Blue Beetle: Rebirth #1
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Blue Beetle: Rebirth #1

Writer: Keith Giffen Artist: Scott Kolins Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: August 24, 2016 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 33 User Reviews: 31
7.0Critic Rating
7.1User Rating

Lost in the desert with no memory of the past few years, teenager Jaime Reyes must find his way home againbut when he reaches his town, hes shocked to find it abandoned and in the hands of government officialsofficials who are very interested in the Blue Beetle and the scarab that gives him his power! How can Jaime find his family and uncover the secret behind the towns seizureand why Kord Industries is helping keep the world from learning the truth?

  • 9.0
    We The Nerdy - Alexander Handziuk Aug 25, 2016

    Unlike many other rebirth specials, Blue Beetle hits the ground running, setting a fun tone full of intriguing characters, bombastic visuals and great one liners. If this debut is any indication of the quality of this book going forward, then it's a good time to be a comic reader, regardless of whether you like the colour blue, or beetles. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Aug 24, 2016

    Blue Beetle: Rebirth #1 was a great start to a brand new series, setting everything up and introducing the characters and the plots that we'll be following. It's accessible for all readers and the artwork is quite nice and appropriate for the book. There are some questions around continuity with previous series, but they don't really detract too much from the overall experience. If you wanted to get into the Blue Beetle, this is a great way to jump on in. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Aug 25, 2016

    It's a promising return for the characters - here's hoping for more like this! Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    NerdEnt.Net - Brendan Hughes Dec 28, 2016

    Blue Beetle: Rebirth #1 has restored many great parts of Blue Beetle most notably being the return of Kord. I expect great things from the combo of Giffen and Kolins going forward to provide the best teen hero series in a while even battling Ultimate Spider-Man. Read Full Review

  • 8.1
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Aug 25, 2016

    Writer Keith Giffen is hardly any stranger to either incarnation of Blue Beetle, but there's something fresh and exciting about the idea of a book that pairs Ted and Jaime in a mentor/pupil relationship. The result is a book that entertains as both a teen superhero drama and an exploration of the mystical nature of the Scarab. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Bob Bretall Sep 7, 2016

    Blue Beetle is back! Since both Ted and Jaime are here, Giffen and Kolins are covering their bases by serving up the Beetle that people who have a pre-existing love of the character want to see. I really enjoyed the writing and art. Giffen and Kolins have created a story that introduces the characters for people who have never seen them before, while keeping it interesting for those of us who are already familiar with them. There are some twists and turns along the way to keep us guessing and they have me looking forward to following this series as it rolls along. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComiConverse - Kirk George Sep 11, 2016

    Credit: DC Comics Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Source by SuperHeroStuff - Ethan Supovitz Sep 8, 2016

    Honestly, I had a lot of fun reading Blue Beetle: Rebirth and it made me very excited to see howthe rest of this series plays out! Giffens fantastic writing mixes the old with the new and gives Blue Beetle the fresh start he really deserves! If youre a fan of the character, then I highly recommend this comic! With lots of action and fun, whats not to love? Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comicosity - Doug Zawisza Aug 24, 2016

    Blue Beetle: Rebirth #1 is not a perfect comic, but it is a bold one. There's humor, melodrama, teen angst, and family sitcom alongside action, adventure, mystery, and world-building. I've missed Jaime Reyes. And Ted Kord. Now, thanks to Giffen, Kolins, Fajardo, and Reed, we'll be able to have some grand adventures with both of them. I know I'm looking forward to it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comicsverse - Dennis Mui Aug 27, 2016

    Overall, BLUE BEETLE: REBIRTH #1 is an impressive Rebirth issue that is worth a read. It offers much to those who do and do not know a lot about the Blue Beetle. There's plenty of story and character development to build off of BLUE BEETLE: REBIRTH #1. I hope to see so much more, including the origin of the blue scarab that Doctor Fate mentions to Ted Kord and how Jaime Reyes' personal life interferes with his superhero one. Being a young adult is hard enough as it is and adding the career as a superhero makes things so much harder. I expect to see some Peter Parker/Spider-Man type problems for the young Jaime Reyes. I can't wait to read what Keith Griffen and Scott Kolins have in store for the Blue Beetle! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Aug 24, 2016

