Cory Anderson's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: GWW Reviews: 56
8.0Avg. Review Rating

Age of Reptiles: Ancient Egyptians #1

Jun 2, 2015

Ricardo Delgado does an excellent job of storytelling through his artwork and creating a character in the Spinosaurus that I found myself pulling for throughout his adventures, the coloring is a piece of art itself. Ryan Hill's colors bring this wordless, ancient dinosaur adventure to life. By the end of this first issue, I was excited as I turned the pages feverously trying to read more and more and take in as much of this as possible. I can say that I can't wait for the next installment.

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Aliens: Defiance #6

Oct 25, 2016

This issue was a great end to the first arc, as well as being a great stand-alone issue that anyone could pick up without reading the previous 5.

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Batman: Europa #1

Nov 19, 2015

With the way issue one started out, I think this series is going to give us some very classic looks at the Joker/Batman dynamic, bothin writing and in illustrations. I will be shocked if we don't get a handful of panels from this series that will be the new standard for what everyone pulls up in their mind as their ideal Batman physique and personality (i.e. Jim Lee's Batman from the Hush series). The stage is set for this potent pairing to wow us as they seek the carve a paththroughout Europe.

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Broken Moon #1

Aug 31, 2015

Some slight nitpicking on my part still left me excited to read more issues of Broken Moon. Vampires vs werewolves is a cliche and one of the most played out storylines of the monster vs monster genre. But somehow the events of this comic feel fresh and are still entertaining. I'm also hoping the Broken Moon aspect as the title would suggest comes into play more in future issues.

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Cabra Cini Vood #1

Jan 13, 2015

The first lesson we are taught about Cabra's voodoo tricks, includes a shortcut through Limbo, the waiting place between Heaven and Hell. Each trip through Limbo is tougher and tougher, but Cabra has some skills of her own to combat the guardian and ruler of Limbo named Rook. Through the next few pages, Rook uses illusions and Cabra's inner turmoil to try and defeat her. This issue doesn't have the full backstory of Cabra or her personality, but I felt like I knew the type of person she is just from the way she hold herself up; the will to stay strong in an abusive relationship, the heart to better herself by giving up crack and taking, and how she is not fazed by Rooks attempts to stop the trespassers in his realm.

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Creature Cops: Special Varmint Unit #1

Jan 27, 2015

I can't wait to enjoy more of this child's imagination-like world that Rob Anderson, Fernando Malek and their team are setting up for us with this unique story and hybrid animal art.

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D4VE (IDW) #1

Feb 24, 2015

With the way this comic is going, I can't wait for the issue where we get to see D4VE finally prove to his robotic partner, his kid that they ordered months ago (which is just another funny situation), and to himself that he's "still got it". This was just a really fun read that wipes the slate clean (in terms of human culture mucking things up) and lets us see the ridiculous notions that people (robots) keep and hold onto, such as the sometimes over glorified days of our past (Thank you Arthur Miller for first capturing that story in 1949.)

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D4VE (IDW) #2

Mar 24, 2015

Now that the invasion isn't just a scene from D4VE's daydreams, and he can once again prove how useful he is. I can't but help root for him. Life has been in the dumps for this guy (what is the slang term for a male robot?) and just when he thought it couldn't get worse, it did. However, now he has one chance to win his wife back, earn the respect of his son, and be a somebody (some-robot?). The creative team of this comic has me looking forward to each new issue.

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D4VE (IDW) #3

Apr 14, 2015

With the story quickly advancing, and D4VE starting to take control of his life once again, its going to getvery exciting, and humor filled with all the graphic robotic metaphors and descriptions continuing as the old war horse takes up arms once again. At first when I started this series I wasn't sure what I was in for, but now only three issues in and I feel like D4VE is just a guy that had a lot of crappy events happen to him as his life fell apart before his eyes. This is a story that has been told plenty of times, but never like this.

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D4VE2 #1

Sep 15, 2015

The illustrations and color that fill the splash pages and panels is vibrant. 3ARTH (or Earth) here in the future is a robotic, computerized smog filled cityscape and Valentine Ramon has done a fantastic job of giving robots a colorful life and keeping the readers very informed into how healthy the ecosystem and living conditions are. The characters are all very unique and interesting to look at and compare what personality and body type they're representative of human. The previous series did an amazing job of parodying humanity in subtle and not so subtle ways. This new chapter into the life of D4VE keeps up the comparisons, and with the big reveal on the final page, I simply cannot wait to see the juxtaposition to humans and just how insane things will get on 3ARTH.

