the Dominators of the Dominion and Jor-El's distant attitude. Superboy's revelation at the end of this issue should have everyone concerned! To be continued. **** (8.9 rating.)

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Superman (2018): Villains #1

Mar 9, 2020

This issue seems to be setting us up for something big, not only in the pages of Superman but also Supergirl and Action comics too. We've got the different creative styles all intertwining to bring us various tales within the rogue's gallery of Superman and the different reactions to several developments in Smallville, Metropolis and beyond. It's great set-up in what appears to be a new chapter in the Man of Steel's life. And it is a splendid issue with dynamite"to be continued! (***8.3)

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Superman: Up In the Sky #1

Jul 9, 2019

This first issue sets up a different type of Superman story and it looks to be a winner so far. We develop feelings for the characters in this issue and hope that Superman succeeds, even though his sacrifice can lead to his insanity. There's a nice twist at the end of this issue which makes us want to get the next issue as soon as we can.

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Symbiote Spider-Man #4

Jul 16, 2019

An issue that creates more questions than it answers, but that's ok as we're promised that the next issue is the conclusion. Mysterio has seemingly gained the power of Spider-Man's suit as Spidey mysteriously retreats from his enemy. He must have something up his sleeve and we the reader can't wait for the next issue to find out what it is. Spider-Man is on his way to meet with Aunt May when, all of a sudden" to be continued.

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Tales from the Darkside #1

Jun 16, 2016

Our hero must face his comeuppance. After the "Dark side" moment anyone who looks into Ziggy's eyes falls immediately to sleep for an undetermined amount of time so Ziggy hides himself from the world. When he does go out he wears the theatrical mask that represents suffering. Maddy returns to his life and they express their love for each other. But the swimmers husband who was unsatisfied with the court trial comes back for his vengeance. This leads to a long car ride. Will Ziggy and Maddy be able to overcome this curse and free themselves from an aggressive antagonist?

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Tank Girl: Two Girls, One Tank #1

May 13, 2016

The title of this odious opus circled next to her head: Two Tanks, One Girl. In a fierce font that jumps out and hits you right between your erstwhile eyes. The conclusion of this title sees Truck Drivers, an entire army, treacherous Trickery and tantalizing team-ups all in an effort to prevent Tank Girl from getting what she wants. The set up for the next issue promises Twice the action, Twice the fun and Twice the"well, I can't tell you that. Just rejoice oh copious connoisseur of fine funny Books.

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Tap Dance Killer #1

Dec 27, 2018

In the meantime this comic is brutal, honest and grabs us by the throat. A definite must read for fans of Prison films (and comics.)

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Tap Dance Killer #3

Dec 28, 2018

These issues get more absurd as the story progresses, and that's a good thing.

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Teen Titans (2016) #15

Dec 27, 2017

The best villain in any piece thinks he's doing what's right and this issue is no exception, our Tim Drake is doing what he feels is for the good of all involved. It'll take two teams of Titans to bring him down, if they can bring him down. He exhibits the determination of a man on a holy mission and will not let anything stand in his way!

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Teen Titans (2016) #22

Sep 25, 2018

Another winner from DC comics showing the growing pains of a brand new team. The tension is there as we see how each team member reacts to a potentially dangerous situation. They face death head on…or do they? I really enjoy a good twist ending and this one has not just one twist, but three as the guest stars come out of the woodwork and bring different challenges to the newly formed team. But are they ready to take on these challenges? To be continued. *** (8.3 rating)

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Thanos (2016) #14

Jan 2, 2018

You know the old saying Power Corrupts and absolute power… I don't need to finish that statement but Thanos thirst for said power has brought him to the brink of despair. To the point where he seeks the help of the only person he can find it from. A person that is all to familiar to himself and yet more different than he remembers that person to be. It's a clever twist that needed to be explored. **** (9.2 rating)

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Thanos (2016) #17

Mar 30, 2018

This one has ten times the action and goes all out in a Thanos Berserker! Is the Silver Surfer overconfident as he wields mighty Mjolnir? Can Thanos conquer his foes or has he bitten off more than he can chew this time? It's the Thanos story you've been waiting for as Marvel's over the top intergalactic bad guy goes for the gusto. No one will be disappointed with this issue! **** (9.4 rating)

