Mixi's Profile

Joined: Sep 17, 2016

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Mixi rated Superwoman #2 Sep 17, 2016

Superwoman #2

By: Phil Jimenez, Matt Santorelli
Released: Sep 14, 2016

"WHO IS SUPERWOMAN?" part 2! The battle of Metropolis Harbor rages on and the casualties are mounting! To save both herself and the city from the ultra-powered Bizarress duo, Superwoman must turn to John Henry Irons-a.k.a. Steel-for help! But there is a larger villainous force at work behind the scenes, and you won't believe who it is! Buckle up fo...

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Mixi rated Suicide Squad #2 Sep 17, 2016

Suicide Squad #2

By: Rob Williams, Jim Lee
Released: Sep 14, 2016

  "THE BLACK VAULT" part 2! What was meant to be a routine mission to retrieve a "cosmic item" from an undersea fortress has become a nightmare beyond anything the Suicide Squad ever expected. And with half the team down, it's up to Harley Quinn, Katana, and a demon-possessed graphic designer named June Moore to save the Squad from the most dange...

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Mixi rated Red Hood and the Outlaws #2 Sep 17, 2016

Red Hood and the Outlaws #2

By: Scott Lobdell, Dexter Soy
Released: Sep 14, 2016

"Dark Trinity" part 2! Red Hood's investigation takes a painful turn when he encounters a mysterious woman named Artemis! Outmatched by this powerful Amazon, Jason's only hope for survival is finding a common ground with his attacker-that is, if Artemis gives him the chance!

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Mixi rated New Superman #3 Sep 17, 2016

New Superman #3

By: Gene Luen Yang, Richard Friend
Released: Sep 14, 2016

"MADE IN CHINA" part 3! When Kenan Kong decided to out the Justice League of China to the world, he was just trying to impress people, not start a revolution! But the damage is done, and the fallout turns deadly as these heroes come face to face with Flying Dragon General and the Freedom Fighters of China!

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #4

By: Robert Venditti, Ethan Van Sciver
Released: Sep 14, 2016

"Sinestro's Law" part 4! Sinestro's grip on the universe tightens with Hal Jordan captured, as the two former partners edge closer to a final confrontation for control of the cosmos!

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Mixi rated Green Lanterns #6 Sep 17, 2016

Green Lanterns #6

By: Sam Humphries, Jackson Herbert
Released: Sep 14, 2016

"FAMILY DINNER"! The rookie Green Lanterns try to reconcile some of their differences, when Simon Baz makes a terrifying offer to Jessica by inviting her over for dinner with his family. Can the two survive this with the mysterious Guardian tracking the duo?

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Gotham Academy: Second Semester #1

By: Brenden Fletcher, Adam Archer
Released: Sep 14, 2016

GOTHAM ACADEMY is back with an all-new storyline for its second semester! When you're Olive Silverlock, winter holidays can be a drag. Luckily, when a new student shows up at Gotham Academy to keep her company while the other students are away, Olive finds what could be a brand new friend...or a whole lot of trouble!

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Mixi rated Flash #6 Sep 17, 2016

Flash #6

By: Joshua Williamson, Carmine Di Giandomenico
Released: Sep 14, 2016

LIGHTNING STRIKES TWICE part 6! Youve seen glimpses of him. Youve witnessed the carnage hes unleashed on Central City. Now meet Godspeed, the super-speed serial killer who murders speedsters and steals their powers. Barry Allen is going to need help!

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Mixi rated Detective Comics #940 Sep 17, 2016

Detective Comics #940

By: James Tynion IV, Eddy Barrows
Released: Sep 14, 2016

"Rise Of The Batmen" part 7! This epic concludes with a battle against the Colony that will change Batman's world forever-and in a way you'd never expect! Whether they win or lose, they've already lost...

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Mixi rated Deathstroke #2 Sep 17, 2016

Deathstroke #2

By: Christopher Priest, Carlo Pagulayan
Released: Sep 14, 2016

"The Professional" part 2! Deathstroke investigates a connection between Wintergreen's kidnapping and their old special ops unit to find out which of Slade's trusted inner circle has betrayed him!