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Dungeons & Dragons: Frost Giant's Fury #1

Jan 10, 2017

This first issue was everything to be expected of an introduction to a new story (campaign). You'll see the wintery world the heroes are thrust into, the state of their mental and physical health through dialog and recap, meet a new ally and finally get a glimpse of the approaching giant evil, literally Evil Giants. I enjoyed this issue as a continuation of the series and as a new adventure separate from the previous issues and want to see what part our heroes will have. Make sure to read all the pages of this book as there is a character sheet for the mighty Minsc!

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Dungeons & Dragons: Legends Of Baldur's Gate #4

Jan 20, 2015

Aside from my joy of seeing a detailed world coming together and a lot of back story being told, along with the big bad guy's motives (who is someone that creates a major tension in the plot), we get to see what we came here for, Dragons! The script is something that feels natural, though each personality is a little overplayed, they own that persona and make it something to fanboy over. This issue ends with one of the greatest teasers of all time (for me at least), a red dragon spouting fire over a city with our hero clinging on for dear life.

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Dungeons & Dragons: Legends Of Baldur's Gate #5

Mar 17, 2015

When the rogues of the party did what rogues do best (besides backstabbing) and came up with a great creative solution, it felt very in the moment. I was reading the pages and getting so engrossed in the action that the fight just seemed fluid. Of course Minsc and Boo get to do their iconic “go for the eyes!” maneuver. From the epic dragon fight to the banter and cleverness, this is a 'can't miss' issue. With the current quest finished and the heroes banged and bruised, their election to stay in Baldur's Gate will result in many more buildings laying in rubble and even more wounds that need healing as pointed out “…we're definitely going to need a cleric”, so cue the search for a cleric in the following adventures!

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Feathers #1

Jan 6, 2015

The artwork and story go nicely hand in hand. There is a cartoony feel to the illustrations, in the sense this is not a realistic world with exact details, but a slightly exaggerated decomposition and deconstruction of the city. The coloring though is fantastic and conveys that sense of wonder and desperation that is in this city. The overall feeling I get from this Archaia comic book is the same awe from the other titles in the lineup. Which is a fantastic world that I just want to dig into to experience the rich characters and colors, all this from just one issue.

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Fight Club 2 #1

May 26, 2015

Knowing the plot, ending and spoilers from the first script, I found myself combing each panel, lettering and illustrations for clues to the endgame or twists that might be ahead. Instead, everything looks like it is straight forward and events are unraveling like you would expect. If you have doubts about this being as good as the original story, you can feel safe in knowing Tyler has been causing mayhem for 50 minutes a day, three days a week for the past ten years. Again, there is a lot to sit and philosophize over from the placebo pills the narrator has been taking, or was Tyler the result of a breakdown stemming from the need to escape? From what I read in issue one, I need to know how Chuck Palahniuk will continue this cult classic.

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Future Quest #1

May 18, 2016

Classis 60s cartoon heroes hold up to the test of time as they bring their brand of adventure and epic Quests to the comic pages once more!

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G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (2010) #216

Jul 20, 2015

Now that the brand new Snake Eyes has been established, there are still other plots being developed in this issue. From picking up the pieces of the Pit, to the new Snake Eyes' family being attacked and surviving themselves, there are a lot of elements being woven for the future of GI Joe. If the writers are ready and able to kill off iconic characters (granted his code name was just passed along to the next ninja) then anything can be shaken up and bring a new change to a familiar franchise.

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G.I. Joe: Cobra World Order Prelude #1

Oct 13, 2015

This prelude is an excellent start for everyone giving them the lay of the battlefield ahead.

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G.I. Joe: Deviations (One Shot) #1

Mar 24, 2016

The book comes full circle starting with the end of the feud between Cobra and the GI Joes, to showing how the advanced communications systems are making the world actually a great place to live in. Of course this is the problem, as Cobra Commander narrates how this wasn't his intended purpose for leading Cobra. Fans of the GI Joe property should get a kick out of this book, including a clear head nod with emphasis to a fan favorite villain. Once again IDW has impressed me with their Deviation titles, and I can't wait to read more! This book makes sense, dumb and goofy sense.

