Big Guy 4U's Profile

Joined: Nov 23, 2015

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I've been sleep-walking through the last few issues of this book. The pacing is glacial, and Spencer is taking too long to work through an idea that's quickly losing momentum. I don't expect non-stop action, but the story refuses to progress in any meaningful ways.

Captain America: Steve Rogers #4

By: Nick Spencer, Javier Pina
Released: Aug 24, 2016

•  With war on the horizon, Steve attempts to broker a truce between Iron Man and Captain Marvel.
Rated T+

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Big Guy 4U reviewed Wonder Woman #5 Aug 25, 2016

The biggest problem with the Lies storyline is the fact that it's completly overshadowed by the incredible Year One arc by Rucka and Scott. Not to say that Lies is a bad arc, but it's one that cold easily be better. Rucka decompressed the hell out of this arc, and it's been moving at a glacial pace. While he's worked with Liam Sharpe and Laura Sharpe to really establish an off-kilter mood, the sto more

Wonder Woman #5

By: Greg Rucka, Liam Sharp
Released: Aug 24, 2016

"The Lies" part three! Steve Trevor finds himself trapped in the heart of Urzkartaga's darkness, with Wonder Woman and Cheetah the only hope of rescue for him and his men. But how far can Cheetah be trusted?

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Venditti is the most bi-polar artist writer working for the Big Two. His work on the Valiant line, and his work on the smaller DC titles was great. Unfortunately, his work with Van Jensen on Green Lantern and the Flash were aggressively mediocre. However, with Van Jensen gone, his newest work on GL has been quite good so far. Maybe Jensen was the problem all along? Venditti's Rebirth work has been more

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #3

By: Robert Venditti, Rafael Sandoval
Released: Aug 24, 2016

"Sinestro's Law" part three! Pushed to his limits, Hal Jordan must fight his way through a squad of Sinestro Corps members-but he risks losing himself to the power he now wields as his battle with Sinestro nears.

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Big Guy 4U reviewed Flash #5 Aug 25, 2016

Williamson continues to get better as the issue provides some breathing room after the events of the last book. The other characters get a chance to get the spotlight for a little bit, and the scenes between Meena and Wally are the highlight of the book. There's a silver-age vibe to the book with it's brand of fun science-fiction that hasn't been felt since Geoff Johns left. The art by Felipe Want more

Flash #5

By: Joshua Williamson, Neil Googe
Released: Aug 24, 2016

"Lightning Strikes Twice" part five! With Central City now protected by dozens of freshly trained Flashes, Barry Allen takes time out to explore a new relationship. Meanwhile, a serial killer targets citizen speedsters as Wally West takes his first steps toward becoming the new Kid Flash...

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Big Guy 4U reviewed Detective Comics #939 Aug 25, 2016

The action continues to build up as Tynion moves towards the final chapter of what has been one of the biggest comic surprises of the year. The action set-pieces and the story continue to work well, but Tynion's real strength is his ability to make small character moments standout. Whether it's Clayface's confusion about everything, or his love for Tim Drake (the best Robin), Tynion has shown that more

Detective Comics #939

By: James Tynion IV, Eddy Barrows
Released: Aug 24, 2016

"Rise of the Batmen" part six! The full scope of the Colony's plans, and their mysterious leader, have all been what's it going to take to stop them? Believe us, you are not prepared for the last scene!

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Big Guy 4U reviewed Deathstroke #1 Aug 25, 2016

Christopher Priest has been out of comic books for a while, so I'd understand if he's a bit rusty with his writing. That being said, his work on Deathstroke has had a good start. Less confusing than the Rebirth one-shot, this issue is a solid blueprint of what Priest is looking to do with this run. The action is fine, and Slade is written like the morally-grey character he should be. The stories s more

Deathstroke #1

By: Christopher Priest, Carlo Pagulayan
Released: Aug 24, 2016

"The Professional" part one! Deathstroke's latest contract takes him to a war-torn African country, where he finds himself caught in the middle of a disintegrating alliance between a ruthless dictator and a deadly super-villain. With an entire nation at stake, Slade Wilson must choose between fulfilling his contract and saving an old friend.  

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Big Guy 4U reviewed Blue Beetle: Rebirth #1 Aug 25, 2016

Was this meant to be the officially first issue of the run instead of the Rebirth one-shot? I have no idea how this Ted Kord got here, and how he got so much older than his last appearance in Forever Evil. There's a lot of history that we're missing, and it does help move the story along. The dynamic between Jamie and Ted is fun, and the teen hero-mentor premise could en up being quite good. Despi more

Blue Beetle: Rebirth #1

By: Keith Giffen, Scott Kolins
Released: Aug 24, 2016

Lost in the desert with no memory of the past few years, teenager Jaime Reyes must find his way home againbut when he reaches his town, hes shocked to find it abandoned and in the hands of government officialsofficials who are very interested in the Blue Beetle and the scarab that gives him his power! How can Jaime find his family and uncover the s...