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The Life Of Captain Marvel #5

Dec 24, 2018

Carol Danvers fans should be pleased with how the tale ends. It's a satisfactory conclusion and a touching final scene which sets up future issues and also brings Captain Marvel full circle as she discovers who she is and her purpose in life. A new beginning is on the horizon and these past five issues make us hungry for more of what Mighty Marvel can bring their Kree warrior. And, of course, we are all in anticipation for what the first Captain Marvel movie will bring us in just a few months.

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The Man of Steel (2018) #5

Jun 27, 2018

Brian Michael Bendis seems to have gotten his mojo back as he steers Superman into familiar, yet excitingly new territory and Kal-El will never be the same. It's not easy bringing fresh insight into a character that's 80 years old. But his take on the Man of Steel seems to be fresh and this story is leading the reader into innovative territory as Superman realizes that a cleansing is in order.

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The Shadow/Batman #4

Jan 3, 2018

In four issues this story hasn't slowed down a bit! What exposition we're given is thrust at us between battle scenes and each battle scene is more clever in its execution then the one before it. Each battle has its own motivation, they aren't just thrown in to heighten the pacing of the issue. This could be the best comic book I've ever reviewed (I'll let you know at the finish of the story.) There are literally surprises on every page! And the final splash where Robin is about to face…To be continued! ***** (10 rating)

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The Shadow: The Death of Margo Lane #1

Jun 4, 2016

I love a good mystery and this issue sets the reader up for what will probably become an excellent whodunit in this series. Great writing, suspense and intrigue all around and awesome period style art, a very satisfying read. An unexpected attack on our heroes turns sour as the attackers plans are thwarted by the very forces that they work for. Cranston deduces and explains to Margo that someone has their eye on the duo and knows of their mission. They must also know that Lemont Cranston is"The Shadow.

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The X-Files (2016) Annual #1

Jul 27, 2016

X-Files Annual 2016 is a good story for current fans and an excellent introduction to the world of X-Files for newcomers.

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The X-Files: Deviations (One-Shot) #1

Mar 29, 2016

Overall it's a satisfying read but it will probably be for X-Files purists only, the casual reader may not want to add it to their collection and someone new to the X-Files scene may not become hooked to the series based on this issue. So, if you can't get enough ofTheX-Files grab this one up but if imaginary stories aren't your bag you may want to skip it.

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Thor (2018) #13

Jun 4, 2019

We learn a lot of new things about the Asgardian first family in this tragic tale of negligence and overconfidence. Odin's heretofore unknown brother is a welcome addition to the whole Norse mythological canon, even if he wasn't mentioned in all the mythological tales. He is to Odin what Loki is to Thor, a pain in his godly side. The reasons why he was never mentioned are intriguing as we dwell upon his own fears and setbacks. This all builds up to an exciting climax as we face"to be continued!

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Titans (2016) #24

Aug 8, 2018

An energy charged adventure that pits our team against the imagination of a lonely old man. In order to win they have to challenge their known senses and maybe deprive an old man of his only moments of joy. At first this issue looks like a one shot, but a clever twist ending let's us know that there's more to come as the old man is in contact with one of his own and Raven is…to be continued! ***1/2 (8.5 rating)

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Tomb Raider (2016) #5

Jun 24, 2016

A good set up for a potentially thrilling story. It's a solid read but some questions linger. The main question: Is it worth risking life and limb to prevent the Knighthood from gaining the spores? Plus what is the significance of Robert cutting his hand? Was he infected by the spores and if so is he now immortal?Hopefully those questions will be answered in the next issue. By the end of Tomb Raider #5we go back to 1996 again and it is revealed that Professor Green was looking for Robert. But we still don't know why. Lara has to try to save the professor from the Knighthood and she reveals to them that the one they're looking for doesn't have the spores, she does. Will Lara keep the spores from the Knighthood or die trying? To be continued.

