Harperious's Profile

Joined: Sep 14, 2016

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Doctor Strange: Nexus of Nightmares #1

By: Ralph Macchio, Ibrahim Moustafa
Released: Apr 20, 2022

Nightmare has invaded Doctor Strange's dreams and turned them into terrible nightmares! These dark feelings now inhabit every fiber of Doctor Strange's waking life and has left him weak and unable to protect the realm! Now, Baron Mordo and Nightmare are ready to strike! Can Stephen shake Nightmare's grip over him? Or w...

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Justice League Dark: Futures End #1

By: J. M. DeMatteis, Andres Guinaldo
Released: Sep 24, 2014

An emotionally and physically scared Zatanna struggles to find a way to return her team and the House of Mystery itself to our own dimension - but the cost might doom them and our world!

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Harperious rated Justice League Dark #29 Apr 19, 2020

Justice League Dark #29

By: J.M. DeMatteis, Vicente Cifuentes
Released: Mar 26, 2014

FOREVER EVIL: BLIGHT conclusion! Witness the self-destruction of John Constantine, who might just be more vile than any of the villains in FOREVER EVIL!

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Justice League Dark Vol. 4: The Rebirth Of Evil

By: Jeff Lemire, Ivan Reis

When Superman is stricken by a mysterious illness, Wonder Woman leads the JL Dark on a quest to find Pandoras Box and a cure it may contain but the Phantom Stranger pleads with the team to stop before they accidentally end the world! Collecting issues #22-29 of the hit series!

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Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #6

By: Kieron Gillen, Kev Walker
Released: Apr 12, 2017

• Aphra Jr. and Sr. have stumbled upon an ancient Jedi citadel...
•  ...but it appears that some form of life has survived...
•  ...and they are NOT happy to be disturbed.
Rated T

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Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #4

By: Kieron Gillen, Kev Walker
Released: Feb 8, 2017

• Aphra's father has led her straight into danger - of course.
•  Her business on Yavin 4 concluded, Aphra journeys off...
•  ...in search of one of the most powerful weapons imaginable!
Rated T

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Star Wars: Darth Maul: Son Of Dathomir #1

By: Jeremy Barlow, Juan Frigeri
Released: May 21, 2014

Getting cut in half by Obi-Wan Kenobi and
being rejected by his former Sith master
Darth Sidious isn't going to defeat
Darth Maul. In fact, it only makes him mad
enough to take on the galaxy-with an army
of Mandalorians!
A part of The Clone Wars season 6 you
never saw!

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Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #3

By: Kieron Gillen, Kev Walker
Released: Jan 18, 2017

• Aphra's hunt for the Ordu Aspectu has led to the last place she wants to be...
•  ...an Imperial encampment!
•  The good doctor, her deadly droids and her Wookiee companion are in for trouble...
Rated T

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Harperious rated Titans #6 Dec 29, 2016

Titans #6

By: Dan Abnett, Brett Booth
Released: Dec 28, 2016

"THE RETURN OF WALLY WEST" part six! After making the ultimate sacrifice for his friends, Wally West finds himself lost in the Speed Force with no hope of return! Has Wally's run come to a sudden end? Don't miss the conclusion to this stunning first arc!

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Harperious rated Batgirl #6 Dec 28, 2016

Batgirl #6

By: Hope Larson, Rafael Albuquerque
Released: Dec 28, 2016

"RETURN TO BURNSIDE"! On what should be a relaxing flight back home, Babs finds herself and her fellow passengers in mortal peril from...Poison Ivy? Batgirl must get to the bottom of Ivy's attack and save the plane if she ever wants to see home again!

+ LikeComments (2)
daddyT - Dec 28, 2016

so what was good about it?