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Big Guy 4U reviewed Batgirl #2 Aug 25, 2016

The title is still working pretty well, since it seems to have struck a good balance between the grittier Gail Simone issues and the very-hipster Burnside era books from the New 52. Apart from Kai being an obvious rebound love-interest, the book still manages to work well with a premise which isn't too flashy. Larson writes her characters well, and uses the right amount of action to keep the book more

Batgirl #2

By: Hope Larson, Rafael Albuquerque
Released: Aug 24, 2016

"Beyond Burnside" part two. Batgirl is off to Singapore! Following the mysterious advice of the ancient superhero known as Fruit Bat, Babs dives into the dangerous world of MMA fighting. But her first opponent may be more than just an adversary in the ring. Could she be connected to Babs' new travel-companion-slash-maybe-crush?

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Big Guy 4U rated Action Comics #962 Aug 25, 2016

Action Comics #962

By: Dan Jurgens, Stephen Segovia
Released: Aug 24, 2016

"Path to Doom" part six! In the epic conclusion, the mystery of Black Zero deepens just as the Man of Steel makes a fateful decision that may stop Doomsday, but also risks the lives of those he loves most.

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Big Guy 4U reviewed Superman #4 Aug 3, 2016

A regression from the last two fantastic issues, this installment of the run is still an exceptional outing. The action is still balls to walls crazy, and Tomasi continues to move the plot forward at a fast pace. The pacing pattern is clearer with every issue and it should offer some interesting results. Seeing Bibbo once again was a treat for older fans, and it goes to show just how much influenc more

Superman #4

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Patrick Gleason
Released: Aug 3, 2016

"SON OF SUPERMAN" part four! The battle for Jon hits Metropolis as the Eradicator targets Superman's son! Can the Man of Steel protect the city and his son against the Kryptonian executioner-or will he have to make a sacrifice?

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Big Guy 4U reviewed Suicide Squad: Rebirth #1 Aug 3, 2016

While it's far from a bad issue, Rob Williams doesn't start off his run on Suicide Squad in the best way possible. While I understand that it is a setup issue, Williams demonstrates problems which are likely to persist for much longer. The dialogue is unrealistic, and a lot of William's jokes don't land properly. The pacing is a bit off, with the book throwing a load of action into the reader's f more

Suicide Squad: Rebirth #1

By: Rob Williams, Philip Tan
Released: Aug 3, 2016

Soldier. War hero. Traitor. Captain Rick Flag was one of America's greatest military commanders before he was banished to a secret military prison. But after years of isolation, Flag's life changes forever when a woman called Amanda Waller offers him redemption in exchange for taking on the single most dangerous job in the entire DC Universe: keepi...

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Big Guy 4U reviewed Nightwing #2 Aug 3, 2016

Seeley's choice to continue the action-hero focus on Nightwing from Grayson is an interesting, but smart choice. He clearly knows how write action well, and his voice for the title character is spot on. The action continues in this book, and it doesn't look it'll stop anytime soon. Seeley is an action writer, as shown by his work on Grayson/Suicide Squad/G.I Joe, and his approach to this book has more

Nightwing #2

By: Tim Seeley, Javi Fernandez
Released: Aug 3, 2016

"Better than Batman" part two! Nightwing and his new mentor Raptor embark on their first assignment for the Parliament of Owls. Will Raptor prove himself a superior mentor for Nightwing? Or will they both fall prey to the fangs of Kobra?

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Big Guy 4U reviewed Justice League #2 Aug 3, 2016

Marginally better than the last, this issue continues the story of the Justice League's fight against some random alien invasion. I'm sorry if I can't properly remember the details of the issue, but it's hard to recollect such a boring story. Hitch has some good ideas here and there. The premise isn't too terrible, and a writer like Mark Waid/Geoff Johns/Jeff Parker/Kurt Busiek could do something more

Justice League #2

By: Bryan Hitch, Sandu Florea
Released: Aug 3, 2016

"The Extinction Machine" part two! Massive earthquakes shake cities to the ground as the ancient intelligence known as the Awakened takes control of the people of Earth, forcing them to turn against anyone with superpowers-including the Justice League! Unable to fight a war on two fronts, Batman asks for help from the one man he trusts less than an...

