Jody Cardona's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Weird Science Reviews: 39
7.3Avg. Review Rating

Batman: Europa #1

Nov 19, 2015

Bits and Pieces:This first issue was great at what it did; Set up. It set up the stage, the characters, and the situation in a fantastic way. Granted it can be slow at certain parts, specifically when Batman is searching for the Joker in Berlin, but it does promise to give us an adventure we won't soon forget across Europe. The strongest point of this book is the art by Jim Lee which makes everything look fantastic. I certainly can't wait to see where this great looking adventure leads.

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Batman: Europa #2

Dec 21, 2015

With such a great start, I expected this book to push forward with a cool team up traveling Europe...They got the traveling Europe part down. While the book is very pretty to look at, the story just goes absolutely nowhere from the ending of the last issue...AND WERE HALF-WAY THROUGH THE SERIES! Joker does nothing which makes me wonder why he is even here except to tell Batman to go one way or another. I really hope the next issue gives us something, but right now this issue was toonesmysln(pointless) to enjoy.

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Batman: Europa #3

Jan 12, 2016

Oh boy did I not like this issue....There is some plot development in comparison to last issue, but some is not a lot to enjoy. A huge misstep in the issue was the art, as the darker images worked for scenery and the cover, it didn't impress when it came to the actual characters. It makes me wonder what this book would have looked like ifGiuseppe Camuncoli, the artist of issue 2, did all the art for the entire series.For a penultimate issue it fell hard on its rear. Just one more then we can put this bust of a road trip behind us.

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Batman: Europa #4

Feb 3, 2016

The ending of this mini-series can be summed up as "Okay". We had a kick ass battle with the surprise twist of an antagonist and Batman questioning if he should just let go and die. However I kept finding myself asking "Why did this have to take place in Europe?" and "How come we didn't get any hints on the antagonist until now?" The art once again compliments and gives the feeling of Europe, but thats not enough to make this story, and this series fun6.5/10

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Captain America: Sam Wilson #10

Jun 27, 2016

This issue felt short, but I don't really think that's a bad thing. This issue was supposed to be a tie-in, but not one of those huge side battle ones. This one was supposed to push the emotion of mourning as the world had lost one of it's greatest heroes. It feels quiet, personal, looks fantastic, and while it was a bit off-putting as the main story of the series was pushed at the beginning and end of the book while the next few issues will be focused on Civil War II I can openly say this was pretty good.

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Captain America: Sam Wilson #11

Jul 11, 2016

Bits and Pieces:If I had to describe this issue in a single word, it would be unbalanced. On the one hand, you have a very promising and topical story with a nice tie to the current event, while on the other you have some messy character interactions that leave a little bit of a bitter taste on both sides on the conflict. As expected, the art of Daniel Acuna still makes the book look unique and awesome. While I might not have liked the Civil War parts, I can't wait to see where this story goes.

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Captain America: Sam Wilson #12

Aug 22, 2016

Bits and Pieces:I am liking this story more and more with each issue, and it shows that Sam is growing as Captain America. This chapter shows the very fragile line that could have a protest  break out into a riot extremely well, as well as show the downside to both sides of the conflict. While I enjoyed most of it, the little action we get here can come off as a bit silly for a book covering a sensitive topic as this. Overall, I thought it was a great chapter, and the next chapter looks like it's going to be intense.

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Captain America: Steve Rogers #2

Jul 4, 2016

Bits and Pieces:If you wanted an issue that pushes ahead the current story arc with Steve Rogers, you won't find it here. This issue instead shows the reason behind the Captain's sudden betrayal, as well as catch new readers up on the important events that lead us to this point. The art was nice, nothing to write home about except the menacing red skull holding the Cosmic Cube. While it's nice to get that explanation, I can't wait to see where this story goes next

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Captain America: Steve Rogers #3

Aug 1, 2016

While not a perfect issue, as there are some plot issues I have, I still found myself to enjoy this chapter of our HYDRA Captain. The tension was high, the action was cool, the quips felt natural, and the art of Jesus Saiz continues to make the series look great. While I can't wait to see where the story goes, we now enter the Civil War II tie-ins... I hope they'll be good as this issue.