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Tony Stark: Iron Man #17

Nov 4, 2019

This is one of the best comics I've reviewed in a long time, one that shows why I was a Make Mine Marvel type of a guy in the first place. We have complex characters dealing with issues that have no easy answers. The type of thing that keeps us glued to each page.

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Twilight Zone / The Shadow #1

Apr 19, 2016

By the end of this issue another enemy appears with the same question. Who is the Shadow? A fight ensues, but is any of this real? To be continued" All in all, it is a very satisfying read and I am eager to see where the next issue leads us. Is our hero turning to the dark side ala Anakin Skywalker into Darth Vader? We'll have to wait and see.

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Twilight Zone / The Shadow #2

May 11, 2016

ConclusionThe conclusion of this issue brings Preston face to face with a young fan that knows everything there is to know about the shadow. The young man describes Shadow stories with ease from memory and even finishes Preston's sentences for him. He knows the Shadow better than Preston himself and the final page shows us an end to this issue that brings about the promise of The Shadows origin in the next issue.

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Twilight Zone / The Shadow #4

Jul 26, 2016

In ConclusionThis entire series has been able to keep us guessing as to what is real and what isn't as The Twilight Zone goes deep into the Shadow's psyche. As all good TZ episodes do, it's trying to teach our protagonist something about himself and the world around him. We see our hero grow and help another young man grow andsee the error of his ways before it's too late. We also learn what is reality and what isn't when the protagonist leaves the Zone for the last time. This has been one of my favorite series to review. Hopefully the good people at Dynamite Entertainment will bring us more like it.

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Uncanny X-Men (2018) Annual #1

Jan 28, 2019

It's a wild ride as we explore the psyche of Scott Summers. Brilliant writing makes this an easy, yet somehow complex, read. Cyclops saved Paul Douek so it's only fitting that Paul return the favor here. Cable's role is necessary to this story and I wouldn't have it any other way. We get a tour of Scott's life before we see his ultimate triumph over death. And this is Marvel story telling at it's finest. **** (8.8 rating)

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V-Wars: God of Death One-Shot #1

Jun 13, 2019

This is a vampire story loaded with growing anxiety and everything rests on the attempted resurrection of Michael Fayne. One side is desperately trying to resurrect him while the other side is desperately trying to prevent that resurrection. It's a race against time and only one side will come out victorious, but which one? This comic is a great read and keeps us in suspense until the final page which sees…to be continued. **** (9.2 rating)

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Vampirella (2016) #1

Mar 31, 2016

Eman Casallos art reminds you of classic Vampirella tales without being derivative of it. The art is fresh and bold, signaling that this is a new version of our favorite female vamp. He renders the characters with a modern sensibility and yet has a respect for the traditional characters that you seldom see in the big two comic companies. Good fun so far.

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Vampirella (2016) #2

Apr 4, 2016

Our creative team continues to entertain on the same level as the previous issue. Kate Leth mixes horror and humor on every page with a dose of pathos for good measure and the art by Eman Casallos is a good compliment to the story being appropriately dark where needed and light when called for. I love my horror/comedy comics and movies. Bring on those vampires in bikinis! High camp shenanigans at their best.

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Vampirella (2016) #3

Apr 30, 2016

The conclusion of this issue sees the disagreement between Slade and Genevieve escalate. Slade wants Genevieve to work for her, but Genevieve is upset with the Hollywood producer and doesn't like her style at all. When we see the knock down drag out argument between the two we think things can't get any stranger until Casallos pans back and shows us a scene that is quit unsettling. All of a sudden the squabble between the two ladies is dwarfed as we are set up for the next issue. And it looks like things are going to get even messier from here.

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Vampirella (2016) #4

Jun 6, 2016

Eman Casallos continues his rich artistic arsenal by bringing us great imagery through shadows and contrast. Any artist that takes on the task of bringing Vampirella into the modern-day will have to undergo the unfortunate comparisons to Jose Gonzales. I think Casallos does a great job and brings the characters a modern-day sensibility. They feel like they belong in today's world with this creative team and yet fans of the original run (I never read any of the Harris issues so I have nothing to say about them) I believe will enjoy what's happening in this series.