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Garfield's Cheesy Holiday Special #1

Dec 1, 2015

Although I enjoyed the first story much more than the second one,mostly because of the art.The first story presented a Garfield I am familiar with in cartoon or comic (I even imagined Lorenzo Music's signature voice of Garfield as I read this first tale). Still, on the whole, they were both spot on with the iconic humor of Garfield making this well worth the read. Also added to to the end of this collection were a couple of Sunday Classics to nicely round off the Garfield Holiday inspired collection. I would highly recommend this to get into the Christmas spirit!

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Ghost (2013) #12

Feb 3, 2015

The final pages of this book leads Ghost to some of the answers she was looking for, but judging by the brawl she enters, there is much more she needs to learn about this criminal underground and herself. This last fight was colored in a way that used transitions in colors to let us know when Ghost was hurt and wounded as well as shadows and darkness for when a new evil presents itself. I think that is one of the parts I really enjoy about this series, the contrast of light vs dark in colors really explains to the reader who the good guys are and who the bad guys are.

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Ghostbusters: Deviations (One Shot) #1

Mar 15, 2016

The art had a really cool, almost Sunday-morning comic-strip feel to it but with much more detail. Everything about this one-shot comic was just really fun and interesting to read. Everyone should pick up thisand the next few "Deviations" comics. Of course, this will have no impact on the continuity (which is nicely recapped too of where the actual story stands and is heading). Seeing a Marshmallow Apocalypse was well worth the read.

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Ghostbusters: Get Real #2

Jul 28, 2015

The story in this cross over event consists of a primordial god after a set of Ghostbusters. During the chase to find the right set of Ghostbusters, we get to see different realities and versions of the Busters. Which isn't an original concept considering properties such as: Transformers, The Simpsons, and TMNT have all utilized this story trope. The hard part of every Ghostbuster's arc is over the explanation of the tech, science, and paranormal factors having to be, leaving the only thing left to witness being pure action and fun. With my previous knowledge of how the cartoon Slimer usually comes in to save the day (usually after causing a blunder), I can't but help wonder if things turn out the same. In any case, this was a fun read to remember some episodes and stories from the cartoon.

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Godzilla: Rage Across Time #1

Aug 25, 2016

With this Race Across Time series, we have already seen stunning art and a story based around Feudal Japan, and with the teasing of the next issue including the "Fall of the Gods" we will get to see Ancient Greece as the archaeological dig site and battleground worthy of myth to prove Godzilla is a timeless natural disaster of which no one is safe.

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Haunted Mansion #1

Mar 10, 2016

Let's not forget that we get to meet Madame Leota in the comic as she will guide Danny (and us the reader) through the haunted mansion and to saving his grandfather along with the other trapped souls. This may not be a comic for the average comic reader, but for kids or Disney fans, I would recommend they read it at least twice to see what hidden images or dialogue the creative team has included to give the attraction its full comic book conversion. This isn't the first time The Haunted Mansion was featured in a comic series of its own, but so far its really fun.

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Jim Henson's The Storyteller: Dragons #1

Dec 1, 2015

Whatever life lesson you got out of the story, the fact still remains that this tale of a father and son who were fishing when they were attacked by the Horned Serpent (dragon) has a lot to offer from a one-shot comic. There is the thrilling suspense of surviving the serpent and being caught in a fight between the dragon and the savior thunderbirds, and then the desperate measures taken to save one's son or even the will to stay alive in general. And eventually this story offers us a moral to understand on our own. There isn't too much that I can elaborate on as far as what the story is about, because I feel that each person who reads this comic will look at it slightly different and see the story summed up differently than the next person. With the colorful art and griping fabletaken from the Native American's culture and traditions, I cant wait to see what other worldlylegends of Dragons the Story Teller series will bring us next!

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Lake of Fire #1

Aug 24, 2016

The period setting of this book had me interested because I know medieval tales always have a high level of drama and action associated with it due to the sense of honor of squires and knights or the lack thereof of old crusade veterans who see the world for what it truly is. But throw in a crash landing with these chitinous armored "demons" and the story takes a hard left from what I would expect from a story about red cross bearing crusaders. One issue in and I am already putting in a subscription to make sure I get my hands on the next issue.

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Lantern City #1

May 12, 2015

The story quickly escalates and Sanders is forced to take action, no longer being a bystander. My interest too has been forced to look up everything I can find out about this story and its future not only with comics and novels, but the potential TV show.

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Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2016) #1

Mar 3, 2016

The main plot is starting to take shape, and it looks like mistrust and betrayal will be the main themes. Keep the variant covers coming!!!

