Titans #2

Writer: Dan Abnett Artist: Brett Booth, Norm Rapmund Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: August 24, 2016 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 21 User Reviews: 41
7.3Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

"The Return of Wally West" continues in TITANS #2! When Abra Kadabra conjures up doppelgängers of the Titans to wreak havoc on Keystone City, the team must face their greatest enemy yet-themselves!

  • 10
    FanboyNation - R.C. Samo Aug 24, 2016

    Dan Abnett, Brett Booth, Norm Rapmund, Andrew Dalhouse and Carrie Strachan are the Justice League of creative teams and Titans shows that when you have the right synergy a story that would have been perfect in the 1960s works magically well in the 2010s. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Bin - Deejay Dayton Sep 4, 2016

    The two Liliths, old and young, get some of the key moments in the story, as the Titans discover that Abra Kadabra is behind their younger incarnations. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Graphic Policy - Brett Aug 24, 2016

    The series is an interesting one. I don't know the interaction of these characters really well, so I'm not invested in that. I am invested in the time mystery. But, Abnett and the art team have made me really interested in the villain and the battle. The look of the comic has me hooked and looking forward to reading more. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Aug 26, 2016

    So it's a decent start for this "reborn" series, but I'd still like to see more of the personalities of the heroes coming through (at least Linda Parks gets a few moments in the sun). Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Ian B Aug 25, 2016

    All in all, I enjoyed the issue. It did a good job of reintroducing an older Titans villain, it had good action and we got to see how some of the team has grown and matured since their “sidekick” days, doing a good ob of proving their worth to new readers. As a threat, Kadabra is presented in a way that makes it obvious that the Titan would need to work together to take him down, and as such makes for a good first villain for the team, showing their strengths and their ability to work in a team format. While I enjoyed the previous issue for its focus on establishing characters and relationships, it was time for a bit more action and this issue delivered. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Aug 25, 2016

    I'm generally not a fan of books that are all action as it's the characters that make it for me, and I've long grown past the witty banter amid a fight as character growth and exploration. That said, Titans is like that big dose of nostalgia mixed with hints of the big picture of the present story that's working to fix everything and I'm more than willing to let it slide because Abnett, Booth, and Rapmund make it so damn exciting to watch play out. There's more energy in this book than a dozen other books with the way it's presented. The story is more just a few teases here than anything else but Abnett sets it all up so that Booth and Rapmund can just hit the ground running with some big, splashy, and terribly fun action scenes. I'm still very much on board as this feels like one of the books to really watch for the big picture events. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Aug 24, 2016

    Hey, if you wanted some action, well you've come to the right place because goddamn did this issue turn the excitement level up a bunch of notches from what we've seen so far.  Our heroes finally get out into the world and show it what they've got, it's just too bad that they seem to be evenly matched here.  Like it's been since Rebirth, this series continues to be one of the best looking titles that DC has to offer not to mention it also offers up some of the best heroes they have as well. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Dark Knight News - Eric Joseph Aug 25, 2016

    Titans #2 is very heavy on action but not without intrigue thanks to Rebirth's greatest mysteries being at the heart of this title. While not as strong as previous issues, it's still better than Justice League. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Aug 29, 2016

    It's an action packed issue with plenty of fight scenes as each of the Titans battle their opposing doppleganger. Booth's art, as I mentioned in the previous review, still doesn't connect with me on the interiors, but he's able to clearly compose the action and his rendition of Kadabra is solid throughout. I was worried about this series after reading the Rebirth issue, but this and issue one have been entertaining stories written by fan favorite writer Dan Abnett. This second issue ends on a cliffhanger so Abnett has me excited for issue three and just like magic, his take on this series has turned my expectations around! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Batman Universe - Jim Remolde Aug 26, 2016

    Overall, the issue was better than the last one and the action is intensifying. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Heroes Direct - Eammon Jacobs Aug 30, 2016