Harperious - Dec 28, 2016

Just appreciated the tone honestly, comics are rarely this brisk and fun these days so I really enjoyed it. Sorry you didn't feel the same way, no need to get triggered ;)

Harperious rated All-Star Batman #5 Dec 28, 2016

All-Star Batman #5

By: Scott Snyder, John Romita Jr.
Released: Dec 28, 2016

"MY OWN WORST ENEMY" conclusion! Batman, Duke and Two-Face square off in a fight for Harvey Dent's soul. With assassins flooding in from across the countryside, Batman learns that even his most trusted allies might choose evil over good.  

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Harperious rated Ghost Rider #1 Dec 27, 2016

Ghost Rider #1

By: Felipe Smith, Danillo Beyruth
Released: Nov 30, 2016

It's hell on wheels as the Spirit of Vengeance makes his roaring return! A mysterious object from space crash-lands in southern California, drawing some of the brightest minds in the Marvel Universe to Ghost Rider's backyard - including Amadeus Cho, the Totally Awesome Hulk! What mayhem will be unleashed as the High-octane...

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Star Wars: Darth Vader #22

By: Kieron Gillen, Salvador Larroca
Released: Jun 29, 2016

• Vader takes on Cylo and his cybernetic operatives.
•  The Executor moves closer to completion in time for its launch.
•  Meanwhile - the murderbots take on their "master".
Rated T

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Star Wars: Darth Vader #21

By: Kieron Gillen, Salvador Larroca
Released: Jun 8, 2016

• Vader takes on Cylo and his cybernetic operatives.
•  The Executor moves closer to completion in time for its launch.
•  Meanwhile - the murderbots take on their "master".
Rated T

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Star Wars Vol. 2: Showdown On The Smuggler's Moon

By: Jason Aaron, Simone Bianchi

Luke continues his quest to learn about the Jedi by heading for the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. But when his lightsaber is stolen, he soon finds himself entrapped and imprisoned! Will his friends come to his aid before he's forced to enter the Arena of Death? Meanwhile, Han and Leia are confronted by an unexpected foe. The Imperials are closing in on...

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Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #5

By: Julie Benson, Roge Antonia
Released: Dec 14, 2016

"WHO IS ORACLE?" part five! The new Oracle has led the Birds of Prey all around Gotham City, forcing them to deal with the worst of what the city has to offer. Now Batgirl, Black Canary and Huntress will learn the reason when this impostor's secrets are revealed! But Oracle isn't the only one with a secret past...where did the mysterious Fenice com...

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Flash By Manapul and Buccellato Omnibus

By: Francis Manapul, Marcus To

A mysterious and powerful Speed-Force killer has left a trail of bodies in his wake and only Barry Allen has the power to stop him in these stories from THE FLASH #0-25, plus issue #23.2 (starring Reverse-Flash)! But when the killer stays one step ahead of him, Barry finds himself face to face with the Teen Titans and Kid Flash for the first time. ...

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Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #1

By: Julie Benson, Claire Roe
Released: Aug 17, 2016

"Who Is Oracle?" part one! Someone has stolen the name Oracle right out of Barbara Gordon's past! Hot on this false Oracle's trail, Batgirl, Black Canary, and Huntress are all tracking the same mafia capo...so it makes sense to team up, right? Problem is, Barbara and Dinah need the secrets locked up in Oracle's brain...and Helena Bertinelli would r...

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Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #4

By: Julie Benson, Claire Roe
Released: Nov 9, 2016

"Who Is Oracle" part five! Batgirl, Black Canary, and Huntress come face-to-face at last with the new Oracle...and unlock a mystery they never saw coming!

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Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #3

By: Julie Benson, Claire Roe
Released: Oct 12, 2016

"WHO IS ORACLE?" part four! The dangerous new Oracle is finding that Gotham's mobs aren't up to the task of keeping the Birds of Prey off the scent...so send in the Snakes! Copperhead, The Asp, Cottonmouth, and Lady Viper are the most venomous foes the Birds have ever faced!