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Mirror #1

Feb 2, 2016

I really enjoyed the supporting hybrid animal characters that fill out the castand the emotional spectrum. We get a lab rat assistant (literally) who is as timid as his hybrid animal blood is, Zun. A mischievous and grumpy sphinx, Phinx who we can already see has a strong heart hidden under his catty exterior. And an old bear who knows his time is limited, Lesnik. Again, by the time I was done reading this issue, I wasn't confident I knew everything that I had just read, but I was positive I knew what Rios and Lim wanted us to feel from the story and interactions between the characters. A second read through helped clarify the overall story, but one read through was enough to make me want to see more of this world and the other hybrids and Guardian Spirits that are out there. I really enjoyed this story telling method with a loose plot but a strong emotional story.

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Moon Streak #1

Feb 1, 2016

There are a lot of questions we still don't know about this world created by "Apple,” but by the time you finish this issue you will want to read more, and not because of the lack of details, but because of how interesting everything the city and characters are.With Subject 74 and Veronica missing from the scene, after an awesome display of just some of Subject 74's powers pitted against a monstrously muscled mouse, the next issue becomes a hunt for the two of them while more information and details of this great new world are slowly being unraveled. This issue is packed with powers and plenty of action to make you obsessed with this new series right away. Keep your eyes out for this comic, Moon Streak has the characters and creative talent to be a monthly pull.

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Mythic #3

Jul 28, 2015

The art of John Mcrea is fun and colorful. While the art isn't anything spectacular, but it holds up well enough to make this myth-story seem realistic. The characters are well modeled and proportionate. So when there is a myth working among the agents, they appear normal and not as super heroes. The script of this comic did a good job of changing the pace when needed. There was action, storytelling, and plot progression all within the same comic. With the plot the way it is set up, I think it will be a fun comic to keep reading and exploring at least enough to find out who wants to kill these agents keeping the world working.

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Rat Queens #9

Mar 4, 2015

The story is fast on its feetas wequickly shift from the past where we see young Hannah learning a really tough life lesson and to the present where some of her more 'romantically' involved thoughts are used against her to distract her from the world ending tentacle behemoths. The story and plot have been explained, the twists have shifted the course of actions and all that's left to this encounter is the boss fight. All that stands between them and saving the world are an army and one vengeance seeking villain.

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Rat Queens #10

Apr 8, 2015

This comic feels like the best parts of a good RPG (pen & paper or video game) from the epic big bad bosses down to the banter and graphic language that you know every hero would actually be saying if the world is going to hell.

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Scooby Apocalypse #1

May 24, 2016

The creative team behind this first issue did an amazing job keeping the identity of the Scooby Doo gang constant and familiar while re-vamping a product to be in the here and now. It is great to see that the end product is clearly a Scooby Doo theme with the same tropes as you would expect, just with a more serious and well-illustrated tone.

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Scooby Apocalypse #2

Jun 15, 2016

Scooby Apocalyspe #2 once again proves Giffen, DeMatteis, and Porter are meddling the Scobby Doo universe in the best possible way.

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Spawn: Resurrection #1

Mar 12, 2015

This issue, as stated, is largely an episode of "Al Simmons, this is your life" as he is shown the past. He's shown how everything he has ever lived for was ripped away from him and how everything is a lie. Also in this issue, to make the story feel even more relevant and relatable, some of the panels are filled with current events and hot button issues (Hands up don't shoot and Can't Breath are the main key panels that struck me as risky but strong plot point). By the end of the "Remember this? Remember how you were lied to and cheated on?" phase of the comic, there was still plenty of reasons for Al to take back the name of Spawn and keep the peace.

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Star Trek/Green Lantern: The Spectrum War #3

Sep 8, 2015

Lantern comics have a tendency to be colorful and explore the universe andspectrum of emotions, Alejandro Sanchez has done an amazing and wonderful job bringing the colors of the Spectrum Wars and making the lantern corps pop with life. Adding in the scientific and adventurous Star Trek crew, Angel Hernandez has his hands full with delivering a series that fans of both franchises sill enjoy through his illustrations. The Enterprise crew looks very well done andresemble their movie counter parts. The raw emotions that are represented by the colors of their rings, shows strongly and emphatically. With the training and introduction of new and old lanterns handled, and the reveal of the main story already putting pressure on everyone, the final three issues will be packed with colorful action and I'm sure a thrilling Captain Kirk heroic moment or two. This Star Trek & Green Lantern crossover is an event sci-fi fans, superhero lovers and comic book enthusiastswillwant to pick up.

