Ghostbusters: Deviations #1 (One Shot)
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Ghostbusters: Deviations #1 (One Shot)

Event\Storyline: Deviations Writer: Kelly Thompson Artist: Nelson Daniel Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: March 16, 2016 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 1
7.9Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

In a world, where on that fateful day in New York, the Ghostbusters did NOT cross streams, and were thus unable to destroy Gozer or close his portal. Now, 31 days later, NYC has descended into chaos and ruin, ruled with the deliciously soft fist of... THE STAY-PUFT MARSHMALLOW MAN!

  • 9.6
    Word Of The Nerd - Kevin Given Mar 23, 2016

    Nelson Daniel's art is appropriately goofy and brings the humor to vivid life. Especially when the Fearless 4 return to their office and the sign is sprayed over to say Ghostlosers. Daniel has the Stay Puft marshmallow man down pat. Great fun. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Slackjaw Punks - BeardMaster Mar 16, 2016

    Ghostbusters: Deviations is a must have book for every fan. Playing with the open canvas of the 'what-if' this book is chock full of the sharp and clever humor of the original films and will keep you turning the page in silent anticipation. Load your friends up into Ecto-1, get down to your local comic shop and pick this title up now before Walter Peck demands it shut down for EPA violations! Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    GWW - Cory Anderson Mar 15, 2016

    The art had a really cool, almost Sunday-morning comic-strip feel to it but with much more detail. Everything about this one-shot comic was just really fun and interesting to read. Everyone should pick up thisand the next few "Deviations" comics. Of course, this will have no impact on the continuity (which is nicely recapped too of where the actual story stands and is heading). Seeing a Marshmallow Apocalypse was well worth the read. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Dallas Fitzgerald Mar 31, 2016

    Overall, I'd say that this $4.99 comic was worth the entry fee. A nice nod to the classic Ghostbuster team spinning a "what if" story out of the ending to the original movie. The paper these Deviations issues are printed on is phenomenal and the thick cardstock covers felt great in my hands. It's very important to note how quality these issues feel, though the glossy black paper does show finger smudges if you're not mindful of that while reading, so read carefully if that sort of thing irks you. This issue bodes well for the remainder of the Deviations one-shots, and I look forward to reviewing Deviations: GI Joe in the near future! Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Steven Phillips Mar 16, 2016

    Sad to say, this book is really bland. No one gets to stand out. Although everyone gets a moment in the dim spotlight. I can't muster a lot of excitement for the proceedings because the plot is extremely uneventful. No suspense. No horror. Plenty of tepid humor. Kelly Thompson's writing strips Gozer of nearly all his menace. And whether or not that chafes you will depend on how much silliness you want in your horror/comedy mix. As a petulant foil, Gozer is a little funny. And, if given enough room outside of a one-shot, his character could be quite charming in his disdain for his time on Earth. But, overall Ghostbusters: Deviations is weak and not as interested in the alternate reality concept as I think it should be. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Project-Nerd - Lee Mar 21, 2016

    In conclusion, this is a missed opportunity plot-wise but with someone great art. A great premise that sadly wasn't taken full advantage of but perhaps that's due to the limitation of it being a one-shot. Read Full Review

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