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Captain America: Steve Rogers #4

Aug 29, 2016

Bits and Pieces:In one issue, the intriguing Agent of Hydra storyline is brought to its knees by making our 'hero' as unlikable as possible. The story itself is very cluttered, which doesn't help as it tries to juggle the Civil War II plot points and those of its own series. If there is a saving grace to this book, it's the art of Javier Pina, who can make characters look amazing, and scenes just flat out petrifying(Dear god, that scene with Red Ghost is going to haunt me because of the gore, and I love it!). Overall, If you want to read this, wait till it's on sale.

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Captain America: Steve Rogers #6

Oct 31, 2016

Bits and Pieces:This Tie-In arc of Civil War II has left me more furious than anything else. Steve Rogers being the villain in this arc pissed me off more than ANYTHING I have read this year(Yes, that includes Europa and Master Race), and the annoying plot points from Civil War II are made worse when you see Steve's part in them. The only saving graces of this book are Javier Pina's art, and some humor that Spencer sprinkled in. The book looks fantastic and makes me wish this story was just as good.

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Dark Knight III: The Master Race #1

Nov 27, 2015

This book took the step in the right direction to having a proper Dark Knight Returns sequel. The art for the the most part was good, the satire is kept to a minimum, the story is actually intriguing. The downside of this book are things that came from the Dark Knight Strikes Again; The art of Wonder Woman and Lara, the Atom comic, and a few annoying continuity issues, but it doesn't subtract from my enjoyment of this issue. I hope this keeps going up as time goes on...and hopefully we fix what Strikes again broke.

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Dark Knight III: The Master Race #2

Dec 23, 2015

Bits and PiecesThere is good to this issue...all the good is where it should be focused on: BATMAN, CARRIE, AND YES EVEN COMMISSIONER YINDEL! Everything that happened in Gotham looked and played out so well...Then we get to the parts outside of Gotham. The art for the kryptonians, Palmer, and Wonder woman are bad. Atom acts like an idiot for a bit, Supergirl has become a stereotypical teenager fighting the will of her mother, but the Master Race, while brief, really look and act like a menacing threat. I recommend reading just the main issue...and forget there even is a mini-comic attached.

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Dark Knight III: The Master Race #3

Feb 24, 2016

Bits and Pieces:This issue had some promise of greatness...but after waiting for 2 months doesn't justify what we got. The art continues to be amazing as we focus in on Batman and Carrie, but the story made the issue feel short. Cult appears to world, shows power, then skips 3 days to have them order the surrender. The biggest downfall of the series continues to be the mini-comic at the end of each issue, showing bland art and poor character representations. This issue does promise a big violent war ahead, and hopefully we get that sooner rather than later, because if we get pacing like we got in this issue, this series will fall hard.

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Dark Knight III: The Master Race #4

Apr 27, 2016

Oh, how the mighty have fallen! The main issue is full of ridiculousness and subpar art as compared to the rest of the series. The heroes are acting dumb or are underpowered, the villain has gone full stereotype by allowing Gotham a LARGE time period to do his bidding, and while there are some moments that shined, it's just not good. The mini comic was what really brings down the score with it being ridiculous with more bad art than the main comic. I can't recommend this" I really can't"

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Dark Knight Returns: The Last Crusade #1

Jun 15, 2016

This story was well worth the wait, plus it washes out the bad taste Master Race #4 might have left behind. While you might not get an epic Joker v Dynamic Duo clash, you do get the story of an old man accepting that his time is coming to an end while looking for his young ward to possibly taking over for him. It has it's moments of action, but this story feels like the classic Dark Knight Returns we know and love, with John Romita Jr. andBill Sienkiewicz's fantastic art showing us this dark prologue to one of the most famous stories in comic history.

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Future Quest #1

May 17, 2016

While this issue might not be the action-packed thrill ride we were expecting, it does promise a LOT of good things to come. What we do get is a pretty good setup showing who the big bad is, what he wants, and more importantly who are the heroes we'll be following. Despite these being old characters, you really don't need to know them to enjoy the book, but it does help. The art is probably the best part about the issue, with both “Doc” Shaner and Steve Rude capturing the feel of the cartoons of the past. It might not be a perfect start, but it's one I think you should check out.

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Future Quest #2

Jul 6, 2016

Bits and Pieces:Future Quest continues to impress as not only do we get more understanding of how our heroes are finding one another but now some friggin' sweet action sequences to boot. Evan "Doc" Shaner continues to impress when it comes to art, creating pages full of nostalgic fun and badassary. It's the best of the Hanna-Barbera series, and it makes me want more the moment I finished reading.