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Star Trek/Green Lantern: The Spectrum War #5

Nov 17, 2015

With plenty of action colored all across the emotional spectrum, and a story that is coming to its final chapter, I couldn't have been happier with how this issue and series as a whole has progressed. It feels like Mike Johnson is writing a story tailored to the fans of both properties and has not disappointed once.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #42

Jan 20, 2015

Moments before the brawl takes place, there is a fair amount of twists and inside work that changes everything. Even though the turtles think they have the upper hand, as does The Shredder and Krang for that matter, you can be sure that everyone has had their hands dirty ensuring favor for their cause. If you have ever seen a TMNT cartoon, comic or movie, you know that the turtles almost never accomplish their objective of saving the world without the help of a pesky journalist, April O'Neil. She had a minor amount of panels in this specific issue, but I would keep my eye out for her to have a major role in the conclusion to this arc.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #43

Feb 24, 2015

With all the fighting going on, I kept hoping and expecting things to go ultimately well for the turtles. Though this time things have wandered into unknown terrain for them, as everything they had planned goes horribly wrong. They are not the only ones who are experiencing less than desired results as Krang and Shredder are in an intense fight to end it all. The only group that sees some form of success are the mutanimals with Splinter aiding in their raid to steal back all the mutagen so there will be no more experiments. The end of this issues leaves us with the technodrome activating and sending a terraforming beam into the skies, which is a metaphor for how well the fight is going for everyone but Krang.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #44

Mar 17, 2015

I have loved what the creative team behind this current ongoing run has done since issue one. They have made my favorite heroes in the half shell seem realistic (though I know we are years away from mutagen), they have provided story arcs that tear apart the city and the turtle family. In this issue they have finally given me a mild heart attack with characters they bring back as well as quiet literally split in half.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #45

Apr 29, 2015

While it was rewarding to see the turtles pick up the pieces of their falling comrades, the really accomplishment of this issue was the organic and emotional setup for the collision course to come in issue #50.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #46

May 26, 2015

Just when we thought we were out of the woods and the turtles could breath and be happy again, they are about to see their friends and family thrown into a new war. The best part of this issue comes whenMikey shares a slice of pizza with his human friend, as he vents all the emotions he currently has. A whole other story could be written about how Mikey hides his feeling from his brothers, so he doesn't look weak. But all he wants to do is live life. He fights. and thinks his brothers fight so they no longer have to. I can feel his disheartened feelings toward Splinter having his son's look for the next fight. They barely came out of the last fight with all their shells intact, why can't they all just get along? Foot note of this issue (no pun intended), we find out what T.C.R.I. stands for. If you plan on seeing how things end in issue #50, this issue is the first steps towards the end.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #48

Jul 28, 2015

I know that in the end everything will come together in an explosive arc conclusion, but at this moment, there are so many moving parts and background figures still getting their hands dirty that everything feels fresh and new. What I have seen and experienced in all of the previous issues in this current run (City fall and Donnie's near death to name just a few) has reaffirmed my love for the TMNT property, but more importantly the creative team that has been telling these stories month in and month out has my complete faith with the outcome of issue 50. Each issue has been well worth the buy and read (and multiple buys in the case of variant covers).

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #50

Oct 6, 2015

This is by all means a comic that should be picked up for the illustrations, the script, and the action and to see for yourself the outcome of this ancient rite and where it leaves the Turtle Family.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles / Ghostbusters #3

Dec 24, 2014

So far in the story, there has been a test of power, a test of the mind and what will come next is sure to be a test of will as the two teams need to come up with a final solution (there is one issue left so they need to wrap it up, sadly). This particular issue is again full of nostalgia and fan boy pleasing moments, from Mikey playing with Ecto-1, to the wink and nudge reference to the turtle blimp. The theme of this series so far has been using the characters to bond with their counterparts in the other team, which is another tool to make this story flow naturally and without force. It has been fun seeing the small quirks of each personality come out in the story, but I feel like it is time for a larger event with some kind of wow factor.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles / Ghostbusters #4

Jan 27, 2015

As this miniseries comes to an end, there is a question mark in the air (space really) as to the battle being truly over for good. As a single issue, this was not the best of the four in my opinion, if only because it lacked a ninja turtle using some kind of Ghostbuster technology or some form of the counter in a giant splash page (even though Winston and Leo take in the finer qualities to Leonardo's katana and Mikey tossing a ghost trap). Still worth the read and conclusion to this first (hopefully of many) crossover event. Now give me my TMMT/Ghostbusters mash up toys now!

