Future Quest #1
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Future Quest #1

Writer: Jeff Parker Artist: Evan Shaner Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 18, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 33 User Reviews: 22
8.9Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

When the adventurous and inquisitive Jonny Quest and his adoptive brother Hadji make a startling discovery in the swamplands of Florida, they are pulled into an epic struggle between the Space Rangers and a dangerous villain who threatens the galaxy. Now it's up to the combined forces of Team Quest, Inter-Nation Security, Space Ghost, and a host of Hanna-Barbera's greatest action heroes to stop him and save their universe!
Don't miss the start of this new, monthly series that features character designs by comics superstar Darwyn Cooke and kicks off with an extra-sized story and a wraparound cover!

  • 10
    Bounding Into Comics - Jared Leatzow May 19, 2016

    Future Quest #1 is a must have first issue, especially if you are a fan of the old Hanna-Barbera action properties. The writing and art is great. The story is linear and easy to follow, and doesn't reveal too much all at once. It also provides a number of nods and Easter eggs to people who are long time fans of these characters. The art is of course amazing, and features Steve Rude who is a true fan of this material. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson May 17, 2016

    An origin, some adventure, a terrible threat and the perfect explanation to bring so many diverse characters together. Truly enjoyable stuff! Read Full Review

  • 10
    Critical Blast - RJ Carter Jun 24, 2016

    I plan to follow this one on a monthly basis. Don't wait for the collected trade, get it now. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comicosity - Doug Zawisza May 18, 2016

    Now Parker, Shaner, Rude, Bellaire, and Lanphear have refreshed the entire line of Hanna-Barbera characters, starting with Space Ghost and Jonny Quest, and offering glimpses of the Herculoids, Birdman, and Shazzan. A calamity is set to pitch the characters together, and with Parker writing it, I'm locked in. Wherever this creative takes this bunch (and more) of characters, they've already proven they're going to do so with a sense of adventure and lots of built-in fun. Future Quest #1 is a fun comic that is suitable for all ages and a welcome reminder of what “fun” looks like in comic book form. Read Full Review

  • 10
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes May 21, 2016

    The best all ages action book that will thrill parents as much as their children. Every page delights and returns readers to the golden age of heroic cartoons. Highest possible recommendation. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Newsarama - Lan Pitts May 18, 2016

    There's immense talent floating around these pages. Parker bringing ration and reason to former one-dimensional characters and having an art team that is a force all their own. Parker, Shaner, Rude and Bellaire are more than qualified in handling such a feat and it's a delight to see how this all comes together. DC has been needing some all-ages books that don't just cater to the elementary school crowd and Future Quest is that golden combination of story, skill, and heart that makes for a perfect read. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero May 18, 2016

    Future Quest is a book for everyone. It doesn't matter if you grew up with the various Hanna-Barbera characters or are seeing them here for the first time. We're given a grandiose story that hits all the right marks. We have an incredible creative team and the book is offering everything I could have asked for. I don't just want to read the next issue, I need to read it. The fact that this series now exists makes me extremely happy. Read Full Review

  • 10
    The Fandom Post - Richard Gutierrez May 18, 2016

    Future Quest invokes memories of all those shows a past generation grew up on and yet it is still able to evoke a wonderful narrative in which modern readers can still relate to ageless characters. The way that the team of Parker, Shaner, Rude and Bellaire is able to mesh all of these components into a cohesive story is inspiring, and yet the familiarity of classic themes of good versus evil and a solid story is still present even now. It doesn't matter if the script is old school, all that a great movie needs is a strong plot and a solid villain who will motivate the heroes into a hopeless battle; for we all know, good always triumphs in the end, since overconfidence and a giant ego are the enemies' greatest flaws. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge May 23, 2016

    Never in a million years did I think that I would see Dr. Zin and his army of walking eyes grace the pages of a major comic publisher, but Future Quest #1 granted that wish and did so in the middle of a truly great and infectiously fun debut issue. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Kabooooom - Sarah Moran May 19, 2016