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Future Quest #4

Aug 31, 2016

Bits and Pieces:If I had to describe this issue, and this series, in a single word, its fun. The characters are memorable, the action is intense, the humor is funny. This is just a great book. The art is phenomenal as usual and continues to capture the feel of cartoons of yesteryear while still looking new and cool. If you haven't picked up this series yet, what are you waiting for? The adventure is just beginning!

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Future Quest #5

Oct 25, 2016

While I had fun and enjoyed this issue, for the most part, the issues being cut in half to give attention to how the main cast got to this point is becoming taxing. I want to be invested in this story; I love it so much, but it's becoming annoying to split the issue in half so we can get another group of characters in! Art continues to shine, especially in its character designs, with highlights being the Impossibles and their villains. Overall I enjoyed the issue, and hope with all the introductions nearly out of the way; we can finally focus in on the main story

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Future Quest #6

Oct 27, 2016

This book is merely the part where the last issue cut off. While the Impossibles' story add a new connection between themselves and F.E.A.R., the main story half of the issue was one giant action scene. It was a cool scene mind you, showing off the skills of each of the heroes, but the thing that pushes the plot forward was in the first part the last issue, making me question once again, 'why cut this story in half?' Overall, it's a 'meh' chapter of this epic tale, but with what's coming, it does show the world is in capable hands. 

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Future Quest #9

Jan 25, 2017

Bits and Pieces:We've arrived at the final battle, boys and girls, and the action was ramped up to eleven for it! Every character we have met throughout the series has a part to play for part one of this amazing story's climax. The art, while not Shaner's, still manages to maintain the feel of old school cartoon that the series is known for. If you have loved the series so far, this is another fantastic chapter to the greatest Hanna-Barbera story ever told.

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New Superman #1

Jul 13, 2016

While there's nothing groundbreaking here, this issue does a pretty good job introducing us to our protagonist and the rest of the cast. Kenan is definitely not your ideal candidate to be the Superman of China but shows a little hope at growing into the man he needs to be. The art is pretty friggin awesome, especially in the designs for the Superheroes and villains, but there are a few hiccups. Overall it's a promising start, and I hope the team keeps it up.

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New Superman #2

Aug 10, 2016

This new Superman delivers another great issue for us to enjoy! It has great action, humor where it needs to be, but also has a flaw in the form of pacing and the character of Kenan's father. Viktor Bogdanovic's art is still amazing, and I'm completely in love with the designs to the Justice League of China. I can't wait for the next issue.

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New Superman #3

Sep 16, 2016

Once again, The New Super-Man continues to soar with the rest of the Rebirth titles. It has great humor, action, and continues to develop the character of Kenan extremely well. That being said, it also feels like Gene Luen Yang is holding down the fast forward button on the story, not giving us time to take it all in. If the pacing can be fixed as the series continues, along with reining in some of the sillier aspects, I think this series could be as good as any main Justice League book.

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Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #8

Jul 25, 2016

If you thought Patsy Walker a.k.a. Hellcat was just a goofy fun ride, this issue shows that it can go to some pretty sad places… And I love the book for it. While there are a few laughs to be had, this story revolves around the shockwaves of Civil War's affect those not involved, and how one copes with the loss of their best friend. The art is as great as usual, but the page where Patsy is at She-Hulk's bedside is very quiet and very powerful. I highly recommend this issue.

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Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #9

Aug 29, 2016

Despite the questionable motivation behind the villains attacking, I still found myself enjoying this issue. Yes the action was decent, but once again it's the comedic interactions between this group of friends that win over me. It might not be as good as the Civil War Tie-In, but it makes me excited to see where this is going to go.

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Spidey (2015) #8

Jul 11, 2016

Bits and Pieces:This issue was ELECTRO-fying, to say the least...sorry. But seriously, though, I couldn't stop smiling as I read this. It was action packed, humorous, looked friggin awesome thanks to the art of Nate Stockman, and was fun as heck. I highly recommend picking this up if you want a book that will guarantee a smile.

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Spidey (2015) #9

Aug 8, 2016

While not my favorite issue, I still had fun with this installment of spite. There was comedy, action, a little bit of heart; everything that a great issue needs. The only thing that is bringing it down is the small plot holes and that one panel that gave me pause during the Kraven fight. Either way, I still think it's worth a look.

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Spidey (2015) #10

Sep 12, 2016

This is the best issue of Spidey we have gotten so far. It is full of the humor, action, and heart that Spider-Man is known for as well as the hope and boy scout charm that Captain America is loved for. The art of Nate Stockman once again impresses me in the design of the characters and city itself. This issue is perfect, and I can't recommend this, and the series, enough.