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Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #2

By: Julie Benson, Claire Roe
Released: Sep 14, 2016

"WHO IS ORACLE?" part 3! Batgirl, Black Canary, and Huntress must team up with the GCPD to protect a mafia capo from an attack by his one-time friends! He's the only man with a lead on the nefarious new Oracle...but dead men tell no tales! Of course, it's hard to make a team-up work when the team's ready to tear itself apart on its first mission!

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Mixi rated All-Star Batman #2 Sep 17, 2016

All-Star Batman #2

By: Scott Snyder, John Romita Jr.
Released: Sep 14, 2016

"My Own Worst Enemy" part 2! All aboard the train ride from hell! Batman and Two-Face continue their journey to Harvey Dent's cure through an assassin-infested landscape. But can the Dark Knight continue his crusade across the countryside when Two Face turns one of his greatest allies against him?

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Mixi rated Action Comics #963 Sep 17, 2016

Action Comics #963

By: Dan Jurgens, Patrick Zircher
Released: Sep 14, 2016

"WHO IS CLARK KENT?" part 1! Look-down there on the ground! It's a guy, he's kinda ordinary...it's-Clark Kent?! As Metropolis recovers from the devastating attack of Doomsday, the mysterious figure claiming to be Clark Kent takes the spotlight to clear his name and prove once and for all that Clark Kent is not Superman!

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Mixi rated Wonder Woman #6 Sep 17, 2016

Wonder Woman #6

By: Greg Rucka, Nicola Scott
Released: Sep 14, 2016

"WONDER WOMAN YEAR ONE" part 3! Diana brings Steve back home, but the reception is not what either of them expected. Amid suspicion and a looming threat, the Patrons pay a visit, and new friendships are forged.

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Mixi rated Superman #6 Sep 17, 2016

Superman #6

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Patrick Gleason
Released: Sep 7, 2016

"SON OF SUPERMAN" part 6! The evil Eradicator faces off against Superman and son in a battle that may save the day but destroy the moon.

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Mixi rated Supergirl #1 Sep 17, 2016

Supergirl #1

By: Steve Orlando, Brian Ching
Released: Sep 7, 2016

"REIGN OF THE CYBORG SUPERMAN" part one! Supergirl is back and working for the DEO to defend National City! As Kara Danvers, average American teenager and high school student, Supergirl must balance her life as a superhero with her new life on Earth. But some demons from her Kryptonian past are coming back to haunt her, and Kara will find herself f...

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Mixi rated Nightwing #4 Sep 17, 2016

Nightwing #4

By: Tim Seeley, Javi Fernandez
Released: Sep 7, 2016

"BETTER THAN BATMAN" part 4! At last, Nightwing and Raptor enact their endgame to shut down the Parliament of Owls permanently! But the Parliament has one last card up its sleeves: The Moloch, a giant owl monster whose mission is simple: eviscerate Nightwing and Raptor.

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Mixi rated Justice League #4 Sep 17, 2016

Justice League #4

By: Bryan Hitch, Jesus Merino
Released: Sep 7, 2016

"THE EXTINCTION MACHINE" part 4! In the center of the Earth, Superman faces three doomsday machines set to tear the world apart, while Earth's two Green Lanterns discover just what a purged planet is truly like. The Kindred are awake and hold the truth about the beginnings of humanity.

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Mixi rated Harley Quinn #3 Sep 17, 2016

Harley Quinn #3

By: Amanda Conner, Chad Hardin
Released: Sep 7, 2016

"DIE LAUGHING" part 3! In this concluding chapter, Coney Island threatens to collapse completely under a tidal wave of zombies! Harley's got a lead on a cure-but what's it going to take to administer it to a thousand flesh-hungry fiends? Here's hoping Poison Ivy has an idea...

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Mixi rated Green Arrow #6 Sep 17, 2016

Green Arrow #6

By: Ben Percy, Stephen Byrne
Released: Sep 7, 2016

"SINS OF THE MOTHER"! Following the shocking events with the Ninth Circle, Green Arrow's wayward sister/sidekick Emiko travels to Japan on a quest to destroy the crime lords who control her mother, Shado, the assassin who murdered Oliver Queen.