    As a debut issue to a big crossover event, Future Quest #1 knocks it out of the park. Fans who grew up watching these cartoons will find themselves transported back to Saturday mornings sitting in front of the TV, wearing their PJsandeatinga big bowl of sugary cereal. Still, Future Quest #1 is very accessible to new readers, offering an easy to followintroduction to these Hanna-Barbera heroes, their relationships and motivations. Without a doubt, Future Quest is off to a very strong start, and as more characters are assembled, the series promises to only get better and better. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck May 19, 2016

    So I'm thrilled to see them back in action, and I can't wait to see where this series goes next. Highly recommended! Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    NerdEnt.Net - Brendan Hughes Dec 28, 2016

    Great art, a revamped storyline for old favorites, and a collaboration of Hanna-Barbera characters " what's not to love?! Another nice benefit from this comic is that regardless of your background and familiarity with these characters, everyone can get behind it and enjoy a good read! Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    FanboyNation - R.C. Samo May 18, 2016

    Future Quest is everything we wanted from the New 52's Justice League and we got it with these Hanna-Barbera classics! Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    CourtOfNerds - Benjamin Raven May 18, 2016

    In my mind, Future Quest accomplished everything we could have hoped for and then some. Bellaire owns each book she's involved in, Shaner's pencils are so freaking clean that the two are a perfect match to bring this spy, adventure and somehow vintage and modern at the same time story to life. Parker delivers on all cylinders with a perfect, vintage, adventure spy tale.  Read Full Review

  • 9.4
    Comicsverse - Fabio Castelblanco May 23, 2016

    This first issue of FUTURE QUEST does an excellent job setting up the story while simultaneously introducing these characters. I recommend checking this comic out for anyone who is a fan of the Hanna-Barbera cartoons, as Jeff Parker truly captures the spirit of the characters introduced so far. For anyone who is not familiar with the Hanna-Barbera cartoons, this is a fantastic comic to act as yourintroductionto the variety of characters within this colorful universe. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    GWW - Cory Anderson May 18, 2016

    Classis 60s cartoon heroes hold up to the test of time as they bring their brand of adventure and epic Quests to the comic pages once more! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    ComicWow!TV - Bhavna Bakshi May 25, 2016

    If you want some nostalgic characters with all new concepts thrown in, this series is for you. This team-up is a great way to show off the classic adventures that we have seen for years, and it is executed in a creative, imaginative, gorgeous manner. This series is absolutely one to keep an eye on. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - Anthony Wendel May 17, 2016

    When this series was announced it looked to be one of the better of the new line of books based on classic Hanna-Barbera characters and if done successfully would help to reintroduce a lot of characters to a new group of comic book fans. Luckily it appears as if they have succeeded. Congratulations to Mr. Parker, Mr. Shaner, and the late Mr. Cooke for creating an action series which will appeal not only to fans of old cartoons but will bring in others who will be able to appreciate the greatness of some of these long forgotten animated heroes. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Source by SuperHeroStuff - Marc Buxton May 19, 2016

    This book is a gift to readers of a certain age as this book has the potential to open a whole universe of nostalgia and future potential. This comic is a pure joy that keeps the toes in the water of Saturday mornings past while flying into the future. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Spectrum - Bob Bretall May 29, 2016

    If you're looking for a straight action take on a classic universe of heroes you may or may not be familiar with, Future Quest #1 is the perfect comic to jump in with. New fans and old will hopefully be in for a treat as this series unfolds. I'm really looking forward to seeing where they go with this. Based on the strength of this issue, I'd personally be on board for straight-up Jonny Quest comic by Parker/Shaner. I'm hoping that I'll be loving the rest of the heroes as much when they get their turns in the spotlight in upcoming issues. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Geeked Out Nation - Grant Raycroft May 18, 2016

    Future Quest has an impressive task set before it, trying to combine together handfuls of obscure cartoon characters from the library of Hanna-Barbera into a functioning universe. The task is feels very similar to the initial birth of the DC and Marvel superhero universes in mashing together characters of diversely different backgrounds and inspiration to see what fun can be had. Though fairly simple on plot, its rewarding to see such an upbeat book that's full of energy and glee of its own existence. The series scratches a particular itch I've been looking for the amid the constantly rebooting DC Universe and ever renumbering Marvel line, a straightforward, no no nonsense, and completely childlike passion project that's too cool to be cool. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen May 17, 2016