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Vampirella (2017) #10

Feb 27, 2018

Immortality does have its little quirks and it seems our antagonist doesn't know how to deal with them as her mind has snapped and she loses control of what little humanity she might have left. She has found a way to subdue the one she should be seeking help from and it's an emotionally charged issue that takes no prisoners. It doesn't look good for Vampirella as she is fighting a no win scenario, and even though she can't die, indeed, no one can until god is found, she can still suffer at the hands of… to be continued.

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Vampironica #4

Oct 29, 2018

A perfect Halloween story with our Riverdale teens behaving in non-Riverdale ways. I love how this story is developing. The Riverdale gang is behaving in ways that we would expect if a supernatural threat were thrust upon them. The vampires are truly scary and we can see Veronica's struggle to retain her humanity even as her friends are giving in to the vampire way of life. Even if you're not a fan of Archie comics, if you like a good horror story, especially a good vampire story, you will enjoy this comic book. Will Veronica and Dilton figure out who the head vampire is and destroy him in time? to be continued. **** (9.1 rating)

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Van Helsing vs. Dracula's Daughter #3

Nov 5, 2019

Telling the story from Julie's perspective gives this issue a unique perspective and highlights a lot of Van Helsing's strengths as a no-nonsense vampire hunting warrior. Her recruiting techniques are on display and pay a pivotal role in this story. Dracula nor his daughter plays a strong role but the revelation of what they've done to the dark prince is a big reveal that compels us to get the next issue. It's a great tale that just took a turn for the dramatic. To be continued!

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Venom (2018) #14

May 28, 2019

What an exciting issue. Action fans can ask for no more once they pick up this issue. It's page one to the very end and keeps our adrenalin pumping throughout. They keep us guessing with the way the new suit doesn't quite work as well as the Symbiote suit and Eddie has to figure out new ways to make it work. A little sub plot that keeps us on our toes and makes this title more interesting. A great addition to the war of the realm's saga.

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Venomized #5

May 8, 2018

This has been a truly unique tale as only mighty Marvel can tell it!

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Weapon X (2017) #12

Dec 19, 2017

Pak and Cinar are the perfect team for this title. We see just enough humor injected into the story to keep us entertained and yet when the action finally heats up we're given a battle where the stakes are innocent human lives. Sabretooth makes a gruesome discovery about their opponents and the secret of their fearlessness the twist at the end of this issue will make us want the next issue ASAP!

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Wonder Twins (2019) #3

Apr 15, 2019

Those who enjoyed watching the old Superfriends cartoons should get a kick out of this series. Even if you haven't seen the show and just want a cool read, you'll find it right here. Gleek is fun and the twins unite to solve another caper. Too much time is spent on Gleek when his story isn't as exciting as the conflict between Luthor and Math, but it's still a good read especially for the younger generation.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #41

Feb 28, 2018

This is a fine issue that explores Dianna Prince and Steve Trevor's relationship.

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X-23 (2018) #3

Sep 11, 2018

The first page unfolds like the prolouge to a good sci-fi/action story as the angle proceeds in a movie camera style on a close up of the sister's eye. From here it's all about the intensity of the chase.

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X-23 (2018) #9

Feb 11, 2019

We're this close to discovering the brain behind this cyborg/clones attack on our heroes. Is it possible to redeem her or is she a total vegetable by this point? As Gabby tries to reach this robotic unit, Laura is busy tracking her creators and this whole issue culminates in a show of strength on the part of our heroes with the cyborg…to be continued. ***1/2 (8.8 rating)

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X-Men: Blue (2017) Annual #1

Jan 29, 2018

Venom expresses his doubts that these kids can succeed in this mission and he suggests that they call on the current X-Men lineup but It's a race against time as the students of Charles Xavier are attempting to reach the Starjammers before the Symbiotes succeed in their mission to" nah, no spoilers here, we'll just say they're up to no good and leave it at that. This issue gives new meaning to the term Bar room brawl!

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