    So whilst the villain isn't really up to scratch, and a little too over the top – we're thoroughly enjoying the team and their dynamic as a group. Titans#2 ends up on a cliffhanger that might bring the team closer together, but could also be devastating depending on how it ends. We care enough about the characters to really anticipate the next instalment, but we can't say we're impressed by the choice of villain. Hopefully his character gets a little more fleshed out to the point where he becomes a captivating antagonist for the team. Whilst it's not as good as the first issue, Titans#2 still manages to keep the tone and style on a brilliant high. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Aug 24, 2016

    Abnett also further develops Wally's connection with Linda Park. That could prove the most important storyline for the first year of this revamped Titans. Battling puppets is amusing for an issue, but hopefully Abnett has bigger threats in store for the Titans to establish them as one of the DC Universe's top teams. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comicosity - Allen Thomas Aug 24, 2016

    I feel like Titans could be something great, but I didnt think this is where the story would go. What I hope for in the future is a story that utilizes elements without surprises, or one that takes a sense of surprise and weaves it seamlessly into the entire story. Im no stranger to magical doppelgangers when it comes to superheroes, though I feel they werent needed her. While this series captures some of the spirit of the classic Titans, the reliance on some of the tropes through the years lends to storytelling that isnt intriguing. I love these characters and I hope the next issue improves. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Corps - Jason Saba Apr 25, 2018

    While this wasn't my favorite arc that I have read of the Titans Rebirth era, it ended up exceeding my expectations slightly when I was trying to predict my opinion when Titans Apart started. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The GCRN - Daniel Clark Aug 26, 2016

    Abnett answers a lot of questions with more questions keeping the intrigue going. Brett Booth draws some kinetic action sequences that are a joy to look at. Still many of his character designs leave a lot to be desired. Something this old curmudgeon will need to get over I guess. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Batman-News - Joshua McDonald Aug 24, 2016

    Abnett and Booth deliver an issue full of fun, entertaining action that helps give a much-needed dose of momentum to Titans, but how they follow-up is going to be critical. Most of my excitement and intrigue for this title stems from Geoff Johns' incredible Rebirth, and I don't feel as though this creative team is fully taking advantage of that gift" especially since this is the only title that features Wally. Considering Wally played such a critical role in the entire DC Universe "Rebirthing," Titans feels strangely disconnected" An ironic turn of events considering the catalyst character's story was intended to do the exact opposite. But thanks to a solid delivery, and an intriguing mystery, I'm back on board (for the moment). I will need some emotional weight and character development added in to help ground this series for me though. The sooner, the better. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    DC Comics News - Kevin Gunn Aug 25, 2016

    Annett and company seem to be trying too hard to recreate a mesh of former Titans books by Wolfman/Perez and Winick. Unfortunately, it falls a little short. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Aug 24, 2016

    If you like action, especially Flash in action, you can't miss this issue. The Titans get lots to fight, but unfortunately the bigger plot is barely scratched to give the action more room. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    GWW - Pwaelchl Aug 24, 2016

    The star of this issue is Brett Booth's depiction of the action. In an issue all about a fight scene, good artwork makes the difference. Booth was involving with theTeen Titanslaunch around the New 52. His artwork is often in the stylized, muscularly defined vain of super hero comics. Booth's style is akin to acclaimed Jim Lee's artwork. Given their history of working together on Image and Wildstorm titles, the similarities are understandable. Fortunately, this style works well for the action heavy, super powered battle. As exciting as the action is, the action could have been accomplished with any super powered team of the last 20 years. Without more narrative momentum from Abnett, Booth's art makes a fun but shallow issue. Read Full Review

  • 4.2
    Multiversity Comics - Brian Salvatore Aug 29, 2016

    People (like me) have been clamoring for these characters to have a bigger part of the DCU for years. But at this point, if they are going to be so sloppily written and overly rendered, I'm happy to just read my old comics instead. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Pop Culture Uncovered - soshillinois Aug 24, 2016

    This is a comic that I want to like, one that does have some familial sincerity, however it's not a comic that has a specific appeal to anyone but diehards. Read Full Review

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