    Future Quest is one of those comics where readers only need to look at the cover to know if it's the book for them. If you crave a dose of classic old-school adventure with some familiar faces and a few high-concept twists thrown in, Future Quest won't disappoint. You don't even need to have a pre-existing attachment to the characters, just a love of comic book team-ups. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Multiversity Comics - Brian Salvatore May 19, 2016

    A strong start that only scratches the surface of what "Future Quest" can be. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon May 19, 2016

    This is a great start to DC's current foray into the world of Hanna-Barbera, and one that should leave fans hungry for more. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weird Science - Jody Cardona May 17, 2016

    While this issue might not be the action-packed thrill ride we were expecting, it does promise a LOT of good things to come. What we do get is a pretty good setup showing who the big bad is, what he wants, and more importantly who are the heroes we'll be following. Despite these being old characters, you really don't need to know them to enjoy the book, but it does help. The art is probably the best part about the issue, with both “Doc” Shaner and Steve Rude capturing the feel of the cartoons of the past. It might not be a perfect start, but it's one I think you should check out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Derek Baker May 19, 2016

    Future Quest is an absolute gem. This is the best version of these characters that we could ever hope for. Since DC wants to ship books twice a month, they should consider that strategy forFuture Quest. Simply put, we cant get enough. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton May 17, 2016

    "Future Quest" #1 is a strong comic that will entertain new and old Hanna-Barbera fans alike. It's fun, it has a strong sense of adventure, it moves quickly and it looks great, which is exactly what a first issue should do to make sure readers return for more. Parker, Shaner and Rude hit the ground running with a comic that will hopefully get the large readership it deserves. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal May 18, 2016

    I can't wait to read more and I liked that it was a serious, but fun and entertaining take on the properties. Frankly this is the best thing to happen to them since Adult Swim. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Big Comic Page - Craig Neilson-Adams May 18, 2016

    Overall, while theres a feeling that weve only just scratched the surface, this first issue still has a lot of incredibly cool stuff going on, no doubt about it. Science fiction, adventure, humour, nefarious villains and bold, larger than life heroes. While it may not be as quote-unquote “edgy” as a lot of comics these days, that's actually part of its overall charm. This is a wonderful throwback to some fantastic cartoons and a more innocent, un-cynical style of storytelling. Exciting, dramatic and just plain fun from start to finish, Future Quest is the Saturday morning cartoon you never knew you needed until right now Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Sean Blumenshine May 22, 2016

    I honestly cannot say if fans of these cartoons will like this because I am unfamiliar with the source material. However, it does feel reminiscent of the 1960s in tone and plot. If you like Parker's Batman '66, you will probably like this. It has a very similar vibe. I do think it is appealing to new readers. It's a good enough start to a story that I am interested to know more and continue despite my unfamiliarity with these characters. I recommend picking this issue up. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    We The Nerdy - Jean-Luc Botbyl May 17, 2016

    Future Quest definitely has a lot going for it. Its problems aren't necessarily irreversible, and many of them are characteristic of debut issues. That obviously doesn't forgive them, but it's something to keep in mind while reading this issue, or deciding whether or not to pick it up. There's a sense of fun thatFuture Quest encapsulates really well. Despite it's flaws, it's just so excellent tonally that I hope it picks up in later issues. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Dark Knight News - Eric Joseph May 20, 2016

    Yes, this is a book that is pulled off rather well and hopefully sways stubborn purists to chance a read, but I still can't get into these characters. It's through no fault of the creative team " we just like who we like for sometimes undefinable reasons. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Asa Giannini May 18, 2016

    I find myself wishing Parker and Shaner were simply telling new Johnny Quest stories since that world is surprisingly vibrant and dark in places despite being mainly associated with Venture Bros. I think there's a potential to tell old fashioned, pulpy adventure stories with top-notch in a way that's engaging and fresh. Instead, we have a somewhat middling crossover book with eye-popping art. Read Full Review

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