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Spidey (2015) #12

Nov 7, 2016

I love this book. I loved this whole friggin series. The art is phenomenal. The humor of our hero is on point and fits the old version of the character perfectly. Most importantly, the heart was still in the right place. This might be one of the best Spiderman series of all time, and I'll still recommend it even when it's gone.

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Suicide Squad Most Wanted: Deadshot and Katana #1

Jan 27, 2016

This comic borderlines on being a shameless cash-grab for the movie...yet still has enough good entertainment in it for you to take a look. Personally I enjoy the Deadshot story over the Katana story, but both look like they could turn out some cool action packed stories. The main downsides are Katana's lack of character and the bland nature of Deadshot's mission. Right now it walks the line of being good or bad, but if they can build on the story they have now with good character development, it'll be an entertaining Mini-series.

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Suicide Squad Most Wanted: Deadshot and Katana #2

Mar 1, 2016

I really want to like Katana's story, I truly do, but with the exception of the cool action sequences there's nothing that draws me in. Deadshot's might not have those action sequences yet, but the character development and personal vendetta really carry the book. Both stories do have fantastic art, and cliffhanger endings that promise some crazy shiz going to happen next issue, but for now, this series just took a step down.

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Suicide Squad Most Wanted: Deadshot and Katana #3

Mar 23, 2016

Another month rolls by, and we once again have Deadshot's half carrying Katana's, even though this time she has something interesting to read. While both halves are pretty, Katana's plot is becoming sillier, but now has a cool cast of characters to help fight the war. Deadshot's personal dilemma now has escalated and now is gunning for the one woman who deserves it, and it makes for one fun ride. If you need something to read, read this just for Deadshot's story" and skim the pretty art of Katana's.

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Suicide Squad Most Wanted: Deadshot and Katana #4

May 4, 2016

While the Katana story has actually improved since the last chapter, Deadshot's falls a little behind due to the fact that our favorite sharpshooter was left on the sidelines. Katana's story now is full of Squad action, and actually had a moment of character for our Samurai that I openly welcome. While that fun was there in Deadshot's, the characters of Amanda Waller and Will Evans really brought down the usually comic-carrying half. For the first time in this series, both halves of the comic held each other upand show promise as we head towards the finales.

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Suicide Squad Most Wanted: Deadshot and Katana #6

Jun 22, 2016

Bits and Pieces:Well as far as conclusions go, this one is down the middle. What I mean by that is that Deadshot's story did really well wrapping things up in a kickass way, while Katana left me wanting more explanations and fights with the Squad. Despite the story complaints, both stories had great art, with props to Katana's Colorists for making the Aurakale and Halo's powers look so beautiful. I only wish that they just sold the Deadshot story instead of both...

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Suicide Squad Most Wanted: El Diablo #1

Aug 3, 2016

Bits and Pieces:This was a surprisingly enjoyable first chapter to the next set of the Most Wanted Mini-Series. While I am leaning towards El Diablo's story at the moment, there is still enjoyment to be had with Captain Boomerang. While there are character designs that seem questionable in both stories, the art teams do a fantastic job making the story very pretty to look at. Overall,I enjoyed it, and I can't wait for the next chapter.

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Suicide Squad Most Wanted: El Diablo #2

Sep 24, 2016

While the story closes for Boomerang in explosive fashion, the journey for El Diablo truly begins. We have great action in both stories, but El Diablo's pacing felt a bit off because of it. We have some great characterization, but where El Diablo built on the character, Boomerang just did what he did best. The thing that the two had in common though was their fantastic art. Whether it be the cinematic action scenes against El Jaguar or the excellent recreations of old characters fighting alongside our newest Agent of Checkmate, these stories are a delight to look at. Overall, this series has a flaw or two, but it's been fun along the way.

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Suicide Squad Most Wanted: El Diablo #3

Oct 19, 2016

Once again,Suicide Squad's Most Wanted has surprised me with its quality. The continuing adventures of El Diablo are fun and have me completely engrossed with the mystery surrounding Checkmate, while the opening of Killer Croc's story shows off some of the character's best features alongside an epic battle. While I'm not super enthusiastic about Level's art, it did provide the savage tone of Croc's story was giving while Richard's art continues to look fantastic. Overall, another great chapter to a series that was thought to fail.

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