Before the Dark Knight returned...
The Joker. Poison Ivy. Selina Kyle. And the last Robin.
Written by Frank Miller and Brian Azzarello with art by John Romita Jr., The Last Crusade feels straight out of 1986 in the best way possible. It's a nostalgic comic, mostly established with Romita's pencils. For his decades of work, Romita's art is mostly remembered for his square-jawed Jack Kirby-esque run on Uncanny X-Men and Daredevil. Here, however, he's channeling Miller at his best and turning in a fully realized, stunning image. His Joker and Killer Croc look straight out of Miller's most iconic comics and he uses the rigid panels of The Dark Knight Returns to create a true companion to the original piece. Read Full Review
The Dark Knight Returns – The Last Crusade is sure to be the talk of everyones comic shop for some time to come. This book has been a long time coming (30 years?!?!) and it really did a good job to piece together some stories that were missing from our Batman puzzle. This is a for sure must-read for every Batman fan out there, and this is also a good starting point for any new Batman readers who are looking to venture into comics. Read Full Review
This book is as personal and as emotional as we imagine Miller's other work to be political. With the nature of physical breakdown and aging so deeply woven into its graphic DNA, Dark Knight Returns: The Last Crusade is a profound addition to the Batman mythos, and one that holds up successfully to Millers work of three decades ago. Read Full Review
It's fascinating to read a prequel to the Dark Knight Returns in large part because we're seeing a closer version to the Batman we know from the main comics. This book succeeds at showing us how that version could ever become the older and much more brutal version in The Dark Knight Returns, but also the big mistake he'll never live down. Joker steals the show, but it's how Batman deals with Robin that you don't want to miss. Read Full Review
Overall, this is a great buy. A great story with lovely art, and definitely worth reading again"and again" and again. I hope the Dark Knight returns one more time before hanging it all up. Read Full Review
This story was well worth the wait, plus it washes out the bad taste Master Race #4 might have left behind. While you might not get an epic Joker v Dynamic Duo clash, you do get the story of an old man accepting that his time is coming to an end while looking for his young ward to possibly taking over for him. It has it's moments of action, but this story feels like the classic Dark Knight Returns we know and love, with John Romita Jr. andBill Sienkiewicz's fantastic art showing us this dark prologue to one of the most famous stories in comic history. Read Full Review
This one-shot is absolutely worth the $6.99 cover price. It will see release as a trade set to include supplemental material later this year, but it's probably best to pick it up now. For those of us who were too young to collect the original printings of DKR 30 years ago, this is our chance to lay claim to something. Read Full Review
"All Star Batman and Robin, The Boy Wonder" was intended to be the prequel to "Dark Knight Returns," but "The Last Crusade" feels more like a spiritual precursor to the 1986 miniseries than "All Star Batman and Robin" ever did. "The Last Crusade" is focused and fast and well crafted. The voice of the character isn't as in your face, and Batman -- at his heart -- is a good man. Thanks to "The Last Crusade," it's easier to see Batman's trajectory as he becomes the man he is in "Dark Knight Returns." Given the status of that iconic story, that's a lot to live up to, but this book manages to do so nonetheless. Read Full Review
I'm a sucker for a Batman and Robin story. The entire concept of legacy is what draws me into the DC Universe. Most of the time the protg is the heir apparent of the main hero, but in rare occasions they aren't a good fit. This book studies that relationship, that of the mentor who knows their protg is headed down a dark path. Read Full Review
This was a solid read that as a Batman fan, scratched a very particular itch I've had for quite some time. Read Full Review
Much better than expected, and absolutely worth the wait. Miller, Azzarello, Romita, andSteigerwald turned what could have been an unnecessary prequel into a genuinely gripping tale of guilt, self-doubt, and loss. Bruce feels truly human and vulnerable, and while that does defy the mentality of "Batman can beat anything," he's still just that: a human. He hurts, he doubts, and he grieves, especially at the loss of his family, and in the right hands that can make for good comics. And this is good comics. Read Full Review
I enjoyed the book as a companion piece to The Dark Knight Returns. It hits most of the marks in the story and dialogue and the artwork by John Romita Jr. aids the story beautifully. Read Full Review
Though this one-shot doesn't single-handedly salvage the sluggish main series, Dark Knight Returns: The Last Crusade #1 is an entertaining throwback to the era when comics weren't just for kids anymore. By filling in narrative gaps and focusing not on a sprawling superhero epic but on a singular Batman story instead, Miller, Azzarello, Romita and Steigerwald show that this returned series still has some teeth given the right story direction and focus. Filled with callbacks, both intentional and incidental, and fan pleasing momentum thanks to its direct connection to the 1986 classic, Dark Knight Returns: The Last Crusade #1 makes the vintage, hard-edged Frank Miller style feel vital again. Read Full Review
If you like this universe, pick this up; you will not be let down. Read Full Review
I enjoyed the book as a companion piece to the Dark Knight Returns. It hits most of the marks in the story and dialogue and the artwork by John Romita Jr. aids the story beautifully. Read Full Review
The Dark Knight Returns: The Last Crusade deserved to be a full-length graphic novel. That's both high praise and a testament to its storytelling flaws. This issue offers a fascinating glimpse at a Bruce Wayne entering middle age and confronting his uncertain legacy. Thanks to John Romita's art, it also faithfully captures the look and feel of the original DKR. But there's too little room in this "not oversized enough" special to explore Jason Todd's mindset or the Joker's role in this conflict. That becomes painfully apparent during the abrupt, unsatisfying finale sequence. Read Full Review
Well, at least he's effective.Ultimately, Dark Knight Returns: The Last Crusade provides little insight regarding Jason Todd and The Joker beyondADeath in the Family. Despite a lack of ingenuity regarding the topic, the story is told well through the use of visuals provided by Romita Jr. and Steigerwald. Although some may write this book off as an unnecessary cash-grab, the art, in addition to the more subdued and reflective take on the Caped Crusader, provides a decent read for any Batman fan. Read Full Review
Re-interpretation. Rehash. Re-done. Regurgitation. Copy. All of this words can be thrown at this book. Do we really need every last mystery laid bare for us? Does anyone really care how the Robin from an essentially and albeit excellent Elseworld story died? There is nothing really wrong with framing a story in the familiar, but something new has to be thrown into the mix, otherwise there is no point. With everyone knowing the outcome for Jason, it feels like, especially towards the end, that the writers have just thought, "if that's what they want to see, let's show it" and done so with a lack of sincerity or craft. Read Full Review