    Blue Beetle: Rebirth #1 is a very pleasant surprise. Giffen and Fajardo work together to remix the idea of a teen hero in the 2010s very well. It's too soon to call this DC's answer to a title like Ultimate Spider-Man, but it definitely has that feeling. When books are working this well, the powers that be would be remiss not to pay attention. The seamless integration of Doctor Fate makes this book one that holds keys to understanding the new limits of this DCU. But on a smaller scale, there's a really fun superhero book about a kid who just wants to get to school on time and happens to have some really bad luck along the way. DC has long lacked a human element, opting to present their characters (even the solidly human ones) as mythic, godlike figures. But with Blue Beetle, it seems like the times, they are a-changin'. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Bin - Avi Weinryb Aug 29, 2016

    There are few titles out there with the potential this one carries. Previous titles featuring this character have come and gone, but an earnest continuation of this tale looks poised to honour the legacy of former series while delivering on the promise of something fresh. This iteration is worth a shot. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Derek McNeil Aug 24, 2016

    This issue gives us a fun and exciting first look at Jaime and Ted's adventures. If Giffen and Kolins can maintain the quality shown here, then Blue Beetle will be another success for DC's Rebirth initiative. Read Full Review

  • 7.9
    Graphic Policy - Brett Aug 24, 2016

    I didn't have many expectations going into the comic, but coming out of it, I'm pretty impressed. It's fun in so many ways and has a great positive and fun tone that'll be a major draw for me of the series. Can't wait for the first issue of the main series to come and see where this all goes. Read Full Review

  • 7.7
    Geeked Out Nation - Grant Raycroft Aug 27, 2016

    As is fairly obvious, I'm picky about Jaime Reyes as a character to an acute degree. I was scared to give my hopes up about Blue Beetle: Rebirth and still am. However, this was the first time in far too long I've had this much confidence in a series exclusively about Blue Beetle. The series retains familiar elements but takes them in a wholly different direction. Giffen has a solid grasp on the basics of Jaime Reyes and his supporting cast and the unique chemistry that made them work. Scott Kolins has stepped up his game for this property and done things I never thought possible. Romulo Fajardo Jr. is doing some of his best work of this year, and that is saying something. There are some notable faults but they're minor and partly the result of being a Rebirth issue and the shaky introduction. I was probably going to be adding this to my pull list regardless, but now I'm doing so in good faith. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Slackjaw Punks - Iron Squid Aug 24, 2016

    Anyway, that's just my opinion on the book, I felt like at best it is kind of a pick up if you are a fan type book and see where it goes from there. I will say though that the art work is absolutely beautiful, so please take time and enjoy that! Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Bounding Into Comics - Daniel Mills Aug 25, 2016

    DC's Rebirth is about cultivating new stories with old ideals. Blue Beetle: Rebirth #1 is another comedy call-back to ever-aging 90's. Thankfully, Keith Giffen and Scott Kolins are comic veterans. Here, they create an interesting world of magic and modern technology. When delving into said depths of magic, or the tech-oriented lair of a billionaire, the pages are captivating and the writing is engaging. Unfortunately, the issue is rough around the edges. The decision making process of our heroes is questionable at best, leaving us with unsympathetic main characters and some peculiar dialogue. The art can also seem rushed and forgettable. Unclear settings and motives do little to distinguish Blue Beetle: Rebirth #1 from DC's stellar lineup, but brief glimpses of a grander work should have most readers coming back for more. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    411Mania - Rob Bonnette Sep 8, 2016

    Overall I'd say it's good enough to keep you around if you already were a fan but not something that will snag and keep new readers around. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Aug 24, 2016

    While the snappy dialog felt forced just to try and get a laugh and while I'm not quite positive what Ted Kord is really doing in this book yet, I did have a fun enough time here.  The art during some of the action came off a bit rough to me, but overall I found myself really enjoying it by the end.  I've missed Blue Beetle so much since his New 52 series was cancelled and I really hope that the creators do all they can to make sure that this series stays on the shelves, even if this issue didn't exactly grab me and shake the shit out of me to get my attention. .......... That's right, I'm biased. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Multiversity Comics - Jess Camacho Aug 26, 2016

    This has a lot of potential going forward if Giffen and Kolins can figure out how to write teenagers. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Graphic Policy - Alex K Cossa Aug 26, 2016

    What we do get is quite enjoyable, and all the elements are in place for a great story, butthey neverquitecome together.Blue Beetle Rebirth #1 isn't a bad comic, but it's not the best to have come out ofRebirth,either. Here's hoping we have a series that gets better with every issue because the potential of the comic is just beneath the surface – and it's huge. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Capeless Crusader - Jeremy Radick Aug 24, 2016