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Mixi rated Cyborg: Rebirth #1 Sep 17, 2016

Cyborg: Rebirth #1

By: John Semper Jr., Paul Pelletier
Released: Sep 7, 2016

Victor Stone was once a star athlete and brilliant student with a bright future. But after a tragic accident destroyed over half of his body, Victor was kept alive by merging flesh with advanced technology. Today he is the Justice League co-founder called Cyborg. But is the young hero a man...or a machine that merely believes it's a man?Victor Ston...

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Mixi rated Batman #6 Sep 17, 2016

Batman #6

By: Tom King, Ivan Reis
Released: Sep 7, 2016

"I AM GOTHAM" epilogue. In this stand-alone tale, Batman seeks redemption as he tries to keep Gotham Girl from going down a dangerous path. But can the Dark Knight save someone who doesn't want to be saved?

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Mixi rated Aquaman #6 Sep 17, 2016

Aquaman #6

By: Dan Abnett, Brad Walker
Released: Sep 7, 2016

"THE DROWNING" conclusion! As this first epic concludes, Aquaman and Mera are on the run for a crime they didn't commit. They've fought through every kind of firepower the U.S. military has thrown. Now all that's left between them and Atlantis is the Man of Steel...

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Mixi rated Titans #2 Sep 17, 2016

Titans #2

By: Dan Abnett, Brett Booth
Released: Aug 24, 2016

"The Return of Wally West" continues in TITANS #2! When Abra Kadabra conjures up doppelgängers of the Titans to wreak havoc on Keystone City, the team must face their greatest enemy yet-themselves!

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Sixpack & Dogwelder: Hard-Travelin' Heroz #1

By: Garth Ennis, Russell Braun
Released: Aug 24, 2016

In the tradition of the original Hard-Traveling Heroes, Green Lantern and Green Arrow, Sixpack and Dogwelder are ready to bring their allegedly socially aware brand of justice to the lands beyond Gotham City!
After the events of ALL-STAR SECTION EIGHT, Sixpack is fighting to keep what's left of his team together. Dogwelder has gone in search of...

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Mixi rated Hellblazer #1 Sep 17, 2016

Hellblazer #1

By: Simon Oliver, Moritat
Released: Aug 24, 2016

"The Poison Truth" part one! London may have recovered from Constantine's return, but he hasn't. Mercury hasn't forgiven him, but she won't leave him alone, and Swamp Thing is calling in a favor. And all the while, bigger things are brewing...

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #3

By: Robert Venditti, Rafael Sandoval
Released: Aug 24, 2016

"Sinestro's Law" part three! Pushed to his limits, Hal Jordan must fight his way through a squad of Sinestro Corps members-but he risks losing himself to the power he now wields as his battle with Sinestro nears.

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Mixi rated Flash #5 Sep 17, 2016

Flash #5

By: Joshua Williamson, Neil Googe
Released: Aug 24, 2016

"Lightning Strikes Twice" part five! With Central City now protected by dozens of freshly trained Flashes, Barry Allen takes time out to explore a new relationship. Meanwhile, a serial killer targets citizen speedsters as Wally West takes his first steps toward becoming the new Kid Flash...

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Mixi rated Detective Comics #939 Sep 17, 2016

Detective Comics #939

By: James Tynion IV, Eddy Barrows
Released: Aug 24, 2016

"Rise of the Batmen" part six! The full scope of the Colony's plans, and their mysterious leader, have all been revealed...so what's it going to take to stop them? Believe us, you are not prepared for the last scene!

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Mixi rated Deathstroke #1 Sep 17, 2016

Deathstroke #1

By: Christopher Priest, Carlo Pagulayan
Released: Aug 24, 2016

"The Professional" part one! Deathstroke's latest contract takes him to a war-torn African country, where he finds himself caught in the middle of a disintegrating alliance between a ruthless dictator and a deadly super-villain. With an entire nation at stake, Slade Wilson must choose between fulfilling his contract and saving an old friend.  

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