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutanimals #2

Mar 24, 2015

With a failed rescue attempt/failed raid on the Null corporation warehouses, almost all of the Mutanimals are captured. In the process, we are introduced to two more mutants that are also a blast from the TMNT original comics. The debate and internal struggle begins with the surviving members of the Mutanimals as well as the two newly introduced mutants, as to whether they should help rescue the captured mutants, or save themselves. This comic is setting up for a daring rescue and great character development in the next issue. I can't wait to see the mission to rescue the Mutanimals as well as any other mutants in captivity.

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TMNT: Bebop & Rocksteady Destroy Everything #1

May 31, 2016

With an arc title like "Destroy Everything", I expect to see literally every scene and panel with this pair of thugs showing some form of destruction left in their wake. Be it their hideout when they are between jobs or the ground in which they walk on, and so far I have not been disappointed. Having these two normally side characters as the main subjects will be make an interesting read, just to see if Ben Bates and Dustin Weaver can hold the story together and not have it beanotherfailed concept like so many sidekick books seem to be fall victim too. From their original slapstick comedy roots to their shell-breaking beat down of the turtles within an inch of their lives, it will be fun to explore these lumber villains a little deeper and see what they've really got behind those animal instincts.

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Transformers: Robots In Disguise #39

Mar 17, 2015

I am uncertain at this point in reading the ongoing series if the gestalt monsters have been around for a while or if they are something new (Devastator has been the only one I recall from previous issues). As I mentioned, some of the best episodes in the G1 era came from the combiners and titans wrecking entire cities and proving unstoppable. I cannot wait to read more issues where more combiners come along and transform into their massive forms. With the art looking like paintings and one teaser glimpse of Menasor ready to bring the pain, I will want posters and wallpapers made from the panels that the gestalts appear in.

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Trista and Holt #11

Dec 1, 2015

By the end of this issue, from start to finish you get a feeling that if these two can survive the chaos and gun fights, then they can make it through anything. A metaphorical meaning to many relationships, but this time Trista and Holt physically dodge bullets and kept trusting in each other. Again, you don't need to go back to understand this issue, but if you want to get the full experience of this photography-as-panels comic, then you should read the photography school's artistic-noir comic from issue one. Not to mention this comic kicks off at a funeral for one of the family's fallen and you can be assured this is the calm before another bloody storm.

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Usagi Yojimbo #148

Sep 14, 2015

Seeing the One-Armed Swordsman hold his own in battle, you can see Usagi learning the lesson of underestimating people. But as he is told about Te (the Hand), you get the sense that there is a vengeance mission being plotted. Eventually, the story progresses some time as Usagi runs into The Hand. The samurai tries to get Usagi to challenge him, however, as routine readers of Usagi would know, the rabbit has no need to prove himself to anyone, and ignores the comments. But there is a challenger in the crowd, and he does challenge Te. When Usagi confronts the One-Armed ronin in the end, he imparts a wisdom to Usagi and the readers. It was never about vengeance or any other kind of payback. The reason he fought Te was simple, “There are some people in this world who are just too evil to exist.” It seems another wayward ronin has found a moral code to follow even though he is dishonored and lord-less.

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Usagi Yojimbo: Grasscutter #1

Feb 11, 2015

Just like a Quintin Tarantino movie, all of the separate story lines will converge eventually, and when that happens it will be exactly what I want from a samurai comic book.

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Usagi Yojimbo: Senso #6

Jan 6, 2015

There is a "big" drama moment during a particular shocking moment (to me at least) as the secret of Usagi and Jotaro being father and son has been shown and talked about in previous issues (but never with the participating party), and it turns this all-out rock'em sock'em fight into a heartfelt family moment that creates an ancient family heirloom in Usagi's katana and wakizashi (the pair of traditional samurai swords). The end of this arc comes to a close with the signature Stan Sakai/Usagi Yojimbo warm feeling of a great story being told and in the end that is what this was; future space Usagi telling the children of the future space feudal castle the tale of how he got his name and ancestral swords. The only thing I can do now is search for a Usagi Yojimbo Gundam toy.

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Wild's End #6

Feb 10, 2015

The story progressed each issue how I thought it would, but again I didn't think that was a bad thing. The end of this story was action packed and full of bravery from several characters. The best part about the end of this comic series, is that the story is not completely over. The H.G. Wells interchangeable story never feels played out, as long as there isn't an ending that involves the common cold defeating the aliens.

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