    Though Blue Beetle - Rebirth #1 is well-executed by all involved, the narrative is much too familiar to offer anything new. It does succeed in grounding the upcoming series in a compelling central relationship with the fraught partnership of Jaime Reyes and Ted Kord. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Entertainment Fuse - Jim Bush Sep 17, 2016

    I dont think Blue Beetle Rebirth #1 is going to set the comic book world on fire. Blue Beetle does have a cult following (both the Reyes and Kord versions), but that doesnt even guarantee it great sales. While Blue Beetle Rebirth #1 is not an astounding comic, it is a fun re-start to a few great characters. There also seem to be enough encouraging signs that this series could become a very good one. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Ryan.L Aug 24, 2016

    Blue Beetle is fun and shows a lot of promise. New readers I suggest doing some research into the character so you have a little background before jumping into the series. This book does reward those that have some previous knowledge of the character and history more than those that don’t. But that being said this is a fun book and the store has just begun so I recommend giving it a try and seeing where is takes us. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Aug 29, 2016

    So far I like the concept of the new series more than the issue's adventure involving two throwaway villains attacking Reyes for reasons that aren't completely clear (but tease more trouble for the Beetles in the months to come). I'm also curious about Giffen's decision to make a huge change to the recent mythology of the Scarab which gives Jaime his powers. It will be interesting to see this unfold. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Flickering Myth - Tony Black Aug 31, 2016

    In some respects, that's not a bad thing. You get your money's worth with this Rebirth of Blue Beetle but it's going to appeal much more to you if you're a fan of the fast talking, spiky back and forth between characters like Jaime & Kord, and sometimes I can find that a little wearing. Throughout though it's an entertaining and fun read, establishing well who the Blue Beetle is an the relationships between the main characters of the piece, and not wasting time in throwing this particular superhero into the action – Giffen & Kolins get away with doing an origin story without doing one at all, which takes skill, and all throughout its well drawn. Is it essential appointment DC reading? Not sure. It needs time to calm down, bed in and then we'll see. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Pop Culture Uncovered - soshillinois Aug 24, 2016

    Anyone who knows me can tell you how much I adore both Blue Beetles, but while the Jaime Reyes and Ted Kord here are definitely the ones Giffen has written in the past, the comic surrounding it just doesn't quite gel. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Doom Rocket - Jarrod Jones Aug 26, 2016

    Blue Beetle: Rebirth gets points in my book for bringing such an important character back into the fold, but this sucker is going to need some polish if it's ever going to make it through the year. The last thing I want to see is Blue Beetle scurrying into those back issue bins filled with wasted potential. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Noah Sharma Aug 28, 2016

    There's a lot to be excited about in the latest Blue Beetle series and Blue Beetle: Rebirth is happy to show you just how much. But, as an individual issue, things feel a little cramped and familiar. Those on a tight budget and a desire to support Jaime or Ted might be better served waiting for issue #1. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    The GCRN - Daniel Clark Aug 26, 2016

    Comparing this to the other rebirth books it is overall mediocre. It struggled to reintroduce this character to new readers as well as give a story that can get you excited for what is to come. Gigantic Blue Beetle fans may find something here to enjoy, but if that is not you its not really worth your time. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Kabooooom - Matt Morrison Aug 25, 2016

    If I were to summarize Blue Beetle Rebirth in a single word, it would be disappointing. I'm honestly not sure who this series is aimed at. New readers will find the material largely inaccessible. Fans of the characters won't appreciate the liberties taken. And the best parts of the issue are those taken directly from DC Universe Rebirth #1. All in all this does not bode well for this series' future. Read Full Review

  • 3.5
    The Pop Break - Marisa Carpico Aug 24, 2016

    That said, perhaps the dialogue would work a little better if the narrative weren't borderline incoherent. There's frankly so much yammering and set up throughout that it's nearly impossible to tell what this book is trying to be. Is it a story about Jaime and high school drama? Is it about Ted learning how to be a good mentor? Is it about magic and origins? Or is it simply the typical superheroes vs. villains story? Based on this issue, it could be any one of those things and while Giffen will certainly narrow the book's focus as time goes, this one-shot doesn't really make you want to find out how. So, in some way, Ted's right. First impressions are lasting and Blue Beetle: Rebirth #1 doesn't make a good one. Read Full Review

  • 1.8
    Comic Crusaders - Lead Sharp Aug 30, 2016

    I'll be happy when this review is over and I can forget this comic. Read Full Review

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