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Big Guy 4U reviewed Green Lanterns #4 Aug 3, 2016

If only Humphries could fix up his dialogue and narration. He clearly knows how to plot a story and develop his characters, but the text itself is still clunky and unrealistic. The story continues to move along at a good pace. The Simon-Jessica dynamic is great, and their interactions are the heart and soul of the book. Humphries flashes displays of great writing here and there, but he needs to po more

Green Lanterns #4

By: Sam Humphries, Ardian Syaf
Released: Aug 3, 2016

"Red Planet" part four! There's no escaping the rage that grows around the world, as new Green Lanterns Jessica Cruz and Simon Baz confront Bleez. But with no training, no backup and no way out, the Green Lantern Corps partners also find themselves out of options.  

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Big Guy 4U reviewed Green Arrow #4 Aug 3, 2016

This title is still the strongest out of the Rebirth lineup. The action continues to build and Emi's role continues to grow. There's less Crank-level action and more focus on moving the plot forward. The re-appearance of Diggle was a bit awkward, but it's good to see him back. The setup for the next few issues is pretty intriguing, and the conclusion at Inferno is ramping up to be pretty explosiv more

Green Arrow #4

By: Ben Percy, Juan Ferreyra
Released: Aug 3, 2016

The Death and Life of Oliver Queen part four! Black Canary steps through the deadly gates of Inferno, the global super-villain answer to Fort Knox, to discover the truth behind the destruction of Oliver Queens life, fortune and reputation. Meanwhile, Seattles manhunt for the outlaw Green Arrow takes an exhilarating twist when an old frenemy makes a...

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Big Guy 4U reviewed Aquaman #4 Aug 3, 2016

Probably the best issue of the run yet. Abnett is really ramping up the diplomacy angle and it's working well. Also NEMO's motivations for controlling the ocean's resources is something unique and I look forward to seeing how Manta plays into the scheme. Mera should share the title with Aquaman, since she's practically the other main protagonist. This run has the potential to be unique and great. more

Aquaman #4

By: Dan Abnett, Philippe Briones
Released: Aug 3, 2016

"The Drowning" part four. Aquaman is arrested for a war crime he didn't commit: ordering an Atlantean terrorist attack on the surface, killing hundreds! The young king is willing to sit behind bars if it means peace between two worlds, but one ally is determined to break Aquaman out, no matter the cost: his girlfriend Mera!

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Big Guy 4U reviewed Flash #3 Jul 27, 2016

This book could easily be a lot better if Williamson could work on his exposition/narration/dialogue. The story beats are done well, and certain moments such as the Flash helping a girl learn to control her powers were great. But, Williamson's narration is clunky and unnatural. Everything else in the issue is still great. The characters are fun and the new-partner-every issue format can lead to so more

Flash #3

By: Joshua Williamson, Carmine Di Giandomenico
Released: Jul 27, 2016

"LIGHTNING STRIKES TWICE" Chapter Three: In issue #3, dozens of innocent people mysteriously gain super-speed! But not all are heroic, and it'll take everything The Flash and August have to harness the lightning before Black Hole does.

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Big Guy 4U reviewed Detective Comics #937 Jul 27, 2016

Still going strong, Tynion continues to build one of the better Batman stories in the last few years. It's no Court Of Owls or Batman and Son, but it's still a great opening arc. Despite a lack of any signifcant progress on the story, Tynion uses this issue to put a spotlight on the Bat-family. While the villains come off as a ripoff of Batman Inc, the idea of military intervention in Gotham still more

Detective Comics #937

By: James Tynion IV, Alvaro Martinez
Released: Jul 27, 2016

"RISE OF THE BATMEN" Chapter Four: Batman's found his way into the heart of the Colony, the mysterious new organization cutting its way through Gotham City! Unfortunately, now that he's in he may find there's no way out!

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Big Guy 4U reviewed Action Comics #960 Jul 27, 2016

The ongoing Doomsday fight has been going on for too long. Despite the fact that it looked like this thread would end, it resumes after a few pages. There's very little to truly critique, since there's little progress from the last two issues. Despite some issues with faces, Kirkham's art is still good enough.

Action Comics #960

By: Dan Jurgens, Tyler Kirkham
Released: Jul 27, 2016

"PATH TO DOOM" Chapter Four: Wonder Woman joins the fight, but even her added might can't slow down Doomsday's rampage! As Superman comes face-to-face with the woman who once loved him, the Man of Tomorrow must also wrestle with the reappearance of Clark Kent.

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Big Guy 4U reviewed Batgirl #1 Jul 27, 2016

Despite a slow first half, this issue finishes really well. A departure from the Batgirl of Burnside theme, this run will focus on a trip around Asia. It's an interesting premise that Larson does a good job at setting up. The art by Rafael Albuquerque is some of the best he's ever done. It's a good start to what looks like a fun run.