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Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #2

By: Julie Benson, Claire Roe
Released: Sep 14, 2016

"WHO IS ORACLE?" part 3! Batgirl, Black Canary, and Huntress must team up with the GCPD to protect a mafia capo from an attack by his one-time friends! He's the only man with a lead on the nefarious new Oracle...but dead men tell no tales! Of course, it's hard to make a team-up work when the team's ready to tear itself apart on its first mission!

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Batgirl and the Birds of Prey: Rebirth #1

By: Shawna Benson, Claire Roe
Released: Jul 20, 2016

"WHO IS ORACLE" Chapter One: Batgirl and Black Canary are together again, working a case that strikes right at the heart of their partnership! Someone's uncovered the greatest secret Barbara Gordon ever kept: her time as Oracle, the most powerful hacker on the planet. And not only do they know her secret, they're using her name to sell dangerous in...

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Harperious rated Titans #5 Nov 24, 2016

Titans #5

By: Dan Abnett, Brett Booth
Released: Nov 23, 2016

"The Return of Wally West" part five! Wally West will do anything to save his friends-even at the cost of his own life! The full extent of Abra Kadabra's greatest trick is finally revealed!

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Harperious rated Batgirl #2 Nov 23, 2016

Batgirl #2

By: Hope Larson, Rafael Albuquerque
Released: Aug 24, 2016

"Beyond Burnside" part two. Batgirl is off to Singapore! Following the mysterious advice of the ancient superhero known as Fruit Bat, Babs dives into the dangerous world of MMA fighting. But her first opponent may be more than just an adversary in the ring. Could she be connected to Babs' new travel-companion-slash-maybe-crush?

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Harperious rated Batgirl #1 Nov 23, 2016

Batgirl #1

By: Hope Larson, Rafael Albuquerque
Released: Jul 27, 2016

"Beyond Burnside" Chapter One: The Batgirl you know and love is going global with Eisner Award-winning and New York Times best-selling writer Hope Larson (A Wrinkle in Time, Goldie Vance) and all-star artist Rafael Albuquerque (AMERICAN VAMPIRE). In order to up her game, Babs travels to Japan on a quest to train with the most elite modern combat ma...

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Harperious rated Flash #11 Nov 23, 2016

Flash #11

By: Joshua Williamson, Davide Gianfelice
Released: Nov 23, 2016

"THE SPEED OF DARKNESS" part two! Lost in the infinite horror of the Shadowlands, The Flash and Kid Flash's new partnership is tested as they fight to uncover the dark secrets of the Shade and his mysterious plans for the speedster duo.

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Harperious rated Batgirl #5 Nov 23, 2016

Batgirl #5

By: Hope Larson, Rafael Albuquerque
Released: Nov 23, 2016

"BEYOND BURNSIDE" conclusion! Batgirl faces down Teacher in the streets of Shanghai, but will fists be enough against the intelligence-enhanced foe? Babs will have to conquer the pathways of her own mind in order to defeat this vicious predator once and for all!

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Harperious rated Batgirl #32 Nov 20, 2016

Batgirl #32

By: Gail Simone, Jonathan Glapion
Released: Jun 11, 2014

Clandestine meetings, tapped phones, video surveillance Barbara Gordon is being watched! Who has it in for her, and how can Batgirl investigate without compromising her secret identity?

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Harperious rated Batgirl #20 Nov 18, 2016

Batgirl #20

By: Gail Simone, Fernando Pasarin
Released: May 15, 2013

Theres no time to catch your breath after last issues shocking ending as an emotionally unstable Batgirl must confront one of Batmans most violent foes: The Ventriloquist!

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Harperious rated Batgirl #8 Nov 18, 2016

Batgirl #8

By: Gail Simone, Vicente Cifuentes
Released: Apr 11, 2012

The metahuman thief and killer Grotesque has set his sights on the perfect woman to add to his collection: Batgirl! Also, we reveal the other traumatic incident in Barbara's life one you've never heard about before! It's a Gordon family secret that has never been revealed! You must not miss this story!

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