Dallas Fitzgerald's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Spectrum Reviews: 5
7.8Avg. Review Rating

Adventure Time: Ice King #1

Jan 28, 2016

This issue should resonate with fans of Adventure Time who relish the standard style of the cartoons. For me, the Ice King is a character with way more depth than it might seem at first glance, but this comic seems to be ignoring that depth in favor of surface-level Ice King hijinks. I don't necessarily see this as a negative, but it did disappoint me because I was hoping for a deeper examination of this character in his first solo series.

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Carnage (2015) #3

Jan 10, 2016

Carnage is a book I think many will overlook and that's really unfortunate. It's a smartly written, beautiful book that seems to be really picking up steam with issue 3. If a dose of horror and a subversion of almost any Carnage trope that comes to mind sounds up your alley, I highly recommend giving this series a try. My biggest concern with Carnage is that it will be cancelled, and for a book I was hopeful yet cautious about, that's the highest praise I can give.

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G.I. Joe: Deviations (One Shot) #1

Apr 3, 2016

I just can't believe that the Deviations book that I had the lowest expectations for turned out to be such a treat. This is one of the best single issues I've read in a few months without a doubt. If you have any affinity for G.I. Joe at all and only pick up one Deviations title, it should be this one.

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Ghostbusters: Deviations (One Shot) #1

Mar 31, 2016

Overall, I'd say that this $4.99 comic was worth the entry fee. A nice nod to the classic Ghostbuster team spinning a "what if" story out of the ending to the original movie. The paper these Deviations issues are printed on is phenomenal and the thick cardstock covers felt great in my hands. It's very important to note how quality these issues feel, though the glossy black paper does show finger smudges if you're not mindful of that while reading, so read carefully if that sort of thing irks you. This issue bodes well for the remainder of the Deviations one-shots, and I look forward to reviewing Deviations: GI Joe in the near future!

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Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2016) #0

Jan 16, 2016

If you are a Power Rangers superfan that is on the fence about this title, buy this book. If you have nostalgic memories of this series and want to relive them, buy this book. If you're looking for something akin to IDW's TMNT that takes the franchise in bold new directions while skirting the familiar, you probably want to wait for a few more issues to come out to avoid disappointment. I would've said the same thing about IDW's TMNT early in the run, though, so take it with a grain of salt. I know I am. I feel like it could score higher for a diehard fan, but I'm trying to step back and give my honest opinion of the writing not colored by my love for the franchise and also to let new reader know what to expect. With fantastic art and acceptable writing, I can confidently recommend this book to anyone interested.

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