Batgirl #1

By: Hope Larson, Rafael Albuquerque
Released: Jul 27, 2016

"Beyond Burnside" Chapter One: The Batgirl you know and love is going global with Eisner Award-winning and New York Times best-selling writer Hope Larson (A Wrinkle in Time, Goldie Vance) and all-star artist Rafael Albuquerque (AMERICAN VAMPIRE). In order to up her game, Babs travels to Japan on a quest to train with the most elite modern combat ma...

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Big Guy 4U dropped Uncanny Inhumans from their pull list Jul 21, 2016

Uncanny Inhumans

Meet the Uncanny Inhumans. MEDUSA! BLACK BOLT! TRITON! READER! HUMAN TORCH?! BEAST?! It's eight months later and everything is different for the Inhumans. Medusa and Johnny Storm are an item. Black Bolt is running covert missions of his own. And something so big happened between the Inhumans and the X-Men that Beast is now on the side of the Inhuma...

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Big Guy 4U dropped Justice League (2011) from their pull list Jul 21, 2016

Justice League (2011)

Comics superstars Geoff Johns and Jim Lee make history! In a universe where super heroes are strange and new, Batman has discovered a dark evil that requires him to unite the World Greatest Heroes!

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Big Guy 4U dropped Chew (20090 from their pull list Jul 21, 2016

Chew (20090

Tony Chu is a cop with a secret. A weird secret. Tony Chu is Cibopathic, which means he gets psychic impressions from whatever he eats. It also means he's a hell of a detective, as long as he doesn't mind nibbling on the corpse of a murder victim to figure out whodunit, and why. It's a dirty job, and Tony has to eat terrible things in the name of j...

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Big Guy 4U dropped Robin: Son of Batman (2015) from their pull list Jul 21, 2016

Robin: Son of Batman (2015)

The son of a Bat and a Demon, Damian al Ghul has set out to forge his own destiny - and atone for the shameful Year of Blood! Will he be aided or hindered by the behemoth Goliath? And what mysterious legacy trails behind him? Join writer/artist Patrick Gleason as he chronicles the globe-hopping adventures of ROBIN: SON OF BATMAN!

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Big Guy 4U dropped Extraordinary X-Men from their pull list Jul 21, 2016

Extraordinary X-Men

The fate of mutantkind is decided here! Staring down the threat of extinction once more, veteran X-Man Storm pulls together the team she'll need to ensure her race's survival. Together, these EXTRAORDINARY X-MEN will struggle with the familiar burden of being hated and feared, while facing threats the likes of which they've never seen. Here's hopin...

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Big Guy 4U dropped Invincible Iron Man (2015) from their pull list Jul 21, 2016

Invincible Iron Man (2015)

Exploding out of the pages of SECRET WARS, one of the most popular super heroes in the world gets a gigantic new series. From the creators that brought you ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN comes new armor, new supporting cast, new villains and a new purpose that is going to tear itself across the entire Marvel Universe and beyond. with a shocker of a last page ...

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Big Guy 4U dropped Black Canary (2015) from their pull list Jul 21, 2016

Black Canary (2015)

Dinah Lance hits the road! After years as a soldier and vigilante, the LAST place Dinah saw herself is on stagebut shes quickly learning shed die to protect the gang of misfits shes fallen into. And she just might have to for some reason, the newly rechristened band Black Canary seems to be a magnet for troubleand Dinahs not gonna believe it when ...

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Big Guy 4U dropped Uncanny Avengers (2015) from their pull list Jul 21, 2016

Uncanny Avengers (2015)

New team, same mission. Steve Rogers has formed a new Avengers unity squad compromised of humans, mutants and...Inhumans? A new threat to the Avengers is revealed. Wait, is that Deadpool on the cover? Is he seriously an Avenger now?
Rated T

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Big Guy 4U dropped Grayson from their pull list Jul 21, 2016


Dick Grayson. Former sidekick. Former Super Hero. Former dead man. And now...agent of Spyral?!
A thrilling new chapter of Dick Grayson's life begins in this new, ongoing series. It's a super-spy thriller that will shock you and prove one thing: You might think you know Nightwing - but you don't know Dick.

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Big Guy 4U reviewed Superman #3 Jul 20, 2016

Apart from the "punch-first, ask later" take on Superman, this was another excellent issue. Gleason is the glue that makes Tomasi write great comics. The story here is very quick, and there's an emotional roller-coaster that involves a surprise character. The Eradicator's back story is a bit too long, but Tomasi's pacing has made this arc work. Also, Jiminez's style is perfect for a Superman book. more

Superman #3

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Jul 20, 2016

"THE SON OF SUPERMAN" Chapter Three: In #3, with a touch that means death, the Eradicator proves he's a match for Superman, but his super-powered offspring may be more than anyone can handle-including the Man of Tomorrow.

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